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BREAKING NEWS FROM BREITBART: Conservatives Wont Get Vaccines Because That Would Make Them Feel Like Cucks! It's Official: Owning Libs > Saving own life.


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8 minutes ago, SLAG-91 said:


If you're waiting for Covid to go away before getting back to your life, then you're going to be waiting forever. It's endemic at this point, as it was eventually destined to be once those howler monkey idiots let it loose in a land far, far away.

Like Joe Louis said many years ago, "He can run, but he can't hide."

Comes down to worldview, I guess... I just don't worry about Covid anymore. It's out there, and we've all got an exposure date with it coming at some point. Vinay Prasad has the right idea.

Pooh-pooh natural immunity to your own detriment, people...consistently ignored when vaccine mandates are mentioned.

I don't expect it to be eradicated. I understand it will always be with us, and I don't discount natural immunity, but we have to get to a reasonable number of people who have either gotten it or the vaccine. We're not there yet. I would obviously prefer us to get there with as low a loss of life as possible, but a lot of people out there are making it damn hard.



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People have to just concentrate on themselves...if your vaccinated then you should be happy...if your vaccinated and still  worried about unvaccinated people, stay home..Its your reality to deal with, not everyone elses.....much less the governments.....If you feel the Government needs to make everyone adhere to your "requirements"...you might be a Nazi....

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10 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

People have to just concentrate on themselves...if your vaccinated then you should be happy...if your vaccinated and still  worried about unvaccinated people, stay home..Its your reality to deal with, not everyone elses.....much less the governments.....If you feel the Government needs to make everyone adhere to your "requirements"...you might be a Nazi....

Always appreciate it when someone steps forward to proclaim they're completely self-centered. 

Apparently you think the government shouldn't be able to mandate vaccines for school kids, either? Any vaccine? If so, I'm guessing you either don't have kids and/or don't care if some terrible diseases run rampant. If not, I guess you're a Nazi.

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12 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

People have to just concentrate on themselves...if your vaccinated then you should be happy...if your vaccinated and still  worried about unvaccinated people, stay home..Its your reality to deal with, not everyone elses.....much less the governments.....If you feel the Government needs to make everyone adhere to your "requirements"...you might be a Nazi....

You sound just like these folks, until they got infected.


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13 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

No he doesn’t. Simply saying if your vaccinated and uncomfortable avoid crowds.

No, he said those people can stay home.

And continues to ignore those who can't get vaccinated, or are at high risk due to other factors, but I guess they don't count.

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39 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

No, he said those people can stay home.

And continues to ignore those who can't get vaccinated, or are at high risk due to other factors, but I guess they don't count.

I stand corrected.


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Stay home or avoid crowds, or just do what you're comfortable with. Everyone has several different ways of handling the pandemic. Theres no perfect position to be in on it all.  Those who go out without any concern, risk spreading it, but they also keep certain job industries afloat providing income to people....if you stay home and choose to quarantine, you pose a smaller risk for spreading it, but you may not be doing much to help the economy. ...im not going to bash anyone for there stance or approach...any choice you choose isn't much different than all the others...at least in my view.

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