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7 hours ago, ValleyTiger said:

The censorship from Twitter and the like is absolute horse***t. 

Hate to be redundant but it bears repeating. This says a lot about you and your priorities. 

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10 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

In my county we can vote at any polling location. 

We can’t. You are only registered at one place. The ballots are different for local elections. Even different between where my wife and I vote. 

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29 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Censorship can only come from the government.

Technically, anyone can censor.  But only unlawful censorship can come from the government.

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24 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Hate to be redundant but it bears repeating. This says a lot about you and your priorities. 

Ok, bro. Typical BS from you. Good to know you're a champion of free speech. 

We should censor the POTUS but openly let the radical left and antifa plan their riots on Twitter. 

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8 hours ago, GoAU said:

I think it has zero to do with this discussion.  That being said, I think there are multiple factors involved in the global climate.  There have been numerous swings in temperature of this planet since long before man started burning carbon.  Cyclical solar activity can easily dwarf any impact people can have.  Now, before you start drooling, I will also say that I think people need to do their part to care for the environment and transitioning away from carbon based energy sources needs to be part of that strategy.  That being said, the democrats / libs and their fear mongering  don’t have a viable answer either.   The green new deal is a thesis on ignorance.  I will also say the Paris climate accords were a complete disaster and pulling out of them was the right thing to do.  We can absolutely lead the world in clean energy without having to pay for investments made in other countries.   The US doesn’t have to foot the bill for everyone. 

Those two sentences illustrate you have zero understanding of the issue. 


https://skepticalscience.com/    (see "most used climate myths" #1 and #2)

Consequently, whatever opinions you have are based on total ignorance and are therefore, worthless.  I am not surprised.  MAGAs - starting with Trump - are science adverse if it conflicts with their world view.

(And the subject has everything to do with this election.)






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5 minutes ago, ValleyTiger said:

Ok, bro. Typical BS from you. Good to know you're a champion of free speech. 

We should censor the POTUS but openly let the radical left and antifa plan their riots on Twitter. 

He wasn't censored.

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4 minutes ago, ValleyTiger said:

Ok, bro. Typical BS from you. Good to know you're a champion of free speech. 

We should censor the POTUS but openly let the radical left and antifa plan their riots on Twitter. 

You sure go from zero to crazy in a hurry, huh? Have a cup of coffee. Maybe eat something. 

For the record, I am very much a champion of free speech.

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

He wasn't censored.

Ok, hidden from plain view and labeled as misleading. I guess that's better huh?

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Just now, ValleyTiger said:

Ok, hidden from plain view and labeled as misleading. I guess that's better huh?

It was misleading.  In fact it was a blatant lie.  And it literally takes one extra click to read it.  That's not censorship nor is it unfair.

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5 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

You sure go from zero to crazy in a hurry, huh? Have a cup of coffee. Maybe eat something. 

For the record, I am very much a champion of free speech.

I'm perfectly fine, thanks tho.

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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It was misleading.  In fact it was a blatant lie.  And it literally takes one extra click to read it.  That's not censorship nor is it unfair.

You're being obtuse about FREE speech. It shouldn't be up to Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, whatever to determine misleading or factual. As long as it's not illegal, stop censoring Americans.

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10 minutes ago, ValleyTiger said:

You're being obtuse about FREE speech. It shouldn't be up to Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, whatever to determine misleading or factual. As long as it's not illegal, stop censoring Americans.

No I'm not.  Free speech is a guarantee that our government will not censor us.  But Twitter, YouTube, Instagram have no obligation to let anyone say any s*** they feel like no matter how inaccurate or dangerous it is unfettered.  These are businesses and they have every right to step in when they feel their platform is being used to do such things, damaging their brand and business as a result.  Donald Trump has the right to send any s*** out to his email list he wants, or to set up an website of his own to peddle his made up horse***t if he wants without being fact checked.  He does not have the right to make Twitter let him do it there.

He's lying.  Not just misleading - lying his ass off. They don't have to give him a stage and a mic to do it with, but they are - just not without a qualifier to inform people that he's saying things that aren't true about an extremely important matter.

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As far as the Senate goes, I think the GOP managed to hang on to it.  They've secured 47 seats as of right now.  Of the outstanding races, I think they're going to win the following:

NC (Tillis)
ME (Collins)
GA (Perdue. Loeffler will be a favorite to win the runoff) 
AK (Sullivan)

That puts them at 52 seats.  I think Kelly has AZ (been called by some news outlets) and even though the Republican leads in MI I'm not sure that will hold.

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

As far as the Senate goes, I think the GOP managed to hang on to it.  They've secured 47 seats as of right now.  Of the outstanding races, I think they're going to win the following:

NC (Tillis)
ME (Collins)
GA (Perdue. Loeffler will be a favorite to win the runoff) 
AK (Sullivan)

That puts them at 52 seats.  I think Kelly has AZ (been called by some news outlets) and even though the Republican leads in MI I'm not sure that will hold.

If that's the case, a Biden win is virtually meaningless.

Frankly, I would almost rather Trump win. If the country hasn't had enough of Trump in the last four years, then we deserve another four. 

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4 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

No I'm not.  Free speech is a guarantee that our government will not censor us.  But Twitter, YouTube, Instagram have no obligation to let anyone say any s*** they feel like no matter how inaccurate or dangerous it is unfettered.  These are businesses and they have every right to step in when they feel their platform is being used to do such things, damaging their brand and business as a result.  Donald Trump has the right to send any s*** out to his email list he wants, or to set up an website of his own to peddle his made up horse***t if he wants without being fact checked.  He does not have the right to make Twitter let him do it there.

He's lying.  Not just misleading - lying his ass off. They don't have to give him a stage and a mic to do it with.

Sure, sure. I understand your premise, they're businesses, but let's not pretend they're not highly influential in today's age of technology AND that they're blatantly "censoring" one side more than the other. 

Anyway, I'm done. Got work to do.

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46 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Technically, anyone can censor.  But only unlawful censorship can come from the government.

Eh, censorship inherently means the inability to publish for easy public consumption.  Twitter can take something down, but no one is stopping Trump from getting a mic and saying what he wants.  Thus his thoughts/ideas aren't being taken out of the marketplace.  Hard to argue that he's being censored in that case.

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8 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

As far as the Senate goes, I think the GOP managed to hang on to it.  They've secured 47 seats as of right now.  Of the outstanding races, I think they're going to win the following:

NC (Tillis)
ME (Collins)
GA (Perdue. Loeffler will be a favorite to win the runoff) 
AK (Sullivan)

That puts them at 52 seats.  I think Kelly has AZ (been called by some news outlets) and even though the Republican leads in MI I'm not sure that will hold.

This is honestly the biggest disappointment for me in the election.

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6 minutes ago, ValleyTiger said:

Sure, sure. I understand your premise, they're businesses, but let's not pretend they're not highly influential in today's age of technology AND that they're blatantly "censoring" one side more than the other. 

Anyway, I'm done. Got work to do.

Tell you what, here's Joe Biden's Twitter account:  https://twitter.com/JoeBiden 

Why don't you show me which tweets make the sort of outlandish claim that Trump did last night?  Show me the tweets that Twitter should have fact-checked or censored and didn't.  Show me this evidence of unfair and uneven treatment.


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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

Tell you what, here's Joe Biden's Twitter account:  https://twitter.com/JoeBiden 

Why don't you show me which tweets make the sort of outlandish claim that Trump did last night?  Show me the tweets that Twitter should have fact-checked or censored and didn't.  Show me this evidence of unfair and uneven treatment.


Looking forward to @ValleyTiger's feedback. Maybe even dedicate a thread to it and open it up to the other trumpers. 

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well so much for the blow out. for trump to have this much support after all he has done is eye opening. i just woke up after a long night. does biden have a chance? my skin crawled last night when trump came out last night and it appeared trump was trying to still the election. if he wins fairly fine but to try and stir up his base kinda breaks my heart. it appears the america i love is long gone. hate has replaced love. no honor. cheat if you can get away with it. i am surprised trump is waiting or seems to be on results. but again i just woke up.

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somebody cheer me up............

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I honestly can't believe Trump is still pushing this horse***t narrative that it's 'cheating' to count ballots in PA that were postmarked on or before Election Day.

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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I honestly can't believe Trump is still pushing this horse***t narrative that it's 'cheating' to count ballots in PA that were postmarked on or before Election Day.

I certainly can believe it.  He is who he is.

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14 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

somebody cheer me up............

We are all uncontrollably hurtling towards our own demise...


You good now?

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2 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

somebody cheer me up............

Afraid I'll be of little help with that. The  country's in a dark place and likely will be for some time to come. A Biden win might stop the bleeding but it won't heal the wound. And this isn't me overreacting to this election. I've felt this way for quite some time. I never bought into the possibility of a Biden landslide, and really anything other than that is indicative of really effed up priorities at a macro level. This forum isn't an outlier, but a microcosm. These insane fools in here aren't the outspoken minority. They are representative of half the country. 

I dunno how we got here. Maybe we, as a country, have just had it too good for too long. Seems Germany learned some very hard lessons after letting their hubris get the better of them and came out better for it. Maybe we need a great humbling to get us back on track. Just hope our systems can hold steady.


As for trump trying to steal the election, some of us have been trying to tell y'all this all along. I really wish I could find where @homersapien first brought it up in a concrete way and revisit everyone's reactions to him. Hopefully it's not too late for folks to pay attention now. But we're pretty close to living in a fascist state, and millions of Americans can't get enough of it. 

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