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House riot panel turns focus to Trump


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Susan Ferrechio

Thu, August 26, 2021, 10:00 PM

In this article:

A House panel created to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol has turned its focus to former President Donald Trump, who Democrats and some Republicans blame for inciting the attack by claiming the 2020 election was rigged.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat who heads the committee, made clear his intention to investigate the former president earlier this week when he issued a sweeping request for executive branch documents.

The inquiry includes delving into Trump’s “mental stability” and “fitness for office” in the days following the election when the former president was attacking the election results as illegitimate.

Thomson is asking for thousands of pages of documents from eight agencies, including the Defense Department, the Justice Department, and the FBI, seeking information related to the “run-up” of the Jan. 6 attack.

The request for information was also sent to the National Archives and Records Administration, which maintains presidential records.

The 12-page request seeks documents and communications from dozens of Trump White House officials and his family relating to the former president challenging the election results, his plan to hold a rally near the Capitol on Jan. 6, and allegations that Trump’s own administration considered deeming him unfit for office and removing him in the weeks ahead of President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

“Our Constitution provides for a peaceful transfer of power, and this investigation seeks to evaluate threats to that process, identify lessons learned and recommend laws, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations necessary to protect our republic in the future,” Thompson wrote to David Ferriero, the U.S. archivist who controls the records.

The panel’s pivot to Trump confirms GOP fears that the select committee would be utilized to go after the former president and Republicans to damage the party ahead of the critical midterm elections.

Trump is expected to play an outsize role in the election by endorsing and campaigning for congressional candidates. Republicans are just a few seats shy of reclaiming the House majority from Democrats and suspect the party of using the committee as a tool to gain an advantage over the GOP.

“It’s kind of amusing to me of how political they will go with this,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican.

Thompson, who is the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, told reporters this week that the panel will also seek records from lawmakers, presumably Republicans whom Democrats accuse of either inciting the rioters or facilitating their access to the Capitol, none of which has been proven.

“They come for members of Congress,” McCarthy warned. “They're coming for everybody.”

Republicans and Democrats have been at odds over a post-riot investigation ever since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a plan to form an independent commission slanted heavily with Democratic appointees who would be authorized with subpoena power.

The California Democrat eventually changed the format to be a bipartisan commission. Still, it never won a GOP buy-in, partly because Republicans wanted to expand the scope of the investigation to include other violent protests.

Senate Republicans blocked a House-passed commission, leading Pelosi and Democrats to pass a House-only committee unilaterally, and it is now made up of mostly Democratic lawmakers.

Pelosi appointed Republican Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, two Trump foes who have also criticized McCarthy for not leading the party away from the former president.

The riot committee held its inaugural hearing on July 27. It featured emotional testimony from law enforcement officers who fended off rioters who pushed their way into the Capitol on Jan. 6 following a rally led by Trump several blocks away.

Trump called on the crowd to protest the certification of Biden’s electoral victory, which was taking place in the House and the Senate.

Democrats and some Republicans blame the president for public statements ahead of and during the rally for putting their lives in danger.

Thompson’s records request seeks more tangible evidence that Trump, his family, and other administration officials played more of a role in facilitating the attack or trying to “delay, halt, or otherwise impeded the electoral count.”

The request seeks all documents related to planned protests, security at the Capitol, and a comment Trump made on Sept. 29 calling on the far-right group Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

Democrats have accused Trump of sending some kind of signal to the group during the September presidential debate.

“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” Trump responded to a question about white extremists. “But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the Left because this is not a right-wing problem.”

While Democrats hone in on Trump, House Republicans say Pelosi is steering the committee away from taking a closer look at how throngs of protesters were able to overwhelm the D.C. Metropolitan Police and the Capitol Police so quickly and flood the Capitol while lawmakers were in session.

Republicans believe Pelosi was warned about the threat level but rejected an offer from the National Guard and did not take appropriate action to train and equip police to protect the building. However, the responsibility was shared with then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.

“Apparently, they don’t want that information,” McCarthy said.


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27 minutes ago, homersapien said:

About time.

Apparently most Republicans are content to let Trump establish the norm of a POTUS rejecting the results of a legitimate election.

Only for their candidates though*


If Obama had done and said what Trump did in trying to overturn an election, we would have literally been on the verge of civil war.


If the Right is willing to attack Congress when it's their own president trying to overturn the election, just imagine the rage and actions they'd take if a Democratic Black man had tried to do the same. 

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18 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

If the Right is willing to attack Congress when it's their own president trying to overturn the election, just imagine the rage and actions they'd take if a Democratic Black man had tried to do the same. 

And it might've been even worse were it Hillary. Hard to tell if it's misogyny or racism that gets them the most aroused. 

Either way, Karen's gonna be demanding to speak to the manager. 

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Did I miss something?  I think everyone forgot 2017 - 2020.  It must be something that is intentionally being forgotten.   I could’ve sworn that everyone claimed that the election was a fraud.   
Leading up to and During the inauguration of 45, people were walking with not my president signs and already claiming that fraud took place.   Did the right dream this up?  I guess it never happened, my bad.  

“Protest” during the summer of 2020 caused millions of dollars of damage with little to no recourse.   Many police officers were killed and injured.  The videos of the protesters are on film for everyone to see yet there doesn’t appear to be the same outrage as when the protesters conducted the same behavior at the capital.  Now a group of police officers want to act like it was the end of the world, claim racism and seek litigation against groups and the former president.   Did you see any other police department go after BLM or other groups and get as much publicity?  I can answer,  no.   
It’s all political yet some on here don’t care to see it.   The entire system sucks yet some on here think the right is worse than left.   How about we all become independent and think and do for ourselves.   Have personal responsibility.   

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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

Did I miss something?  I think everyone forgot 2017 - 2020.  It must be something that is intentionally being forgotten.   I could’ve sworn that everyone claimed that the election was a fraud.   
Leading up to and During the inauguration of 45, people were walking with not my president signs and already claiming that fraud took place.   Did the right dream this up?  I guess it never happened, my bad.  

“Protest” during the summer of 2020 caused millions of dollars of damage with little to no recourse.   Many police officers were killed and injured.  The videos of the protesters are on film for everyone to see yet there doesn’t appear to be the same outrage as when the protesters conducted the same behavior at the capital.  Now a group of police officers want to act like it was the end of the world, claim racism and seek litigation against groups and the former president.   Did you see any other police department go after BLM or other groups and get as much publicity?  I can answer,  no.   
It’s all political yet some on here don’t care to see it.   The entire system sucks yet some on here think the right is worse than left.   How about we all become independent and think and do for ourselves.   Have personal responsibility.   

No they don’t see it. The rules don’t apply to them. It’s different because they are righteous and we are racists bigots misogynists and homophobes. You did not dream it.

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On 8/28/2021 at 6:58 AM, aubaseball said:

Did I miss something?  I think everyone forgot 2017 - 2020.  It must be something that is intentionally being forgotten.   I could’ve sworn that everyone claimed that the election was a fraud.   
Leading up to and During the inauguration of 45, people were walking with not my president signs and already claiming that fraud took place.   Did the right dream this up?  I guess it never happened, my bad.  

“Protest” during the summer of 2020 caused millions of dollars of damage with little to no recourse.   Many police officers were killed and injured.  The videos of the protesters are on film for everyone to see yet there doesn’t appear to be the same outrage as when the protesters conducted the same behavior at the capital.  Now a group of police officers want to act like it was the end of the world, claim racism and seek litigation against groups and the former president.   Did you see any other police department go after BLM or other groups and get as much publicity?  I can answer,  no.   
It’s all political yet some on here don’t care to see it.   The entire system sucks yet some on here think the right is worse than left.   How about we all become independent and think and do for ourselves.   Have personal responsibility.   

What in hell does any of this have to do with Trump not accepting the results of the election and by doing so, inciting a seditious resurrection??    :dunno:

And Trump has yet to accept the truth, which keeps the sedition pot boiling. It's a direct threat to our democracy. Black citizen's grievances - which are real - have nothing to do with this.

This is just a bunch of emotional partisan mewling that is totally irrelevant to the topic.

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On 8/28/2021 at 5:58 AM, aubaseball said:

Did I miss something?  I think everyone forgot 2017 - 2020.  It must be something that is intentionally being forgotten.   I could’ve sworn that everyone claimed that the election was a fraud.   

Well, Ironically, it was Trump himself before the 2016 election that was claiming the election would be rigged against him, that Dead democrats vote in mass, and that he wouldn't concede defeat if he lost... (any of this sound familiar)....keep in mind this was before his 1st election win. Republicans thought the 2016 election would be rigged against them...till they won....then they suddenly were very confident in the results and process. 


Leading up to and During the inauguration of 45, people were walking with not my president signs and already claiming that fraud took place.   

Most of the "Notmypresident" stuff was from left leaning people who were very upset that the U.S. had elected a pervert, misogynistic, sexual assaulter to to be president. 


Did the right dream this up?

They do most of their beliefs and facts...so probably so. 


“Protest” during the summer of 2020 caused millions of dollars of damage with little to no recourse.


Many were arrested for property damage and looting 


  Many police officers were killed and injured.  

Many? No. 



The videos of the protesters are on film for everyone to see yet there doesn’t appear to be the same outrage as when the protesters conducted the same behavior at the capital.

A band of people looting a Target in Portland doesn't trigger the same national response that people looting the Capitol of the federal government does...you are correct...this shouldn't be surprising. 



It’s all political yet some on here don’t care to see it.  

Everyone know this event was political...of course it's all political. The reason the Jan6 attack happened in the first place was political. That's why the people and politicians who encouraged the attack on America needs to be held accountable.  


The entire system sucks yet some on here think the right is worse than left.   How about we all become independent and think and do for ourselves.   Have personal responsibility.   

This is a very ironic statement because you are arguing that you believe that the "Right" shouldn't be held accountable for Jan6 and Trump, because you say you don't believe that the "Left" was held properly accountable for the Summer protests. 

You say "Personal Responsibility!!!!", while also in the same breath saying, "They're all the same, political system sucks...don't hold anyone accountable until you are willing to hold everyone accountable for everything ever done at the exact same time...its silly


Also as a side note, being an "independent thinker" DOE NOT mean you can't view one side as being worse than the other in context of certain actions and beliefs. The whole "both sides are the same" is a eyerolling observation normally reserved for people who pay no attention to politics and have no clue what's going on, but need something to say when someone else bring politics up in conversation. 

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On 8/28/2021 at 2:24 PM, McLoofus said:

It is profoundly stupid to compare the post-2016 reaction to what has happened since trump lost the election. Profoundly stupid.

i hate to break it to jj and aubaseball but arrests  were made with the looters from black lives matter.. .... .....

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On 8/30/2021 at 10:57 AM, CoffeeTiger said:

Also as a side note, being an "independent thinker" DOE NOT mean you can't view one side as being worse than the other in context of certain actions and beliefs. The whole "both sides are the same" is a eyerolling observation normally reserved for people who pay no attention to politics and have no clue what's going on, but need something to say when someone else bring politics up in conversation. 

Nor does being an independent thinker mean going against popular thought on principle. This is why I tend to call certain people "flat earth thinkers". You're arguing against a position for any number of reasons other than you having any legitimate reason whatsoever to believe that it's invalid.

You are not skeptical. You have conjured a completely ridiculous conclusion and you will die trying to find ways to arrive at it. Unfortunately, many such people are inadvertently contributing to the deaths of others in their endeavor.

And you're right about the both sides-ism normally applying to the mis- and uninformed. However, there are a few otherwise intelligent people who feel a closer connection to the furthest right than they do to the nearest left, and therefore will look for every opportunity to apologize for them no matter how blatantly irresponsible and dangerous the behavior. You see it on here regularly.

You see it from the left, too, but that brings us back to the point. Y'all save those hard ons for when a sitting Democratic POTUS incites a terrorist attack by Democrat voters on our nation's capitol while Congress is in session. When that happens, it's open season. Until then y'all best sit the **** down, shut the **** up, start thinking about where it all went wrong, and start working your way back towards the light. We can't wait to welcome you back.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i hate to break it to jj and aubaseball but arrests  were made with the looters from black lives matter.. .... .....

As usual a partial truth from fiddy.  Maybe arrests were made on a very small scale for optics, followed by no charges being filed, and bail arranged by none other than the current sitting VP.  So yeah that was all legit.

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8 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

As usual a partial truth from fiddy.  Maybe arrests were made on a very small scale for optics, followed by no charges being filed, and bail arranged by none other than the current sitting VP.  So yeah that was all legit.

i am gonna need a link on harris letting the rioters go.

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27 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Most of that money probably went to a PAC that lined someone’s pockets based on the charity she is trying to get people to donate to. 

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18 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Watch out, showing something that flies in the face of their reality might cause a melt down.    They want to act like I agree with what the people did on January 6.   They believe that just because you may have voted for Trump, you are a rioter.  
They believe when Trump says that in 2016 the election is rigged that he literally believes it’s rigged.   He couldn’t have been using sarcasm or trying to get someone to vote for the person that’s never held office over career politicians?  The man constantly uses this to sway opinion.   


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On 9/1/2021 at 10:21 AM, McLoofus said:

Until then y'all best sit the **** down, shut the **** up, start thinking about where it all went wrong, and start working your way back towards the light. We can't wait to welcome you back.

...and this is the sort of inflammatory, trifling and non-productive coda that pretty much nullifies any sort of point you were trying to make. "Go sit in the corner until you've repented of your wrongthink?"

Uh-uh. No, sir.

Implicitly declaring oneself as morally superior isn't any way to try to influence folks. It's more likely to do the opposite.

2016 flashback: 'Member what happened when folks got referred to as a "basket of deplorables"? I 'member. Even if one concedes that HRC was right, why would you say that out loud? All she did was throw gas on the fire.

Now, if your post was a venting post, then mission accomplished, I suppose.

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12 hours ago, SLAG-91 said:

...and this is the sort of inflammatory, trifling and non-productive coda that pretty much nullifies any sort of point you were trying to make. "Go sit in the corner until you've repented of your wrongthink?"

Uh-uh. No, sir.

Implicitly declaring oneself as morally superior isn't any way to try to influence folks. It's more likely to do the opposite.

2016 flashback: 'Member what happened when folks got referred to as a "basket of deplorables"? I 'member. Even if one concedes that HRC was right, why would you say that out loud? All she did was throw gas on the fire.

Now, if your post was a venting post, then mission accomplished, I suppose.

Lol. Goodness, no, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. And please with that tired "trump is meanie libs' faults" business.

Appeals to reason have long since proven futile and, once again, coddling these idiots and validating their clearly false equivalencies and dangerous notions has been quite the opposite of productive. 

PS- Attempted patronizing isn't really an effective technique for winning friends and influencing others, either.


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