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i know people are angry or disappointed


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as am i. what do you think gus could change to make things better. my first thought is making the first team o and the fist team d go against each other. i believe it would give a better look at the team and less bad surprises on some game days. i also think when bo struggles maybe he needs to sit and gather himself instead of playing upset and frustrated. when he gets rattled he forgets many of his mechanics is why i say this. not to punish bo but if he gets to sit a series maybe watching another qb might help him look while he is not running for his life? and i am no coach. this is our team for the rest of the year. it would be nice to hear what we might could change to better our team. and yes i am not leaving that as a setup to slam gus because most are fed up. i would love to keep gus if he can up his game. so lets hear what ya got folks if you are interested.

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i read where saban makes the 1's go against the 1's every wednesday for about 25 plays and he gets a better picture of what is going on versus 1's playing the scout team. i think sometimes that can give us a false reading. and love him or hate him saban has had a ton of success.

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This is a guy who doesn't change or even attempt to make his team better. We have sufficient evidence to say that he will not change. It's too little too late. He doesn't have the talent to win the big games and he has no way to will them towards victory in tough road match ups.

This is beating a dead horse, but Auburn is doomed until someone else takes over. That's the sad reality.

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The only thing that Gus can do to make things better is to not be on the sidelines in Jordan-Hare anymore, ever...8 years of this crappy coaching and recruiting is way to long. Time to go in a different direction.


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57 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i read where saban makes the 1's go against the 1's every wednesday for about 25 plays and he gets a better picture of what is going on versus 1's playing the scout team. i think sometimes that can give us a false reading. and love him or hate him saban has had a ton of success.

Needing 3 or 4 actual games to evaluate your own players is ludicrous.  This is definitely one issue. 

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We (the fans) need to start understanding this is who Gus is. He has literally pulled this crap every single year. I have no idea why we expect more. I was hoping Morris would be a savior .. false hope.  Gus is not going to change anything except offensive coordinators.. the way he does things, the way he conducts practice etc.. he is not going to change.. because he sees nothing wrong it. We just have to accept that we are stuck with him until someone gets the nerve to buy him out. At this point, I just expect a crappy $hit show every Saturday and if we pull out the win, I will be pleasantly surprised. The simple fact that Gus has crapped the bed for many years on OL recruiting should get him fired. We are reaping those rewards as we speak. 

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Year after year...same discussion...waste of time. 

I crossed the Rubicon on Gus long ago. He just isn’t and will never be a really good SEC coach and certainly is not even close to deserving $7 mil a year. 

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13 minutes ago, AuMarine said:

We (the fans) need to start understanding this is who Gus is. He has literally pulled this crap every single year. I have no idea why we expect more. I was hoping Morris would be a savior .. false hope. 

Yep. I was fooled by the Morris hire, big time. Even then, it was only after I started seeing some differences in recruiting. And that made the combo of Morris and Bicknell more appealing, even though we haven't actually landed a 5* tackle or anything. 

But it was false hope, like you said. I know that now. There's no way to explain away a performance that bad. And it's not just the offense, which tells me that the program is now actually moving backwards as opposed to just being stagnant. 

In year 8. Against freaking Georgia

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I’m starting to wonder if bringing in Chad was a bad idea.  Offense like a finesse offense compared to “Auburn Fast, Auburn Physical” or whatever they used to say.  After two games I’d almost rather see two runs up the middle than two swing passes for about as many yards.

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:

Yep. I was fooled by the Morris hire, big time. Even then, it was only after I started seeing some differences in recruiting. And that made the combo of Morris and Bicknell more appealing, even though we haven't actually landed a 5* tackle or anything. 

But it was false hope, like you said. I know that now. There's no way to explain away a performance that bad. And it's not just the offense, which tells me that the program is now actually moving backwards as opposed to just being stagnant. 

In year 8. Against freaking Georgia

Agree x 1000.. and like you said in year 8.. we are still folding like a tent against our rival not even pretending to look prepared. The offense is a hot mess .. do we not teach run blocking? I mean even a little? The biggest disappointment for me has been the front 7 on defense. I feel like our dbs are the strongest group on defense but they need help from the front .. getting blown 4 and 5 yards off the ball all night and being out of position so many times is crazy. A lot to fix all around.

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The decline of the Gus Malzahn “offensive guru” status isn’t the simple pass tree.  It isn’t the lack of TE utilization.  It isn’t the speed or lack there of.  The decline of Gus’s offense can be traced directly to the lack of quality Olinemen that were brought in since the Chizik years.  Unless Tank absolutely blasts off we are about to witness the 3rd straight year without a 1000 yard rusher with one of the best stables of backs Auburn has had since 2016.  

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Auburn fans have the right to be angry because we watch the same crap from Malzahn every single year. Auburn's BOTs keep paying millions and for what? I hope one day those trustees will open their eyes and get off their hands fire Malzahn and hire the head coach money can buy. Alabama did just that when they hired Nick Saban.

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I'm not really upset or disappointed. I don't know if it's covid insanity or the whole 2020 political experience or what- lately I'm finding it near impossible to give a damn, and I'm curious if anybody else is that way. 

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1 hour ago, jAUSon said:

lately I'm finding it near impossible to give a damn, and I'm curious if anybody else is that way. 

I’m close to feeling the same.  I may just start fishing again. 

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1 hour ago, jAUSon said:

I'm not really upset or disappointed. I don't know if it's covid insanity or the whole 2020 political experience or what- lately I'm finding it near impossible to give a damn, and I'm curious if anybody else is that way. 

I was pretty emotionally checked out by halftime on Saturday. I told my wife Friday night that we were going to lose and she agreed with me. I said this should be a golden opportunity to finally win at Georgia with them having nothing at quarterback and a diminished homefield advantage. But we will lose because Gus, without fail, always loses these games. I expect we will win an ugly game Saturday, things will be back to "normal" for a little while, then we'll lay an egg against LSU, get raced by Alabama, and lose one or two more games that are on the schedule. It's going to be the exact same situation we were in at the end of 2016 and 2018. It won't be quite bad enough at 5-5 or 6-4 to swallow our pride and cut the check but it won't leave a lot of hope for next year either. 

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1 hour ago, jAUSon said:

I'm not really upset or disappointed. I don't know if it's covid insanity or the whole 2020 political experience or what- lately I'm finding it near impossible to give a damn, and I'm curious if anybody else is that way. 

I find myself vacillating between mind numbing apathy and  vein bulging anger. I really just feel bad for the players at this point.

Year 8.



I just don’t get why I keep falling for the hope that things have changed. Gus has shown us time and again who and what he is. It’s my fault for expecting something different. 

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

as am i. what do you think gus could change to make things better. my first thought is making the first team o and the fist team d go against each other. i believe it would give a better look at the team and less bad surprises on some game days. i also think when bo struggles maybe he needs to sit and gather himself instead of playing upset and frustrated. when he gets rattled he forgets many of his mechanics is why i say this. not to punish bo but if he gets to sit a series maybe watching another qb might help him look while he is not running for his life? and i am no coach. this is our team for the rest of the year. it would be nice to hear what we might could change to better our team. and yes i am not leaving that as a setup to slam gus because most are fed up. i would love to keep gus if he can up his game. so lets hear what ya got folks if you are interested.

Not re-hiring JB Grimes two years ago would’ve been a nice start.

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I honestly thought this year would be when Gus finally turned things around.  Just a few of my quotes from the off-season:

-- Bringing in Chad Morris and turning the offense over to him will revolutionize our offense

-- We may just have the best stable of running backs in the league

-- Bo Nix's sophomore year will prove that he is a Heisman contender

-- Best group of LB's we have had in years

-- Seth Williams will be a 1st team WR this season

I told the folks at work. "This is Auburn's season.....We will go undefeated in 2020...".  A bammer grad I worked with said, "LOL, you guys say that EVERY year.....!!"  Looks like he was right.

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8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

would be nice to hear what we might could change to better our team.

Let’s shake it up. I would change the philosophy, Schemes, play calling, Work out regimen, how we recruit OL, pre game meal, pre-game speeches, put Chad in the box, Start huddling, go to a I-formation 99 as FB with with tank in the backfield and 2 TE, go for it every 4th down under 3 yards. On D I would promote T-Will to d coordinator, Play a 5-2-4, sell out to stop the run, blitz on most passing downs and have someone cover the Rb coming out of the backfield, fake more punts, and kick it onsides at least once every other game. 
Nothing to lose- we are going down the wrong path. Might as well change everything since we all know it is a fairy tell anyway- nothing will change over the next 3 years unless we get rid of the real problem. 

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31 minutes ago, Shift said:

Seth Williams will be a 1st team WR this season

That actually may be true if we can get him the ball and he will catch it. 

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8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

as am i. what do you think gus could change to make things better. my first thought is making the first team o and the fist team d go against each other. i believe it would give a better look at the team and less bad surprises on some game days. i also think when bo struggles maybe he needs to sit and gather himself instead of playing upset and frustrated. when he gets rattled he forgets many of his mechanics is why i say this. not to punish bo but if he gets to sit a series maybe watching another qb might help him look while he is not running for his life? and i am no coach. this is our team for the rest of the year. it would be nice to hear what we might could change to better our team. and yes i am not leaving that as a setup to slam gus because most are fed up. i would love to keep gus if he can up his game. so lets hear what ya got folks if you are interested.

I agree, but, Gus doesn't want us to know. He still thinks he is smarter than everybody else.

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