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i know people are angry or disappointed


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Seriously, I say this every year. Gus #1 weakness to me is if plan A don't work there is no plan B whatsoever. We live or die by Plan A. Saturday we died!

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The Achilles heal for CGM since 2014 has been the oline. For the life of me I  don't understand why this hasn't been fixed. I get the star rating and all but there are plenty of teams that have a 3* avg oline that can plow open running lanes and pass block. I like CGM alot but this past weekend was by far one of the least prepared teams I have seen since 2011. I dont pretend to think I know the answer. This was the first time in a long time I stopped watching a Auburn football game at halftime in 9 years. 😠😡🤬

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I’m not angry or disappointed. I’m numb to it. 37 plus years of watching Auburn football and Gus has damn near ruined it for me. Our program needs new energy.  For the players and the fans we need new energy and a new approach. 

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38 minutes ago, nixtosanders94 said:

I’m not angry or disappointed. I’m numb to it. 37 plus years of watching Auburn football and Gus has damn near ruined it for me. Our program needs new energy.  For the players and the fans we need new energy and a new approach. 

It's been 50 years of watching (and listening) for me and he's pretty much ruined it for me too. I was already going into this season with one eye open and the other closed just because of the Covid stuff and not knowing how that could affect us. The Auburn Georgia rivalry has become as one-sided as the Alabama Tennessee rivalry. It's painful to watch and it should be embarrassing for him. 

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3 hours ago, Randy4AU said:

And forfeit that massive buyout? That's not likely going to happen. 

Of course not, but it would be the most helpful action. 

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10 hours ago, aucanucktiger said:

Can we have one melt down thread again so the childrens' hour can be be on just one channel?

So what part of the thread title led you to believe this was going to lead to a lot of feel good stories? 

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15 hours ago, jAUSon said:

I'm not really upset or disappointed. I don't know if it's covid insanity or the whole 2020 political experience or what- lately I'm finding it near impossible to give a damn, and I'm curious if anybody else is that way. 

Somewhere around my mid 20's I started to appreciate things more and one of those was Auburn football. I always wanted us to win, but I just enjoyed watching them more than anything. The whole Saturday's in the fall down South ritual is something I'm a real sucker for. You can't win every game and if you lose a hard fought game it's hard to really complain. These days it's hard to get real excited about anything they do.

Most of my family and all of my in-laws are Dawg fans. Went to the in-laws to watch the game (cannot tell you the last time I watched an Auburn/Georgia game with mostly Dawg fans) and it was because I knew we would get whipped and I didn't really care. It's sad.

Gus and the PTB have not just let the program slip into irrelevancy, they have sucked the fun out of Auburn football and I thought that was impossible. That's the main reason I hate these people and I want them gone.

Thank god the Braves are good this year. 

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4 hours ago, woodford said:

Thank god the Braves are good this year. 

Don't tease me, bro.  I might have to come out of the fan closet this year.

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The biggest surprise at this point in his tenure is that anyone would think anyone or anything would change. We know exactly what we have and it isn't going to change, 

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Hell yea I am mad but I was mad back in 2010 when Chiz hired him.  I dont expect to win them all but we have too much talent to be as noncompetitive as we have been in big games.  

We dont have any rhyme or reason for the play calling.  We dont attack what the D is doing.  For instance, when the dawg backers blitzed we never attacked that area.  For instance, a receiver in the area where the backer blitzed will either for the backer to fill the area or have a safety come in and fill.  If the blitzer stays back the the QB should have time to attack the corners with double moves or if the safety fills the TE could be used in patterns in the area vacated by the safety.  In addition, get our RBs outside the box on screen passes when the dawgs are blitzing.  We could also hit quick slants.

What concerns me even more about this year I am not sure we have the offense that can score on the midlevel or lower level teams.  We pretty much suffered offensively against the better teams.  Just look at Fla, LSU, Georgia from last year as well as The gophers.  However, for the most part when playing the lesser teams our offense flourished just look at ark, MSU and Miss last year.  I am not even sure our offense will be effective against the lesser teams this year if Kentucky is any indication.

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On 10/6/2020 at 8:57 PM, aucanucktiger said:

Can we have one melt down thread again so the childrens' hour can be be on just one channel?

Feel free to start a feel good story thread on the AU team or Gus so that fantasy hour can be on one channel.

Or you could start one on the OL - call it comedy hour. 

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