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During the remembrance of the fallen Biden decided to check his watch. What a foolish thing to do. Is he ADHD or just plain stupid? If you're a current or past military member how does this lack of attention from you leader and chief make you feel?

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So Fox News's outrage for this week is that Biden checked the time on his watch during a cerimony? 


I understand the families of the lost are grieving and some feel like Biden's decisions led to their family members death's and they are very emotional and upset about that. I've read the quotes from the family members who are not happy with Biden's ceremony performance, and that the right wing media is having a field day with, and I'm not sure that anything Biden did or said would have made them any less angry or upset.  Some of them very obviously, from their own words, disliked Biden and his policies from the start, and then losing their military family member only exasperated the anger and dislike they already felt before.  



Lets be honest, If anyone ever expects Biden to be a clear, elegant speaker who knows social ques then they are going to be disappointed. 


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Pretty disrespectful indeed. Families of those fallen have every right to be upset.  

GWB wasn’t an elegant speaker by any means, however at least he knew his own name. I’m not sure Biden even knows his own name or where he is anymore. 

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Not to expect much from our electorate but the last president would probably have been tweeting during  the remembrance. 

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27 minutes ago, creed said:

Not to expect much from our electorate but the last president would probably have been tweeting during  the remembrance. 

Pretty much. 

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3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

So Fox News's outrage for this week is that Biden checked the time on his watch during a cerimony? 


I understand the families of the lost are grieving and some feel like Biden's decisions led to their family members death's and they are very emotional and upset about that. I've read the quotes from the family members who are not happy with Biden's ceremony performance, and that the right wing media is having a field day with, and I'm not sure that anything Biden did or said would have made them any less angry or upset.  Some of them very obviously, from their own words, disliked Biden and his policies from the start, and then losing their military family member only exasperated the anger and dislike they already felt before.  



Lets be honest, If anyone ever expects Biden to be a clear, elegant speaker who knows social ques then they are going to be disappointed. 


Some of us have been disappointed from his 1st day as POTUS.

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9 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

is your disappointment immeasurable? And is your day ruined? 

Simply saying it is easy to watch Biden and be disappointed that he is POTUS….not to be construed as better off with Trump.

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3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

So Fox News's outrage for this week is that Biden checked the time on his watch during a cerimony? 


I understand the families of the lost are grieving and some feel like Biden's decisions led to their family members death's and they are very emotional and upset about that. I've read the quotes from the family members who are not happy with Biden's ceremony performance, and that the right wing media is having a field day with, and I'm not sure that anything Biden did or said would have made them any less angry or upset.  Some of them very obviously, from their own words, disliked Biden and his policies from the start, and then losing their military family member only exasperated the anger and dislike they already felt before.  



Lets be honest, If anyone ever expects Biden to be a clear, elegant speaker who knows social ques then they are going to be disappointed. 


You're trying to explain away something that is not even part of the original post instead of stating the obvious. Biden was checking his watch because he has a character flaw. What it is who knows, but the nation knows it's something. He looked apathetic and uninterested.

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

is your disappointment immeasurable? And is your day ruined? 

Not at all. While it is painful to watch this inept administration, I have too many things and people in my life that gives me great joy.

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1 hour ago, creed said:

You're trying to explain away something that is not even part of the original post instead of stating the obvious. Biden was checking his watch because he has a character flaw. What it is who knows, but the nation knows it's something. He looked apathetic and uninterested.

I’d just like him to be coherent at this point……

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31 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

Not at all. While it is painful to watch this inept administration, I have too many things and people in my life that gives me great joy.

I got you. I was just memeing,.


1 hour ago, creed said:

You're trying to explain away something that is not even part of the original post instead of stating the obvious. Biden was checking his watch because he has a character flaw. What it is who knows, but the nation knows it's something. He looked apathetic and uninterested.

I'm not trying to explain it away. I admit Biden shouldn't have looked down at his watch in a ceremony for fallen soldiers. I know that it looks bad. 

Do I think it deserves to be front page news and is worthy of much attention? No, I don't think it does. 


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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Do I think it deserves to be front page news and is worthy of much attention? No, I don't think it does. 

People have full times jobs insuring little quirks like this are “front page news”.  POTUS would hopefully understand as much and at least attempt to focus and be present. Trump was and easy mark and Biden has always been there. 

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Sure was a lot of outrage when George HW Bush checked his watch during the debate. And he had a legit reason to check it since there was a time limit on responses. One gold star father said he checked it after every casket. Trump actually did casket transfer ceremonies numerous times and I don’t believe he tweeted or checked his watch during the ceremony. More fake news from Trump haters. 

Biden is clueless and pathetic. I know I didn’t want him and I’m pretty sure most of y’all don’t want him either now that you have seen him in action.

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17 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

. Trump actually did casket transfer ceremonies numerous times 


Trump attended 4 of the 96 "dignified transfer" ceremonies at Dover. Apparently Trump got berated by one of the soldiers families (similar to what Biden got here), and it rattled or annoyed Trump so much he stopped going and started sending VP Pence in his place. 

Trump constantly bragged about how many times he went and honored the soldiers, which it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Trump considered 4 to be a high number. 

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27 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

People have full times jobs insuring little quirks like this are “front page news”.  POTUS would hopefully understand as much and at least attempt to focus and be present. Trump was and easy mark and Biden has always been there. 

They are both easy marks. Both Trump and Biden make even Bush Jr look like a charismatic genius.  


I'm not over here pretending like Biden is an amazing president....hes not..I'm mostly lukewarm on him, but our political system gives us only  2 'real' options for president every 4 years and compared to Trump, Biden is and was the vastly better option flaws and all. 

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Biden has been a good president. But the exit from Afghanistan has been an epic own-goal.

Opinion by

I had the lowest expectations imaginable for former president Donald Trump, so I was never disappointed by anything he did. Appalled, yes; infuriated, frequently; disappointed, no. It’s different with President Biden. I voted for him not only because I figured he would be better than Trump — thereby clearing a bar that wasn’t even ankle-high — but also because I respected his long experience in government, his centrist track record and his humanity.

For the most part, he has lived up to my elevated expectations with his covid-19 stimulus package and bipartisan infrastructure bill, his rapid rollout of vaccines, his outreach to U.S. allies and his efforts to turn down the temperature on our overheated politics. The one big exception is the bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan — an own goal of epic proportions.

Biden defenders insist that he had no choice but to pull out, that the dismaying results aren’t his fault, that the withdrawal is actually a triumph because U.S. troops managed to evacuate more than 122,000 people. I don’t buy it. Yes, Trump left him in a bad spot, but in April, when Biden announced the pullout, the Afghan government still held every city, girls were still going to school, and the Kabul airport wasn’t mobbed by refugees. Now a barbaric movement that remains closely allied with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups is in control of a nation of some 39 million people.

Biden deserves credit for getting so many Afghans out, but many more — including students of the American University of Afghanistan — remain trapped in hell. “The thing that everybody needs to understand, even if you completely agree with the Biden administration’s decision to withdraw, the way they have handled this has been a total f---ing disaster,” Rep. Seth Moulton (Mass. ) — an honest Democrat — told New York magazine. “It will be measured in bodies, because a lot of people are dying because they can’t get out.”

What makes this disaster so infuriating is that it was entirely predictable. The U.S. military urged Biden to keep a small troop presence in Afghanistan and the intelligence community warned that a total pullout would lead to a Taliban takeover. President Barack Obama acceded to those concerns, and refused to withdraw U.S. troops before he left office. But Biden didn’t listen. He wanted to get out of Afghanistan in the worst way, and he did.

This again raises questions of Biden’s judgment that had been put to bed during his nearly flawless presidential campaign. In years past, “Uncle Joe” had become a figure of fun in Washington not only because of his logorrhea but also because of his many wrong calls: e.g., opposing the 1991 Gulf War and supporting the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In 2020, his competence, his caring and his commitment to U.S. international leadership were his calling cards. All three C’s are now called into doubt by his exit from Afghanistan.

No doubt Biden figured that he would have political cover for a risky decision because most of the public favored a withdrawal — and Trump had set it in motion. It’s hard to imagine how such a veteran politico (he has been in federal office for 44 of the past 48 years) could have been so naive. Biden disastrously underestimated the fickleness of the public and the cynicism and opportunism of Republicans, and now he is paying the political price. In the FiveThirtyEight.com polling average, Biden’s approval rating fell for the first time below 50 percent on Aug. 16 — the day after the Taliban marched into Kabul.

The good news is that it’s still Biden’s first year in office, and he has plenty of time to recover. Other presidents have bounced back after setbacks such as the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, the 1993 “Black Hawk Down” incident in Somalia, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the 2011 Libya intervention. Trump actually won more votes in 2020 than in 2016 after more than 230,000 Americans died during his mishandling of a pandemic.

The bad news is that the political pain of Afghanistan could get worse. Imagine what would happen if there were a major terrorist attack emanating from Afghanistan, especially on U.S. soil. It wouldn’t even have to be as bad as 9/11 to be deeply damaging to Biden and the Democrats.

Candidate Trump received a big boost from the Dec. 2, 2015, massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., when a husband and wife of Pakistani ancestry who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State gunned down 14 people. Trump’s xenophobic response — he called “for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” — established his brand as a politically incorrect outsider who would keep the United States safe.

That Trump set the withdrawal from Afghanistan into motion won’t stop him and other Republicans from shamelessly blaming Biden for all the consequences of the withdrawal. Heck, they’re doing it already — and their attacks could sway middle-of-the-road voters. The U.S. exit has already extinguished democracy in Afghanistan. Given the increasingly authoritarian tenor of the Republican Party, it could now imperil democracy at home, too.


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7 hours ago, creed said:

Biden was checking his watch because he has a character flaw.

He kept checking it because he has a memory flaw which is a better reason that a character flaw. The problem is that it makes him look like he has somewhere else to be at the time. He looks lost in his eyes. It's the lost look I saw in my mother's and mother-in-law's eyes as they regressed with Alzheimer's. I noticed it last week during a press conference.  Maybe he's looked like that before but frankly I don't watch him on TV often. I'm not saying this to be critical or cruel at this point because there's enough of that going on. I just think he's genuinely lost at times. Age is cruel. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 7:41 AM, creed said:

During the remembrance of the fallen Biden decided to check his watch. What a foolish thing to do. Is he ADHD or just plain stupid? If you're a current or past military member how does this lack of attention from you leader and chief make you feel?

it was a bad look but we know he meant nothing by it. i imagine as the most powerful man of the free world he probably had pressing situations he has to handle in a timely manner. but please trumpers biden will never be the pic trump was so lets not stretch things here.............

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17 hours ago, gr82be said:

He kept checking it because he has a memory flaw which is a better reason that a character flaw. The problem is that it makes him look like he has somewhere else to be at the time. He looks lost in his eyes. It's the lost look I saw in my mother's and mother-in-law's eyes as they regressed with Alzheimer's. I noticed it last week during a press conference.  Maybe he's looked like that before but frankly I don't watch him on TV often. I'm not saying this to be critical or cruel at this point because there's enough of that going on. I just think he's genuinely lost at times. Age is cruel. 

This BS about senility is getting tiresome.  And that's all it is.  BS

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12 minutes ago, homersapien said:

This BS about senility is getting tiresome.  And that's all it is.  BS

Then what is wrong with him? Serious question......

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31 minutes ago, homersapien said:

This BS about senility is getting tiresome.  And that's all it is.  BS

So you do not see him as robotic or detached at times? Not being snarky. He often seems to struggle yet fine in some situations. Of course he has always had awkward ways.

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5 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

it was a bad look but we know he meant nothing by it. i imagine as the most powerful man of the free world he probably had pressing situations he has to handle in a timely manner. but please trumpers biden will never be the pic trump was so lets not stretch things here.............

Fifty you post that you are equal when it comes to critiquing your own party along with the republicans but this one takes the cake. How was anything more important than honoring our fallen heroes? A picture paints a thousand words and this one is not a good read on the president. Remember the Andre Agassi quote "image is everything".

P.S. Also, If something was pressing there is a vice president that can fill in, but to me the VP has been MIA. What's going on?

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1 hour ago, wdefromtx said:

Then what is wrong with him? Serious question......


Certainly nothing psychologically, which is a lot more than you can say about the last guy.

Serious response.

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