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Election Day


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10 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

.....I dunno how we got here. Maybe we, as a country, have just had it too good for too long. Seems Germany learned some very hard lessons after letting their hubris get the better of them and came out better for it. Maybe we need a great humbling to get us back on track. Just hope our systems can hold steady.

As for trump trying to steal the election, some of us have been trying to tell y'all this all along. I really wish I could find where @homersapien first brought it up in a concrete way and revisit everyone's reactions to him. Hopefully it's not too late for folks to pay attention now. But we're pretty close to living in a fascist state, and millions of Americans can't get enough of it. 

This is exactly why another Trump term would be preferable to me than a Biden win without carrying the senate..

Without the senate, all a Biden presidency can do - as you said -  is "stop the bleeding". 

Another Trump term would do incalculable damage to our political system as well as our ability to do anything to significantly address global warming, not to mention the ongoing pandemic.  Maybe there's even a nuclear exchange in our future.

I am glad I decided (in the mid 70s) not to have kids.

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Just now, homersapien said:

I am glad I decided (in the mid 70s) not to have kids.

This is why I can't be as nihilistic about it. I have to hope for an okay life for my kids. I have to hope that they don't grow up with constant existential dread. I'd rather avoid total collapse before the rebuilding begins. 

Be glad that you're not carrying that weight. It makes all of this exponentially more awful. 


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

If that's the case, a Biden win is virtually meaningless.

Frankly, I would almost rather Trump win. If the country hasn't had enough of Trump in the last four years, then we deserve another four. 

A meaningless Biden is a win for this country. Get Trump out and there is gridlock to block some of the crap he wants to do. Yeah, I will take that.

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47 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

does biden have a chance?

The most likely scenario is still a Biden win.  He leads in WI and MI where outstanding votes should skew heavily in his direction.  If he holds on to NV and AZ, then he's at 271 which is enough to secure the presidency.

But don't sleep on GA right now.  There's still a distinct possibility that Biden pulls out the Peach State.  He's down about 100k votes with roughly 500k votes uncounted.  However, those votes come from HEAVY Dem areas.  Win those outstanding votes by a 70/30 margin (not unreasonable) and GA becomes a who the hell knows state.

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And it's not just Trump, it's the Republican party:

........"On Twitter, where unverified allegations that Democrats were trying usurp the vote surged under the hashtag #stopthesteal throughout Election Day, the tone sharpened after Trump’s remarks from the White House shortly before 2:30 a.m., that “We did win this election.” He said that he would appeal to the Supreme Court to halt the counting of ballots in numerous states, though he did not say on what grounds he would make the appeal.

The information vacuum exploited by Trump was at least partly the result of the refusal by Republican-controlled state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan to make substantial changes to rules about when mail-in ballots can be processed. Numerous states modified their guidelines to authorize the earlier handling of these ballots, but the three critical battlegrounds did not, with Michigan allowing just an extra day."

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5 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

A meaningless Biden is a win for this country. Get Trump out and there is gridlock to block some of the crap he wants to do. Yeah, I will take that.

Are you referring to all that "crap" that a majority of Americans support, or something else?

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I'm content with a Biden win and a GOP retention of the Senate.  I tend to prefer the WH and at least one house of Congress be the opposite party from each other no matter who's in the Oval Office.  To me, when Congress is the same party as the President they amplify the worst tendencies of their side.

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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm content with a Biden win and a GOP retention of the Senate.  I tend to prefer the WH and at least one house of Congress be the opposite party from each other no matter who's in the Oval Office.  To me, when Congress is the same party as the President they amplify the worst tendencies of their side.

If this scenario plays out, I'm curious to see how McConnell plays the open judge seats during a Biden admin.  Does he fill any hoping for moderate picks or does he hold them open?  Remember, the 2022 Senate map is favorable for Democrats to potentially flip seats.  NC, PA, and WI all in play in 2022.



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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm content with a Biden win and a GOP retention of the Senate.  I tend to prefer the WH and at least one house of Congress be the opposite party from each other no matter who's in the Oval Office.  To me, when Congress is the same party as the President they amplify the worst tendencies of their side.

That works only when congress acts in good faith. 

McConnell doesn't act in good faith.  He is purely partisan, the country's interest be damned.

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Is there any conservative here that would defend Trump's call to just stop counting ballots that are postmarked on or before Election Day?

That's a non-sequitur.  No real conservative would support such a thing, by definition.

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Looks like Biden will end up the states he needs to win. Too bad my write in guy didn't get enough support to register on the results. Oh well. LMAO Anyways, this looks to be a mess coming especially in the rust belt states. This goes to show that many of the pollsters got it wrong again. The result may still be correct but the magnitude is way off. This goes to show why so many distrust the media and the polls. I fell for the trap that this would be an easy Biden win. 


Regardless of what side you are on, realize that the media is playing everyone for a bunch of fools. When you consider that all we hear is the left is a bunch of looting rioters and the right is nothing but white supremacists the election results say otherwise. The way people talk on this board you'd think that everyone that supports trump is some MAGA redneck racist. If so, why aren't there armed racists roaming everywhere? I mean looks like there is about 67 million of them then right? And on the flip side why don't we have 69 million rioters? It is because most people are good people. 


This just shows you how crappy both choices are when many would rather keep trump in office. 

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14 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Are you referring to all that "crap" that a majority of Americans support, or something else?

You mean like a 1.7% (atm) majority? That isn't much of a majority, sounds like almost as many don't support his crap. 

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19 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Is there any conservative here that would defend Trump's call to just stop counting ballots that are postmarked on or before Election Day?

Not in this election, no.  It would be nice if there was a published in advance earlier cutoff, though.


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17 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Looks like Biden will end up the states he needs to win. Too bad my write in guy didn't get enough support to register on the results. Oh well. LMAO Anyways, this looks to be a mess coming especially in the rust belt states. This goes to show that many of the pollsters got it wrong again. The result may still be correct but the magnitude is way off. This goes to show why so many distrust the media and the polls. I fell for the trap that this would be an easy Biden win. 


Regardless of what side you are on, realize that the media is playing everyone for a bunch of fools. When you consider that all we hear is the left is a bunch of looting rioters and the right is nothing but white supremacists the election results say otherwise. The way people talk on this board you'd think that everyone that supports trump is some MAGA redneck racist. If so, why aren't there armed racists roaming everywhere? I mean looks like there is about 67 million of them then right? And on the flip side why don't we have 69 million rioters? It is because most people are good people. 


This just shows you how crappy both choices are when many would rather keep trump in office. 

who was your guy?

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1 minute ago, wdefromtx said:

I wrote in Kasich. LOL Like last time. 

hey man i was wrong. i apologize. i did not want you to not make your point i just wanted breathing room because i was hellfire mad. but instead of messaging you i put my apology out there for everyone to see. i am going to try hard going forward to lighten up and not be such a francis going forward.

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when i went to vote yesterday i walked in and decided to vote straight dem. when i got to the machine and my ballot was going to disappear forever i realized i had checked a straight repub ticket. lol  i snatched that bad boy back and had to redo it. i was lucky when i caught it.........

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Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe reports that "all ballots have been counted" on NBCNews.  Biden leads in final count by over 20,000 votes.


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28 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Regardless of what side you are on, realize that the media is playing everyone for a bunch of fools. When you consider that all we hear is the left is a bunch of looting rioters and the right is nothing but white supremacists the election results say otherwise. The way people talk on this board you'd think that everyone that supports trump is some MAGA redneck racist. If so, why aren't there armed racists roaming everywhere? I mean looks like there is about 67 million of them then right? And on the flip side why don't we have 69 million rioters? It is because most people are good people. 

I base my opinions of trump voters on my interactions with trump voters.


This just shows you how crappy both choices are when many would rather keep trump in office. 

I know some of y'all really want this to be the whole story, but it's not even close. 

Just look at the Alabama senate race. They chose a useless, washed-up car salesman over a damned good and productive public servant based 100% on the letter in front of their names. Or look at North Dakota, where they literally elected a dead guy. It has very little to do with the actual quality of the candidates. 

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7 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I base my opinions of trump voters on my interactions with trump voters.

I know some of y'all really want this to be the whole story, but it's not even close. 

Just look at the Alabama senate race. They chose a useless, washed-up car salesman over a damned good and productive public servant based 100% on the letter in front of their names. Or look at North Dakota, where they literally elected a dead guy. It has very little to do with the actual quality of the candidates. 

That is a pretty narrow way of thinking, surely you don't think all 67 million of his voters all act the same. I guess the flipside is true with some people that think all 69 million Biden supporters want free stuff and to riot, etc. This way of thinking is part of what is wrong with our country right now, no matter which side of the isle one is on.

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5 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I base my opinions of trump voters on my interactions with trump voters.

I know some of y'all really want this to be the whole story, but it's not even close. 

Just look at the Alabama senate race. They chose a useless, washed-up car salesman over a damned good and productive public servant based 100% on the letter in front of their names. Or look at North Dakota, where they literally elected a dead guy. It has very little to do with the actual quality of the candidates. 

I think there's a non-insignificant number of people who crossed over between voting for president and for senator in various places.  They tired of Trump and voted third party or for Biden, but voted for their Republican senator (yes, just because there was an R behind their name) for the express purpose of hopefully getting Trump out but having a GOP Senate prevent the Dems from having complete power.   It was a calculation that was less about the specific Senate candidate and more about the bigger picture of one party control.

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