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2nd Scrimmage News & Reports....


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3 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

There were a lot of reports from the 1st scrimmage, that even despite the negatives being reported, that as a whole all the QBs looked a lot better.  Everyone is improving.  So that's def good.

The only legit report I've seen, posted on Page 1, had this to say.

"[Bo] stepped up into the pocket nicely. Never seen him step up like that. O Line has a lot of work still. But thought Bo looked good against 1s and 2s. Gave me hope."

There have also been a few reports of Bo throwing the ball better down field.

There's zero chance Bo will become Joe Burrow next year, but maybe he's 65%, actually completes passes downfield at a good rate, and only bails from the pocked half as much as he did.  There are some "good" reports on Bo and all the other QBs.  I just seems like they are being drowned out b/c he also made 1 or 2 mistakes in a scrimmage.  We can't let perfect be the enemy of good.

Finely has the best arm on the team, but it seems the OL is making it much harder on him b/c he doesn't have the escapability of Bo/DD. (See, we're blaming the OL for his struggles too).  Finley's biggest issue last year was not handling a rush/bad OL...that's usually expected from a TrFr QB.  He'll get his chance to play a lot week 1 and 2.  If we still get bad Bo in week 3 on the road, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get some more game action if he looks good in live action.

Ok.....all that's cool. I answered the guys question about a controversy. I don't think anybody really asked about the stuff you are talking about. 

We're pretty much at a point where the QB's need to start being consistent in every thing they do. All the QB's

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Just now, DAG said:

And this is also why it is important for everyone to get reps. DD missed valuable reps yesterday because he is in protocol. But it’s no big deal I suppose. 

I'd hope the other see DD and Hunter missing and take some action on self responsibility so that doesn't happen to them.

Same goes for the coaches, but we'll see if Harsin changes his opinion.  He skipped the zoom presser with the media, but not sure if that's b/c he didn't want to answer questions or b/c they don't have the media set up at his home

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Just now, cole256 said:

Ok.....all that's cool. I answered the guys question about a controversy. I don't think anybody really asked about the stuff you are talking about. 

We're pretty much at a point where the QB's need to start being consistent in every thing they do. All the QB's

It's a comment on your last sentence.

It does appear they are getting more consistent.  There have been reports to that.  All of them.  They are never going to be perfect, there will be mistakes.  I know you're not saying that, but there is some good in reports outside the 1/2 negatives that happened for Bo/TJ.  We're going to have negatives each game.

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Just now, W.E.D said:

I'd hope the other see DD and Hunter missing and take some action on self responsibility so that doesn't happen to them.

Same goes for the coaches, but we'll see if Harsin changes his opinion.  He skipped the zoom presser with the media, but not sure if that's b/c he didn't want to answer questions or b/c they don't have the media set up at his home

Everybody needs to be accountable is my point. I don’t care if they are Auburn men. They all are there together so they are all Auburn men. You can’t preach something and then go missing in action. As you can see I am not at all impressed by the things that transpired the last 24 hours lol. Quite frankly it is hard to even consider this scrimmage to be productive in my eyes. We going to see if these guys truly are resilient to adversity like that , which is being preached.


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Just now, DAG said:

Everybody needs to be accountable is my point. I don’t care if they are Auburn men.

Agree, I think the Auburn men thing is a cop out by some.

1 minute ago, DAG said:

As you can see I am not at all impressed by the things that transpired the last 24 hours lol. Quite frankly it is hard to even consider this scrimmage to be productive in my eyes.

Yeah, we agree.  I've been really annoyed about the views towards covid from Harsin.  It's really the sole thing that I have against him and I've really liked him so far.  It's just bad leadership.  Now we're missing our HC and DC, at least 2 players, had a practice or three without Hamm and Troxall.....and somehow we need to get our OL settled but can't b/c we constantly have to rotate b/c kids are sick.

It's just going to get worse if action isn't taken. 

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4 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Bless your heart, that never happened.


There hasn't been a single game yet, so nothing has come to pass.  My entire stance this entire time is I think Bo can continue to improve and he'll be the starter game 1 and TJ would not start.  TJ isn't going to start and we've had some reports of Bo getting better....learning from actual good coaching.

We'll see if that translates to a game.  

This board was around before you joined. EVERYTHING came to pass, when he came out of high school I pointed out the accuracy issues. When I saw him play his first few games I pointed out the fundamental issues, over his first off season I talked about the most important things was his getting to himself and working on things like footwork and stuff as that is what his challenge would be. Second year after an inconsistent year I talked about it again and that's when you show up. I tried to explain to you how he was behind in that area and it's all about reps and consistency.  You did what you do and argued it and a month later bobo does an interview and say everything I was saying to you that you argued about. It's about him doing the fundamentals over and over. It all goes back to that with him. And here we are now. I said that Bo would start but because of where he's at with his fundamentals the gap would be closer between him and tj than it should. And here we are now where it's closer because they are making the same mistakes and the coaches are waiting on consistency.

Been right every step of the way

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8 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

It's a comment on your last sentence.

It does appear they are getting more consistent.  There have been reports to that.  All of them.  They are never going to be perfect, there will be mistakes.  I know you're not saying that, but there is some good in reports outside the 1/2 negatives that happened for Bo/TJ.  We're going to have negatives each game.

I know that, missed throws drops all of that, but interceptions. No the coaches are wanting to see no interceptions thrown. Every practice the coaches are expecting no turnovers so pick 6's in goal line situations o guarantee pissed Harsin off. You don't have to argue things like perfection with me. I know that, some mistakes are more vital than others though.

I'm always more than happy to talk football more in depth as far as expectations and stuff but once again when I did that with you regarding Bo and the fundamentals you became upset

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12 minutes ago, DAG said:

Everybody needs to be accountable is my point. I don’t care if they are Auburn men. They all are there together so they are all Auburn men. You can’t preach something and then go missing in action. As you can see I am not at all impressed by the things that transpired the last 24 hours lol. Quite frankly it is hard to even consider this scrimmage to be productive in my eyes. We going to see if these guys truly are resilient to adversity like that , which is being preached.


I said it too, and agree I don't take too much away from the scrimmage, too much was going on. Guys made mistakes and guys did stuff well. Move on and everybody get better imo

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Just now, cole256 said:

I said it too, and agree I don't take too much away from the scrimmage, too much was going on. Guys made mistakes and guys did stuff well. Move on and everybody get better imo

Yep as you put it, it was discombobulated. To me, it was a waste of precious time, which we don't have a lot of time left.  Now others on other threads don't think this is a big deal, but will be the first on here complaining that we have the wrong guy, once we look like dog crap against Akron. 

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5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

you became upset

Again, quit lying. Leap

5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Every practice the coaches are expecting no turnovers so pick 6's in goal line situations o guarantee pissed Harsin off.

Sure, but it's going to happen. No coach is going to be happy with picks. But we as fans, not coaches, can look at that and understand that an interception or 1 other negative play might nit be indicative of the whole.

If Bo starts this whole season he's going to make bad plays, he's going to throw picks, he's gonna bail from a clean pocket. 

But can he do it less than he did year 1 and 2? Well see. If he doesn't he'll likely get replaced.

We aren't disagreeing, I'm talking a macro level, and you're focusing on a micro level 

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4 minutes ago, DAG said:

once we look like dog crap against Akron

Well get a lot of "the most improvement you make in a season is between game one and two"

Maybe that'll be true with a new staff but it shouldn't have been in years past when we had a consistent coaching staff.

There will be a ton of over reaction from bit sides, IMO. 

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2 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Well get a lot of "the most improvement you make in a season is between game one and two"

Maybe that'll be true with a new staff but it shouldn't have been in years past when we had a consistent coaching staff.

There will be a ton of over reaction from bit sides, IMO. 

I honestly don't care about the score. I just want to see people do the little things right with competent play. However, everyone needs to be on one accord going into the game. Let's pray we get everyone back soon.

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6 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Again, quit lying. Leap

Sure, but it's going to happen. No coach is going to be happy with picks. But we as fans, not coaches, can look at that and understand that an interception or 1 other negative play might nit be indicative of the whole.

If Bo starts this whole season he's going to make bad plays, he's going to throw picks, he's gonna bail from a clean pocket. 

But can he do it less than he did year 1 and 2? Well see. If he doesn't he'll likely get replaced.

We aren't disagreeing, I'm talking a macro level, and you're focusing on a micro level 

You say lying but you just randomly made a post making up me saying random stuff and it just coincidentally happens to be about the very subject that you didn't care about before.....lol ok.

And I don't even know what you are saying with all the other stuff, what I do know is just like bobo said in his interview they are wanting consistency. And that's it

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2 minutes ago, DAG said:

I honestly don't care about the score. I just want to see people do the little things right with competent play. However, everyone needs to be on one accord going into the game. Let's pray we get everyone back soon.

People are going to have to get the anxiety and butterflies out and get to it and hopefully there's a sense of comfort that comes with that.

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2 minutes ago, DAG said:

I honestly don't care about the score. I just want to see people do the little things right with competent play. However, everyone needs to be on one accord going into the game. Let's pray we get everyone back soon.

The only re6i care about the score is bc I want whom ever the back up is to to get legit time. If it's 20-10 maybe that doesn't happen....shut maybe it does bc they need to be pulled.

I think we'll get everyone back that is currently out. What I'm worried about is if someone gets covid in the next 5 days they'll be ineligible for game 

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

The only re6i care about the score is bc I want whom ever the back up is to to get legit time. If it's 20-10 maybe that doesn't happen....shut maybe it does bc they need to be pulled.

I think we'll get everyone back that is currently out. What I'm worried about is if someone gets covid in the next 5 days they'll be ineligible for game 

I've already accepted that is going to happen. 

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

what I do know is just like bobo said in his interview they are wanting consistency

No one, especially me, has ever argued otherwise. Kdk what happened before I joined, but my opinion on Bo is he's been bad and cen get better with legit coaching. 

We've seen reports that Bo has gotten better, macro. We've seen statements that he threw a pick, micro. 

Both are accurate. 

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14 minutes ago, DAG said:

Yep as you put it, it was discombobulated. To me, it was a waste of precious time, which we don't have a lot of time left.  Now others on other threads don't think this is a big deal, but will be the first on here complaining that we have the wrong guy, once we look like dog crap against Akron. 

Yeah it's weird, I get the feeling as if people aren't realizing how close the season is. This effects conditioning, timing, habits, everything. Soon we need to be at a point where we are reacting off of instinct as opposed to still being confused or making bad mistakes. We are needing to be a machine very very soon

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4 minutes ago, DAG said:

I've already accepted that is going to happen. 

It'll be funny to watch the reactions change once it effects wins/losses

Imo it already has.i think PSU is winnable. Missing Srs on the OL and our HC/DC are putting that in jeopardy....personal decision though to hurt your team!!

Edited by W.E.D
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Just now, W.E.D said:

It'll be funny to watch the reactions change once it effects wins/losses

Imo it already has.i think PSU is winnable. Missing Srs on the OL and our HC/DC are putting that in jeopardy....

I think all of our non-conference games are winnable. I am not afraid of PSU like some seem to be. In fact all the pressure will be on them tbh. It will be the perfect "welcome to the show" Auburn like game, especially with them having the #1 recruiting class and national tv. 

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3 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

No one, especially me, has ever argued otherwise. Kdk what happened before I joined, but my opinion on Bo is he's been bad and cen get better with legit coaching. 

We've seen reports that Bo has gotten better, macro. We've seen statements that he threw a pick, micro. 

Both are accurate. 

Ok I guess? I don't know what you want or anything. All I know I said all the QB's need to get more consistent and that's what the coaches would be looking at this time of year. And you keep replying talking while you say you're not arguing......ok? No way? I don't know what reply you want I can't do anything but say as far as the consistent stuff that's what's being evaluated and actually everybody but just the qb, but at the same time especially the QB has to keep leveling up

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2 minutes ago, DAG said:

I think all of our non-conference games are winnable. I am not afraid of PSU like some seem to be. In fact all the pressure will be on them tbh. It will be the perfect "welcome to the show" Auburn like game, especially with them having the #1 recruiting class and national tv. 

They were awful last year. Worse than us.

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Ok I guess? I don't know what you want or anything. All I know I said all the QB's need to get more consistent and that's what the coaches would be looking at this time of year. And you keep replying talking while you say you're not arguing......ok? No way? I don't know what reply you want I can't do anything but say as far as the consistent stuff that's what's being evaluated and actually everybody but just the qb, but at the same time especially the QB has to keep leveling up

 I'm not arguing when I'm retyping bc you said you didn't understand 

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12 hours ago, cole256 said:

It's easy to read what I said and read the posts and see exactly what I'm talking about

I didn't really see anything in the thread prior to that absolving Bo of mistakes. 

5 hours ago, W.E.D said:

He's saying it is all Bo's fault. Bo is bad. Let's move on. No reason to talk about other players who are also bad bc it's all Bo's fault

Bo can be bad as can the WRs, the OL, the RBs, the TEs, the Defense, the kickers. 

This notion that calling out mistakes of one player or position absolves another from their mistakes is crazy. They are not mutually exclusive as you said in another post. Same goes with talking about the previous staff's part of blame on players' development. 


All in all, I have been really hard on Bo the last year. It sounds like progress is being made. I do think people need to set a realistic expectation of what that progress should look like. 

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5 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

I didn't really see anything in the thread prior to that absolving Bo of mistakes. 

Bo can be bad as can the WRs, the OL, the RBs, the TEs, the Defense, the kickers. 

This notion that calling out mistakes of one player or position absolves another from their mistakes is crazy. They are not mutually exclusive as you said in another post. Same goes with talking about the previous staff's part of blame on players' development. 


All in all, I have been really hard on Bo the last year. It sounds like progress is being made. I do think people need to set a realistic expectation of what that progress should look like. 

I think there needs to be a realistic expectation of the season.   Football was bad last year and the same people are back (except the coaching).   If I were to guess, I would say Auburn is in for a losing season.   Auburn doesn’t have the players to compete against the better teams.   

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