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What Kiesau brings to the receiver group


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Also too it's very weird everybody keeps saying it but as far as the wr's on the field stuff there's only one that can be talked about. Now it's 2 wr's at the same time wasn't on the field. I guess it'll grow to no wr dressed out they all left their helmets on the bus at the same time 😂

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1 hour ago, Beaker said:

uummmm, no.

Harsin is not the idiot that some on the board make him out to be:   He would not risk losing his whole coaching staff!   If he fired a team member from the coaching staff who was doing great ("positive feedback"), he would not have the support from others and would lose his staff.   Look at the retention he had at Boise.  Harsin is a strong leader, not chicken sHiiite.

Also - Harsin is not an imbecile and gave Corn positive feedback when he can't get 2-3 WRs on the field when the game is on the line!  Coach Corn has had 9 months to read and comprehend the playbook.  9 months....what 7-8 receivers?  We had a transfer QB ON THE FIELD, in the moment, calling to Coach Corn to send on another WR.  TJ has had the playbook what 45 days?  Let that sink in....  a 19 yr old kid who got here 1 August, in the moment with the game on the line,  knew more than the WR coach did!


Lastly, Harsin built some redundancy into this staff by hiring the Keisaw guy who could do a lot of things. This cat was the #1 analyst for Kiffen at bama and Sark's OC at Washinton.    Keesaw is much more experienced that Corn.   

 I think Harsin probably did the right thing by hiring a local coach and giving him a chance, because of his recruiting connections.  Nobody expected the WR room and coach to be such a debacle.  Inexperienced?  100%, but these are issues that we had in the Spring.  

The season can be salvaged at this point.  Harsin  made a gutsy call, and could by stockpiling talented coaches.   Will it turn out?   We don't know yet. 

Why is this post not receiving more likes??????

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18 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

just the same ol he is not ready yet. he killed the scrubs and non starters but struggled against the starters if i remember correctly. i cannot wait to watch him play down the road.

That doesn't sound right.  Former 5 star with a season at Georgia?  :dunno:


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3 hours ago, cole256 said:

Also too it's very weird everybody keeps saying it but as far as the wr's on the field stuff there's only one that can be talked about. Now it's 2 wr's at the same time wasn't on the field. I guess it'll grow to no wr dressed out they all left their helmets on the bus at the same time 😂

I've asked multiple ppl on this board and others to tell me where they were.   Every game is available online....we know of 1 instance.  It should be easily pointed to that at xx:xx in the XQ of the XXX game.  I know at a minimum there are countless nerds with zero time on their hands and they would have had multiple plays on twitter already if it were true and very obvious. 

We have 1 play that has grown into numerous b/c of telephone.  I honestly think there many issues that no one besides the coaches watching film/knowing the exact play call know about.  And if there is improvement (besides a QB actually throwing a catchable deep ball), literally no one besides the coaches watching film will really know.

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I find it intriguing when people say he is trying to turn AU into "Boise South".

Some of the people seem skeptical of Harsin, thinking perhaps that the way he did things in Boise will not translate to the SEC.

I wonder if people at LSU thought Nick Saban was not going to make it because he was bringing the Michigan State way to the south?

I sometimes think coaching in the south has suffered due to the level of play offered by superior players. If you have awesome players, then the level of coaching does not really need to be as high as it is in another place where the players are not as athletic.

After all, we had a guy like Gus who did very little to develop people yet still won because of putting the ball in the hands of superior athletes. We won a National Championship and competed for a 2nd due to having a lot of coaches who could recruit but not really coach (Trooper Taylor).

Because the SEC has been so dominant, we tend to think we have the best coaches. 

While I think the SEC does have some good coaches, I don't think they have all of the best ones.

I think Auburn got a very good one- for the first time since Coach Dye (Tubbs was solid, but prospered under a weak Alabama).

I think there are going to be a lot of growing pains and fans are going to continue to be angry this season. 

It may be because for the first time in the players lives (the majority of them), they are receiving real developmental coaching.

Bad habits have to be broken. Players got away with a lot of bad technique because they were superior athletes.

They seem to be all over the place right now because they are trying to do the right thing, but old habits tend to rear their ugly head when stressful situations come about.

The new ways have not been ingrained enough to become instinctual.

That is probably why TJ looked better than Bo in the last game. TJ had better coaching at LSU than Bo had under Gus- he had fewer bad habits to hold him back.

Maturity is still a very real issue. Can they develop enough so there is no drop off after a great performance (like in the 2nd game), or can they stay focused enough to not "look ahead" (as in last weeks game).

People are going to see all the mistakes and think it is because of lack of coaching, when in reality it is because they are getting quality coaching for the first time.

It will be a lot easier to see this when we are able to look at the improvement that happens over a whole season.

Of course, there is always the possibility of the rails coming off but I am pretty confident that will not happen.



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Oof. Lotta words.

The issue for me isn't with anything Harsin did at Boise. And it's not regional bias, either. The most dominant coaches in the SEC of the last 20 years- saban, Urban Meyer and Les Miles- all learned and came from elsewhere. 

My trepidation- after 8 years of Malzahn and 12 years of the AU PTB having "their guy" in place- is about insular thinking. Echo chambers and yes men. My concern is that Harsin, like Gus, will look inward instead of outward for answers as to how to be better. There is confidence in one's philosophy and ethos, and then there is self-destructive stubbornness and arrogance. (Which cost Les Miles his job, too.)

As long as Harsin can adapt and adjust, then he can have a staff of literally nothing but Idaho natives if he wants. Great. But it's reasonable to be concerned until we see them replicate their success down here.


Edited by McLoofus
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25 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Oof. Lotta words.

The issue for me isn't with anything Harsin did at Boise. And it's not regional bias, either. The most dominant coaches in the SEC of the last 20 years- saban, Urban Meyer and Les Miles- all learned and came from elsewhere. 

My trepidation- after 8 years of Malzahn and 12 years of the AU PTB having "their guy" in place- is about insular thinking. Echo chambers and yes men. My concern is that Harsin, like Gus, will look inward instead of outward for answers as to how to be better. There is confidence in one's philosophy and ethos, and then there is self-destructive stubbornness and arrogance. (Which cost Les Miles his job, too.)

As long as Harsin can adapt and adjust, then he can have a staff of literally nothing but Idaho natives if he wants. Great. But it's reasonable to be concerned until we see them replicate their success down here.


@McLoofus  is spot on: CBH has to replicate his system, build his culture and his depth here before we can pass any judgment.  That all takes time...and can be done. 


Now I think I could make the argument that Les Miles kinda got lucky coaching at LSU and won the championship due more to talent than his system/culture.   I am not saying he is an idiot, but a lot of very good coaches can win championships at LSU due to the talent  and loyalty the state players/families have towards LSU.   I heard a personal story from a man who Miles recruited when he was at OSU and I will say this - Les Miles is very awkward.  He certainly did a bad job selling Ok State to this 4* recruit. 

One more positive on 'Loof's  post:  saban and Myers both laid their foundation the same way - with near ruthless discipline.  Lou Holtz did the same thing at Ark and Notre Dame - and won a natty at one of his stops.   Harsin is doing the same...        

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35 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Oof. Lotta words.

The issue for me isn't with anything Harsin did at Boise. And it's not regional bias, either. The most dominant coaches in the SEC of the last 20 years- saban, Urban Meyer and Les Miles- all learned and came from elsewhere. 

My trepidation- after 8 years of Malzahn and 12 years of the AU PTB having "their guy" in place- is about insular thinking. Echo chambers and yes men. My concern is that Harsin, like Gus, will look inward instead of outward for answers as to how to be better. There is confidence in one's philosophy and ethos, and then there is self-destructive stubbornness and arrogance. (Which cost Les Miles his job, too.)

As long as Harsin can adapt and adjust, then he can have a staff of literally nothing but Idaho natives if he wants. Great. But it's reasonable to be concerned until we see them replicate their success down here.



Point taken.

Good points about echo chambers and "yes men".

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5 minutes ago, Beaker said:

@McLoofus  is spot on: CBH has to replicate his system, build his culture and his depth here before we can pass any judgment.  That all takes time...and can be done. 


Now I think I could make the argument that Les Miles kinda got lucky coaching at LSU and won the championship due more to talent than his system/culture.   I am not saying he is an idiot, but a lot of very good coaches can win championships at LSU due to the talent  and loyalty the state players/families have towards LSU.   I heard a personal story from a man who Miles recruited when he was at OSU and I will say this - Les Miles is very awkward.  He certainly did a bad job selling Ok State to this 4* recruit. 

One more positive on 'Loof's  post:  saban and Myers both laid their foundation the same way - with near ruthless discipline.  Lou Holtz did the same thing at Ark and Notre Dame - and won a natty at one of his stops.   Harsin is doing the same...        

You seem pretty plugged in but a lot of folks don't remember that LSU wasn't a blue blood program before saban got there, and things aren't looking good for the Ogre. He's charting a less condensed Chizik course, it seems. However, they do seem to have leveled up and I agree that the next guy is more likely than not to turn them back into a powerhouse. Unless some of the stuff going on now really is institutional in nature. (Or unless pre-existing institutional issues are no longer being ignored.)

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1 hour ago, TJRanger175 said:

wonder if people at LSU thought Nick Saban was not going to make it because he was bringing the Michigan State way to the south

Bruh, Nick Saban didn't bring a single coach with him from MSU

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13 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Bruh, Nick Saban didn't bring a single coach with him from MSU

I don't think that's what he meant, I think he was just saying he was coming from MSU🤷 I could be wrong. 

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2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

Bruh, Nick Saban didn't bring a single coach with him from MSU

That's because he came from Miami 😁

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2 hours ago, Beaker said:

One more positive on 'Loof's  post:  saban and Myers both laid their foundation the same way - with near ruthless discipline.  Lou Holtz did the same thing at Ark and Notre Dame - and won a natty at one of his stops.   Harsin is doing the same...        

That is what I see as well.

I don't think Harsin really cares about what other people think. He has a crystal clear vision of what he wants to build, has set a standard of acceptable behavior that he feels are necessary for the program to get there, and is cutting through obstacles to accomplishment.

Hopefully it all works out.

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10 minutes ago, bigbird said:

That's because he came from Miami 😁

Nick Saban came from Miami to LSU??

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:

Oof. Lotta words.

The issue for me isn't with anything Harsin did at Boise. And it's not regional bias, either. The most dominant coaches in the SEC of the last 20 years- saban, Urban Meyer and Les Miles- all learned and came from elsewhere. 

My trepidation- after 8 years of Malzahn and 12 years of the AU PTB having "their guy" in place- is about insular thinking. Echo chambers and yes men. My concern is that Harsin, like Gus, will look inward instead of outward for answers as to how to be better. There is confidence in one's philosophy and ethos, and then there is self-destructive stubbornness and arrogance. (Which cost Les Miles his job, too.)

As long as Harsin can adapt and adjust, then he can have a staff of literally nothing but Idaho natives if he wants. Great. But it's reasonable to be concerned until we see them replicate their success down here.



I think the biggest difference is that the Boise guys that Harsin brought with him, or hired later, are more experienced.  Kiesau, in particular, has more P5 experience than any OC Gus ever hired.  If I were a betting man, I would wager that any Boise assistants Harsin brings, are being brought simply because Harsin knows they do a good job.

Harsin spent most of his assistant coach years working for Chris Petersen, then Mack Brown briefly.  Malzahn spent his working for guys like Houston Nutt, Todd Graham, and Gene Chizik.  Harsin worked for head coaches that could build and sustain successful programs, while Malzahn never did.

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6 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Nick Saban is at LSU?

Did you read his post??? It was in reference of Saban going to LSU from MSU.

4 hours ago, TJRanger175 said:

I wonder if people at LSU thought Nick Saban was not going to make it because he was bringing the Michigan State way to the south?


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36 minutes ago, TJRanger175 said:

Not the point of what I was trying to say, but that's ok.

Right, its just a bad example. Ppl worried about Harsin trying to make Auburn Bosie of the South stems from him bringing a ton of coaches with him from BSU.

Saban from MSU brought absolutely no one to LSU. 

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30 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Right, its just a bad example. Ppl worried about Harsin trying to make Auburn Bosie of the South stems from him bringing a ton of coaches with him from BSU.

Saban from MSU brought absolutely no one to LSU. 

When did Saban coach at Montana State University?

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7 hours ago, homersapien said:

That doesn't sound right.  Former 5 star with a season at Georgia?  :dunno:


i was talking about dd. sorry for the confusion.

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