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Least trusted media...IN THE WORLD!!!


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I just stopped reading when I got to the self contained BS about the former President and the Meuller report.  You didn't need to trust media then or now to watch the testimony of the former President's ambassadors and NSA officials to see a crystal clear picture of a sitting U.S. president using his office and the power he was entrusted with to bribe Ukranian officials to mount a political attack on his likely rival.

The one thing we can all be thankful for is that the U.S. government doesn't force its own narrative by way of U.S. media.  That same cannot be said for RT (Russia Today),

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The government might not directly force a narrative, but the media will do it for them. The truth is, for 100 years this country has been betting on the side of death rather than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can thank the banks and the life insurance companies. 

"The price of life being less than the price of economic progress."

In 1904, standing next to the president are executives from the life insurance companies, at the inauguration. Everything about our country is predicated around death. We have 30 year mortgages, 30 year bonds, and life insurance to cover our debt from overspending. This is a very interesting video about our country's founding and economic system. The one that's failing miserably.



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33 minutes ago, Bottomfeeder said:

The government might not directly force a narrative, but the media will do it for them. The truth is, for 100 years this country has been betting on the side of death rather than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can thank the banks and the life insurance companies. 

"The price of life being less than the price of economic progress."

In 1904, standing next to the president are executives from the life insurance companies, at the inauguration. Everything about our country is predicated around death. We have 30 year mortgages, 30 year bonds, and life insurance to cover our debt from overspending. This is a very interesting video about our country's founding and economic system. The one that's failing miserably.



Would you have rather the country been a struggling wasteland after WWII than the booming economic engine it was?  I am the first to say that we can learn a lot from others, but I really don't see the merit in an argument that mixes economics and death.  There are 30 year mortgages so that people can afford mortgage payments.  You can finance for however long you want or not at all.  That isn't controlled by the government.  Before the U.S., most Europeans had been subjected to a class system of one form or the other.  Many of the new economic structures were designed to allow people to improve their station in life, regardless of where they began.  People make choices every day that do impact their freedom and future choices, but I have never seen a system with personal choice that comes without consequences.  Nobody forces someone to buy a $50,000 truck, yet they sell as though the cost is an afterthought for many.


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15 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Would you have rather the country been a struggling wasteland after WWII than the booming economic engine it was?  I am the first to say that we can learn a lot from others, but I really don't see the merit in an argument that mixes economics and death.  There are 30 year mortgages so that people can afford mortgage payments.  You can finance for however long you want or not at all.  That isn't controlled by the government.  Before the U.S., most Europeans had been subjected to a class system of one form or the other.  Many of the new economic structures were designed to allow people to improve their station in life, regardless of where they began.  People make choices every day that do impact their freedom and future choices, but I have never seen a system with personal choice that comes without consequences.  Nobody forces someone to buy a $50,000 truck, yet they sell as though the cost is an afterthought for many.


Thank you for your candor. Life is about choices, and I can't afford a $40,000 truck, so I choose what's within my budget. I believe he may have some skewed opinions, but I got something out of it. Knowing the system is bankrupt did not surprise me at all. The fact that Life Insurance Companies were behind much of the unconstitutional acts of the government in the formation of the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking system, kind of took me by surprise. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, at least that's part of what I defended when I served.

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31 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Would you have rather the country been a struggling wasteland after WWII than the booming economic engine it was?  I am the first to say that we can learn a lot from others, but I really don't see the merit in an argument that mixes economics and death.  There are 30 year mortgages so that people can afford mortgage payments.  You can finance for however long you want or not at all.  That isn't controlled by the government.  Before the U.S., most Europeans had been subjected to a class system of one form or the other.  Many of the new economic structures were designed to allow people to improve their station in life, regardless of where they began.  People make choices every day that do impact their freedom and future choices, but I have never seen a system with personal choice that comes without consequences.  Nobody forces someone to buy a $50,000 truck, yet they sell as though the cost is an afterthought for many.


I have always been amused about how car companies promote their deals on the amount of the monthly payment.  No mention of the final cost.

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Mainstream media…WSJ, WAPO, NYT have 2 to 3 confirmed sources before publishing. I am not saying they do not have a lean, but they are not lying…Your blogs and hard left/right pubs have no corroborating sources.

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2 hours ago, Bottomfeeder said:

Thank you for your candor. Life is about choices, and I can't afford a $40,000 truck, so I choose what's within my budget. I believe he may have some skewed opinions, but I got something out of it. Knowing the system is bankrupt did not surprise me at all. The fact that Life Insurance Companies were behind much of the unconstitutional acts of the government in the formation of the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking system, kind of took me by surprise. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, at least that's part of what I defended when I served.

I appreciate the discussion.  I didn't intend to sound dismissive of the information.  I simply believe that we could substitute many special interests and make the same type argument.  Life insurance companies are part of the financial sector.  The Federal Reserve serves as the central bank of the U.S.  Without that in place, we would have never become the currency standard that dominates international reserves.  Without that type of regulation of the financial markets, our economy could have easily grown to resemble Argentina more than the U.K.

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On 7/4/2021 at 10:45 PM, AU9377 said:

The Federal Reserve serves as the central bank of the U.S.  Without that in place, we would have never become the currency standard that dominates international reserves.  Without that type of regulation of the financial markets, our economy could have easily grown to resemble Argentina more than the U.K.

How much longer before that goes bankrupt? I mean this virus thing has been a great cover for the repo market crash.

Robert Kiyosaki and Patrick Bet-David describe it best.


Then they scare the hell out of everyone with the variants (historically viruses attenuate as they mutate and eventually go away). It's fear. They are selling fear, all of them. They don't have any gold or Bitcoin to sell, rather they have worthless paper and everyone knows it. They cram it down everyone's throat at point of a gun. Take this dollar or else.


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On 7/4/2021 at 7:11 PM, tomcat said:

Mainstream media…WSJ, WAPO, NYT have 2 to 3 confirmed sources before publishing. I am not saying they do not have a lean, but they are not lying…Your blogs and hard left/right pubs have no corroborating sources.

So when these sources lie or intentionally mislead the publication has to retract, well they occasionally do. Maybe we should redefine "confirmed source" or stop hiding behind it intentionally. You nor I truthfully believe this will happen and the publications really don't care especially in this day and time. Unfortunate yes, but realistic. 

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