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What's going on in the Athletic Dept and Lt. Gen Burgess?


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1 hour ago, DAG said:

Well that is what I thought as well. But PM is saying AG had nothing to do with that and was on the peripheral for it. So like I said someone is lying. What I will say is this all boils down to the money and it is easily resolvable. It was made out to be something much bigger than it truly was. 

What it boils down to is JABA.

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7 hours ago, Swamp Eagle said:

Maybe it was posted in the Platinum thread..😎

just for the record the platinum forum does not have one single female dancer. not one by golly.

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38 minutes ago, Tiger Refuge said:

Apparently,  a whole lot of us(me included) want the GOB money sans the GOB influence. It seems that is much easier said than done.

Can't have it both ways. Where would the income come from if Jimmy Rane, et.al., stopped giving. I've always said if you don't want their money and influence don't take it. If I gave AU a ton of money I would be very involved. Almost all schools have the so called good ole boys but it seems we love to eat our own.

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On 7/14/2021 at 10:10 PM, W.E.D said:

Some places claiming he didn't want to fire Gus.

From what I have read on other sources, his reluctance was rooted in the cost of the change, and not an approval of CGM's performance.

Have also read that ADAG did not fire Gus, Dr. Gouge did.

I would really like to see ADAG succeed at Auburn University. I don't know if that is possible now.


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2 hours ago, CodeRocket said:

I would really like to see ADAG succeed at Auburn University. I don't know if that is possible now.

I think it's entirely possible and I hope it happens. However, it will take Dr. Gouge grabbing the wheel, taking control and assigning everybody to their proper seats. Gouge has the power to do this, nobody else does.

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22 hours ago, CodeRocket said:

From what I have read on other sources, his reluctance was rooted in the cost of the change, and not an approval of CGM's performance.

Have also read that ADAG did not fire Gus, Dr. Gouge did.

I would really like to see ADAG succeed at Auburn University. I don't know if that is possible now.


Yes, I would like to see him succeed too. However, without any regard to behind the scenes stuff or the right or wrong of it, the reality is probably this. If person #1 reports to the top guy, then the top guy installs another person in between as person #1's new boss who also has an office in the same building and is making daily decisions for the department, person #1's future at that organization is dim. 

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On 7/15/2021 at 2:32 PM, ellitor said:

Not sure about that. I'm sure he still wants his facility & recruiting expenses expanded.

As in fine now, I do believe he is getting what he wants. Told he is anyways. 

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On 7/15/2021 at 8:10 PM, Gowebb11 said:

Some might argue that the move to hire Harsin and not Steele was an Alpha move by our AD, and everyone not falling into line is the problem. 

Come one guys. Steele was never a real candidate to get the AU job. Never. Maybe a money guy or two went to bat for their friend, but that was it. The folks making the decisions never considered Steele a real candidate. 

Most here really think Bill Clark turned down the AU job. When he never talked to anyone at AU. Napier? Never got an offer. 

This isn't some high conspiracy deal going on at AU with some huge power struggle. Folks need to calm down. This is about an AD who has pissed off some high profile, maybe the 2nd and one could argue he is the #1 most popular all time,  coaches at AU. One of his own doing. This isn't some power grab by the "old guard". Come to grips here people. 

Jimmy, the boggy man, Rane got to Bruce and turned him on Greene? Come on people. People are like a lot of hungry fish in a small pond here and are being caught at a record rate with some of this. 

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On 7/17/2021 at 8:09 PM, CodeRocket said:

From what I have read on other sources, his reluctance was rooted in the cost of the change, and not an approval of CGM's performance.

Have also read that ADAG did not fire Gus, Dr. Gouge did.

I would really like to see ADAG succeed at Auburn University. I don't know if that is possible now.


Was this ever even a question here? Hell yes Gouge made that call. With the BOT's approval. With that amount of cash. No AD in the United States of America could have made that call. 

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On 7/16/2021 at 4:03 PM, Win4AU said:

Only coaches I care about being upset are Bruce and Butch.  Didn’t Auburn just do some renovations to the brand new bball arena?  I’d like to add that having to do anything to an Arena as new as ours reflects badly on the people in charge.  Didn’t I also see that Auburn is finishing up some baseball related facilities as well?  Who are the coaches that are upset?  

Only coaches you care about are Bruce and Butch? You folks better get behind Harsin if you want all of the upgrades done that are needed. Basketball is all good and all, it don't pay the bills. Baseball loses money. AT AU. Football is the and will always be the big dog. 

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On 7/16/2021 at 3:28 PM, DAG said:

I just read the Phillip Marshall article 

Key Notes:

Basically says AG was on the peripheral on all big time decisions including the chuck person ordeal, Gus's firing, 

Says boosters got money to get rid of Gus and presented it to Gogue, who got rid of him (But mentions AG did not want to fire him).

Apparently the boosters pushed for CKS but Gogue stopped it

Gogue initiated a search committee and put AG at the head of it

OKd AG to hire CBH

AG "thought" he had a mandate to cut sports expenses while raising money for the football only complex. Cut expenses by 10 percent across the board. COVID made finances even worse. Promises put on back order and now coaches are mad.


After reading some of that I conclude, this still makes zero sense and seems to be highly inconsistent. However, I let others take it for what it is. 

Do people here still believe anything that PM writes? I'm being serious here. Greene wanted Gus gone. People can say what they want about this but I'm telling you I know this to be true. Greene didn't have the authority to fire Gus, not with the money involved. That was all Gouge. 

As far as the Chuck Person ordeal? Being on the peripheral? Yeah, that had gotten to a University President level problem pretty quick. You had the Feds involved. Wow at all of that. 

As far as hiring Harsin, yeah Greene got the green light from Gouge. But that again happens everywhere. Of course the president OK'd it. Soemoen here please tell me one AD that has complete control of the athletic dept at any school? 

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12 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Do people here still believe anything that PM writes? I'm being serious here.


No.  I figure he has lost much of his "insider" street cred at this point. He was in the stands holding court during the open practice back in March. What sort of super scoop inside reporter would be in the stands as opposed to the field? 

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29 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Do people here still believe anything that PM writes? I'm being serious here. Greene wanted Gus gone. People can say what they want about this but I'm telling you I know this to be true. Greene didn't have the authority to fire Gus, not with the money involved. That was all Gouge. 

As far as the Chuck Person ordeal? Being on the peripheral? Yeah, that had gotten to a University President level problem pretty quick. You had the Feds involved. Wow at all of that. 

As far as hiring Harsin, yeah Greene got the green light from Gouge. But that again happens everywhere. Of course the president OK'd it. Soemoen here please tell me one AD that has complete control of the athletic dept at any school? 

I only added the PM article as another resource . Quite frankly I don’t trust any of you guys completely because the information is so inconsistent. I try to go to logic as much as possible.  But thanks for adding another perspective. I knew some of that was BS. 

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So now we have two insiders saying completely different things. Also of course the AD doesn’t have complete control which is why I was wondering why was the coaches completely mad at AG? Wouldn’t he have to get the green light to make cuts across the board ?

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4 minutes ago, DAG said:

So now we have two insiders saying completely different things. Also of course the AD doesn’t have complete control which is why I was wondering why was the coaches completely mad at AG? Wouldn’t he have to get the green light to make cuts across the board ?

Lot of truth here with Greene and the cuts and being held accountable. Lot of breakdowns on all levels here. But making promises and then backing off them, not returning phone calls or having meetings about this, is where Greene has gone wrong. That is why Greene is going to be gone. Why he did that, the way he did? Only Greene knows. 

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3 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Lot of truth here with Greene and the cuts and being held accountable. Lot of breakdowns on all levels here. But making promises and then backing off them, not returning phone calls or having meetings about this, is where Greene has gone wrong. That is why Greene is going to be gone. Why he did that, the way he did? Only Greene knows. 

What percentage would you say for this to be resolved ? Or would you consider the trust to be too broken for such a thing ?

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6 minutes ago, DAG said:

What percentage would you say for this to be resolved ? Or would you consider the trust to be too broken for such a thing ?

IMO, this isn't going to be resolved. It's gone too far. No boogy mans here. This is all on Alan. 

I think I've said this here, if not I'll say this again. One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen at AU, ever. It's really hard to wrap your head around this. 

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1 minute ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

IMO, this isn't going to be resolved. It's gone too far. No boogy mans here. This is all on Alan. 

I think I've said this here, if not I'll say this again. One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen at AU, ever. It's really hard to wrap your head around this. 

Super weird . Super unfortunate 

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32 minutes ago, DAG said:

Also of course the AD doesn’t have complete control which is why I was wondering why was the coaches completely mad at AG?

@DAG ADAG does have control (per Jughead) of what the coaches were mad about, his penny pinching that in the cuaches' eyes put our teams at a competitive disadvantage to other SEC teams. With Pearl there's also the aspects Mike4AU talked about a few pages back.

Also for everyone one of the things WDE touched on is at AU the AD can't make a decision on firing a coach making more than $1 mil a year per Jughead on the bunker. I guess most other schools have similar rules.

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1 hour ago, DAG said:

So now we have two insiders saying completely different things.

I might have missed it, but who was the differing insider?  Or was it on another board?

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59 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

IMO, this isn't going to be resolved. It's gone too far. No boogy mans here. This is all on Alan. 

I think I've said this here, if not I'll say this again. One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen at AU, ever. It's really hard to wrap your head around this. 

You think this was some sort of self-sabotage to start clean and rebuild himself elsewhere? Idk just thinking out loud

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21 hours ago, abw0004 said:

I might have missed it, but who was the differing insider?  Or was it on another board?

Well we have had folks say AG did not want to fire Gus and we just had WDE say he wanted Gus to get fired. Also there were people saying that he was just going to let CKS get hired when WDE just said this was never even an option. 

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26 minutes ago, DAG said:

Well we have had folks say AG did not want to fire Gus and we just had WDE say he wanted Gus to get fired. Also there were people saying that he was just going to let CKS get hired when WDE when CKS was never even an option. 

Not that it really matters, but from what I know Green wanted Gus gone but didn't think he would be able to do it so he never really tried to pursue it. The inaction or indecisiveness bothered a lot of people.  ADAG also didn't help himself with the interviews either, especially Harsin's. Q was the one that landed Harsin.  JFWIW...

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Just now, bigbird said:

Not that it really matters, but from what I know Green wanted Gus gone but didn't think he would be able to do it so he never really tried to pursue it. The inaction or indecisiveness bothered a lot of people.  ADAG also didn't help himself with the interviews either, especially Harsin. Q was the one that landed Harsin.  JFWIW...

So for my ignorance but who is Q?

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