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Penn State Post Game Thread


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And before someone quotes me saying, I’m not saying that guy was the main reason they lost this game. It is mildly worrying he’s missing the same open deep throws he missed in College Station four score and 2 years ago but he’s not one of the top 3 reasons they lost 

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To say a “not very good” QB loses this game by a large margin is nonsense to me lol. we saw Bo substantially worse than this lose games against better teams on the road by similar margins.
Our best drives were the ones where the ball was largely out of his hand and in our two best players clutches. I’ll contextualize that the playcalling was not good, whatsoever, but they drew up at least 2 touchdown opportunities for him and he failed. 
We can respect that the guy works his ass off while acknowledging a bad game…the guy got all the props in the world for the two good ones

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New season same ol @Dual-Threat Rigby lol. Good lawwwwwd. You pinball back and forth from sounding like a 58 year old hipster to sounding like a middle school kid who just discovered a thesaurus for the first time!!! lmao. Regardless it always manages to get a laugh out of me no matter how corny your posts are. YOU ARE FAMBLY though brother so it is all in love muhhhhhhh dude.

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2 hours ago, AU-24 said:

Oh my; I don’t know if you’re allowed to say that. I mean it’s 100% true, but I’m not sure you can say that.


2 hours ago, AU-24 said:

Just two guys telling it, like it is! Many on here are just so happy that Gus is gone, they refuse to acknowledge how horrendous our coaching was. Feel bad for the players.

Sorry about yore UCF Knights loss friday night bruh. Your idol Beep Boop keeps inventing new ways to lose games I see....  

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It just feels so good to care again and actually give a damn. Have not felt this way since the 2017 SEC Title game.  Bobo is not the best play caller obviously BUT he is a damn good QB coach and it is obvious that BO is at least improved from his past 2 years. His deep throws still suck ass admittingly but everything else is a improvement. He is not bailing at the first hint of trouble in the pocket. His pocket awareness is the biggest difference I can see. 11 just is not a SEC level WR. Canion and Capers may not be either but I at least want to see them given the chance. 11 has proved time and time again he does not have what it takes. And for the love of God stop trying to throw to this man on deep shots. If he is going to be used and they insist on him being out there it needs to be as a possession WR not the deep threat guy. 

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AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD never again have 3 of our first 4 games be against the little sister's of the poor. It really takes a lot of the fun and excitement out of the start of the season. Spread that ish out.

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8 minutes ago, GwillMac6 said:


Sorry about yore UCF Knights loss friday night bruh. Your idol Beep Boop keeps inventing new ways to lose games I see....  

Lol; I see how happy you are with the Auburn coaching upgrade, that cost around $25 million. Definitely all worth it! Yes, Kevin Steel and Gus don’t hold a candle to the play calling we saw tonight. LOL

Just a thought but you may want to stop comparing Harsin and Gus and start comparing Harsin to Nick Satan, Jimbo, Kiffin, Kirby, Mullen, Pittman and very soon add Lincoln Riley and Sark.


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14 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

Lol; I see how happy you are with the Auburn coaching upgrade, that cost around $25 million. Definitely all worth it! Yes, Kevin Steel and Gus don’t hold a candle to the play calling we saw tonight. LOL

Just a thought but you may want to stop comparing Harsin and Gus and start comparing Harsin to Nick Satan, Jimbo, Kiffin, Kirby, Mullen, Pittman and very soon add Lincoln Riley and Sark.


The program is clearly headed in a better direction and tonight was the most exciting game in a couple years. 

But keep pretending you care about that money you didn’t spend. 

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51 minutes ago, cbo said:

The program is clearly headed in a better direction and tonight was the most exciting game in a couple years. 

But keep pretending you care about that money you didn’t spend. 

I see, you know about my finances. Whenever you want to get together and compare portfolios, let me know.

What direction is better? Special-teams maybe? Do you think what you saw on the field tonight could beat the PAC 12 champs, Texas A&M or Alabama which we did two years ago with a 18 year old QB? That is what you saw?

Do yourself a favor and watch the post game press conference. Do you think that guy staring at his notes is going to lead us past Nick Saban, Jimbo etc. that’s the guy that’s going to beat Kirby Smart and Dan Mullen? You’re kidding yourself…

It was time for Gus to go, so if you’re going to spend 25 million, why not hire the best possible candidate? That is all some of us are asking?

On a sidenote: number 40 in the nation in recruiting and 14th in the SEC. That is moving in the right direction? But it is not Gus, that’s all some of you care about.

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Was at the game in the airport waiting to come home. I’ll never understand the fade call on 4th & 2. Jackson had 2-3 key drops that could’ve changed things. The trick play to start the half…man. Didn’t get that. We had them on their heels the entire game. Absolutely 0 pressure on the QB & that bend don’t break $hit tired of it already, reminds me of Ted Roof. Gave them 10 yard cushions all night until the 4th. 5 yards. 20 yards. 40 yards. 5 yards, etc. All night. IMO, DM lost this game on D. Their QB was supposed to be a weakness & we made him look all Big 10. We saw the warning signs the first 2 games, the concerns were confirmed to be 100% spot on. If Mason doesn’t change that soft zone we will continue to get ate alive. Ready to come home & rewatch it on TV to see things I missed. 

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4 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

It just feels so good to care again and actually give a damn. Have not felt this way since the 2017 SEC Title game.  Bobo is not the best play caller obviously BUT he is a damn good QB coach and it is obvious that BO is at least improved from his past 2 years. His deep throws still suck ass admittingly but everything else is a improvement. He is not bailing at the first hint of trouble in the pocket. His pocket awareness is the biggest difference I can see. 11 just is not a SEC level WR. Canion and Capers may not be either but I at least want to see them given the chance. 11 has proved time and time again he does not have what it takes. And for the love of God stop trying to throw to this man on deep shots. If he is going to be used and they insist on him being out there it needs to be as a possession WR not the deep threat guy. 

100%. I see improvement all across the offense with the exception of WR. I feel like the play calling didn’t put our guys in a good position. Deep ball has always been a problem so why you calling it and throwing it to a guy who hasn’t proved he can go get it from a QB who hasn’t proved he can throw it. I see improvement from Nix with his short and immediate game and check downs etc..the OL is absolutely 100% better and doing their job. just put these guys in a position to win with the play calling. Hopefully the coaches will learn from this too. The defense was disappointing and no way can we ever allow a qb to sit back there that long no secondary can cover that long. 

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Last play of the game.  did not understand. not as bad as fade on 4th down but still.

send 3 WR's to a spot in the EZ and chunk in there.  it actually works sometimes.  Bo trying to laser a ball into coverage  short of the goal line. what was that? he has neither the arm strength nor the accuracy to pull that off.

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9 hours ago, Maverick.AU said:

I just don't get, you have tank and hunter and you throw a low percentage damn fade

I don't think they stop our jumbo package with Pegues at full back lead blocker. 

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6 hours ago, Zeek said:

I'm aware of what the word means but I appreciate the condescending explanation. I didn't call him a name I said implying he is mediocre is idiotic which it is.

Again you're wildly condescending. No crap it's a team game. That applies to your comment too. His stat line isn't helped when there's bad drops and throw aways due to a completely untouched blitz. DRob spots the ball and he walks in for a TD.

Bo is not in my top 10 list of issues in this game. 

Man you're my guy, but you have to wake up

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5 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD never again have 3 of our first 4 games be against the little sister's of the poor. It really takes a lot of the fun and excitement out of the start of the season. Spread that ish out.

Yesssss! GWill. I said this last night and got a face palm from some goob. You have to have a little resistance I'm your first couple games. Agree with you on receivers. She'd can't be our go to guy. Give our bigger receivers a shot.  #1 Priority. We have to blitz more! We cannot let good passing QB's have 6-8 seconds to throw.

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Woke up this morning feeling a lot more optimistic. We will right the ship. We all had a little orange and blue drink last week. This was a great game for the coaching staff and the players to learn from! Very hostile environment against a team who has a legitimate chance of making the playoffs. With that being said, we need to learn and put it in our rearview mirror. It is time to get ready for Georgia Southern. There are a lot of fixable areas. Two groups who I thought did well yesterday was the offensive line and RBs. These are fixable issues from both sides. CDM will have to adjust to his personnel on that side of the ball. I am very encouraged to where we are going. 

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6 hours ago, Zeek said:

If you walk away from this game thinking Bo is the problem you're either on a weird mission to slander him or you're just foolish.

He's at 66% this season with zero turnovers through three games and just played a top 10 team down to the wire. I'm just tired of Auburn fans doing this routine no matter who is quarterback.

A "not very good" quarterback loses this game by 20+.

let me ask you this. bo keeps himself in the mid fifty qb ratings as a whole right? if he ups his game to the seventy something percent qb rating do we still lose the game? i believe if he ups his game we win and that is my personal opinion. i think playing two snowflakes might have hurt us and i believe we had a case of the big head and it bit us in the butt. now i will give huge props fro them for hanging in there. but make no mistake penn state said we are going to try and contain the running game and make bo beat us through the air. we are still learning new systems on both sides of the ball and i am not sure we have that down yet. the truth is they beat us. they played really hard and the stadium absolutely did their part. their qb made plays when he had to and their number five was a stud and he made plays when they needed them as well. it is not the end of the world and unlike past years i believe we learn from this and improve. tank or vh not getting to run the ball in on fourth and two is a worry. tank running off the field mad is not a good thing. if he does not handle that well how does if effect the locker room? if the team does not respect bo as a leader it is a problem. and i still believe we lost receivers who would have stayed another year because of this. i really wanted this game bad and it hurts but i do believe we keep getting better.

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If you click the link inside the tweet, it’s a good read. 

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29 minutes ago, DAG said:

Two groups who I thought did well yesterday was the offensive line and RBs. 

I'd add Shenker and Deal to your group too. They both played really well

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9 hours ago, Auhud08 said:

And all of those were under a coach who had his players in place. This is Harsin and Co’s first game. If you expected that the coaching change was going to miraculously make us top ten and beating top ten teams then youre an idiot. 

The only idiot in the room is whoever called that freakin play to start the second half.  There could be two if it wasn't the same play caller that called that fade.  Bobo's play calling deserves every bit of questioning that it is getting.

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Why do you guys waste your time with the same 4 or 5 people, who you know do not like CBH?! They are never truly around when we win and become very active posters all of a sudden. You guys are wasting your time with them. They won't be around in the next two weeks when I believe we will fulfill our next test in winning at night time in Baton Rouge, although they will probably throw backhanded compliments out. 

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5 hours ago, DAG said:

I see the Gus Bus fans exposing themselves once again. 

Exposing themselves?  This isn't Nazi Germany after WWII. 

I see people that want to see improvement in the area of play calling.  That was not on display last night.  If anything, it was worse.  There is nothing wrong with pointing out the truth.  This is not Idaho.  Make dumb decisions and you will get called out for it.  I called out Gus plenty of times and the same with those that came before him. I hope we learn and improve, but if we don't, I won't pretend that we are.  You don't have to like it, but you don't have the power to make people talk pretty just for the sake of your feelings.

Everyone wants CBH to succeed.  You want to coddle him.  Nobody gets paid millions to coach football in the South without having dumb decisions pointed out.

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