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On 6/20/2021 at 8:00 AM, Mikey said:

First, this year (2021 season)~~ We have virtually all of last year's starters plus top reserves returning. That means the group has another year of experience under their belts. Last season we had five starters miss multiple games because of injury. That's not likely to happen again. So, there is good reason to expect much improved O-line play this season.

The 2022 season: Who knows? The transfer portal has changed the entire look of college football. If the musical chairs is permitted to continue we can have no idea who will be here, who will arrive and who will be gone.

Apparently the defensive backfield was a mess and the staff was able to bring in five or six transfers. There's no reason to think they can't do the same at other positions should the need arise.

Exactly. We have plenty of solid OL folks, and I think we have a solid OL coach as well. I think most folks will be surprised at how well our OL preforms this year. I think it will look more like what Uga and uat run and not the garbage Gus ran. A lot of the complaints on the OL cam about by stupid call Gus made. With today’s athletic DLs you can’t pull your week-side OLs because the DL are fast enough to run the RB down from behind. Again Gus’s high school quit fooling coaches after year 1. 

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I think a big reason for the DB haul is the available talent with multiple years to play, when we lose several guys in the secondary next year. Nobody in the portal on the OL that is overly enticing. Try to build some relationships with some kids in future classes and bring in some high caliber HS OL talent, for once

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10 hours ago, bigbird said:


To me it’s crazy that a guy came in, with one of the best active records in college football, and people are saying we are going back to the barfield years, already.

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2 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

I think a big reason for the DB haul is the available talent with multiple years to play, when we lose several guys in the secondary next year. Nobody in the portal on the OL that is overly enticing. Try to build some relationships with some kids in future classes and bring in some high caliber HS OL talent, for once

If they can round up five or six DB's it follows that they could pick up at least a couple of OL guys if they thought it was a need. Logic dictates that the staff is comfortable with the O-line they inherited.

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17 minutes ago, Mikey said:

If they can round up five or six DB's it follows that they could pick up at least a couple of OL guys if they thought it was a need. Logic dictates that the staff is comfortable with the O-line they inherited.

It dictates that there aren’t game changing guys in the portal on OL, better to build relationships with future class guys than use a scholarship on a one and done, which there is no massive impact one and done out there. I mean you can spin this that gus built the best OL that AU ever had, but I mean, come on man lol

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10 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

It dictates that there aren’t game changing guys in the portal on OL, better to build relationships with future class guys than use a scholarship on a one and done, which there is no massive impact one and done out there. I mean you can spin this that gus built the best OL that AU ever had, but I mean, come on man lol

None on the OL but a truckload of DB upgrades are available? That doesn't make any sense.

What does make sense is that the staff perceived that the defensive backfield needed an overhaul and the O-line was at least serviceable enough to get by until HS guys can be brought in. The squeaking wheel got the grease and the D-backfield is what was squeaking.

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31 minutes ago, Mikey said:

None on the OL but a truckload of DB upgrades are available? That doesn't make any sense.

What does make sense is that the staff perceived that the defensive backfield needed an overhaul and the O-line was at least serviceable enough to get by until HS guys can be brought in. The squeaking wheel got the grease and the D-backfield is what was squeaking.

We got good quality DB’s with multiple years to play, given the exodus after this year, with a DC like mason leading the charge.  I mean really dude, you can spin it any way you want it, you always do. But to act like the staff is thrilled with the OL they inherited is asinine. They are prioritizing later classes and trying to bring in better HS talent, something our previous coach didn’t value at that position

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45 minutes ago, Mikey said:

None on the OL but a truckload of DB upgrades are available? That doesn't make any sense.

What does make sense is that the staff perceived that the defensive backfield needed an overhaul and the O-line was at least serviceable enough to get by until HS guys can be brought in. The squeaking wheel got the grease and the D-backfield is what was squeaking.

Who knows what's true, but it doesn't even seem possible to you that there were more good DBs available than OL? Or that the staff (Mason) had more success recruiting DB than OL? 

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Bird posted this near the beginning of this thread

Irvin - Jr
Brahms - Sr
Johnson - So
Coffey - Sr
Manning - Sr

Jernigan - rFr
Jones - So
Hamm - Sr
Stutts - Jr
Jackson - Sr
Troxell - Sr
Council - Sr

Langlo - tFr
Zierer - Jr
Smith - tFr

There are some key issues one can we put together a solid O-Line with at least two solid depth guys for this year. Will any of the Seniors take advantage of the extra year and where will we be next year with so many graduating.

Most of the younger guys rFR,So, Jr have years experience or more and some can start or provide depth in the Interior.

tFR - Can help next year as starters or depth Smith is legit OT type and Langlo could be OT or Interior but both need at least a year to get bigger stronger and adjust to college game.  Both will be starters in future unless we bring in some really good players.

Brahm's - has been at best an adequate Center but is experienced and maybe a bit stronger so could help this year but doubt takes an extra Year.

Council - was best player on O-line till got hurt a lot depends on how healthy he is. Doubt he takes an extra year can play any position on the line.

Coffee - Impressed me some last year when he played, Good technique seemed to have quick feet so could handle speed rusher, If he put on weight and got stronger could be a solid OT. Last year he could get overpowered by big strong bull rushers. Would be great if he takes extra year.

Manning - did a solid job in interior - is solid SEC guard we really need to convince him to take extra year.

Hamm - could be great in the interior had trouble with speed rushers when at OT. Probably will take a shot at NFL as interior lineman after this year.

Jackson - at times I saw him looking good at other times not so good.  If he learns system could be a good OT has been OT long enough lack of experience no longer an excuse.  Doubt he stays another year unless he starts to look like legit OT and wants one more year to showcase.

Troxell - He has overcome a lot last year was first full year where he was healthy and because of that I wonder if he was fully confident in his knees.  Knees are healed as much as they will ever be but did the injuries cut down some mobility and are they still in his head. This is his last chance maybe a legit OT maybe not he won't come back for another year.

Zierer is the real question mark to me. - Prototypical OT height and wing span with enough bulk but could use more. Seemed to move well in Juco film I saw. He has to overcome lack of football experience. If healthy and has picked up enough technique he could be a starting OT as Junior and with Covid could still play 3 more years.

So for those who are saying coaches think we have enough talent in O-Line for next year you may be right but as you can see all the ones who I say can be OT's there are question marks on. Is Council healthy enough, is Coffee strong enough and big enough, can Jackson become consistent,  Hamm probably should be on the interior,  Troxell's knees may have healed enough to play but not enough to be good, Zierer lacks experience even playing football, Langlo and Smith are true Freshman and will need at least a year in program before ready.

Following year did any of the the possible OT's from this year show out and if so how many if any will opt for one more year. For sure we will only have Zierer, Smith and Langlo  so no experience at OT unless Zierer comes through and any Freshman we sign will be similar to Langlo and Smith this year in will need a year in program.  No doubt in my mind that OT and transfer Portal will become keys to next years O-line assuming there is type of talent in transfer portal we will need.

It is very important that we get Zierer, Smith and Langlo some PT this year so that if any of them become starters next year they will have some experience. Ideally Coffee and Zierer both show out and Coffee decides to play one more year. Giving us 2 OT starters for next year.

Next year we need at least 5 Freshman O-line at least 3 OT's of those 5 and at least 1 OT immediate starter type at OT. 

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29 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

at least 1 OT immediate starter type at OT. 

That's not happening 

31 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Will any of the Seniors take advantage of the extra year.

Thisnis probably the biggest factor into our OL next year. Who wants to stay for a 6th year? Maybe the coaches thing a couple will stay. 

If a lot stay that probably means they weren't good enough for the league. I'm not sure staying a 6th year is gonna help many. But of a double edge sword. Council might be the only one who could maybe benefit 

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Great post @AuburnNTexas. I agree that Hamm needs to be moved to the interior. Just does not seem to have the quickness to play tackle at this level, as he was getting beat seemingly every snap at A-day by Romello Height and was not good last year either imo. Ideally, I hope Coffey and Zierer step up and take the tackle spots starting this year. Convince Coffey to come back next year, giving us two years of them as our starting tackles. That gives Colby Smith and the incoming '22 signees time to develop.

We all talk about tackle, but we need major help at Center. We have been bad at that position for a few years now between Kim and Brahms. Need Council to start there this year, and hope Jernigan is ready for next year assuming Council doesn't come back. Pray we can convince Manning to come back and hope Stutts/Tate Johnson can take over at left guard if not, with Keiondre Jones manning RG for the next few years. The o-line situation after this year is not good, but if we can convince Coffey and Manning to stay for their extra year and get Zierer to hold down LT for the next 2-3 years we may be able to get by until Will Friend's recruits are ready, with help from the Juco ranks and the portal in the meantime.

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23 hours ago, cbo said:

Who knows what's true, but it doesn't even seem possible to you that there were more good DBs available than OL? Or that the staff (Mason) had more success recruiting DB than OL? 

Not six DB's and zero O-line. If it's 4/2 then possibly, but 6/0 says there was no interest in transfer O-line guys.

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4 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Next year we need at least 5 Freshman O-line at least 3 OT's of those 5 and at least 1 OT immediate starter type at OT. 

If we've hired the right staff we'll get them, probably through a combination of high school recruiting and transfers. This year we needed DB's and got them, no reason to think we can't do the same with O-line next year.

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18 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Not six DB's and zero O-line. If it's 4/2 then possibly, but 6/0 says there was no interest in transfer O-line guys.

Fair enough. I don’t agree, but the numbers do support your point. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 11:02 PM, Maverick.AU said:

We got good quality DB’s with multiple years to play, given the exodus after this year, with a DC like mason leading the charge.  I mean really dude, you can spin it any way you want it, you always do. But to act like the staff is thrilled with the OL they inherited is asinine. They are prioritizing later classes and trying to bring in better HS talent, something our previous coach didn’t value at that position

I agree in part. OLs need to be brought in early and nurtured , probably more than any other position. So instead of a quick fix we need to concentrate on recruiting better talent in the pipeline. 

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2 hours ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

I agree in part. OLs need to be brought in early and nurtured , probably more than any other position. So instead of a quick fix we need to concentrate on recruiting better talent in the pipeline. 

I agree, but the ‘22 class is just going to be tough all around due to a new staff and having to see the on the field product. Not saying we can’t sign good players, it will just be harder given who we recruit against in year 1. That’s why I think ‘23 and ‘24 will be big a key for the OL

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11 hours ago, Mikey said:

If we've hired the right staff we'll get them, probably through a combination of high school recruiting and transfers. This year we needed DB's and got them, no reason to think we can't do the same with O-line next year.

Knew this would morph into a way to set blame for new staff

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No OL committments for AU to date compared to the DBs taken does not equate to AU is perfectly fine on the OL.  It just means that the OL recruits being looked at are in high demand by all schools, and that the recruits are aware of the situation -- that's why they're looking around at all their options to land in the best spot.  

Good Read




In an unusual turn of events, there seems to be a consensus among coaches, reporters and fans that Auburn’s most pressing need is at offensive tackle. Last season, the offensive line went through a lot of turnover, returning just one starter, and it took a while for it to find a rhythm. While the new coaches have made it clear no spot is locked up, there are relatively strong candidates at most spots other than tackle — specifically left tackle.

The problem is immediate as well as long term. A lack of recruiting along the line in recent years means that not only are there few options for this year, but there’s also a lack of incoming and developing talent. The immediate solution is to shop the transfer portal and look among junior college recruits, but Auburn also needs to build for its future.

The numbers alone show how hard Auburn’s coaches are trying to fix this. Auburn has extended more offers to offensive linemen than any other position. It has offered 44 offensive linemen compared to 43 defensive linemen, 41 wide receivers and 28 cornerbacks. Out of those 44 offers, 32 have gone to offensive tackles specifically.

So far, only one offensive lineman, three-star tackle Jacob Hood, has taken an official visit and none have committed. However, some other notable linemen have stopped by for unofficial visits. Among them are four-star interior offensive linemen Harris Sewell and Knijeah Harris, who are in the class of 2023, and four-star tackle Qae’shon Sapp, who is part of the class of 2022. After their visits, all were impressed with what they saw. However, both Harris and Sewel have time to see many other schools before they have to make their decisions.  ...



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Thought I'd share. 

@Mikey there seems to be a recognized immediate need by the coaches based on this article. 



Offensive line:

In an unusual turn of events, there seems to be a consensus among coaches, reporters and fans that Auburn’s most pressing need is at offensive tackle. Last season, the offensive line went through a lot of turnover, returning just one starter, and it took a while for it to find a rhythm. While the new coaches have made it clear no spot is locked up, there are relatively strong candidates at most spots other than tackle — specifically left tackle.

The problem is immediate as well as long term. A lack of recruiting along the line in recent years means that not only are there few options for this year, but there’s also a lack of incoming and developing talent. The immediate solution is to shop the transfer portal and look among junior college recruits, but Auburn also needs to build for its future.

The numbers alone show how hard Auburn’s coaches are trying to fix this. Auburn has extended more offers to offensive linemen than any other position. It has offered 44 offensive linemen compared to 43 defensive linemen, 41 wide receivers and 28 cornerbacks. Out of those 44 offers, 32 have gone to offensive tackles specifically.

So far, only one offensive lineman, three-star tackle Jacob Hood, has taken an official visit and none have committed. However, some other notable linemen have stopped by for unofficial visits. Among them are four-star interior offensive linemen Harris Sewell and Knijeah Harris, who are in the class of 2023, and four-star tackle Qae’shon Sapp, who is part of the class of 2022. After their visits, all were impressed with what they saw. However, both Harris and Sewel have time to see many other schools before they have to make their decisions.


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1 hour ago, gr82be said:

there seems to be a recognized immediate need by the coaches based on this article. 

They recognize a need for the 2022 class. That's understandable. I think if they felt the immediate need at O-line was as desperate as it was at DB, we'd have seen some O-line transfers coming in. Obviously, this staff is capable of going out and getting transfers because they got a truck load of DB's this time. There's no reason to think they can't do the same at O-line next cycle, if necessary.

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Win this year. One important part in doing that is to focus more on the OL that will play in '21, not as much 2 years from now. There is every reason to believe the new HC, OC, OL coach will make the '21 OL better, this year. Putting a competitive team on the field and wins on the board is going to be the best way to accomplish the task of attracting good HS offensive linemen to future classes, especially the better OTs.  

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8 minutes ago, Mikey said:

They recognize a need for the 2022 class. That's understandable. I think if they felt the immediate need at O-line was as desperate as it was at DB, we'd have seen some O-line transfers coming in. Obviously, this staff is capable of going out and getting transfers because they got a truck load of DB's this time. There's no reason to think they can't do the same at O-line next cycle, if necessary.

I think they know that we need help right now and not just '22. The problem is that the guys in the portal haven't been for sure starters or upgrades to what we got. Let me ask ya this, who would you roll out there at tackle if you were the coach and the first game was tomorrow? I'm not trying to prove a point, just genuinely curious as to your personal thoughts on what we currently have. 

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6 minutes ago, au302 said:

I think they know that we need help right now and not just '22. The problem is that the guys in the portal haven't been for sure starters or upgrades to what we got. Let me ask ya this, who would you roll out there at tackle if you were the coach and the first game was tomorrow? I'm not trying to prove a point, just genuinely curious as to your personal thoughts on what we currently have. 

Jackson and Hamm or Troxell, depending on how the latter two shake out in pre-season practices. We have a veteran O-line returning and it should be a team strong point. People tend to ignore the injury situation on the O-line last year. Five starters missed multiple games due to injury. That's almost unheard of and is unlikely to repeat.

To your other point, if upgrades couldn't be found in the portal, doesn't that indicate that what we have on hand is rather high grade? Apparently they had no problem finding DB upgrades.

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26 minutes ago, Mikey said:

They recognize a need for the 2022 class. That's understandable. I think if they felt the immediate need at O-line was as desperate as it was at DB, we'd have seen some O-line transfers coming in. Obviously, this staff is capable of going out and getting transfers because they got a truck load of DB's this time. There's no reason to think they can't do the same at O-line next cycle, if necessary.

The article actually uses the term "immediate". That wasn't my terminology. OTs make up 40% of the OL and yet 80% of O Lineman offered have been Tackles. That sounds like they are taking immediate action. The Transfer Portal doesn't grow Tackles. Someone has to actually enter it, then they have to want to come to Auburn. It's not like going to pick out a dog at the pound...they're all happy to go home with you. 



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