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Freedoms we have lost


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That's my thought exactly. Can you imagine the harm if someone like Hitler were allowed that kind of power by law given to him by the people? Complete havoc.

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Like I've said before. Congress has already struck down one of the provisions and will probably get a few more.

This is exactly how the system is supposed to work.

And dems talking about freedoms.hahhahahahahahahahahahahahah

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And right there in that little kernel of trust is exactly where Bush and Ashcroft have placed their bet.

I am more comfortable trusting Bush than I am the terrorists that will go undetected if we do not tweak our surveillance and privacy laws. And I am only for tweaking, if they are going further than that, and I know you think they are, then our judges and lawmakers better open their eyes. I for one do not think I have blind trust regarding this matter, or I would be on the football forum saying I don't trust Tuberville to hire a great OC, instead of arguing with liberals over here...

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I am more comfortable trusting Bush than I am the terrorists that will go undetected if we do not tweak our surveillance and privacy laws.  And I am only for tweaking, if they are going further than that, and I know you think they are, then our judges and lawmakers better open their eyes.  I for one do not think I have blind trust regarding this matter, or I would be on the football forum saying I don't trust Tuberville to hire a great OC, instead of arguing with liberals over here...

I am in 100% agreeance with you concerning tweaking, rexbo. Where you and I diverge is in the element of trust. I don't trust this administration because everything with them is shrouded in secrecy and they've been caught in too many lies. You don't feel this way. I would love to be able to start a new topic entitled, "I Sure Was Wrong about Bush and I'm Sorry," but, that isn't looking too likely for the forseeable future.

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I would love to be able to start a new topic entitled, "I Sure Was Wrong about Bush and I'm Sorry," but, that isn't looking too likely for the forseeable future.


Who do you think you're kidding!?!?!?!?!?

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