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Trump supporters try to obstruct early voters at polling site in Virginia


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Trump supporters try to obstruct early voters at polling site in Virginia

Matthew Chapman


Salon•September 20, 2020

Trump Supporters

Trump supporters Getty/Elijah Nouvelage

On Saturday, lines to vote early in Fairfax County, Virginia — an affluent, left-trending area including the suburbs of Washington, D.C. — reached enormous lengths, with many voters telling reporters that they were spurred to vote by the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

But Trump supporters showed up at the early voting site to protest, as well.

Photos and videos by Washington Informer reporter Anthony Tilghman show Trump supporters blocking the path to the early voting site, standing together waving Trump flags and chanting "Four more years!"

None of the Trump supporters visible in the footage appeared to be wearing masks.

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Way to go Republicans. Finally starting to fight back. Only difference is they did not physically and verbally assault the voters.

This is what a peaceful protest is supposed to look like.

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Yeah, this made our local news. Mostly because there are so few Trump supporters in our area and the ones we do seem to be the extreme outliers in crazy land. (Example: This guy literally lives down the street from me.) The number of people who are doing early voting in my area has skyrocketed. I suspect very few lines on the last day of elections where I live as I suspect most who are planning to vote, will have either done so either in-person early or via mail/drop box absentee.

Our area will be deep blue this year and I expect that coupled with Richmond/Richmond suburbs, will leave VA no longer a "purple state". 

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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Way to go Republicans. Finally starting to fight back. Only difference is they did not physically and verbally assault the voters.

This is what a peaceful protest is supposed to look like.

Fighting back against what?  Voting?

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23 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Fighting back against what?  Voting?

"Dem angry socialist mobs were standing around in lines, some spread as far as six feet apart, for hours on end.  The liberal lovers even had masks on too.  What happened to freedom in this country?!!!"

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31 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Fighting back against what?  Voting?

Well, yeah. It's a threat to the almighty one.

A democratic Republic allowed Trump to come to power, but now that he's there it's really kind of inconvenient.

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23 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

"Dem angry socialist mobs were standing around in lines, some spread as far as six feet apart, for hours on end.  The liberal lovers even had masks on too.  What happened to freedom in this country?!!!"

At the end of that statement, does this.....


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freedom only means something to the right when it benefits them period. the messing with voting stations and the post offices attempt to undermine the mail by slowing it down. make no mistake the trumpers were intimidating people or trying to. they do not give a damn about anything other than what they can benefit from. just like ol argo cheering people on who are trying to mess with the basic american freedom of voting rights. it is disgusting and unless i know you repubs will have to prove to me they love their country and what she stands for. some of you folks on here are almost too nice. and yes i will catch hell for saying it but i also believe it straight up. one thing i agree with from some opinons on here is dems need to get a spine. why?it is just starting. wait until election day and after............

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3 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Fighting back against what?  Voting?

Really? You know what I'm talking about.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

freedom only means something to the right when it benefits them period. the messing with voting stations and the post offices attempt to undermine the mail by slowing it down. make no mistake the trumpers were intimidating people or trying to. they do not give a damn about anything other than what they can benefit from. just like ol argo cheering people on who are trying to mess with the basic american freedo of voting rights. it is disgusting and unless i know you repubs will have to prove to me they love their country and what she stands for. some of yomu folks on here are almost too nice. and yes i will catch hell for saying it but i also believe it straight up. one thing i agree with from some opinons on here is dems need to get a spine. why?it is just starting. wait until election day and after............

Please read your own statement carefully.

For months innocent American Citizens have been being denied their basic American Rights to Freedom by liberal rioters, protestors, and arsonists denying them of Liberty in which the Bible and the Constitution both point out. Examples below:

People could not drive down streets, highways, or cross bridges because of protesting idiots laying their bodies across the roads to cut off traffic flow.

People having mobs march across their lawns with hate filled signs, shouting obscenities towards their front doors.

Old couples simply sitting down to try to eat a peaceful meal having thugs shooting them birds, shouting obscenities.

Innocent business owners (black and white) having their businesses destroyed by arsonists, while the liberal media called these acts of violence " peaceful protests".

Then when a small group of conservative protestors gather together to speak their mind about something they disagree with, they are disgusting. Why don't you take a good whiff of what you are shoveling here.

I am not for violence or discrimination of any sort, but I am for people's rights not to be bullied for any cause, and also to stand up against bullies.

God commanded us to love and forgive our enemies, but he did not say we could not defend ourselves, or that we needed to be doormats either.

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3 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Please read your own statement carefully.

For months innocent American Citizens have been being denied their basic American Rights to Freedom by liberal rioters, protestors, and arsonists denying them of Liberty in which the Bible and the Constitution both point out. Examples below:

People could not drive down streets, highways, or cross bridges because of protesting idiots laying their bodies across the roads to cut off traffic flow.

People having mobs march across their lawns with hate filled signs, shouting obscenities towards their front doors.

Old couples simply sitting down to try to eat a peaceful meal having thugs shooting them birds, shouting obscenities.

Innocent business owners (black and white) having their businesses destroyed by arsonists, while the liberal media called these acts of violence " peaceful protests".

Then when a small group of conservative protestors gather together to speak their mind about something they disagree with, they are disgusting. Why don't you take a good whiff of what you are shoveling here.

I am not for violence or discrimination of any sort, but I am for people's rights not to be bullied for any cause, and also to stand up against bullies.

God commanded us to love and forgive our enemies, but he did not say we could not defend ourselves, or that we needed to be doormats either.

dude what about [ yes i know titan ] the trumpers killing people in church etc? what about the trumpers driving through peaceful protest crowds trying to hurt them? what about the trumpers going around shotting protesters with rubber bullets and pepper spray etc? with paint balls? do not hand me that crap. ans thar amll group of protesters which you guys hate if they are on the left were not protesting they were trying to intimidate voters. and now you want to throw jesus in there? lol well many of you think trump is gods chosen one. you can go try throwing that bull on someone else dude cus i am not buying it.

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4 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Really? You know what I'm talking about.

Actually I'm pretty sure you just made an ass of yourself. 

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51 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Actually I'm pretty sure you just made an ass of yourself. 

Did I disguise myself as you?

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8 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Fighting back against what?  Voting?

My guess is that he means that some republicans are tired of sitting quietly at home while thousands of self-reported liberals are rioting and looting and burning the property of others. Those people may feel that participating in a peaceful protest will make them feel like they are part of the solution instead of remaining silent or being a part of the problem. But that's just my guess.

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7 minutes ago, Grumps said:

My guess is that he means that some republicans are tired of sitting quietly at home while thousands of self-reported liberals are rioting and looting and burning the property of others. Those people may feel that participating in a peaceful protest will make them feel like they are part of the solution instead of remaining silent or being a part of the problem. But that's just my guess.

But why protest a group of people standing in line to vote?  What exactly are you protesting and how does picketing and hollering at voters further your aims?  

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7 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

But why protest a group of people standing in line to vote?  What exactly are you protesting and how does picketing and hollering at voters further your aims?  

My guess is that they were not protesting the people voting. My guess is that it was more of a rally. If we see video footage of the republicans in the faces of the voters harassing them and calling them names then you will know that I was wrong.

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1 minute ago, Grumps said:

My guess is that they were not protesting the people voting. My guess is that it was more of a rally. If we see video footage of the republicans in the faces of the voters harassing them and calling them names then you will know that I was wrong.

Just a bizarre place to decide to hold a rally.

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17 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Just a bizarre place to decide to hold a rally.

They probably want to irritate the people who are voting. Many "protestors" like to irritate people.

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That's some weak sauce of a thread.

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10 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

But why protest a group of people standing in line to vote?  What exactly are you protesting and how does picketing and hollering at voters further your aims?  

Try to get past your incessant need to have facts, links, or science added to an idea before you can fathom it and maybe you can understand this.

Conservatives look at Trump vs. Biden through what they have seen and heard from both candidates. Biden is a walking, talking disaster of a candidate for President. He can't hold thoughts and complete sentences without outside assistance of some sort. His most recent blunder was stating that over 200 million Americans have died from the virus. When you take these and other factors into consideration such as the softball questions he gets from the liberal media trying not to get him flustered, the conservatives know in their heart of hearts that the only way Biden has a chance to defeat Trump is to have corrupt factions such as early voting in liberal states, mail in voting using the virus as an excuse not to have live voting at the polls, so they can underhandedly corrupt the normal voting procedures elections routinely go through.

Coupled along with the fact that, as I said earlier, we are tired of being silent, we are tired of being doormats for the liberal bullies and terrorists, and we feel it is time to start fighting back and finish the war that the liberals started. I feel like this is the first bullet fired by conservatives, and though it is a small step, it has definitely gotten the attention of the left.

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9 hours ago, Grumps said:


They probably want to irritate the people who are voting. Many "protestors" like to irritate people.

Granted.  But I thought that most on the right felt those protests where people surround and disrupt dinner patrons at an outdoor cafe were dumb and ineffective.  If anything they would turn people against your cause.  Why try to imitate them, even a little?

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1 minute ago, ArgoEagle said:

Try to get past your incessant need to have facts, links, or science added to an idea before you can fathom it and maybe you can understand this.

Conservatives look at Trump vs. Biden through what they have seen and heard from both candidates. Biden is a walking, talking disaster of a candidate for President. He can't hold thoughts and complete sentences without outside assistance of some sort. His most recent blunder was stating that over 200 million Americans have died from the virus. When you take these and other factors into consideration such as the softball questions he gets from the liberal media trying not to get him flustered, the conservatives know in their heart of hearts that the only way Biden has a chance to defeat Trump is to have corrupt factions such as early voting in liberal states, mail in voting using the virus as an excuse not to have live voting at the polls, so they can underhandedly corrupt the normal voting procedures elections routinely go through.

Coupled along with the fact that, as I said earlier, we are tired of being silent, we are tired of being doormats for the liberal bullies and terrorists, and we feel it is time to start fighting back and finish the war that the liberals started. I feel like this is the first bullet fired by conservatives, and though it is a small step, it has definitely gotten the attention of the left.

Yeah, facts, links, and science - such pesky little things.  Much better to operate on emotion, rumor, YouTube videos, and knee-jerk reactions. <_<

I view this particular avenue of "protest" the same way as I view idiots who harass patrons at an outdoor restaurant.  It targets the wrong people and does nothing to further your cause.  Just makes you look like a something ranging between a weirdo to an a**hole.

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4 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

He can't hold thoughts and complete sentences without outside assistance of some sort. His most recent blunder was stating that over 200 million Americans have died from the virus.

Your Chosen One literally said we'd have "one million eight hundred and seventy thousand million" tests for coronavirus available and you didn't blink.  This is just one of a litany of unintelligible sentences and verbal gaffes yet you're perfectly fine.  Spare me.

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