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Big Kat has words about AU


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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

All that is fine but the bottom line is when picking holes at the integrity of a view you can't ignore the original liars were the people making out how evil marijuana was. And that's validated.

But my point with bringing in valid research is that weed for the developing brain is evil.  It damages the brain so that life will be more difficult and more depressing.  We cannot ignore that, and the common theme is that weed is harmless.   I have this discussion daily with young patients, and their parents.  Alcohol is, as well, it's just that drinking alcohol daily takes a huge toll physically, and hard to hide, so it isn't abused as frequently as weed.  That's the beauty of weed to most young folks, they can use and not get caught like other drugs.   

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15 minutes ago, USATiger said:

Ok brother, it's all good.  Medical research has been my life since college, but you can believe the refuted studies, I'll believe the validated studies, which are the only ones I will ever reference.  

The study I mentioned, from the Uk, had 15k subjects with white being the predominant race.  The subjects were given a baseline around 14 y/o with f/u tests every few years, until their 30's.  Scores were only assessed individually.  As were the mental health assessments.  Race had absolutely no factor.  That was just one of many studies into effects of weed, but no need to continue that.  It's there for your perusal on pub med, NLM, etc.

For the record, I am not anti-weed, I wish all the money spent of fighting weed would've been spent on helping folks, especially kids, find happiness and enjoyment in life so drugs were a hinderance to success and not an outlet for escaping misery.  Anyway War Eagle brother! 

i know two iraq vets right now that are e3ncouraged to smoke it because of ptsd and i know for a fact it has helped them and one of them told me it saved his life because he was gonna be one of the 22. and by the way i smoke the hell out of it. and if i have any issues they are with how i was raised and the crap i went through and not smoking a joint.


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21 minutes ago, cole256 said:

This is actually a pretty complex convo, that is not going to go over well or be had here. She went overboard which will make it easy to disregard her are now it will be black people cry make stuff up and blame all problems on white people without cause.

As far as Bo's career so far there are things fishy. And he has been very privileged compared to others in the past. 

And there has always been racial undertones how black QB's are always said to not understand playbook and can't throw accurately as opposed to whites are really smart, hard workers, super accurate.

You can actually look at Bo and see all of this, but of course you know the outcome, I actually know for a fact there were problems and mumblings as far as the treatment of mw and jg in regards to that "competition" but like I said that would be a complex issue to talk about in a climate where even people that aren't racist prefers to not speak about it and feel that's holding a moral compass.

Of course that's my opinion besides things that were stated facts.

I don't think there are anything fishy wrt race. Gus has shown he's more than willing to start and push black QBs as starters. Even bad ones like Kodi/JJ/etc.

He might have been Gus's favorite, but it wasn't due to the color of his skin. And it's not like we've seen Gatewood leave and blow up like Malik did. I don't think Malik would be what he is now under Gus either. He's gotten elite coaching under Freeze, which he wouldn't have received 

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3 minutes ago, USATiger said:

But my point with bringing in valid research is that weed for the developing brain is evil.  It damages the brain so that life will be more difficult and more depressing.  We cannot ignore that, and the common theme is that weed is harmless.   I have this discussion daily with young patients, and their parents.  Alcohol is, as well, it's just that drinking alcohol daily takes a huge toll physically, and hard to hide, so it isn't abused as frequently as weed.  That's the beauty of weed to most young folks, they can use and not get caught like other drugs.   

also for the record i cannot take head meds because i cannot tolerate them as they change my personality and made me suicidal. my shrink told me to self medicate with marijuana and that is fact. not trying to start a fight i just wanted you to hear another viewpoint anyhoo back to out regular proram

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8 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

I don't think there are anything fishy wrt race. Gus has shown he's more than willing to start and push black QBs as starters. Even bad ones like Kodi/JJ/etc.

He might have been Gus's favorite, but it wasn't due to the color of his skin. And it's not like we've seen Gatewood leave and blow up like Malik did. I don't think Malik would be what he is now under Gus either. He's gotten elite coaching under Freeze, which he wouldn't have received 

I must have missed Gatewoid situation. I understood him to be in the mix but hasn’t secured a starting spot yet in Kentucky team.

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3 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

I don't think there are anything fishy wrt race. Gus has shown he's more than willing to start and push black QBs as starters. Even bad ones like Kodi/JJ/etc.

He might have been Gus's favorite, but it wasn't due to the color of his skin. And it's not like we've seen Gatewood leave and blow up like Malik did. I don't think Malik would be what he is now under Gus either. He's gotten elite coaching under Freeze, which he wouldn't have received 

It's not like Bo has blown up and really that's besides the point, and to say he's played black people before so there's nothing is moronic imo. You have the basketball and football coaches that has admitted and been fired for racist things and their team is mostly black  

Kodi was NEVER even considered to be a starting QB and jj was really just the same as SW, except he had a strong arm and would mess up and SW didn't have the arm and would mess up by not trusting his arm. 

As far as nothing fishy with the race I don't expect you to agree as we know your love. But like I said you can't hide stuff from the players and it was believed the players felt like jg won. But ok everybody knows it was close but magically Gus won't let jg even attempt to run the offense even with 20 point leads. They say Bo won it because of his grasp of the offense but here we are now knowing that he didn't run the offense he did what he was told. 

But anyway like I said a bunch of fishy stuff but I understand you don't think so and that's fine. I wouldn't imagine you would. But it's definitely some stuff that doesn't add up.

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2 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

also for the record i cannot take head meds because i cannot tolerate them as they change my personality and made me suicidal. my shrink told me to self medicate with marijuana and that is fact. not trying to start a fight i just wanted you to hear another viewpoint anyhoo back to out regular proram

Of course those 2 things can be true at the same time. A given med can help (your point) but there can be permanent side effects (his point). That's true of any medication so we need to consider the pros and cons which you both are doing.  

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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

You are entitled to your opinion but cam Newton's brother is or was on the team as well. That didn't get him into the QB competition race. This isn't about who you want or any of that. When objectively looking at the QB race there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't add up and a bunch of stuff that was covered up. Maybe you should think or look at those things before just making the proclamation it wasn't about race.

I know it's an anthem right now but as far as how QB's are evaluated nobody can deny that Bo certainly broke alot of trends out of the blue.....

Ok dude.  I won't mention that Willis is one of my sources for my conclusion as to why Bo was starting.  Like from his mouth to my ears type of source.  Gus very well may have made those conclusions as to what black QB's are capable of, so in that regard, you may be right that Gus decided not to start a black QB over a white QB.  I concede that Gus wasn't crazy about the "Gus needs a running QB for his offense to work" talk.  That could very well be his reason, which proves the point even more that the dude is a moron. 


I just know, from the convo's I had with those very close to the situation, Gus being the idiot he is, decided to start the kid who was pre-ordained Auburn QB at birth.   Gatewood and Willis never had a chance.  I believe the reason Gus didn't let Gatewood play more is then it would become obvious Gus screwed up the QB situation, and that he indeed needs and athletic QB to run his offense, regardless of race.  

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18 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

I don't think there are anything fishy wrt race. Gus has shown he's more than willing to start and push black QBs as starters. Even bad ones like Kodi/JJ/etc.

He might have been Gus's favorite, but it wasn't due to the color of his skin. And it's not like we've seen Gatewood leave and blow up like Malik did. I don't think Malik would be what he is now under Gus either. He's gotten elite coaching under Freeze, which he wouldn't have received 

Fully agree.  I think Gus has definitely shown this. You really it the nail on the head about Malik. People think just because he has blown up under CHF that he would have done the same had he stayed at AU. I highly doubt it. There is no way he would be where he is now as a QB if he had stayed under Gus. He would more than likely be worse than he was while he was here.

As for JG, I just haven't seen him do anything big at UK either so I honestly can't question the decision to go with Bo. I do have some harsh criticism for sticking with Bo, but that is a different story.

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15 minutes ago, USATiger said:

But my point with bringing in valid research is that weed for the developing brain is evil.  It damages the brain so that life will be more difficult and more depressing.  We cannot ignore that, and the common theme is that weed is harmless.   I have this discussion daily with young patients, and their parents.  Alcohol is, as well, it's just that drinking alcohol daily takes a huge toll physically, and hard to hide, so it isn't abused as frequently as weed.  That's the beauty of weed to most young folks, they can use and not get caught like other drugs.   

And that's fine that you hang your hat on that research. I don't. There are too many variables imo to even try to claim that the research is legit. Family history, social status, economic sustainability.....but I'm not downing it or your opinion but I don't agree with it, and don't think it's of some higher quality or anything like that.

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3 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:

Of course those 2 things can be true at the same time. A given med can help (your point) but there can be permanent side effects (his point). That's true of any medication so we need to consider the pros and cons which you both are doing.  

It makes me think are there any other things from the earth with these types of side effects. Are people that eat corn more susceptible to anxiety? Or if you eat tomatoes you limit your IQ?

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10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

also for the record i cannot take head meds because i cannot tolerate them as they change my personality and made me suicidal. my shrink told me to self medicate with marijuana and that is fact. not trying to start a fight i just wanted you to hear another viewpoint anyhoo back to out regular proram

Look, this whole discussion, has been about weed and the developing brain, not developed.  Also, many docs are idiots, just like the ones that refuse to use known and proven treatments for covid to help their patients.  But to your point, I would suggest trying CBD Delta 8's as an alternative to full strength THC if you haven't already.  There are definitely benefits with low level THC.  Anti-depressants are, in general, do much more harm than good.  

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

They say Bo won it because of his grasp of the offense but here we are now knowing that he didn't run the offense he did what he was told. 



1 minute ago, cole256 said:

And that's fine that you hang your hat on that research. I don't. There are too many variables imo to even try to claim that the research is legit. Family history, social status, economic sustainability.....but I'm not downing it or your opinion but I don't agree with it, and don't think it's of some higher quality or anything like that.


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4 minutes ago, cole256 said:

And that's fine that you hang your hat on that research. I don't. There are too many variables imo to even try to claim that the research is legit. Family history, social status, economic sustainability.....but I'm not downing it or your opinion but I don't agree with it, and don't think it's of some higher quality or anything like that.

Dude I have spent the past 20+ years treating young folks, I don't hang my hat on research, which is a good thing, btw.  We wouldn't have made gains medically without it, we'd all still be dying by the time we were 40.  Not deniable.  My positions are based on my job which is helping young folks with a multitude of illnesses, physical and mental.

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4 minutes ago, USATiger said:

Ok dude.  I won't mention that Willis is one of my sources for my conclusion as to why Bo was starting.  Like from his mouth to my ears type of source.  Gus very well may have made those conclusions as to what black QB's are capable of, so in that regard, you may be right that Gus decided not to start a black QB over a white QB.  I concede that Gus wasn't crazy about the "Gus needs a running QB for his offense to work" talk.  That could very well be his reason, which proves the point even more that the dude is a moron. 


I just know, from the convo's I had with those very close to the situation, Gus being the idiot he is, decided to start the kid who was pre-ordained Auburn QB at birth.   Gatewood and Willis never had a chance.  I believe the reason Gus didn't let Gatewood play more is then it would become obvious Gus screwed up the QB situation, and that he indeed needs and athletic QB to run his offense, regardless of race.  

Ok guy I won't mention that my aunt who raised me is literally the step mother from a player on the team and I sat down with him many occasions and he told me EVERYTHING he felt....AND a couple of times he was with other guys on the team. 

And I agree he didn't play jg because he didn't want people to say hey this guy is just as good.

And with that being said there were many many many QB's that weren't even afforded the opportunity to throw the ball

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24 minutes ago, cole256 said:

You are entitled to your opinion but cam Newton's brother is or was on the team as well. That didn't get him into the QB competition race. This isn't about who you want or any of that. When objectively looking at the QB race there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't add up and a bunch of stuff that was covered up. Maybe you should think or look at those things before just making the proclamation it wasn't about race.

I know it's an anthem right now but as far as how QB's are evaluated nobody can deny that Bo certainly broke alot of trends out of the blue.....

I know you said you don't think this is the appropriate place to talk about this topic so I'll respect that by staying away from the 2019 QB competition, but I think that at the very least, and I mean very least, Bo should have been benched during the Florida and LSU games. There's no way that JG or even Sandberg was not a better option during those times. 

I hope Bo becomes great, but I agree he's gotten a lot of favoritism so far. Honestly though, the best comparison for the treatment he's gotten is Stidham. Both Bo and Jarrett been here two years. Jarrett helps get us to the SEC championship and 10 wins. Objectively better quarterback than Bo in that time despite some poor play of his own, but a lot of people ready to run him outta town after those two years. He would stand very calmly on the sideline and people would claim he doesn't wanna be here and doesn't care, disconnected from the team, etc.

Bo, on the other hand, has to be held back on the sidelines while having a tantrum from his teammates and OC because he blames them after his mistakes, but we have people on here saying he's such a great leader, hard-worker, etc. The dude has gotten a lot of unwarranted passion, defense, and favoritism from this fan base. The reasons can be debated but it's true 

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1 minute ago, USATiger said:

Look, this whole discussion, has been about weed and the developing brain, not developed.  Also, many docs are idiots, just like the ones that refuse to use known and proven treatments for covid to help their patients.  But to your point, I would suggest trying CBD Delta 8's as an alternative to full strength THC if you haven't already.  There are definitely benefits with low level THC.  Anti-depressants are, in general, do much more harm than good.  

i agree with most of what you say. delta 8? i have tried it and i feel like i through my money away. my intent was not to argue at all but to show the flip side of what you are saying. the first time i got high i was fourteen or fifteen. i am sixtysix on the 16th and it has helped me tremendously over the years. and you might be right on developing brains so i was not trying to refute that. we are good as far as i am concerned.

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Just now, USATiger said:

Dude I have spent the past 20+ years treating young folks, I don't hang my hat on research, which is a good thing, btw.  We wouldn't have made gains medically without it, we'd all still be dying by the time we were 40.  Not deniable.  My positions are based on my job which is helping young folks with a multitude of illnesses, physical and mental.

Every reply is you trying to validate your opinion is greater than mine. You shouldn't waste your time with that. It's not. Hell I know guys that are literally nuclear scientist that smoke weed. I saw the smartest people in auburn's engineering program smoke habitually every single day. I just don't agree. It's ok you don't agree with me. Cool.

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3 minutes ago, au302 said:

I know you said you don't think this is the appropriate place to talk about this topic so I'll respect that by staying away from the 2019 QB competition, but I think that at the very least, and I mean very least, Bo should have been benched during the Florida and LSU games. There's no way that JG or even Sandberg was not a better option during those times. 

I hope Bo becomes great, but I agree he's gotten a lot of favoritism so far. Honestly though, the best comparison for the treatment he's gotten is Stidham. Both Bo and Jarrett been here two years. Jarrett helps get us to the SEC championship and 10 wins. Objectively better quarterback than Bo in that time despite some poor play of his own, but a lot of people ready to run him outta town after those two years. He would stand very calmly on the sideline and people would claim he doesn't wanna be here and doesn't care, disconnected from the team, etc.

Bo, on the other hand, has to be held back on the sidelines while having a tantrum from his teammates and OC because he blames them after his mistakes, but we have people on here saying he's such a great leader, hard-worker, etc. The dude has gotten a lot of unwarranted passion, defense, and favoritism from this fan base. The reasons can be debated but it's true 

Oh I'm a nobody on this forum. I can't tell anybody what to do. I just say and you will see later that you can't talk about these things here without people getting angry and calling for it to cease. But meanwhile something like covid or anything else political can go for like 50 pages. 

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1 minute ago, cole256 said:

Every reply is you trying to validate your opinion is greater than mine. You shouldn't waste your time with that. It's not. Hell I know guys that are literally nuclear scientist that smoke weed. I saw the smartest people in auburn's engineering program smoke habitually every single day. I just don't agree. It's ok you don't agree with me. Cool.

Again how much and how often did they smoke in their pre-teen and teen years?  That is my concern and my only point.  

Finally, If the QB competition was truly about race, that just adds another reason for me to despise Gus and I wouldn’t be surprised.   Gus’ good guy deal was a facade like Phil Mickelson. Lots of folks bought it though

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9 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Every reply is you trying to validate your opinion is greater than mine. You shouldn't waste your time with that. It's not. Hell I know guys that are literally nuclear scientist that smoke weed. I saw the smartest people in auburn's engineering program smoke habitually every single day. I just don't agree. It's ok you don't agree with me. Cool.

raises hand and nods, not a nuclear scientist but I smoked with them guys.  the only studies that have shown signs of "lowering intelligence" is in pre-teen and early teen years, which is the case with most things that should be used by adults.

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9 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i agree with most of what you say. delta 8? i have tried it and i feel like i through my money away. my intent was not to argue at all but to show the flip side of what you are saying. the first time i got high i was fourteen or fifteen. i am sixtysix on the 16th and it has helped me tremendously over the years. and you might be right on developing brains so i was not trying to refute that. we are good as far as i am concerned.

My philosophy has always been eat, drink and be merry.  The drinking part is the reason for a multitude of physical issues.  As soon as I get to where drug testing isn’t a thing, I will be eat, smoke and be merry.  😁

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1 minute ago, USATiger said:

Again how much and how often did they smoke in their pre-teen and teen years?  That is my concern and my only point.  

Finally, If the QB competition was truly about race, that just adds another reason for me to despise Gus and I wouldn’t be surprised.   Gus’ good guy deal was a facade like Phil Mickelson. Lots of folks bought it though

I think just saying it's about race is people making it too cut and dry. I don't believe Gus has ever said I'm not going to start you because you're black.

At the same time I can certainly see higher ups wanting Bo to start because he's white. I do think it's much much easier for a coach like Gus to not have any problems as far as not playing a QB. Just throw out that he's not understanding and he's not accurate trope and keep moving. I absolutely believe this.

And I absolutely know this guys mom didn't say that out of thin air. She repeated what she heard. Other colleges even negatively recruit against us with that sometimes. I'm just being honest, and not pretending that this stuff isn't apparent.

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14 minutes ago, cole256 said:

It makes me think are there any other things from the earth with these types of side effects. Are people that eat corn more susceptible to anxiety? Or if you eat tomatoes you limit your IQ?

Could be, you just never know. I do know I hate beets for some reason but that's another story. The scientists have been back and forth on eggs so many times it's hard to keep count.

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