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Chances Harsin gives his post scrimmage presser via zoom from home??


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10 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

The great Cameron Newton looked like a bum (and it hurts me to say that) for almost two months after getting it, multiple NBA players have said (and had performances backing it) that they couldn’t perform anywhere near capacity, but everyone in great shape just does their two little weeks and is magically back to normal right?? It’s just like a cold!!!!

Yeah. I know, was being sarcastic. 

I'm sure a brand new coach will be OK coaching through zoom for the 2 weeks leading up to the season 

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2 minutes ago, 3rdgeneration said:

Do we know for a fact that Harsin is not vaccinated? A lot of people are inferring that he’s not, but who on here knows for sure?

No. Everybody makes assumptions based on the fact that he advocates for individual's right to choose. Same thing happens here if someone says they believe people have the right to choose they all of a sudden get labeled an anti-vaxer or worse.

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5 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

If wasn’t vaccinated, and it appears he wasn’t, he’s too stupid to be a head SEC coach.

I knew I’d get some thumbs down from the pro-COVID, “ma freedoms!” Crowd.

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4 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

As far as I know he’s been completely deferential/neutral. From media days and the few times Auburn brass has had it in them to re-surface the topic.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.al.com/auburnfootball/2021/08/bryan-harsin-auburn-has-improved-team-covid-vaccination-numbers-entering-fall-camp.html%3foutputType=amp He’s had great lip service in toeing the line on the issue, although I do legitimately believe that he recognizes that having guys vaccinated is at least a football advantage. Past that…who knows

That's what I thought. Seems people in the state can't really listen to the coach over the medical professionals when Harsin hasn't really given advice on the issue either way. He hasn't gone against the medical professionals at all. In fact, I believe at media days he said that the medical professionals were educating the team, which he obviously would have to authorize

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3 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

No. Everybody makes assumptions based on the fact that he advocates for individual's right to choose. Same thing happens here if someone says they believe people have the right to choose they all of a sudden get labeled an anti-vaxer or worse.

I don't know anyone who has said vaccines should be forced or that people don't have a right to choose. But what no one has a right to choose is to endanger someone else. A person can choose to smoke cigarettes & endanger her or his own lungs, but that person can't choose to smoke in an indoor public space & endanger others' lungs. A person can choose to drink alcohol, but he or she can't choose to drink & drive because they don't get to choose to endanger other people. The same thing applies to vaccines. A person can choose not to be vaccinated, but she or he can't choose to endanger other people. So, they should stay home, wear a mask when out & socially distance. As far as I'm concerned, someone also doesn't have the right to choose to endanger the hard work a team puts into their season (see NC State at the CWS). That's putting "I" before team, & nearly every coach I've ever heard preaches against such an attitude. But I'm not sure about our coach. Troubles me.

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7 minutes ago, TigerTennis80 said:

I don't know anyone who has said vaccines should be forced or that people don't have a right to choose. But what no one has a right to choose is to endanger someone else. A person can choose to smoke cigarettes & endanger her or his own lungs, but that person can't choose to smoke in an indoor public space & endanger others' lungs. A person can choose to drink alcohol, but he or she can't choose to drink & drive because they don't get to choose to endanger other people. The same thing applies to vaccines. A person can choose not to be vaccinated, but she or he can't choose to endanger other people. So, they should stay home, wear a mask when out & socially distance. As far as I'm concerned, someone also doesn't have the right to choose to endanger the hard work a team puts into their season (see NC State at the CWS). That's putting "I" before team, & nearly every coach I've ever heard preaches against such an attitude. But I'm not sure about our coach. Troubles me.

Universities across the country are actively trying to force it, even public ones. The rest of your statement makes, and I say this carefully, no sense. I could see what you're saying if someone who tested positive for Covid and was ordered to quarantine for 10 days made the decision to break quarantine and go around others, willfully exposing them. However, to compare not getting vaccinated to drunk driving is downright laughable and ludicrous

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21 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Yeah. I know, was being sarcastic. 

I'm sure a brand new coach will be OK coaching through zoom for the 2 weeks leading up to the season 

I was being sarcastic too 😷 some thing got lost in translation there 

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1 minute ago, au302 said:

Universities across the country are actively trying to force it, even public ones. The rest of your statement makes, and I say this carefully, no sense. I could see what you're saying if someone who tested positive for Covid and was ordered to quarantine for 10 days made the decision to break quarantine and go around others, willfully exposing them. However, to compare not getting vaccinated to drunk driving is downright laughable and ludicrous

You have had to have vaccinating records to go to school for years. I distinctly remember having to get a few shot before I went to Auburn. Nobody has ever had a problem with it. 

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15 minutes ago, au302 said:

That's what I thought. Seems people in the state can't really listen to the coach over the medical professionals when Harsin hasn't really given advice on the issue either way. He hasn't gone against the medical professionals at all. In fact, I believe at media days he said that the medical professionals were educating the team, which he obviously would have to authorize

He and his stance wouldn’t be the problem in an ideal situation. There’s places where a coach can be a coach and be neutral…I don’t know if that place is in the SEC.

Even if he is allowing others to do that job, I really think he’s going to have to take an aggressive stance over a passive one. Deviating a bit, our campus was one of the 10 worst anywhere with cases this time last year (at its peak). And we still had some mitigating restrictions then. WIDE open now. More virulent strain. I am fearful that with the rather obvious set up for something to go wrong here, that something will 

Hopefully I’m proven wrong though. 

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5 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

You have had to have vaccinating records to go to school for years. I distinctly remember having to get a few shot before I went to Auburn. Nobody has ever had a problem with it. 

Correct. He had said that he didn't know anyone calling for mandatory shots, and I was just providing one example in my response.

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11 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I just wanna know, why is it that Auburn is one of the teams that can’t get their sh*t together? If every SEC team was in this boat, I’d just assume it was a cultural thing. But Lane, Kirby and Nick have their kids 100%. Those are the same kids from the same demographics and hometowns as our guys. So it’s not a cultural thing. It’s a failure on the part of our university, athletic dept, and coaching staff.

Scratch that. It’s not the athletic department. Auburn soccer just announced today that they’re 100%. Let’s see what other sports get there. Right now it’s the fault of the coaching staff. Specifically the head coach.

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The fact that Nick Saban has turned his football team into a micro opposite version of the state of Alabama is downright incredible and admirable. I’ll never trash talk that guy again. He’s setting his guys up for success in a state that generally does nothing but constantly fail. 

Bama always wins - Alabama nearly always loses

Bama 100% vaccinated - Alabama worst state for vaccines

Bama = well run and fine tuned machine

Alabama = chaotic mess and embarrassment, more often than not.

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14 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

You have had to have vaccinating records to go to school for years. I distinctly remember having to get a few shot before I went to Auburn. Nobody has ever had a problem with it. 

Your not correct. There always has been a work around for people who didn’t believe in vaccinations.

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36 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I knew I’d get some thumbs down from the pro-COVID, “ma freedoms!” Crowd.

God forbid we have to forfeit against Akron. I doubt it, of course, but the "MUH CHOICE!1" crowd will be very quiet if that happens.

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Just now, AUwent said:

God forbid we have to forfeit against Akron. I doubt it, of course, but the "MUH CHOICE!1" crowd will be very quiet if that happens.

No they won’t. They’ve stuck their flags in the ground. They’ll die on their hill. Sometimes quite literally.

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1 hour ago, W.E.D said:


There was a vaccine last season?

Getting the vaccine doesn’t exempt one from Covid protocol. Keep pushing your asinine narrative, though, Champ.

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Too bad our brilliant planner of a coach couldn't see this one coming. He should have read this message board where half of us predicted this inevitable outcome. 

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2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

Maybe you want to apologize considering my information was accurate...or just continue being a douche bag and die on that hill.

Get a life. You’ll thank me later.

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11 minutes ago, AUwent said:

God forbid we have to forfeit against Akron. I doubt it, of course, but the "MUH CHOICE!1" crowd will be very quiet if that happens.

The pussification of this thread is getting nauseating. 

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1 minute ago, cbo said:

Too bad our brilliant planner of a coach couldn't see this one coming. He should have read this message board where half of us predicted this inevitable outcome. 

If he was vaccinated, then whatever. But I have my doubts, as Loof said, given his attitude toward the subject.

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2 minutes ago, Swamp Eagle said:

Getting the vaccine doesn’t exempt one from Covid protocol. Keep pushing your asinine narrative, though, Champ.

If enough are vaccinated it certainly reduces the number and frequency of tests so many that might have caught it will not be sidelined because they won’t be tested. No tests, no protocols or tracing impacts.

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5 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Two weeks of fall camp with our head coach who makes north of $5 million sitting at home.

Christ, the abject stupidity.

And y'all know damned well he's not vaccinated. Cut that ridiculous crap out.

How would any of us know if he's vaccinated or not? It's very possible he is vaccinated but wants to keep his medical information private, which he has every right to do. The report also said he has no symptoms, which would make sense if he is vaccinated 

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