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It Appears Joe Biden has Lied to the American Public


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Is there a defense for his dishonesty about the withdrawal from Afghanistan?  What will be the consequences for Biden?  Any?  This is not senility, it’s an outright lie.  Something Joe Biden is very familiar with throughout his life.

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Hope Homer or fiddy is keeping score. Maybe old joe will give Trump a run for his money. Hey Homer don’t forget to count all of the lies no matter how many times they are repeated. Fair is fair.

Edited by jj3jordan
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13 hours ago, bigbird said:


I was a little soft here as I am hoping that the Democratic talking points will emerge to see how they spin this one.  It APPEARS they just don’t care about Joe’s lies.

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21 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I was a little soft here as I am hoping that the Democratic talking points will emerge to see how they spin this one.  It APPEARS they just don’t care about Joe’s lies.

Which, Foreign or domestic?

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6 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Nice to see everyone having a good circle jerk in here. 

If you would like to bring up a defense for Joe, it is welcome.

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So you have PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, all organizations that the Right calls "Fake News, Democratic controlled"  reporting on this story and criticizing Biden's handling of the whole affair. 


Was there EVER a situation in Trumps Presidency where Right Wing Media widely criticized Trump for any of his lies or mistakes? 

Or is actual reporting and impartial analysis only reserved for the "Fake News" media" 

Edited by CoffeeTiger
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2 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

So you have PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, all organizations that the Right calls "Fake News, Democratic controlled"  reporting on this story and criticizing Biden's handling of the whole affair. 


Was there EVER a situation in Trumps Presidency where Right Wing Media widely criticized Trump for any of his lies or mistakes? 

The conversation is about Biden and his lies. Not about the media. Why deflect from the “circle jerk”?

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3 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

The conversation is about Biden and his lies. Not about the media. Why deflect from the “circle jerk”?

That's what I thought. 

Sorry though, didn't mean to 'kill the mood'. 

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3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

So you have PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, all organizations that the Right calls "Fake News, Democratic controlled"  reporting on this story and criticizing Biden's handling of the whole affair. 


Was there EVER a situation in Trumps Presidency where Right Wing Media widely criticized Trump for any of his lies or mistakes? 

Or is actual reporting and impartial analysis only reserved for the "Fake News" media" 

This is the reason I posted PBS News Hour as I wanted more of a respectable news organization’s reaction to the story.  I could have gone with FOX, but that wouldn’t carry as much weight with our left leaning brothers in here.  As for the *Fake News* Democrat bias in the media; it is real, just look at the coverage the *whipping of migrants* story took off with no proof.  Was there any left leaning outlet that didn’t jump on that story?

The problem isn’t how the Right Wing Media is covering stories about President Biden, its the lack of actual reporting and impartial analysis that the *Fake News* outlets are doing since January 20th.

Remember “Democracy dies in darkness” goes both ways.

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I want to point out that if the media you are talking about happens to agree with your view, actually means nothing. Media should not agree with anyone's view, ever. Media should be fair, balanced, ACCURATE. Truthful. 

trump Family should be ripped for financial dealings while President. So should the Biden Family. Not that that is EVER going to happen to Hunter and his awful, grade school "art" project. No one is going to look into that, nor his "laptop." Face it. No one that supports the Dems cares one iota if the Bidens are demonstrably the most corrupt family in politics. They simply dont care. Cuomo was gotten rid of because Letitia James has political goals of her own. Cuomo was given an Emmy for lying every day for 111 days to the public about the nursing Home deaths. No one in the media cared to even report about the last day in office and he was still lying about the numbers, But we have some here that righteously point to trump's lies. He did lie all the time. But so did Cuomo. No outrage anywhere in America that he lied to us for a year or more. he was run off for sexually harassing women. BTW, his political rep was "Defender of Women." Yet another lie. How many more active politicians are this despicable? I do not care what party they are from They all need to be run off

Edited by DKW 86
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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Media should be fair, balanced, ACCURATE. Truthful. 

The media is none of these and I don’t care which side you are on.  They only report what will bring them ratings and only the point of view that will enhance their viewer/readership.

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On 9/29/2021 at 11:00 PM, jj3jordan said:

Hope Homer or fiddy is keeping score. Maybe old joe will give Trump a run for his money. Hey Homer don’t forget to count all of the lies no matter how many times they are repeated. Fair is fair.

this is one of the few times you have been honest. but no one out lies trump. no one...................

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On 10/1/2021 at 9:15 AM, I_M4_AU said:

The media is none of these and I don’t care which side you are on.  They only report what will bring them ratings and only the point of view that will enhance their viewer/readership.

So who exactly do you depend on for news?

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

So who exactly do you depend on for news?

Well, obviously, I watch MSM and FOX and try to see where their information is the same.  It is increasingly difficult to determine what is the truth.

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Well, obviously, I watch MSM and FOX and try to see where their information is the same.  It is increasingly difficult to determine what is the truth.

Ever tried PBS?

Specifically, the PBS Newshour, but also the reporting specials like "Frontline".  NPR radio is also good.  They both provide much more in-depth coverage and unbiased commentary than commercial channels.

Once you get used to PBS, pretty much everything else - what you call 'MSM" - comes across as brief, superficial coverage plus a lot of commercials.

I highly recommend them.

Edited by homersapien
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/29/2021 at 10:27 AM, I_M4_AU said:

Is there a defense for his dishonesty about the withdrawal from Afghanistan?  What will be the consequences for Biden?  Any?  This is not senility, it’s an outright lie.  Something Joe Biden is very familiar with throughout his life.

get back to me when you prosecute W for invading the wrong country or even holding trump accountable for half his lies. you guys never even blinked when he stole from the trump VA charity he ran so i am not sure what your point is. also you forgot to mention the same military leaders banging on trump for telling our enemies when we would withdraw among other things because he liked to run his mouth.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

get back to me when you prosecute W for invading the wrong country or even holding trump accountable for half his lies. you guys never even blinked when he stole from the trump VA charity he ran so i am not sure what your point is. also you forgot to mention the same military leaders banging on trump for telling our enemies when we would withdraw among other things because he liked to run his mouth.

W did not invade the wrong country.  If you want politicians held accountable for lies you won't have anybody in Washington DC. Obama was the one who gave out his withdrawal date. I'm sure you just forgot. There was no complaining from the left.  Both sides are guilty of failing to fight wars to win. W definitely was. Until we 1) occupy the enemy homeland 2) impose our will on the population, there is no victory.   We should not engage an enemy with war unless we are willing to do those two things. 

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

get back to me when you prosecute W for invading the wrong country or even holding trump accountable for half his lies. you guys never even blinked when he stole from the trump VA charity he ran so i am not sure what your point is. also you forgot to mention the same military leaders banging on trump for telling our enemies when we would withdraw among other things because he liked to run his mouth.

I know you love fact check fiddy. I'll wait.



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7 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

lame. you did not even read it. here is the fun part of your link.

Instead, the judge agreed that the foundation — through the fundraiser and the subsequent grants to veterans groups (which were announced at campaign events) — was illegally used for political activities. Scarpulla wrote that a “review of the record, including the factual admissions in the Final Stipulation, establishes that Mr. Trump breached his fiduciary duty to the Foundation.”

“Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign,” the order noted.

While the state argued that the judge should order Trump to pay $2.823 million in damages based on the fundraiser matter, Scarpulla set the amount at $2 million.

The Trump Foundation agreed in late 2018 to dissolve as part of the settlement with the state. The foundation agreed to donate its remaining assets of $1.78 million — along with the newly announced $2 million in damages to be paid by Trump — to eight reputable charities.


they did not shut down trumps charities for eating fish sticks. and before you bring up the agreed i am sure they had no choice. but you keep thinking trump is a an honorable and stand up guy. you just wasted my time doode.................

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

lame. you did not even read it. here is the fun part of your link.

Instead, the judge agreed that the foundation — through the fundraiser and the subsequent grants to veterans groups (which were announced at campaign events) — was illegally used for political activities. Scarpulla wrote that a “review of the record, including the factual admissions in the Final Stipulation, establishes that Mr. Trump breached his fiduciary duty to the Foundation.”

“Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign,” the order noted.

While the state argued that the judge should order Trump to pay $2.823 million in damages based on the fundraiser matter, Scarpulla set the amount at $2 million.

The Trump Foundation agreed in late 2018 to dissolve as part of the settlement with the state. The foundation agreed to donate its remaining assets of $1.78 million — along with the newly announced $2 million in damages to be paid by Trump — to eight reputable charities.


they did not shut down trumps charities for eating fish sticks. and before you bring up the agreed i am sure they had no choice. but you keep thinking trump is a an honorable and stand up guy. you just wasted my time doode.................

Did you read the part where it said that all the money went to the charities as planned? You said he stole from charities. He did not. You are as bad a liar as Trump. Congratulations. 

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