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Del Rio migrant crisis: How did so many Haitians end up at the southern US border?

DKW 86

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Dumb, but what else is new...water's wet, admin focusing on trivial bullsh. Must be a day ending in "y."

Residents of Del Rio were thrilled that the "Reverend" Al showed up to bloviate...😏


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12 hours ago, SLAG-91 said:

Residents of Del Rio were thrilled that the "Reverend" Al showed up to bloviate...😏

Well, that was refreshing to hear.

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On 9/22/2021 at 1:51 PM, homersapien said:

For those who "face slapped" this post, I suggest you look up "environmental migrant" or "climate migrant" and educate yourself. 

Ignorant is no way of going through life.


It got face palmed because you chose to avoid the present day conversation we all were having and throw a random reference to AGW from out of left field. Strawmen etc. No one on the thread was talking about AGW and what it has to do 30 years from now is immaterial to what is happening at the border TODAY.

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I remember earlier this year when Biden taped Harris to solve the border crisis. But since, my perception things are getting worse at the border. I hear a lot of other people talking but nothing or very little from her. Is the engaged? Is she capable? Or did Biden make a mistake in assigning her this the task.

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What whipping occurred?  No administration can be more deliberate and determined to open our borders than this one.

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I agree, @homersapien. Chastising the undermanned BP for how they are handling the impossible situation is shameful. Especially since they were put there by the same administration that has clearly let it fester for way too long.

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I am not arguing in support of the uncontrolled mess we have at the southern border, but if we take a look at the big picture, immigration in general is not a bad thing for our country:




My personal experience with immigrants is that they work their tails off and many are upwardly mobile into small business and skilled trades. I think they tend to appreciate this country more than native born Americans.

And I don't know about trying to pin this on one administration or one party (which seems to me similar to pinning our deficit on one party.) We have not addressed immigration reform legislation since 1986. 

And while I haven't done the research to know for sure, I suspect that is not due to Democratic obstruction.

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Immigration is good when the applicant has skills and can support himself and his family once settled. 

Letting in thousands of unskilled people with extended families many who are illiterate in English and even in their own native language is not good.

Yes the country was formed and grown on immigration but there were standards and skills required. It was also legal for those who entered thru Ellis Island.

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On 9/22/2021 at 9:03 AM, DKW 86 said:

Border Patrol Accused of 'Unfathomable Cruelty' for Cracking Whips on  Haitians - Alaska Native News

Chris Cuomo says that one picture changed everything for him.


Chris Cuomo Compares Whipping Border Images to Slavery Era


Don’t break the law, run from the law and you won’t get into trouble. Pretty simple.

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On 9/23/2021 at 9:25 PM, SLAG-91 said:

Dumb, but what else is new...water's wet, admin focusing on trivial bullsh. Must be a day ending in "y."

Residents of Del Rio were thrilled that the "Reverend" Al showed up to bloviate...

On 9/23/2021 at 9:25 PM, SLAG-91 said:

Dumb, but what else is new...water's wet, admin focusing on trivial bullsh. Must be a day ending in "y."

Residents of Del Rio were thrilled that the "Reverend" Al showed up to bloviate...😏



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On 9/23/2021 at 9:25 PM, SLAG-91 said:

Dumb, but what else is new...water's wet, admin focusing on trivial bullsh. Must be a day ending in "y."

Residents of Del Rio were thrilled that the "Reverend" Al showed up to bloviate...😏


He is a harlot and a fraud.

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12 hours ago, PUB78 said:

He is a harlot and a fraud.

This is NOT true, Biden always answers the tough questions from the press.



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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

This is NOT true, Biden always answers the tough questions from the press.



The advantage of having Biden as President is that he understands the roles of other parts of government.  He allows the State Dept to do their job.  If the Republicans want to be taken seriously, they should nominate someone like  Liz Cheney.  Heck, anyone that doesn't support lies being told to the American people about our electoral system might even work.  Otherwise, buckle up.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

This is NOT true, Biden always answers the tough questions from the press.



I was talking about the “Reverend “, not Joe Joe Biden Biden.

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1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

The advantage of having Biden as President is that he understands the roles of other parts of government.  He allows the State Dept to do their job.  If the Republicans want to be taken seriously, they should nominate someone like  Liz Cheney.  Heck, anyone that doesn't support lies being told to the American people about our electoral system might even work.  Otherwise, buckle up.

It’s interesting that Joe has allowed the State Department and other departments to do their job and doesn’t step in when things goes off the rails.  Or is it that Joe believes they’re doing such a good job?  Joe Biden lies to the American people on an hourly basis.  How do you not see this?

Are voter reform measures, such as voter ID, really Jim Crow 2.0?  Did those border patrol agents use whips?  How will they pay the price?  Is the border secure as his Secretary of Homeland Security says?  Was the withdrawal from Afghanistan really a rousing success when we leave American citizens and green card holders in the Taliban’s hands?

Are we headed in the right direction?  Don’t deflect by saying “what if we re-elected Trump”.

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18 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

I was talking about the “Reverend “, not Joe Joe Biden Biden.

Sorry, I see that now.  I hope you can see why I was confused as Joe is also a harlot and a fraud.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

It’s interesting that Joe has allowed the State Department and other departments to do their job and doesn’t step in when things goes off the rails.  Or is it that Joe believes they’re doing such a good job?  Joe Biden lies to the American people on an hourly basis.  How do you not see this?

Are voter reform measures, such as voter ID, really Jim Crow 2.0?  Did those border patrol agents use whips?  How will they pay the price?  Is the border secure as his Secretary of Homeland Security says?  Was the withdrawal from Afghanistan really a rousing success when we leave American citizens and green card holders in the Taliban’s hands?

Are we headed in the right direction?  Don’t deflect by saying “what if we re-elected Trump”.

We are on a better course than the one we would have been on had Biden not been elected.  He is respected around the world much moreso than his predecessor.  Trump is still part of the conversation due to his actions.  No other U.S. President has acted with the degree of disregard for our constitution and elected form of government.  NEVER.  To this day, he is still attempting to convince the Georgia Secretary of State to de-certify the valid results of the last election.  That behavior cannot be ignored. 

I don't like some of the decisions Biden has made.  Getting out of Afghanistan is not one of them.  I am not going to pretend that those mythical Americans still in Afghanistan did not have months and months to leave the country... they did.  I am also unwilling to pretend that we didn't air lift 100,000 plus people out of the country.  We did. I also am unwilling to accept blame for Afghans being too damn lazy and possessing so little backbone as to not want to fight for a country that was provided and paid for by the United States for two decades.

As for the border, I have no problem with the actions of border patrol.  They deserve more appreciation than they receive.  As for immigration, until we reform our immigration system, the government has no choice but to process these people before deportation.

Voter reform measures are a joke.  Voter i.d. was already the law in every state that passed these "reforms."  Those so called reforms were filled with window dressing, but their real aim was much more sinister.  For example, in Georgia, the Secretary of State is no longer the head of the State Elections Board.  Why?  Because he refused to find those 11,000 votes that Trump demanded he find last year.  Instead, the Governor appoints an unelected  head of the elections board.  Why would that matter?  Because that is who certifies election results.  That board also now has the power to take over local county election boards and fire their supervisor at will.  Why is that important.  By doing so, the appointed head of the elections board can throw out votes from precincts for trivial reasons.  They can also purge electors from voting rolls.  This is really dangerous and if they ever use that power and do those things, it will cause a total breakdown of our electoral system.

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3 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

We are on a better course than the one we would have been on had Biden not been elected.  He is respected around the world much moreso than his predecessor.  Trump is still part of the conversation due to his actions.  No other U.S. President has acted with the degree of disregard for our constitution and elected form of government.  NEVER.  To this day, he is still attempting to convince the Georgia Secretary of State to de-certify the valid results of the last election.  That behavior cannot be ignored. 

I don't like some of the decisions Biden has made.  Getting out of Afghanistan is not one of them.  I am not going to pretend that those mythical Americans still in Afghanistan did not have months and months to leave the country... they did.  I am also unwilling to pretend that we didn't air lift 100,000 plus people out of the country.  We did. I also am unwilling to accept blame for Afghans being too damn lazy and possessing so little backbone as to not want to fight for a country that was provided and paid for by the United States for two decades.

As for the border, I have no problem with the actions of border patrol.  They deserve more appreciation than they receive.  As for immigration, until we reform our immigration system, the government has no choice but to process these people before deportation.

Voter reform measures are a joke.  Voter i.d. was already the law in every state that passed these "reforms."  Those so called reforms were filled with window dressing, but their real aim was much more sinister.  For example, in Georgia, the Secretary of State is no longer the head of the State Elections Board.  Why?  Because he refused to find those 11,000 votes that Trump demanded he find last year.  Instead, the Governor appoints an unelected  head of the elections board.  Why would that matter?  Because that is who certifies election results.  That board also now has the power to take over local county election boards and fire their supervisor at will.  Why is that important.  By doing so, the appointed head of the elections board can throw out votes from precincts for trivial reasons.  They can also purge electors from voting rolls.  This is really dangerous and if they ever use that power and do those things, it will cause a total breakdown of our electoral system.

This is basically  “what if Trump was re-elected”.  You have bought into the Biden propaganda machine.  Joe is not respected around the world, the coalition forces were outraged at his Afghanistan withdrawal as he didn’t even discuss it with them.  Again, its not that Joe got out of Afghanistan, its how he accomplished that mission that is the problem.  You don’t leave Americans behind unless you have a face to face with them and they tell you point blank they want to stay.  Jen Psaki is passing horse manure when she said they had plenty of time to get up and leave.  Same with the Afghanistan military, how are they suppose to fight when Joe took away their close in air support?  And he did that without telling anybody.

If Biden just left the remain in Mexico order in place this debacle would not be too bad.  He reversed several barriers to open borders the day he tool office.  The government did have a choice until Joe took office.

Voter reform measure are for fair elections, not necessarily to make it so anybody can vote.  They do have to be legal to vote, so how do you do that without ID (not all states have voter ID laws)?  As for purging voting rolls; of course they should do this.  How many people move out of state or die?  There are some unscrupulous people out there that will be all too happy to do “their part” in getting their candidate to win.

News flash; states are in charge of making their own rules about elections.  Joe even wants to make voting laws come under federal jurisdiction.  The Constitution has the states responsible for that.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

I just love it when MAGAs complain about Biden lying and not being respected around the world.   :rolleyes:  :lmao:

News flash!!!!!!   Trump is not president anymore.   Why do you keep bringing up Trump??????   Joe joe I don’t know is now president.   All of what Trump did or didn’t do is irrelevant now.   Biden has done away with everything Trump put into effect.   
let’s focus on what is happening now.  

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15 hours ago, aubaseball said:

News flash!!!!!!   Trump is not president anymore.   Why do you keep bringing up Trump??????   Joe joe I don’t know is now president.   All of what Trump did or didn’t do is irrelevant now.   Biden has done away with everything Trump put into effect.   
let’s focus on what is happening now.  

I wish. :rolleyes:

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