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Chris Christie says Michael Flynn 'never belongs anywhere near the White House


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Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie joined a Sunday edition of The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer, where he responded to reports that President Trump floated the idea of imposing martial law and overturning the election at a White House meeting on Friday. Trump’s embattled former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was reportedly at the meeting along with his lawyer Sidney Powell, has been touting the imposition of martial law for weeks.

“This is why someone like Michael Flynn never belongs anywhere near the White House, let alone inside the Oval Office,” Christie said. “And his lawyer Sidney Powell.”

Christie has been warning Trump about Flynn for years, and he reiterated that point on Sunday.

“I’ve been talking about this since the transition in 2016, how dangerous I thought General Flynn was,” Christie said. “I sat with him in security briefings with the then-candidate Donald Trump, and then with President Donald Trump, and I will tell you that he is not fit to be giving advice to anyone.”

Trump denied raising the idea of imposing martial law, calling it “Fake News” in a tweet. Christie advised the president that to avoid similar reporting in the future, he should no longer welcome Flynn or Powell to the White House.

“I think the best advice I could give the president is, keep Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell out of the Oval Office,” Christie said. “And then those really bad ideas will stay out of the Oval Office as well.”

The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer airs weeknights at 5 p.m. on CNN.

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why is this country not arresting some of these folks for sedition and treason? even Moscow mitch admits the election was fair. this is some very dangerous ground we are treading here. some of these folks need to be arrested and at the least kicked out of the country. i understand most trumpers have grown tired of taking up for the baffoon known as trump but even few of them will speak out for what is right. you do not get to call yourself a patriot when you want to steal a fair election and pissing all over the constitution. martial law? taking over the country on christmas? hell maybe we should reconsider firing squads. patriots my ass.

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