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2nd Scrimmage News & Reports....


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2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

Maybe, but we're still missing 2 critical weeks of fall

Missing? Did we stop practicing? Did we stop having scrimmages?

It will be ok. Some were out earlier, some are out now. Coaches were still swapping players in and out.

Let's see how and who we line up during game week. And yes it is still Akron. This team will be ready and we will have our best out there for when we go to Penn St....

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3 hours ago, W.E.D said:

He's saying it is all Bo's fault. Bo is bad. Let's move on. No reason to talk about other players who are also bad bc it's all Bo's fault

I've asked you a couple of times to stop lying and misquoting me. I won't ask again

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24 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

Who cares if anyone hates Bo. He's QB1. 

Also, all this scrimmage "Intel" needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt. Bo will start against Akron. That's almost a certainty. I'm saving my criticism for what I actually see on the field. 

But that's the thing, if you have criticism it will be hate. If you really think about it when have you read a post and thought to yourself this is just hate this poster make claims that aren't nowhere near reality. I am pretty thorough reading the football forum of this board and I can think of only a couple of posters that made me think they are just against Bo.

Certainly nobody in this thread or any recent threads has anything been posted to even warrant anybody saying man people want Bo to fail. But that's where we are at. I feel like some of that stuff could be directed at me and who has been closer to me as far as evaluating Bo? In this thread I simply said everything is discombobulated I wouldn't take anything from this practice and hold it against anybody but when Bo make a mistake don't blame it on everybody else.......

That was labeled as Bo hate and everything is Bo's fault. But nobody will call those people out.

I know you don't want to argue with people and stuff and I'm not pulling you into anything. I know you are a reasonable dude so to your original question who cares if anyone hates Bo, it's as clear as day nobody does. 

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7 minutes ago, cole256 said:

But that's the thing, if you have criticism it will be hate. If you really think about it when have you read a post and thought to yourself this is just hate this poster make claims that aren't nowhere near reality. I am pretty thorough reading the football forum of this board and I can think of only a couple of posters that made me think they are just against Bo.

Certainly nobody in this thread or any recent threads has anything been posted to even warrant anybody saying man people want Bo to fail. But that's where we are at. I feel like some of that stuff could be directed at me and who has been closer to me as far as evaluating Bo? In this thread I simply said everything is discombobulated I wouldn't take anything from this practice and hold it against anybody but when Bo make a mistake don't blame it on everybody else.......

That was labeled as Bo hate and everything is Bo's fault. But nobody will call those people out.

I know you don't want to argue with people and stuff and I'm not pulling you into anything. I know you are a reasonable dude so to your original question who cares if anyone hates Bo, it's as clear as day nobody does. 

A lot of back and forth on this board would cease if people didn't spend time worrying about what other people think of them. 

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Obviously, the intel we get is probably inconsistent. It seems that both QB's had their moments, but it seems that neither has run away with the job at this point from what we've heard. At least that's how I've interpreted it, may be wrong. My question is, and I'm not trying to start arguments here, is are we transitioning from a QB competition to a QB controversy? It's getting late in camp, and I'm just getting a little worried we'll have a divided locker room over this again. I, like others, just want the best guy to win. I'm taking a rational approach, but I do wish it seemed more clear at this point

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16 minutes ago, cole256 said:

But that's the thing, if you have criticism it will be hate.  

They can be similar,  but criticism and hate are not the same.   


Having a vendetta against a 20 year old kid to back up an opinion is not the same as constructive criticism. 

It is a fine line between the two.




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25 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

A lot of back and forth on this board would cease if people didn't spend time worrying about what other people think of them. 

I take exception to that. Why do you hate me?

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3 hours ago, W.E.D said:

I guess this is bc Tank recovered both of his?

One of them was a bad toss.

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51 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I've asked you a couple of times to stop lying and misquoting me. I won't ask again

I didn't misquote you.  There are no quotes in my post.

hope that helps

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2 minutes ago, Quietmaninthecorner said:

They can be similar,  but criticism and hate are not the same.   


Having a vendetta against a 20 year old kid to back up an opinion is not the same as constructive criticism. 

It is a fine line between the two.




They are definitely different but many get confused and say they are the same. Of course the only way to really come to a consensus is there would have to be some example to look at. I think you'd be hard pressed to find on this forum a person with a vendetta against him.

On this board literally every QBbefore him has been criticized more than Bo. And criticism doesn't have to be constructive, it just need to be accurate. As far as constructive I wouldn't think many on here would know how to fix the problems of a qb

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56 minutes ago, steeleagle said:

Missing? Did we stop practicing? Did we stop having scrimmages?

It will be ok. Some were out earlier, some are out now. Coaches were still swapping players in and out.

Let's see how and who we line up during game week. And yes it is still Akron. This team will be ready and we will have our best out there for when we go to Penn St....

Yes.  Our Head Coach and DC not being physically present means nothing.

Why don't they coach via Zoom more often if that's the case?

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

I didn't misquote you.  There are no quotes in my post.

hope that helps

You should look up the definition. You said he's saying blah blah blah when I didn't say any of the things you said I did. 

Your shtick is stale and old

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1 minute ago, cole256 said:

You should look up the definition. You said he's saying blah blah blah when I didn't say any of the things you said I did. 

Your shtick is stale and old

There is no shtick.  I'm not even trying to have a conversation with you.

If you'd like to quote any of my posts ITT about the scrimmage or QB performance or how Bo can't be what he's been, please feel free to stay on topic

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8 minutes ago, au302 said:

Obviously, the intel we get is probably inconsistent. It seems that both QB's had their moments, but it seems that neither has run away with the job at this point from what we've heard. At least that's how I've interpreted it, may be wrong. My question is, and I'm not trying to start arguments here, is are we transitioning from a QB competition to a QB controversy? It's getting late in camp, and I'm just getting a little worried we'll have a divided locker room over this again. I, like others, just want the best guy to win. I'm taking a rational approach, but I do wish it seemed more clear at this point

Yeah, I think we all wish someone would have just dominated and out right won the job.  Or that all are performing well.  With our defense we just need a game manager behind center this season and not a high risk, high reward performer.  A take what the defense gives him kind of guy.

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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

They are definitely different but many get confused and say they are the same. Of course the only way to really come to a consensus is there would have to be some example to look at. I think you'd be hard pressed to find on this forum a person with a vendetta against him.

On this board literally every QBbefore him has been criticized more than Bo. And criticism doesn't have to be constructive, it just need to be accurate. As far as constructive I wouldn't think many on here would know how to fix the problems of a qb

I mostly agree.   

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Just now, W.E.D said:

There is no shtick.  I'm not even trying to have a conversation with you.

Well don't mention me. I stopped conversing with you a while ago and even when people caught on and called you out I didn't say anything because I don't really want any interactions.

Cool don't speak to me but you damn sure don't speak for me. I say EVERYTHING that I want so I don't need you making up things that you feel you want me to say

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Just now, Quietmaninthecorner said:

I mostly agree.   

Cool. I myself haven't seen anybody do the things you said , but I have seen people get upset when someone points out things Bo may not do well, but I could have missed it. 

But as far as this thread and the conversations about no I didn't even see anybody criticize him, people just reported that he was up and down and threw a pick. Which pretty much is the same report after every scrimmage

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22 minutes ago, au302 said:

Obviously, the intel we get is probably inconsistent. It seems that both QB's had their moments, but it seems that neither has run away with the job at this point from what we've heard. At least that's how I've interpreted it, may be wrong. My question is, and I'm not trying to start arguments here, is are we transitioning from a QB competition to a QB controversy? It's getting late in camp, and I'm just getting a little worried we'll have a divided locker room over this again. I, like others, just want the best guy to win. I'm taking a rational approach, but I do wish it seemed more clear at this point

Imo it couldn't be a controversy because all the QB's are performing the same. DD made a little noise by outperforming the other guys but he got sick and couldn't build on that. 

The overall concern is that all the QB's have to get more consistent.

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4 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I stopped conversing with you a while ago


4 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Cool don't speak to

Pick one and stick with it.  You replied to me.  I'm fine having conversations with you here.

Bo isn't perfect.  He's going to deal with having an underperforming offensive line and young WRs who seem to be a little inconsistent at times.  People can talk about both, they aren't mutually exclusive.  Just b/c someone talks about an entire situation doesn't necessarily mean anyone is giving Bo a pass.

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Just now, W.E.D said:


Pick one and stick with it.  You replied to me.  I'm fine having conversations with you here.

Bo isn't perfect.  He's going to deal with having an underperforming offensive line and young WRs who seem to be a little inconsistent at times.  People can talk about both, they aren't mutually exclusive.  Just b/c someone talks about an entire situation doesn't necessarily mean anyone is giving Bo a pass.

No it's not pick one. Like I said I haven't been saying anything to you but since you decided to do your usual and lie and make up stuff I addressed the situation because it's me you are lying about. Now that I addressed it we can continue not interacting but if you make up stuff and lie and say I said things I didn't say I will address that head on. 

And that's it. Not trying to talk circles and all of that. I'm not interested in talking to you about Bo because when I explained to you things that you didn't have an understanding you took offense personally. After that coach boBo said EVERYTHING I said to you verbatim. 

Every step of the way EVERYTHING I've said about has come to pass. I've been accurate every step of the way so I don't need to have back and forths. That would be dumb. We don't have to interact just don't lie on me, and we won't have any issues. That's the choice that you need to pick. Not me. I've never made up things that you said

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5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Imo it couldn't be a controversy because all the QB's are performing the same. DD made a little noise by outperforming the other guys but he got sick and couldn't build on that. 

The overall concern is that all the QB's have to get more consistent.

There were a lot of reports from the 1st scrimmage, that even despite the negatives being reported, that as a whole all the QBs looked a lot better.  Everyone is improving.  So that's def good.

The only legit report I've seen, posted on Page 1, had this to say.

"[Bo] stepped up into the pocket nicely. Never seen him step up like that. O Line has a lot of work still. But thought Bo looked good against 1s and 2s. Gave me hope."

There have also been a few reports of Bo throwing the ball better down field.

There's zero chance Bo will become Joe Burrow next year, but maybe he's 65%, actually completes passes downfield at a good rate, and only bails from the pocked half as much as he did.  There are some "good" reports on Bo and all the other QBs.  I just seems like they are being drowned out b/c he also made 1 or 2 mistakes in a scrimmage.  We can't let perfect be the enemy of good.

Finely has the best arm on the team, but it seems the OL is making it much harder on him b/c he doesn't have the escapability of Bo/DD. (See, we're blaming the OL for his struggles too).  Finley's biggest issue last year was not handling a rush/bad OL...that's usually expected from a TrFr QB.  He'll get his chance to play a lot week 1 and 2.  If we still get bad Bo in week 3 on the road, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get some more game action if he looks good in live action.

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He is an Auburn man. Lol. The whole team are Auburn men. Everybody needs to step up and do their best. Period. They all had terrible coaching last year . They all are supposedly getting better coaching. So it’s time to stop blaming the coaching last year (this will only get you so far). Being an Auburn man, will get you cut at the next level if you don’t show up. So QBs need to stop doing the same ridiculous. Offensive linemen need to get more consistent . WRs need to run crisp routes and make the necessary catches. RBs need to not fumble. So the basics 

Hate? Lmao. True hate was 2011 when mofos were talking crazy to Kiehl Frazier dad on here. Literally disrespecting the man and his child. On a personal level that has nothing to do with football. That is hate. Nobody is getting hated on, on this forum. That is just ridiculous to say otherwise. 

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

you took offense personally.

Bless your heart, that never happened.


3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

very step of the way EVERYTHING I've said about has come to pass

There hasn't been a single game yet, so nothing has come to pass.  My entire stance this entire time is I think Bo can continue to improve and he'll be the starter game 1 and TJ would not start.  TJ isn't going to start and we've had some reports of Bo getting better....learning from actual good coaching.

We'll see if that translates to a game.  

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Just now, W.E.D said:

Bless your heart, that never happened.

Lol. Of course. You're doing your best to not address how you lied. But like I said it's cool. Just don't say I said things that I didn't say

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And this is also why it is important for everyone to get reps. DD missed valuable reps yesterday because he is in protocol. But it’s no big deal I suppose. 

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