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ok some of you right wing hypocrites...............


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all these years calling out anyone on the left that ever hit on a woman had to be removed from office. you guys {some} demanded chis hayes resign. same with al franklin. and it is my understanding one or both just flirted. now we have ol creepy matt gaetz who not only is sleeping with under age girls he has taken them across state lines and other things you guys would absolutely be frothing at the mouth to get rid of and get locked up would appear to be fine letting this little creepy s*** get away with it. where is your shame? but what else can we expect when you vote a thug and gangster who is also a crook into the presidency? i guess he is innocent like trump is with those 23 or more assault claims and hell i am not sure if any of those ladies have gotten their day in court. but it is a different story with gaetz right?   cuss and discuss..............

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this is gold................

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  • aubiefifty changed the title to ok some of you right wing hypocrites...............

How about we get a team together to investigate Gaetz and Biden at the same time. We have mountains of video and pictoral evidence of the fondler and smeller in chief as well as actual accusations by believable women who thought me too was a thing. I'll support that if you will fiddy.

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

How about we get a team together to investigate Gaetz and Biden at the same time. We have mountains of video and pictoral evidence of the fondler and smeller in chief as well as actual accusations by believable women who thought me too was a thing. I'll support that if you will fiddy.

i smell something bad in here.smells like..................bullsh*t. biden is not trying to bang those little girls. and for you to mention them both shows me what kind of person you are. why would you want to smear someone by even suggestion that? the one little girl was his grandkid who he was trying to comfort at her dads funeral. see you are still an idiot. you did not answer the original question you had to spin it. you were frothing at the mouth to get rid of those guys but you want an investigation on matt? this is why i wish you would just go away. you already voted for one of the biggest scumbags in the history of politics. but that is the way most of you trumpers operate. i expected better but now i have just given up.

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i smell something bad in here.smells like..................bullsh*t. biden is not trying to bang those little girls. and for you to mention them both shows me what kind of person you are. why would you want to smear someone by even suggestion that? the one little girl was his grandkid who he was trying to comfort at her dads funeral. see you are still an idiot. you did not answer the original question you had to spin it. you were frothing at the mouth to get rid of those guys but you want an investigation on matt? this is why i wish you would just go away. you already voted for one of the biggest scumbags in the history of politics. but that is the way most of you trumpers operate. i expected better but now i have just given up.

There are dozens of pictures of Biden fondling girls. Not his granddaughter.  Al Franken literally had a picture of himself fondling a female reporters breast on an air force jet. If you call that just flirting. Sorry to tell you this but you did not pose a question in your original post. As usual your responses are full of insults and very little substance, being generous.

 I'm sure you would love for me and my 75-80 million cohorts who voted for Trump to just go away.  Smearing? That would mean it wasn't true but it is true. He does fondle girls and sniff strange women's hair.  Look fiddy, Biden lied about his education, colleges, plagiarized his way through college and law school, and two primary election cycles where he got driven out of the race due to his plagiarism by the MSM. The only thing that makes him as hatable as Trump is his constant crowing that he is a devout catholic who just as devoutly supports abortion at any stage or after birth and same sex marriage despite the Catholic church's undeniable stance on those topics. 

Basically you throw spears at Trump supporters Christians conservatives republicans with all kinds of allegations that you have conjured up in your brain. It's childish and embarrassing.

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

How about we get a team together to investigate Gaetz and Biden at the same time. We have mountains of video and pictoral evidence of the fondler and smeller in chief as well as actual accusations by believable women who thought me too was a thing. I'll support that if you will fiddy.

Biden has been accused of sexual assault by one woman, who also happens to have a long history of going by different names, lying, and scamming people. There has never been any evidence at all put forth that her accusations against Biden ever happened.  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/15/tara-reade-left-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances-260771 


The other incidents involving Biden have never been accused of being illegal or assault but a lot of uncomfortable, and sexist, which is something Biden has had a problem with. He's always had an issue touching women on the head and shoulders when they didn't consent to it and he's had a problem of pushing his forehead against women when he talks to them. It's  inappropriate and Biden should never do it again, but nothing is illegal and no other woman has claimed Biden assaulted them. 


But if you think that a Republican who traffics underage girls around the country for sex, and a Democrat who gets to close to women when he talks to them are equal to each other then I don't know what to say 


Plus add to all this, you can't say a double standard exists because Trump was never really investigated for any of the dozens of sexual assaults and rapes he was accused of. 

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12 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Biden has been accused of sexual assault by one woman, who also happens to have a long history of going by different names, lying, and scamming people. There has never been any evidence at all put forth that her accusations against Biden ever happened.  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/15/tara-reade-left-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances-260771 


The other incidents involving Biden have never been accused of being illegal or assault but a lot of uncomfortable, and sexist, which is something Biden has had a problem with. He's always had an issue touching women on the head and shoulders when they didn't consent to it and he's had a problem of pushing his forehead against women when he talks to them. It's  inappropriate and Biden should never do it again, but nothing is illegal and no other woman has claimed Biden assaulted them. 


But if you think that a Republican who traffics underage girls around the country for sex, and a Democrat who gets to close to women when he talks to them are equal to each other then I don't know what to say 


Plus add to all this, you can't say a double standard exists because Trump was never really investigated for any of the dozens of sexual assaults and rapes he was accused of. 

You speak as if Gaetz trafficking underage girls around the country is fact. Is it? Or because your side says it it has to be true? Like Russia was true? Ukraine? Biden was the only one who extorted Ukraine for money. Not Trump. You think nobody would be aggressively investigating Gaetz if all this was true? Is it possible it is more of the same lies from the left intended to discredit a small time rep who is being too effective?  Call me back when Bob Menendez goes to jail and we can talk.

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4 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

You speak as if Gaetz trafficking underage girls around the country is fact. Is it? Or because your side says it it has to be true? Like Russia was true? Ukraine? Biden was the only one who extorted Ukraine for money. Not Trump. You think nobody would be aggressively investigating Gaetz if all this was true? Is it possible it is more of the same lies from the left intended to discredit a small time rep who is being too effective?  Call me back when Bob Menendez goes to jail and we can talk.

so to hell with the girls matt trafficked? i got you. bob does not have a damn thing to do with matt and the fact you would throw that little girl under the bus shows your true colors. oh and his friend turned on him and has given or will give testimony so maybe matt will get his. and as far as bob goes if he trafficked little girls i hope he gets his as well. damn shame you cannot sack up and say it about matt. but the repubs are nothing more than crooks and nationalists with a few decent republicans left hanging in the lurch.

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11 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

all these years calling out anyone on the left that ever hit on a woman had to be removed from office. you guys {some} demanded chis hayes resign. same with al franklin. and it is my understanding one or both just flirted. now we have ol creepy matt gaetz who not only is sleeping with under age girls he has taken them across state lines and other things you guys would absolutely be frothing at the mouth to get rid of and get locked up would appear to be fine letting this little creepy s*** get away with it. where is your shame? but what else can we expect when you vote a thug and gangster who is also a crook into the presidency? i guess he is innocent like trump is with those 23 or more assault claims and hell i am not sure if any of those ladies have gotten their day in court. but it is a different story with gaetz right?   cuss and discuss..............

Fidy, as someone who cares and trying to help, stop this nonsense. You sound like you hit the bong a couple times, sat on it and now it's half up your a$$. Just stop.

Nobody on the left here called out Joe, Chris, Al or Bob. Same with Matt on the right. It's politics. 

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