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If Bo really is turning the corner


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34 minutes ago, DAG said:

He is what he is. He has glimpses . He definitely won’t be playing at the next level unless it’s a different position . With that being said, I think we can win down the line with him, if the others do a moderate job. To get over the top though, we are going to have to hope TJ or DD really progress. 

Agree 100%, Although I bet we try and to look in the portal.

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I said last week when Bo played well, play TJ a series or 2 every game no matter what.  Bo is very reliably inconsistent. He responded to nearly  losing his job. Keep that pressure on him. Not sold onTJ but he needs actions. 

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3 hours ago, weagl1 said:

Bo wasn’t the problem yesterday.  We don’t have a lineman on either side of the ball that could play for Georgia. We don’t have a receiver that could play for Georgia.  In fact the best one we have transferred to us from them because he knew he wasn’t going to get playing time.  When you are outmanned in the trenches and your receivers can’t hang onto balls that hit them right in the hands the final result is predictable.  That is why nobody, even those of us wearing orange and blue glasses, predicted a win yesterday.  

This ^ 

UGA has out recruited us in the last few years by a wide margin.  Harsin is every bit as good of a coach as Smart.  We're going to have to work our way up to their level by success in recruiting.

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12 minutes ago, aubearcat said:

Shenker will probably house this or get close. 


5 minutes ago, aubearcat said:

I’ve have never and will never play QB, nor have I ever played football at any level as a preface to the following. If Nix steps up into the pocket between Brahms and the LG, which I know is easier said from the comfort of my sofa than on the playing field, he probably gets a view of Shenker sprinting alone down the seem after the safety took a hard step down towards the LOS. Hopefully as the season progresses, Bo will be able to see and make more of these reads. 


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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

Harsin is every bit as good of a coach as Smart.  We're going to have to work our way up to their level by success in recruiting.

These two thing contradict themselves a little bit.

Kirby has his faults as a head coach. But one thing he understands is the need for talent and talent can cover up deficiencies in scheme and coaching. 

U know everyone wants to give Harsin a pass for his 1st/2nd class....but is the 23 class gonna live up to anything Kirby has done?  50% or more of CFB us talent, I'm sure harsin knows that but we current are falling further and further behind WRT talent 

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

This ^ 

UGA has out recruited us in the last few years by a wide margin.  Harsin is every bit as good of a coach as Smart.  We're going to have to work our way up to their level by success in recruiting.

What about qb? Do we have a QB that would play for Georgia? You can't pick and choose. Did Georgia QB miss the plays we missed as well? 


EVERYBODY needs to get better. And get better fast

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5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

What about qb? Do we have a QB that would play for Georgia? You can't pick and choose. Did Georgia QB miss the plays we missed as well? 


EVERYBODY needs to get better. And get better fast

Everything starts at the line of scrimmage.  So should recruiting.

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11 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Everything starts at the line of scrimmage.  So should recruiting.

I'd bet my life if we just switched QB's we had theirs they had ours we'd have more passing td's and they 'd have less in that game

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I'd bet my life if we just switched QB's we had theirs they had ours we'd have more passing td's and they 'd have less

Suicide is no way to leave life. 

Now if you suggested we trade OLs, I might say the same thing.

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Just now, homersapien said:

Suicide is no way to leave life. 

You shouldn't even click the football forum. All of their explosive plays were plays we had too but we either missed the throw or didn't see it. You haven't seen Bo throw a good ball more than 30 yards 5 times in 3 years and you still blame other people



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All of you are hoping a 3rd year starter in the SEC with a career (stretching back to HS) 58% completion percentage will finally turn the corner.  Bo will turn 40 and some of our fanbase will still be holding out expecting him to actually be QB.  

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

You shouldn't even click the football forum. All of their explosive plays were plays we had too but we either missed the throw or didn't see it. You haven't seen Bo throw a good ball more than 30 yards 5 times in 3 years and you still blame other people



**** you Cole. 

I am not "blaming" anyone.  I am saying we won't be competitive with the Georgias  of the world without improvements at the line of scrimmage to match them.

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

**** you Cole.

No **** you


Ok you're not blaming the o line

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You are the most uselessly argumentative person on this forum.  For no good reason than I can see. 

Maybe it's you who "shouldn't even click on the football forum".  <_< 

(And that's in response to my saying we won't improve until our line of scrimmage impro ves to match the Georgias of the world.)  Who the hell do you think you are?

What a jerk you can be.

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Just now, homersapien said:

You are the most argumentative person on this forum.  For no good reason than I can see.

Yeah. The usual go to that when someone doesn't agree with you but they have facts and logic to back it.....same ol same ol. Also hilarious coming from you when the last time YOU started an argument was because you misread something then misquoted it and when it was pointed out you chose to get angry and do your **** you post instead of just saying my bad......

And anybody can click a political post and see that's clearly a lie

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8 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Yeah. The usual go to that when someone doesn't agree with you but they have facts and logic to back it.....same ol same ol. Also hilarious coming from you when the last time YOU started an argument was because you misread something then misquoted it and when it was pointed out you chose to get angry and do your **** you post instead of just saying my bad......

And anybody can click a political post and see that's clearly a lie

You "shouldn't even click on the (political) forum".

(And for a supposedly well-educated man, your writing is god awful. ) 

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Just now, homersapien said:

You "shouldn't even click on the (political) forum".

(And for a well-educated man, your writing is god awful.) 


When I'm texting on a phone I'm not going to go out of my way to make everything right, but I'd rather for that to be awful than my logic of football to be.

Stop all of your deflecting and let's discuss it. Tell me why you think the switching QB's is wrong and I'll post why I think it's right. If you don't want to do that this other stuff is pointless. Like I said I don't see how the hell you have a chip on your shoulder after you misquoted me. Where did your attitude come from? I should have the attitude towards you

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11 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You are the most argumentative person on this forum.  For no good reason than I can see. 

Maybe it's you who "shouldn't even click on the football forum"<_<

What a jerk you can be.

Stop adding after the fact. You started an argument with me and just because you were proven wrong your reply was **** you......and I'm a jerk. Well then wth are you?

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1 minute ago, cole256 said:


When I'm texting on a phone I'm not going to go out of my way to make everything right, but I'd rather for that to be awful than my logic of football to be.

Stop all of your deflecting and let's discuss it. Tell me why you think the switching QB's is wrong and I'll post why I think it's right. If you don't want to do that this other stuff is pointless. Like I said I don't see how the hell you have a chip on your shoulder after you misquoted me. Where did your attitude come from? I should have the attitude towards you

I never mentioned QBs. 

I stated the obvious by saying we are nowhere near Georgia's standards on the line and we won't be competitive with them until we are. And you responded with "I had no business clicking on the football forum".

Why would I want to have a respectful discussion with anyone who leads with that sort of arrogantly insulting response?

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20 minutes ago, homersapien said:

**** you Cole. 



20 minutes ago, cole256 said:

No **** you


Only if our OL played with this much fire

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Stating "We would be better with a better OL" doesn't mean our QB is amazing or couldn't be better.

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For bo to turn a corner, the first thing that needs to happen is a completion percentage uptick. 50% completions isn't going to beat anyone good. And yes, LSU is mediocre at best this year. That's why 50% completions beat them this year.

Receivers have to help by catching the ball. If this low completion percentage streak continues next week, I hope we see Finley again.

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

I never mentioned QBs. 

I stated the obvious by saying we are nowhere near Georgia's standards on the line and we won't be competitive with them until we are. And you responded with "I had no business clicking on the football forum".

Why would I want to have a respectful discussion with anyone who leads with that sort of arrogantly insulting response?

No what actually happened is you agreed that our o line or wr wouldn't play for uga. I then pointed out how the QB wouldn't as well and it's on everybody not just them. I then pointed out that with the same team but switch QB there are plays they wouldn't have had and we would. You then face palmed and said suicide is no way to live......I then replied to that. So you see you are the person with the arrogant insult. 

But fine let's not talk. But stop pretending that you are some innocent bystander.

Not to mention how you keep trying to ignore how you started up with me another time and told me **** you for the hell of it then as well. Get real. Let's just not talk. I'm good with that. 

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Bo hasn't turned a corner.


I still don't get what ppl thought they saw VS LSU. It was the same Ole Bo it just actually worked for the first time ever. 

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