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Harsin Zoom Presser 8/25


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2 hours ago, Didba said:

What a horrible take.  Your first sentence might be one of the "daftest" things I have ever read on here.


Just because people aren't college head coaches they can't comment on the stupidity of a decision?


Oh wait, I almost forgot that you are one of the oldest and worst trolls on these forums. 


"stay in your damn lane"... what a joke.

Since you're a little slow, I'll explain it out for you very simply:

What was questioned in this case as "STUPID" was a coach-to-player interaction. A literal conversation between the head coach, and one of his players. Alas, we have Joe Schmo from the internet to opine on what is or isn't "STUPID" for a head coach to ask one of his own players, coming from someone who has never been a college head coach or been tasked with developing relationships with players on a football team.

This is NOT a case wherein the starting QB throws 5 picks in a game and the backup never gets brought in, in which case it is perfectly reasonable to question that coaching decision because it defies common sense. This situation relates entirely to interpersonal relationships, that are HIGHLY specific to a very specialized "workplace" environment. What the head coach of a football team does or doesn't ask his players is up to his own damn judgments. Do you know how many college players Bryan Harsin has directly interacted with? How many players he's built relationships with? For some jackass on the internet to pretend like they know what the "right" or "wrong" questions to ask in a scenario they have never been in is absolutely comical. Harsin has his own reasons to question whatever the hell he wants to question. These types of probing questions are asked all the time in football, and as I said in my first post, ~50% of the NFL Combine is outright grilling players on questions/decisions no different from this one. If anything, Harsin is giving Wooten a great practice run, because he'll be asked the same damn question by any NFL team that interviews him.

Claiming that this was a "STUPID" question because Wooten made a Twitter post about the situation is absolute comedy. Oh, he made a Twitter post - that answers everything! Like I said before, perhaps he wanted to TEST how well he handles uncomfortable questions? Perhaps he wants to test how calm and collected he can be? Perhaps he wants to see if this is a player that can be presented to the media, wherein uncomfortable or baiting questions might be brought up? Have you considered that players LIE? The fact that he made a "Twitter statement" means all of about nothing. Regardless of what his actual intention was, for an outsider to come out and act as a defacto expert on what a college head coach should or shouldn't be asking their OWN players - you know, the ones that they see and interact with on an almost daily basis, is the definition of stepping outside one's lane.


Absolutely comical we have people on here suggesting that Harsin has the moral power to force his players to get vaccinated or face punishment, but apparently he's not allowed to ask them what thought process went into their decision to voluntarily not play football for a year.

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2 hours ago, Didba said:

For as long as I have seen him on these forums going back to 2010 he has been one.

Wait wait wait.

So you've been on these boards since 2010, and know that I've been "trolling" since that time (LOL)....and yet you're posting on an account that was registered in December 2020? An account with only 54 posts?

Why aren't you on your main account?

Did you get banned?

Or are you posting on an alternate account LMAO?

Who is the actual "troll" here, Mr. Alternate Account?

Why is it that the dumbest, most unaware clowns choose to try to "test" me on here? 

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2 hours ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

doesn't weird represent Auburn happenings though

Social , awkward weirdness. Not I have paranoid delusions weird.

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57 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I'm so tired of the Thursday hate. Thursday has always represented weekdays with class. Wednesday and Friday *love* having Thursday between them. Also, can you name one other day of the week that Thanksgiving falls on? Didn't think so. If you would just give Thursday a few more hours, it would get itself turned around. 

Feel free to pine after Friday all you want, but be careful what you wish for. Chances are it'll be more like a Monday or a Tuesday. 

Here, here!

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55 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Thaco Thursday: Taco Tuesday, except drunker

I endorse this whole heartedly.  One might hold back on a Tuesday because its so early in the work week but by Thursday evening you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  No one wants to be miserable on a Wednesday but a Friday?  You weren't going to work that hard anyway and besides, its the weekend!

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1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

Thaco Thursday: Taco Tuesday, except drunker

This kind of talk is what's wrong with this country. I will eat my tacos on whatever day i choose just like it says in the Constitution and you will not stop me. Taco Tuesday was invented by the government so they could keep all the tacos to themselves all those other days I read that on a real internet website plus my neighbor's hair cutting lady worked at a mexican restaurant so i think i know how tacos work. 

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9 minutes ago, cbo said:

This kind of talk is what's wrong with this country. I will eat my tacos on whatever day i choose just like it says in the Constitution and you will not stop me. Taco Tuesday was invented by the government so they could keep all the tacos to themselves all those other days I read that on a real internet website plus my neighbor's hair cutting lady worked at a mexican restaurant so i think i know how tacos work. 

I will keep my opinions to myself because I don't want to violate your hippo.

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3 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I will keep my opinions to myself because I don't want to violate your hippo.

Oh thanks i hadn't even thought of that i do not want to violate hippppppo, the 8th commandment. 

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14 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I will keep my opinions to myself because I don't want to violate your hippo.

See this is what I mean. Thanks for causing me to click , read every page on my own volition and not learn a single new thing about Auburn football. Mods can we lock this thread so I can go back to not posting again? Thanks [yellow font]

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1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

Thaco Thursday: Taco Tuesday, except drunker

It's Thirsty Thursday, I'm about to head that way now...

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1 minute ago, rexbo said:

It's Thirsty Thursday, I'm about to head that way now...

Spotted cows for me tonight

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19 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

Curious if your friend hates him as much as you do.  😁

I don't really hate the nickster as in wishing him bodily harm.  I just cannot tolerate fake-ness, hypocrisy, cheating, lying, gigantic egos,misogynists and  full blown narcissism. I also think he's harmed college football beyond repair. I have total disdain for him and bammer, and I find the worship and butt kissing beyond disgusting because he's a horrible man.. My friend never discusses it because it's in his best interests if he doesn't.  His mother, however, would spit in lil'nicky's face if she wasn't 5 inches taller than him.......lol. 

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6 minutes ago, Tigerbelle said:

I don't really hate the nickster as in wishing him bodily harm.  I just cannot tolerate fake-ness, hypocrisy, cheating, lying, gigantic egos,misogynists and  full blown narcissism. I also think he's harmed college football beyond repair. I have total disdain for him and bammer, and I find the worship and butt kissing beyond disgusting because he's a horrible man.. My friend never discusses it because it's in his best interests if he doesn't.  His mother, however, would spit in lil'nicky's face if she wasn't 5 inches taller than him.......lol. 

That's still a possibility -- gravity, you know.  

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1 minute ago, AUloggerhead said:

That's still a possibility -- gravity, you know.  

 She is about 6'1. It might be tough. I know this because I was a nanny during the summers when I was in college.  The 3 kids in my charge were all gifted spitters when they had fights with each other. It takes some talent and finesse to hit your target square in the face.....lol.

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14 hours ago, SRBautigerfan said:

Breaking News on a more serious note...  😂

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 6.04.41 PM.png


Finally, we’ll all be safe!

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19 hours ago, Didba said:

I'll start... I wish it was Friday therefore it must be so?  Did it work?

well it is friday now so get yo freak on!

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20 hours ago, metafour said:

Since you're a little slow, I'll explain it out for you very simply:

What was questioned in this case as "STUPID" was a coach-to-player interaction. A literal conversation between the head coach, and one of his players. Alas, we have Joe Schmo from the internet to opine on what is or isn't "STUPID" for a head coach to ask one of his own players, coming from someone who has never been a college head coach or been tasked with developing relationships with players on a football team.

This is NOT a case wherein the starting QB throws 5 picks in a game and the backup never gets brought in, in which case it is perfectly reasonable to question that coaching decision because it defies common sense. This situation relates entirely to interpersonal relationships, that are HIGHLY specific to a very specialized "workplace" environment. What the head coach of a football team does or doesn't ask his players is up to his own damn judgments. Do you know how many college players Bryan Harsin has directly interacted with? How many players he's built relationships with? For some jackass on the internet to pretend like they know what the "right" or "wrong" questions to ask in a scenario they have never been in is absolutely comical. Harsin has his own reasons to question whatever the hell he wants to question. These types of probing questions are asked all the time in football, and as I said in my first post, ~50% of the NFL Combine is outright grilling players on questions/decisions no different from this one. If anything, Harsin is giving Wooten a great practice run, because he'll be asked the same damn question by any NFL team that interviews him.

Claiming that this was a "STUPID" question because Wooten made a Twitter post about the situation is absolute comedy. Oh, he made a Twitter post - that answers everything! Like I said before, perhaps he wanted to TEST how well he handles uncomfortable questions? Perhaps he wants to test how calm and collected he can be? Perhaps he wants to see if this is a player that can be presented to the media, wherein uncomfortable or baiting questions might be brought up? Have you considered that players LIE? The fact that he made a "Twitter statement" means all of about nothing. Regardless of what his actual intention was, for an outsider to come out and act as a defacto expert on what a college head coach should or shouldn't be asking their OWN players - you know, the ones that they see and interact with on an almost daily basis, is the definition of stepping outside one's lane.


Absolutely comical we have people on here suggesting that Harsin has the moral power to force his players to get vaccinated or face punishment, but apparently he's not allowed to ask them what thought process went into their decision to voluntarily not play football for a year.

There's So Much More To You Than You Know. Not Just Pain And Anger. There's Good, Too. I Felt It. And When You Can Access All Of That, You'll Possess A Power No One Can Match. Not Even Me.

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1 minute ago, Metafart said:

There's So Much More To You Than You Know. Not Just Pain And Anger. There's Good, Too. I Felt It. And When You Can Access All Of That, You'll Possess A Power No One Can Match. Not Even Me.

This site has not made me this happy in a very, very long time. 

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10 minutes ago, Metafart said:

There's So Much More To You Than You Know. Not Just Pain And Anger. There's Good, Too. I Felt It. And When You Can Access All Of That, You'll Possess A Power No One Can Match. Not Even Me.


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