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i loved fireworks as a kid. i shot them probably at every single opportunity i had. then i discovered what they they do to dogs and even wild life. it terrorizes them. talking to bets online the ones that fought to a person i have talked to hate fireworks. it takes them back to horrors most of us can never imagine or would even want to. and sadly as patriotic as many americans claim to be it only goes so far. they will still shoot off fireworks in their hoods and could care less who it hurts. for the record the first time i saw a dog going crazy from it i quit. and now that vets have come to light talking about the triggers and all i would not shoot them for any amount of money. and while i am politely venting what about the poppy's? why do we use the poppy to raise money for vets when so many of our kids and crew have become addicted to heroin? does anyone get this besides me? we use symbols of pain and addiction to celebrate our country and vets. it makes no sense. cuss and discuss..........

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13 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i loved fireworks as a kid. i shot them probably at every single opportunity i had. then i discovered what they they do to dogs and even wild life. it terrorizes them. talking to bets online the ones that fought to a person i have talked to hate fireworks. it takes them back to horrors most of us can never imagine or would even want to. and sadly as patriotic as many americans claim to be it only goes so far. they will still shoot off fireworks in their hoods and could care less who it hurts. for the record the first time i saw a dog going crazy from it i quit. and now that vets have come to light talking about the triggers and all i would not shoot them for any amount of money. and while i am politely venting what about the poppy's? why do we use the poppy to raise money for vets when so many of our kids and crew have become addicted to heroin? does anyone get this besides me? we use symbols of pain and addiction to celebrate our country and vets. it makes no sense. cuss and discuss..........

Pets forget about it like  bad thunderstorms, ...a responsible pet owner would prepare for "firework" season...the 4th, New years....not by fussing about it with some idea it will stop, but rather...prepare for it!!...bring the pets inside if its a problem!..talk to the vets, theres trazadone,  that is a great way to calm nerves if its a problem. ..be there for your pets! You do alot more than you think as far as setting themselves at ease...


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10 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

Pets forget about it like  bad thunderstorms, ...a responsible pet owner would prepare for "firework" season...the 4th, New years....not by fussing about it with some idea it will stop, but rather...prepare for it!!...bring the pets inside if its a problem!..talk to the vets, theres trazadone,  that is a great way to calm nerves if its a problem. ..be there for your pets! You do alot more than you think as far as setting themselves at ease...


oh yes. my dogs are inside dogs and i give them each a benadryl. i play the tv and or the stereo louder and i make sure they have a lot of chews so they will hopefully concentrate on them more. look i get fire works and the joy. i have kids next door that will shoot them like they do every single year for several years now. they are great kids and i will not stop their fun but it is hard watching one of your mutts shaking like she is freezing to death. hell i bought them cbd oil tabs but they did not work. i can not like something.......well not like the effect of something and still not be a dick. yes i take care of my dogs. and for the record it is against the law to shoot off fireworks in the city limits and i have yet to call the popo on anyone.

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9 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

Pets forget about it like  bad thunderstorms, ...a responsible pet owner would prepare for "firework" season...the 4th, New years....not by fussing about it with some idea it will stop, but rather...prepare for it!!...bring the pets inside if its a problem!..talk to the vets, theres trazadone,  that is a great way to calm nerves if its a problem. ..be there for your pets! You do alot more than you think as far as setting themselves at ease...


My mom had a few dogs that really did not like the noise created by fireworks, so she used to slip them a bit of Benadryl in their dinner on those occasions (4th of July, New Year's Eve/Day), and would feed them early enough to have it kick in by dark.  She also had a couple of Thundershirts that seemed to help with ones that were really anxious.  I'm not a big fireworks guy...I get the symbolism and all, and little kids seem to like them, but it just doesn't move the needle much for me.  Y'all's mileage may vary.

As for the poppies, here's something I came across that explains it some.  I remember doing "Buddy" Poppy drives years ago for the local VFW chapter when I was in JROTC. 

How the poppy became a remembrance symbol

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