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If you can't pay a living wage, you shouldn't be in business...


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  So I'm seeing and hearing alot about...."if you can't pay a living wage, you shouldnt be in business..

Im curious to hear this argument....I mean...there are millions of high school kids mowing lawns and taking out trash in the neighborhood...there are millions of small businesses owners working 60 to 80 hours a week that need help .....does there really have to be "one wage?"...I mean can't there be like a stepping stone type wage? Some jobs are not careers...some are not living wage ...some are not even taxable...

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That is the quote from FDR about the Minimum Wage. It was never meant to be a wage for kids. It is literally the minimum to raise a family. 

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7 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

That is the wuote from FDR about the Minimum Wage. ItEas never meant to be a wage for kids. It is literally the minimum to raise a family. 

Not all paying jobs are meant for raising a family. The pay is what an individual is willing to work for 

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What does "living wage" really mean? Is it quantifiable?

Or is it rules based and means if you're married with only 1 child (more kids break the "living wage" rule), only own one car, your rent/mortgage is less than $500,  your family is in good health, you have health insurance, only one cell phone, no cable TV or internet...so on and so on rules? If you fit some formula then maybe your wage is sufficient to support "living".

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I've usually seen this argument made in response to these same businesses complaining that they are having trouble finding workers or are having to turn down extra business because they don't have enough labor. 


If your business is so busy that you can't handle it all yourself, but at the same time you can't afford to offer a wage/benefits that other people are willing to work for then maybe your business plan just isn't viable? They want government benefits to help their low wage employees just enough so that their workers don't literally starve or go homeless, but don't want the gov. to incentivize people enough to not want to work hard jobs for nearly no pay and no benefits.  


the vast majority of low wage workers aren't high school kids just looking for a summer job, they are adults who ARE trying to provide for themselves and their families because that's the only jobs that our current economy will offer people who don't have specific college degree's or skills. Over the decades the cost pf housing, healthcare, education, and inflation have far outpaced wages. 

Trades pay so good now BECAUSE not a ton of people go into them every year. Just like what's happened with undergraduate degrees, as soon as we start pumping out plumbers and electricians at an accelerated rate, the demand and pay for those jobs and professions will decrease too. The "Just go into a trade" argument is the same song and dance that once was "Just go to college and get a degree" That was a near guarantee for a good paying job at one time too. 

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3 hours ago, creed said:

What does "living wage" really mean? Is it quantifiable?

Not sure but it's much more than


married with only 1 child (more kids break the "living wage" rule), only own one car, your rent/mortgage is less than $500,  your family is in good health, you have health insurance, only one cell phone, no cable TV or internet


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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

I've usually seen this argument made in response to these same businesses complaining that they are having trouble finding workers or are having to turn down extra business because they don't have enough labor. 


If your business is so busy that you can't handle it all yourself, but at the same time you can't afford to offer a wage/benefits that other people are willing to work for then maybe your business plan just isn't viable? They want government benefits to help their low wage employees just enough so that their workers don't literally starve or go homeless, but don't want the gov. to incentivize people enough to not want to work hard jobs for nearly no pay and no benefits.  


the vast majority of low wage workers aren't high school kids just looking for a summer job, they are adults who ARE trying to provide for themselves and their families because that's the only jobs that our current economy will offer people who don't have specific college degree's or skills. Over the decades the cost pf housing, healthcare, education, and inflation have far outpaced wages. 

Trades pay so good now BECAUSE not a ton of people go into them every year. Just like what's happened with undergraduate degrees, as soon as we start pumping out plumbers and electricians at an accelerated rate, the demand and pay for those jobs and professions will decrease too. The "Just go into a trade" argument is the same song and dance that once was "Just go to college and get a degree" That was a near guarantee for a good paying job at one time too. 

     I dont have numbers or anything, but I am willing to bet there are thousands of small businesses out there that can use part time help here and there, but cant make it a living wage for a person, and I bet there are thousands out there who are more than willing to work for 8-10 bucks an hour to help out with what ever situations they may need it for.   My Dad had to come out of retirement and he decided to open up a liquor store for income. He was battling cancer through it all and it was 10-12 hour work days 6 days a week for him and my mom.  They still needed some help on Fridays and Saturdays and they were able to hire somebody, gave them 10 hours a week and it certainly was not a living wage. The girl they hired had another job, but worked there for maybe an extra 70-80 bucks (or whatever it may have been) a week and it all worked out great for everyone! ....She got a little extra spending money, my parents got to keep their business afloat. 

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1 hour ago, SaturdayGT said:

     I dont have numbers or anything, but I am willing to bet there are thousands of small businesses out there that can use part time help here and there, but cant make it a living wage for a person, and I bet there are thousands out there who are more than willing to work for 8-10 bucks an hour to help out with what ever situations they may need it for.   My Dad had to come out of retirement and he decided to open up a liquor store for income. He was battling cancer through it all and it was 10-12 hour work days 6 days a week for him and my mom.  They still needed some help on Fridays and Saturdays and they were able to hire somebody, gave them 10 hours a week and it certainly was not a living wage. The girl they hired had another job, but worked there for maybe an extra 70-80 bucks (or whatever it may have been) a week and it all worked out great for everyone! ....She got a little extra spending money, my parents got to keep their business afloat. 

Then they need to deal with it. Punishing everyone so a few poorly run companies can run just a bit longer is not right.

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the more people earning a fair wage to me means less folks on the streets getting in trouble.i have a friend that is a big time chef in gadsden,al who got a business partner and they have two restaurants. irsh food at the harp and clover and the best of new orleans food called nola's and they pay their people well. hell they pay their bands decent money. and they started with harp and clover and did so well with take out they were able to start the second business. to be fair this cat was the main chef for the country club saban is a member of. to tell you how outstanding this food is brett caters the Masters every year for i think the last couple or three years. i like they pay their folks well and i wanted to give you guys a heads up because people drive in from out of state for their food. if you are ever close treat yourself but if you do not have reservations you might wait up to an hour and a half to get seated. you guys can thank me later.

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and no one ever bitches about these ceo's that receive millions when they leave. and the huge bonuses paid out which are often over the top and yet they throw all that money at the big boys and let little guys do the best they can.i doubt i could find a link but one cat bankrupted the company he ran into the ground and still got like 250 mil. it is all greed. what i think is really crappy is the people that get pissed because someone wants better money for flipping burgers. things change and the min wage has not been raised in how many years now? and you know people are taking advantage of others with that kind of loophole.

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