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so how many of you boys and girls


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are going down that dark highway and voting for trump again in 24? dunna be shy.

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I would vote him first off the island maybe. Nothing else. I have never liked trump, not one second since 1987. I didnt like him while the American Media was slobbering on his knob either. Hated his BS business deals, his filing for bankruptcy over and over and over again. his showing young men that "successful a**holes" cheat on their wives and GFs all the times etc. Hated his reality show. Hated him in the movies. I could go on and on. 

From the extremely little i read from the CPAC commentators: trump is a lead pipe synch to run again in 2024 and if he runs, he gets the nomination. IMHO, nothing short of health issues is going to stop him from running.   

I have never voted for him, never would, never will.

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11 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I would vote him first off the island maybe. Nothing else. I have never liked trump, not one second since 1987. I didnt like him while the American Media was slobbering on his knob either. Hated his BS business deals, his filing for bankruptcy over and over and over again. his showing young men that "successful a**holes" cheat on their wives and GFs all the times etc. Hated his reality show. Hated him in the movies. I could go on and on. 

From the extremely little i read from the CPAC commentators: trump is a lead pipe synch to run again in 2024 and if he runs, he gets the nomination. IMHO, nothing short of health issues is going to stop him from running.   

I have never voted for him, never would, never will.

he got smart or something with the rolling stones years ago and they had him removed from the premises. i never liked him. i hope like all hell he ends up in jail.

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4 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:



Facts do not care whether you believe them or not. They are simply facts. You have to believe crap opinions.

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If he runs again, the GQP deserves to live in political oblivion for the next decade.  They will have burned their own house down while chaining themselves to the fridge.

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5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

If he runs again, the GQP deserves to live in political oblivion for the next decade.  They will have burned their own house down while chaining themselves to the fridge.

trump will win if he has to cheat. it is a huge worry to me. and he cheats on wives,taxes, charities and other stuff. he if can steal the election he will. people i thought had some brains still believe trump was cheated and will use that as a rallying cry and it would not surprise me if he won. capitol police and honest lawmakers be damned. and with texas and others trying to make it ultra hard to vote they are going to do all they can to steal the election. it is a huge worry for me. and with our elected officials getting rich now i am not sure how many care anymore as long as the money is rolling in. are you not worried titan?

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12 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I would vote for him against any democrat if he were the nominee.

are you one of those religious folks that think trump was sent by god? i know quite a few people that believe that. talking about having a busload of faith. not me..........and i am betting money jesus wept when trump was elected. and i honestly mean that. it is not a shot at anyone just my own personal feelings............

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29 minutes ago, homersapien said:

As if there were any doubt.  :rolleyes:


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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

are you one of those religious folks that think trump was sent by god? i know quite a few people that believe that. talking about having a busload of faith. not me..........and i am betting money jesus wept when trump was elected. and i honestly mean that. it is not a shot at anyone just my own personal feelings............

Definitely a Christian and one who believes that should God want to make something happen He can do it. Who is to say that "God chose Trump" when now it would appear "God chose Biden"?  Did God use flawed people to achieve His purposes? Yes. Is Trump one of them?  I have no idea.  I believe God gives us free will to choose Him or reject Him.  I have chosen Him and you have rejected Him.  I do have a busload of faith in Jesus.  I wouldn't bet on anything regarding Jesus and whether or not He was weeping when Trump was elected. I think there are a lot more reasons for Jesus to weep such as 60 million dead babies from abortion, an attempted reversal of God's definition of marriage, and the blatant attempt from the left to ban Christianity from all activities that are even remotely accessible by the general public. All three of those are efforts by Satan to destroy humans and their families.  Those would be a lot more likely to evoke tears from Jesus than which party happens to be in power at the time.

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1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

Definitely a Christian and one who believes that should God want to make something happen He can do it. Who is to say that "God chose Trump" when now it would appear "God chose Biden"?  Did God use flawed people to achieve His purposes? Yes. Is Trump one of them?  I have no idea.  I believe God gives us free will to choose Him or reject Him.  I have chosen Him and you have rejected Him.  I do have a busload of faith in Jesus.  I wouldn't bet on anything regarding Jesus and whether or not He was weeping when Trump was elected. I think there are a lot more reasons for Jesus to weep such as 60 million dead babies from abortion, an attempted reversal of God's definition of marriage, and the blatant attempt from the left to ban Christianity from all activities that are even remotely accessible by the general public. All three of those are efforts by Satan to destroy humans and their families.  Those would be a lot more likely to evoke tears from Jesus than which party happens to be in power at the time.

you lost me when you said i rejected god. just because i choose to think god gave us a brain and a conscious to use does not mean i turned my back on him. i am pretty sure i am correct on this. you on the other hand come across as a crappy christian that turns people off on religion instead of trying to bring people in the fold. like titan says.........do better. i have no idea if god chose biden but i would like to think he is. this country is hurting. kids are going hungry. poverty is going up because many of those claiming to be fine christians do not want to pay a fair wage to live on. again, do better. you want to discuss something i am up but keep the holier than thou  lectures to yourself. there is a reason people are leaving the church in droves. google it.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you lost me when you said i rejected god. just because i choose to think god gave us a brain and a conscious to use does not mean i turned my back on him. i am pretty sure i am correct on this. you on the other hand come across as a crappy christian that turns people off on religion instead of trying to bring people in the fold. like titan says.........do better. i have no idea if god chose biden but i would like to think he is. this country is hurting. kids are going hungry. poverty is going up because many of those claiming to be fine christians do not want to pay a fair wage to live on. again, do better. you want to discuss something i am up but keep the holier than thou  lectures to yourself. there is a reason people are leaving the church in droves. google it.

I only know what you have said in your posts. I’m definitely not holier than thou because I am a sinner and need Jesus for forgiveness.  Not sure what your definition of crappy means but Christianity is not complicated. It has standards not written or enforced by me. Allowing same sex marriage and abortion are clearly not accepted. Christianity is under attack from non Christians and atheists on numerous fronts. I don’t know why you blame Christians for child hunger. Christians give a lot and help people from all over the world. You think Christians own all the businesses that don’t pay a fair wage? And how is paying a fair wage relevant? And what do you define as a fair wage? I hear that a lot from the left. Pay your fair share. Ok fiddy, what is a fair wage and a fair share? Can you please just define that for me? I agree there are people leaving the church in droves. What is your solution? Change the church and allow the everyone to join it without repenting and trusting Jesus to atone for their sins?  People leave because they are convicted with guilt because of their sin. They refuse to ask Jesus to be their savior so they leave. Sometimes they come back when they realize their error in judgement. Other become cynical and negative about Christians in their old age and allow their hearts to be hardened by Satan.  You are correct that God gave us a brain and conscious to use.  How you use that brain and conscious makes all the difference as to whether you reject God or not. It is in your heart, not on this forum.

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I only know what you have said in your posts. I’m definitely not holier than thou because I am a sinner and need Jesus for forgiveness.  Not sure what your definition of crappy means but Christianity is not complicated. It has standards not written or enforced by me. Allowing same sex marriage and abortion are clearly not accepted. Christianity is under attack from non Christians and atheists on numerous fronts. I don’t know why you blame Christians for child hunger. Christians give a lot and help people from all over the world. You think Christians own all the businesses that don’t pay a fair wage? And how is paying a fair wage relevant? And what do you define as a fair wage? I hear that a lot from the left. Pay your fair share. Ok fiddy, what is a fair wage and a fair share? Can you please just define that for me? I agree there are people leaving the church in droves. What is your solution? Change the church and allow the everyone to join it without repenting and trusting Jesus to atone for their sins?  People leave because they are convicted with guilt because of their sin. They refuse to ask Jesus to be their savior so they leave. Sometimes they come back when they realize their error in judgement. Other become cynical and negative about Christians in their old age and allow their hearts to be hardened by Satan.  You are correct that God gave us a brain and conscious to use.  How you use that brain and conscious makes all the difference as to whether you reject God or not. It is in your heart, not on this forum.

you sir are an idiot. how you come up with me blaming christians for world hunger is laughable. you assume way to much about me. a fair wage is a living wage.and guess what? if companies like wally do not pay a fair wage guess who ponies up the money for food and housing? mine and your tax dollars. when is the last time minimum wage was raised? and you think there are not people out there that do not take advantage of people on wages? people will tell you there is too much hate in the churches. and that love the sinner and hate the sin is a bunch of crap. get around some poor people for a change.what do you think when people see a woman that busts the doors wide open every church day and claims to be a loving christian and go on a public rant because a black child got a pack of chewing gum with food stamps. some of you religious types are so far up your own asses and judging others you are killing what you love. and most of you guys in church refuse to get vaccinated and go around passing those cooties causing others to get sick. man that is love right? what about the preacher in birmingham that just got two or three hundred years for molesting kids? you guys need to get your own house in order before you start judging others.and you mentioned abortion earlier. how many times do i have to say i do not like abortion on this board? and anyone with half a frigging brain knows you voted for the slimiest and sorriest person ever to be president. and instead of maybe agreeing with the truth you deflect and attack biden who love him or hate him is trying to heal this country. he is trying to work across the aisle as well. i have seen church goers call harris a whore. i know church goers that could care less about climate change because they claim the earth will be destroyed in a few years according to prophecy. these things and others keep my behind out of church because they hate most things that do not fit their view point. so yes i am sure i make lot of mistakes. but i am trying. but you know what? when i know for a fact i am wrong i will apologize. i have never seen you do it. we have a dood on here that gets pissed if he thinks you speak bad about the church but he made a joke about me being molested. do you know how much pain and anger i have suffered only to be a joke? i will take my own chances with god and jesus and if i fail i fail. a preacher at a local church here that has tons of money stopped his sermon last year and told his congregation to take off a piece of jewelry and throw it in the collection plate. i would bet my soul jesus or god never told him that. so maybe instead of trying to act all puffed up like you are better than most folks maybe you need to get down in the mud with us poor and lesser folks for a while. you talk down to people when it is not appropriate and yet sing the praises of scum like trump. when you steal from the va and children's charities which is indeed fact and praise this man as the second coming of jesus or something people turn away and yet you and many others just do not get it. love is the higher law period. period. understand? you have one more post addressing me and i will read it and maybe i reply or maybe not. but i am pretty much done with you. is this clear? when you humble yourself a bit and can be a real man and apologize about some things get back with me. and one last thing. when you come back saying i have been a complete ass and made most on the right mad you remember this and it is the truth. you guys gave trump a pass for his horrible words and actions. so i did a little experiment and i treated the right on here like trump treats people and you guys all ran to the mods trying to get me banned.treated me like crap. and that is fine. i told everyone exactly what happened. but it still did not sink in. and for those that want to judge me or condemn me to hell go right ahead. some of you need a wake up call. if religion is not about love then you are doing it wrong. those are my beliefs. so you keep questioning my faith while i struggle as that is what many do. i might be blunt but at least i am honest. when you get right holla.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

you sir are an idiot. how you come up with me blaming christians for world hunger is laughable. you assume way to much about me. a fair wage is a living wage.and guess what? if companies like wally do not pay a fair wage guess who ponies up the money for food and housing? mine and your tax dollars. when is the last time minimum wage was raised? and you think there are not people out there that do not take advantage of people on wages? people will tell you there is too much hate in the churches. and that love the sinner and hate the sin is a bunch of crap. get around some poor people for a change.what do you think when people see a woman that busts the doors wide open every church day and claims to be a loving christian and go on a public rant because a black child got a pack of chewing gum with food stamps. some of you religious types are so far up your own asses and judging others you are killing what you love. and most of you guys in church refuse to get vaccinated and go around passing those cooties causing others to get sick. man that is love right? what about the preacher in birmingham that just got two or three hundred years for molesting kids? you guys need to get your own house in order before you start judging others.and you mentioned abortion earlier. how many times do i have to say i do not like abortion on this board? and anyone with half a frigging brain knows you voted for the slimiest and sorriest person ever to be president. and instead of maybe agreeing with the truth you deflect and attack biden who love him or hate him is trying to heal this country. he is trying to work across the aisle as well. i have seen church goers call harris a whore. i know church goers that could care less about climate change because they claim the earth will be destroyed in a few years according to prophecy. these things and others keep my behind out of church because they hate most things that do not fit their view point. so yes i am sure i make lot of mistakes. but i am trying. but you know what? when i know for a fact i am wrong i will apologize. i have never seen you do it. we have a dood on here that gets pissed if he thinks you speak bad about the church but he made a joke about me being molested. do you know how much pain and anger i have suffered only to be a joke? i will take my own chances with god and jesus and if i fail i fail. a preacher at a local church here that has tons of money stopped his sermon last year and told his congregation to take off a piece of jewelry and throw it in the collection plate. i would bet my soul jesus or god never told him that. so maybe instead of trying to act all puffed up like you are better than most folks maybe you need to get down in the mud with us poor and lesser folks for a while. you talk down to people when it is not appropriate and yet sing the praises of scum like trump. when you steal from the va and children's charities which is indeed fact and praise this man as the second coming of jesus or something people turn away and yet you and many others just do not get it. love is the higher law period. period. understand? you have one more post addressing me and i will read it and maybe i reply or maybe not. but i am pretty much done with you. is this clear? when you humble yourself a bit and can be a real man and apologize about some things get back with me. and one last thing. when you come back saying i have been a complete ass and made most on the right mad you remember this and it is the truth. you guys gave trump a pass for his horrible words and actions. so i did a little experiment and i treated the right on here like trump treats people and you guys all ran to the mods trying to get me banned.treated me like crap. and that is fine. i told everyone exactly what happened. but it still did not sink in. and for those that want to judge me or condemn me to hell go right ahead. some of you need a wake up call. if religion is not about love then you are doing it wrong. those are my beliefs. so you keep questioning my faith while i struggle as that is what many do. i might be blunt but at least i am honest. when you get right holla.

Have I ever called you an idiot? 

kids are going hungry. poverty is going up becausmany of those claiming to be fine christians do not want to pay a fair wage to livon. 

Did you read your own post? And I did not say you blamed Christians for “world” hunger.

There are NO churches without sinners. You will find sinners in churches. Claiming a churchgoer did this or that proves nothing except they are sinners. 

I am not better than you. We are both sinners, acknowledged or not.

I never sang Trumps praises. He is not likeable at all to me. He did enact a lot of policies that helped the country including those hungry children. You don’t have to like your president. 

Climate has changed ever since God created the earth.  The earth will be destroyed but your churchgoing friends do not know when that will be. Only God knows that and he did not tell me or your friends.

I did not say you liked abortion. That was a response to what might make Jesus weep. But if you support Joe Biden and the democrat party then you sir are precisely in support of abortion.

Oh and would you please tell me what is the living wage. You referred to it again but did not answer the question. What is the fair wage? What is the fair share?

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13 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you sir are an idiot. how you come up with me blaming christians for world hunger is laughable. you assume way to much about me. a fair wage is a living wage.and guess what? if companies like wally do not pay a fair wage guess who ponies up the money for food and housing? mine and your tax dollars. when is the last time minimum wage was raised? and you think there are not people out there that do not take advantage of people on wages? people will tell you there is too much hate in the churches. and that love the sinner and hate the sin is a bunch of crap. get around some poor people for a change.what do you think when people see a woman that busts the doors wide open every church day and claims to be a loving christian and go on a public rant because a black child got a pack of chewing gum with food stamps. some of you religious types are so far up your own asses and judging others you are killing what you love. and most of you guys in church refuse to get vaccinated and go around passing those cooties causing others to get sick. man that is love right? what about the preacher in birmingham that just got two or three hundred years for molesting kids? you guys need to get your own house in order before you start judging others.and you mentioned abortion earlier. how many times do i have to say i do not like abortion on this board? and anyone with half a frigging brain knows you voted for the slimiest and sorriest person ever to be president. and instead of maybe agreeing with the truth you deflect and attack biden who love him or hate him is trying to heal this country. he is trying to work across the aisle as well. i have seen church goers call harris a whore. i know church goers that could care less about climate change because they claim the earth will be destroyed in a few years according to prophecy. these things and others keep my behind out of church because they hate most things that do not fit their view point. so yes i am sure i make lot of mistakes. but i am trying. but you know what? when i know for a fact i am wrong i will apologize. i have never seen you do it. we have a dood on here that gets pissed if he thinks you speak bad about the church but he made a joke about me being molested. do you know how much pain and anger i have suffered only to be a joke? i will take my own chances with god and jesus and if i fail i fail. a preacher at a local church here that has tons of money stopped his sermon last year and told his congregation to take off a piece of jewelry and throw it in the collection plate. i would bet my soul jesus or god never told him that. so maybe instead of trying to act all puffed up like you are better than most folks maybe you need to get down in the mud with us poor and lesser folks for a while. you talk down to people when it is not appropriate and yet sing the praises of scum like trump. when you steal from the va and children's charities which is indeed fact and praise this man as the second coming of jesus or something people turn away and yet you and many others just do not get it. love is the higher law period. period. understand? you have one more post addressing me and i will read it and maybe i reply or maybe not. but i am pretty much done with you. is this clear? when you humble yourself a bit and can be a real man and apologize about some things get back with me. and one last thing. when you come back saying i have been a complete ass and made most on the right mad you remember this and it is the truth. you guys gave trump a pass for his horrible words and actions. so i did a little experiment and i treated the right on here like trump treats people and you guys all ran to the mods trying to get me banned.treated me like crap. and that is fine. i told everyone exactly what happened. but it still did not sink in. and for those that want to judge me or condemn me to hell go right ahead. some of you need a wake up call. if religion is not about love then you are doing it wrong. those are my beliefs. so you keep questioning my faith while i struggle as that is what many do. i might be blunt but at least i am honest. when you get right holla.



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look he messes with me all the time he just does not write a book like i do. i do not need anyone inferring i am godless when i am struggling hard to get right. also he fudges on the truth. i am pretty sure jj was one of the people saying trump did not make fun of that handicapped reporter like another dozen or so fans. and jj does not talk to you he talks down to you which i do not care for. and he will never apologize because he does know wrong. hell i tie up with 78 but we know at the end of the day it is ok. hell i would break bread with 78. and for the record salty i have had therapy. years worth. he is the one that told me to medicate with pot because the drugs made me more angry than i am now as well as suicidal. now i am better but i struggle every single day and if you pull one of my triggers i will go on a rant. i see you did not call out jj on anything and you never have because you guys are righties maybe? but thank you for your concern.

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22 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I did not say you liked abortion. That was a response to what might make Jesus weep. But if you support Joe Biden and the democrat party then you sir are precisely in support of abortion.

You heard it here first folks! If you vote Democrat you’re going straight to hell. 


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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:


You heard it here first folks! If you vote Democrat you’re going straight to hell. 


I wouldn’t worry about hearing it here.  And didn’t say that.  BTW was something I said above inaccurate?

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On 7/14/2021 at 9:30 PM, aubiefifty said:

you sir are an idiot. how you come up with me blaming christians for world hunger is laughable. you assume way to much about me. a fair wage is a living wage.and guess what? if companies like wally do not pay a fair wage guess who ponies up the money for food and housing? mine and your tax dollars. when is the last time minimum wage was raised? and you think there are not people out there that do not take advantage of people on wages? people will tell you there is too much hate in the churches. and that love the sinner and hate the sin is a bunch of crap. get around some poor people for a change.what do you think when people see a woman that busts the doors wide open every church day and claims to be a loving christian and go on a public rant because a black child got a pack of chewing gum with food stamps. some of you religious types are so far up your own asses and judging others you are killing what you love. and most of you guys in church refuse to get vaccinated and go around passing those cooties causing others to get sick. man that is love right? what about the preacher in birmingham that just got two or three hundred years for molesting kids? you guys need to get your own house in order before you start judging others.and you mentioned abortion earlier. how many times do i have to say i do not like abortion on this board? and anyone with half a frigging brain knows you voted for the slimiest and sorriest person ever to be president. and instead of maybe agreeing with the truth you deflect and attack biden who love him or hate him is trying to heal this country. he is trying to work across the aisle as well. i have seen church goers call harris a whore. i know church goers that could care less about climate change because they claim the earth will be destroyed in a few years according to prophecy. these things and others keep my behind out of church because they hate most things that do not fit their view point. so yes i am sure i make lot of mistakes. but i am trying. but you know what? when i know for a fact i am wrong i will apologize. i have never seen you do it. we have a dood on here that gets pissed if he thinks you speak bad about the church but he made a joke about me being molested. do you know how much pain and anger i have suffered only to be a joke? i will take my own chances with god and jesus and if i fail i fail. a preacher at a local church here that has tons of money stopped his sermon last year and told his congregation to take off a piece of jewelry and throw it in the collection plate. i would bet my soul jesus or god never told him that. so maybe instead of trying to act all puffed up like you are better than most folks maybe you need to get down in the mud with us poor and lesser folks for a while. you talk down to people when it is not appropriate and yet sing the praises of scum like trump. when you steal from the va and children's charities which is indeed fact and praise this man as the second coming of jesus or something people turn away and yet you and many others just do not get it. love is the higher law period. period. understand? you have one more post addressing me and i will read it and maybe i reply or maybe not. but i am pretty much done with you. is this clear? when you humble yourself a bit and can be a real man and apologize about some things get back with me. and one last thing. when you come back saying i have been a complete ass and made most on the right mad you remember this and it is the truth. you guys gave trump a pass for his horrible words and actions. so i did a little experiment and i treated the right on here like trump treats people and you guys all ran to the mods trying to get me banned.treated me like crap. and that is fine. i told everyone exactly what happened. but it still did not sink in. and for those that want to judge me or condemn me to hell go right ahead. some of you need a wake up call. if religion is not about love then you are doing it wrong. those are my beliefs. so you keep questioning my faith while i struggle as that is what many do. i might be blunt but at least i am honest. when you get right holla.

kudos. I am with you about 95%+ of that. And thats about as good as it gets.

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12 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

look he messes with me all the time he just does not write a book like i do. i do not need anyone inferring i am godless when i am struggling hard to get right. also he fudges on the truth. i am pretty sure jj was one of the people saying trump did not make fun of that handicapped reporter like another dozen or so fans. and jj does not talk to you he talks down to you which i do not care for. and he will never apologize because he does know wrong. hell i tie up with 78 but we know at the end of the day it is ok. hell i would break bread with 78. and for the record salty i have had therapy. years worth. he is the one that told me to medicate with pot because the drugs made me more angry than i am now as well as suicidal. now i am better but i struggle every single day and if you pull one of my triggers i will go on a rant. i see you did not call out jj on anything and you never have because you guys are righties maybe? but thank you for your concern.

Roll another one, carry on and have a great day Fiddy.

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