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Just So We Are Clear Here, I Knew This ClusterF*** Would Happen


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15 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

so flex who is left out there that we would have a chance with that we could get? and was it clarks team that almost beat auburn that one year?

Honestly not anyone outside of the NFL that could make a splash, and given the board, I doubt they would come here. 


Also that was Grass' team but a lot of Clark's old players. That was my year here in NCAA purgatory. 


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19 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

How some of these people made it in the real business world is beyond me.


You don't have to be smart to be a businessman. You just need to either grow up in money or otherwise know how to get it and know how to hire smart people to handle complicated stuff for you. 

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Welp...the PTB has ruined yet another potential move forward for Auburn football. They have literally sapped all the enjoyment anyone could possibly have regarding the football program. I am done supporting anything to do with them until new leadership steps in and changes the culture. It's overwhelmingly toxic currently with no hope in sight. I sure hope everyone else sticks to their guns when saying the same. It's an absolute embarrassment to the University how these clowns are conducting business with this whole fiasco. Definitely gives the appearance they don't give a s*** about the school, the reputation or any of the fans. The fans....the ones that pump millions of dollars per year into ticket sales,  merchandise purchases,  local economic stimulus etc. The University and the city of Auburn need to take a stand and tell these guys to take a hike before they completely ruin them both.


On to basketball season. Go Bruce

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1 hour ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

I don't disagree, I just think we waited too long to do it and then didn't have backup plans. 

I think there was a plan. And you guys aren't catching it yet. If they do offer it to Clark and he accepts it with all the baggage on top of it, as I'm pretty certain they've been doing with everybody, which means that they retain rocker and steel and the defensive group, then they have no choice except to hire steel because nobody else will take the job.

They get what they wanted from the beginning.

Welcome to politics 101 boys



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16 minutes ago, 1716AU said:

I think there was a plan. And you guys aren't catching it yet. If they do offer it to Clark and he accepts it with all the baggage on top of it, as I'm pretty certain they've been doing with everybody, which means that they retain rocker and steel and the defensive group, then they have no choice except to hire steel because nobody else will take the job.

They get what they wanted from the beginning.

Welcome to politics 101 boys



There wasn’t a plan . There were several plans. I highly doubt everyone was on board with hiring MC. There was clearly a group who wanted Steele from the start. Why fire a coach , when there is clear dissension is beyond me 

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2 hours ago, oracle79 said:

Deep down we all knew something like this would happen. We're just the ever hopeful fanbase, or used to be. Hopefully a large amount wake up and take aim at the pocket book. Only way this crap will ever stop.

And supposedly Sark declined an interview. This is very telling of the circus situation that Auburn is. Hell, Bill Clark may be the only guy that wants the job. This is pretty pathetic. Really bad look for the school when even non big time coaches decline the chance to even interview. I’m afraid this program is in deep trouble. 

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3 hours ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

Going to take a bit of a personal lap for something that I said earlier that I knew would come to pass. Not sure how spectacular of a prediction this was, but seeing as Billy Napier has turned down the job, Sark didn't interview, and the Steele plan may (Tentatively) be blown up, we now have a bit of a disaster on our hands. IF THERE WAS NO DEAL WITH CRISTOBAL BEFORE FIRING GUS, WHY DID YOU FIRE HIM POWERS THAT BE?

This to me seems like some hamfisted move to try and establish a faux coaching search so that Steele can be their last resort pending how the team does in the bowl. Its sort of crazy to watch this play out in real time TBH. I think that when they are interviewing coaches, they aren't willing to give them full program control like the big guys in Saban and Smart have, they want their hands in and on the program despite already running it into the ground. They know if the interview Sark and he wants the job, they won't have merit to turn him down.....

I'm sorry, but this has been a mess from start to middle. (We aren't even at the finish yet.) Why wait until the end of the season to fire Gus? Such a move killed the recruiting EVEN MORE because there was too much uncertainty and it created negative recruiting lines for other schools without even letting some new prospective coach come in and cool things down. WHY?! Fire Gus mid season and get a head start. USC had no problem doing this... I don't get it.

Now you have a subpar recruiting class, exodus of recruits, horrid facilities and money being hemorrhaged to pay several coaches not to coach and you don't even have a guy in hand. If they fall back on Bill Clark, I wouldn't want him to take the job, not because I don't like Clark (He was my old college coach) but because he would be walking into a firestorm and there would be NO WAY FOR HIM TO REBUILD w/ the massive disadvantage the leadership has put Auburn in. All our rivals got stronger, we got weaker. One year's class means a lot because you're behind on the depth and development curve. Meanwhile Alabama has 4 of the 9 top WRs and a Myriad of OL. LSU is back to its former glory too, and UGA is going to have an embarrassment of riches at the Line and LB Corps. Don't think there are any rockstar coaches on the market that can salvage such a pitiful situation, not to knock the kids we have coming it..... Also I don't have faith in Auburn to run a scheme that plays to the strengths of being underpowered because our current roster is all over the place. If the TF QB doesn't work out, its back to Bo (Who we largely don't even know how he will fare having to not only fix his mechanics behind this OL w/ little reinforcements, but also learn a new scheme.)

It isn't looking good. Talk me off the ledge. 


Just more confirmation....



Unfortunately, I believe you’re exactly right with everything you said.  The only good news is you’ve got a lot of good company on that ledge.  It’s where most of the AU family is right now.  

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2 minutes ago, AUpreacherman22 said:

Unfortunately, I believe you’re exactly right with everything you said.  The only good news is you’ve got a lot of good company on that ledge.  It’s where most of the AU family is right now.  

I said it before, AU family is a marketing gig that the PTB has seized upon to keep people watching a crappy product that they ruined. They don't see anyone as family except for themselves. 


Us grads don't matter. It's only them. They just string you along and stink up the culture while pretending it's great. And people buy it and eat it up. Our coaches are "AU Family" only so far as they play ball with the big money AU Mafia "Family."


The one thing that really has united us is ire for these PTB. Now we are family. 

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