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Joe Biden: Blame guns — not police or protesters — for the violence

DKW 86

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Joe Biden: Blame guns — not police or protesters — for the violence

I wont bore you with the drivel. Basically, ignore the increase in crime being blamed on Defund the Police, etc. The new violent crime wave is 100% to blame on......GUNS. Guns arent being bought any more than usual, and the increase in violence is occurring in only a few select cities, but we need to blame NATIONWIDE GUN PURCHASES, not failed public policy...

How are people so dumb that they fall for this? They manufacture a "study" by a pay -for-play org and try and sugarcoat their failings.


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I mean Biden's plans on Guns are mainly to re-fund and restart enforcement of Guns laws that are already on the books, which is what Conservatives often say is a problem (ex: "We don't even enforce the gun laws we have now"). 

Defund the police is an idea I don't agree with and notably Biden doesn't agree with it either. 


Biden is proposing legislation to INCREASE police funding and to more vigorously enforce many laws that we already have. I don't see an issue with what he's doing 

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10 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Guns arent being bought any more than usual...


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On 6/25/2021 at 4:38 PM, AUDub said:


Sorry I didnt come blow this one out of he water earlier, I honestly forgot 

1) There are 330M+ Guns in America.

2)They did not overnite decide to get up out of the closet and go kill people. 

3) People did that.

4) What people did that? Criminals that do Crime. 

5) WHY did average people go buy guns? Well, it turns out that they are alarmed at: Defund the Police and other idiotic theories. Same theories that are likely to hand over huge losses in the next elections to Democrats for not running hard and fast enough away from stupid nonsense like "Defund the Police."

The Repukes have found their National Campaign for the next four years. and it will be....Law and Order. Some fools have allowed a great idea, stratifying the roles of policemen everywhere back into the hands of people that do those jobs better, to be placed under a stupid ass slogan: "Defund the Police." They now have to wear that into the voting booths in 2020 and 2022 and maybe 2024. 

If there is a gun purchase increase, WHY is that a thing? 
Because some idiots want to "Defund the Police" and places like Minneapolis that have actually enacted actual plans to leave their citizens unprotected. 

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I don't own a gun, but certainly don't begrudge anyone the ability to own one, with certain legal prohibitions in place (for example, if convicted of a crime involving use of a firearm).

I want any would-be criminal even briefly considering an attempt to break into my home to THINK that I had one...see Enzo the baker in "The Godfather."


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America is the only modern nation on earth that never got the memo that if you give everyone guns they'll start shooting each other and themselves for a variety of reasons. Now we are a country where you almost NEED to have a gun if for no other reason to protect yourself from your own fellow Americans who are armed to the teeth. 

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Sorry I didnt come blow this one out of he water earlier, I honestly forgot 

1) There are 330M+ Guns in America.

2)They did not overnite decide to get up out of the closet and go kill people. 

3) People did that.

4) What people did that? Criminals that do Crime. 

5) WHY did average people go buy guns? Well, it turns out that they are alarmed at: Defund the Police and other idiotic theories. Same theories that are likely to hand over huge losses in the next elections to Democrats for not running hard and fast enough away from stupid nonsense like "Defund the Police."

The Repukes have found their National Campaign for the next four years. and it will be....Law and Order. Some fools have allowed a great idea, stratifying the roles of policemen everywhere back into the hands of people that do those jobs better, to be placed under a stupid ass slogan: "Defund the Police." They now have to wear that into the voting booths in 2020 and 2022 and maybe 2024. 

If there is a gun purchase increase, WHY is that a thing? 
Because some idiots want to "Defund the Police" and places like Minneapolis that have actually enacted actual plans to leave their citizens unprotected. 

I tend to like ranch dressing with my word salads, thanks. 

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On 6/28/2021 at 4:35 AM, DKW 86 said:

Sorry I didnt come blow this one out of he water earlier, I honestly forgot 

1) There are 330M+ Guns in America.

2)They did not overnite decide to get up out of the closet and go kill people. 

3) People did that.

4) What people did that? Criminals that do Crime. 

5) WHY did average people go buy guns? Well, it turns out that they are alarmed at: Defund the Police and other idiotic theories. Same theories that are likely to hand over huge losses in the next elections to Democrats for not running hard and fast enough away from stupid nonsense like "Defund the Police."

The Repukes have found their National Campaign for the next four years. and it will be....Law and Order. Some fools have allowed a great idea, stratifying the roles of policemen everywhere back into the hands of people that do those jobs better, to be placed under a stupid ass slogan: "Defund the Police." They now have to wear that into the voting booths in 2020 and 2022 and maybe 2024. 

If there is a gun purchase increase, WHY is that a thing? 
Because some idiots want to "Defund the Police" and places like Minneapolis that have actually enacted actual plans to leave their citizens unprotected. 

i have never felt the dems were always the brightest bulb burning. if i picked up and moved to cali i am not sure i could even afford to be homeless.

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19 hours ago, Grumps said:


It is the republicans who want to defund the police, right? We all need to pay more attention!

Actually she makes a good point. 

You should pay more attention to actions as opposed to jingoistic political talking points.



We are still suffering from Reagan's dismantling of mental health resources:


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