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Trump supporters try to obstruct early voters at polling site in Virginia


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1 hour ago, channonc said:

More whataboutism. What a surprise. 🙄

What a cop-out answer! You know those people were not breaking any laws and you give a weasel statement like they are "getting close to dangerous territory." Then you accuse me of changing the subject after I specifically said that if they were breaking laws they should be arrested.

You are much better than I am, so I am surprised at you!

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7 minutes ago, Grumps said:

What a cop-out answer! You know those people were not breaking any laws and you give a weasel statement like they are "getting close to dangerous territory." Then you accuse me of changing the subject after I specifically said that if they were breaking laws they should be arrested.

You are much better than I am, so I am surprised at you!

I didn't accuse them of breaking the law, but pointed out that they were dangerously close. You in turn, tried to change the subject to BLM protest which was not what I was commenting on.

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7 minutes ago, Grumps said:

Does it matter?

It does matter. One side is making it painfully clear they actually do not want people to vote. Even President Trump said that in his presser yesterday. Exact quote: "Get rid of ballots and you will have a very peaceful-- there won't be a transfer frankly, there will be a continuation." In response to a question about whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should be not be re-elected. 

Regardless of who you vote for, I believe our right to vote is paramount. It is the only real way for "we the people" to have a say in our government. If our vote is taken away or disenfranchised our government is in peril.

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6 minutes ago, channonc said:

I didn't accuse them of breaking the law, but pointed out that they were dangerously close. You in turn, tried to change the subject to BLM protest which was not what I was commenting on.

I understood you to be suggesting that their gathering was dangerously close to breaking the law. I then brought up another gathering that was dangerously close to breaking the law. Hence there is a correlation. The difference is that in they situation you brought up, you know there was no law broken, and in the situation I brought up you know that there were laws broken.

So I am guilty of whataboutism. I will own up to that. That is better than intentionally suggesting that a group of people I have never met and know nothing about are criminals. Do you own that?

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8 minutes ago, channonc said:

It does matter. One side is making it painfully clear they actually do not want people to vote. Even President Trump said that in his presser yesterday. Exact quote: "Get rid of ballots and you will have a very peaceful-- there won't be a transfer frankly, there will be a continuation." In response to a question about whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should be not be re-elected. 

Regardless of who you vote for, I believe our right to vote is paramount. It is the only real way for "we the people" to have a say in our government. If our vote is taken away or disenfranchised our government is in peril.

I apologize for being unclear. What I was asking homer is "does it matter what they are protesting." Meaning that they have a right to peacefully protest no matter what their cause is.

We can disagree about whether the gathering was to encourage people to vote for Trump versus encouraging people not to vote at all.

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2 minutes ago, Grumps said:

I understood you to be suggesting that their gathering was dangerously close to breaking the law. I then brought up another gathering that was dangerously close to breaking the law. Hence there is a correlation. The difference is that in they situation you brought up, you know there was no law broken, and in the situation I brought up you know that there were laws broken.

So I am guilty of whataboutism. I will own up to that. That is better than intentionally suggesting that a group of people I have never met and know nothing about are criminals. Do you own that?

In Virginia, the law specifically states:

"During the times the polls are open and ballots are being counted, it is unlawful for any person (i) to loiter or congregate within 40 feet of any entrance of any polling place; (ii) within such distance to give, tender, or exhibit any ballot, ticket, or other campaign material to any person or to solicit or in any manner attempt to influence any person in casting his vote; or (iii) to hinder or delay a qualified voter in entering or leaving a polling place."

The video does show the group close to being within the 40 foot designation. I didn't accuse them of breaking the law, again, only pointed out that they looked close.

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2 minutes ago, Grumps said:

I apologize for being unclear. What I was asking homer is "does it matter what they are protesting." Meaning that they have a right to peacefully protest no matter what their cause is.

We can disagree about whether the gathering was to encourage people to vote for Trump versus encouraging people not to vote at all.

Motive here will be hard to prove. I agree. However, it is a very, very Democrat-heavy area, and that is well-known. While I can't prove it, I suspect the gathering was more about getting on the news and trying to annoy the crowd then any real effort to sway voters to vote for Trump.

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45 minutes ago, Grumps said:

What a cop-out answer! You know those people were not breaking any laws and you give a weasel statement like they are "getting close to dangerous territory." Then you accuse me of changing the subject after I specifically said that if they were breaking laws they should be arrested.

You are much better than I am, so I am surprised at you!

It's against the law in SC to even wear a political T-shirt into a polling place.  You don't even have to open your mouth, they'll turn you away if you show up in one.

Now I don't know if they were breaking any laws or not, but their intent seems pretty clear.

(And you need to lose the arrogance.  It's a losing proposition for you to match intellects with channoc.)

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