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A Ginsburg replacement is 'worth the White House and Senate'


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3 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

Yes there was a plan, in fact more than one, which would have been open to bi-partisan amendments. It was a 2 step process. McCain voted against the "skinny" repeal which ended it. 


3 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

Funny how no one has ever seen that plan put forward over the course of the last four years.

Your assertion is still wrong though.  McCain didn't vote against a replacement bill.  He voted against the repeal BECAUSE a plan hadn't been put forward with input from both sides first.

Read his entire floor speech if you need a refresher.


That's what I said, he voted against the "skinny" repeal, McConnell's planned step one. That would have lead to step two for a new bill open to amendments. By voting no he closed the door on the McConnell-GOP caucus process. McCain can say anything he wants as an excuse but he told McConnell earlier that day he was a yes vote. After back stabbing McConnell, suddenly McCain came up with the lame excuse that he wanted it the other way around.  

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10 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:


That's what I said, he voted against the "skinny" repeal, McConnell's planned step one. That would have lead to step two for a new bill open to amendments. By voting no he closed the door on the McConnell-GOP caucus process. McCain can say anything he wants as an excuse but he told McConnell earlier that day he was a yes vote. After back stabbing McConnell, suddenly McCain came up with the lame excuse that he wanted it the other way around.  

Maybe McCain thought McConnell wouldn't do the bill in a bi-partisan manner because of, ya know, McConnell's history.

Point being: a Republican led Senate has never put forward a plan for us as citizens to review.  We're just supposed to take their word for it apparently.

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8 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

The biggest lies were "you can keep your doctor" and the ever popular "the ACA is self sustaining". Obama told those whoppers just to get it passed.  

Obamacare didn't take away anyone's doctor. Insurance companies and doctors change what they accept all the time. Before Obamacare I had at least 3 different times I had to find a new doctor because either they stopped working with my insurer or my insurer stopped working with them.  This is the one thing I hear you guys harp on from 8 years of Obama. Trump tells more lies in a single tweet. 

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9 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Obamacare didn't take away anyone's doctor. Insurance companies and doctors change what they accept all the time. Before Obamacare I had at least 3 different times I had to find a new doctor because either they stopped working with my insurer or my insurer stopped working with them.  This is the one thing I hear you guys harp on from 8 years of Obama. Trump tells more lies in a single tweet. 

Ahh, it wasn't Obamacare, it's those Drs. and Insurance Cos. The classic don't walk across the interstate or you will get hit by a car. When a car hits you it was the cars fault. It was predicted.  

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1 hour ago, IronMan70 said:

Ahh, it wasn't Obamacare, it's those Drs. and Insurance Cos. The classic don't walk across the interstate or you will get hit by a car. When a car hits you it was the cars fault. It was predicted.  

Insurance companies have always dictated what doctors were in their system. 

You need to study this more before trying to argue the merits or faults of "Obamacare".  And after you do, make sure to include a point by point comparison with Trump's healthcare plan. ;D

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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Obamacare didn't take away anyone's doctor. Insurance companies and doctors change what they accept all the time. Before Obamacare I had at least 3 different times I had to find a new doctor because either they stopped working with my insurer or my insurer stopped working with them.  This is the one thing I hear you guys harp on from 8 years of Obama. Trump tells more lies in a single tweet. 

Actually there were parts of the law that required certain things and wouldn't allow some of the things that many of the insurance companies had in place. This not only made healthcare costs more expensive for some like my dad since he is a small business owner and has pre-existing conditions he had to get insurance through the exchange. Which with many of the provisions and such a lot of doctors decided they didn't want to deal with the headache so they wouldn't take his plan for instance. So guess what, he lost his doctor. This was a direct result of Obamacare. 

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

Insurance companies have always dictated what doctors were in their system. 

You need to study this more before arguing it.

Many doctors also decided they didn't want to deal with some of the headaches with some of the plans offered in the exchange so they opted not to take certain plans. So for many the result was Obamacare forced people to find new doctors because many ended up having to have these plans that meet ACA requirements.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Insurance companies have always dictated what doctors were in their system

You need to study this more before trying to argue the merits or faults of "Obamacare".  And after you do, make sure to include a point by point comparison with Trump's healthcare plan. ;D

But wait, Obama said you could keep your doctor and your plan. You mean to tell me that Obama and his experts didn't know this info about insurance companies when they promoted the ACA to get it passed ? Well that must mean he didn't know that Drs. could opt out of it too. Hmm, looks like Obama was the one who needed to study the merits of Obamacare, along with you.  ;D

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1 hour ago, wdefromtx said:

Many doctors also decided they didn't want to deal with some of the headaches with some of the plans offered in the exchange so they opted not to take certain plans. So for many the result was Obamacare forced people to find new doctors because many ended up having to have these plans that meet ACA requirements.


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6 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

Actually there were parts of the law that required certain things and wouldn't allow some of the things that many of the insurance companies had in place. This not only made healthcare costs more expensive for some like my dad since he is a small business owner and has pre-existing conditions he had to get insurance through the exchange. Which with many of the provisions and such a lot of doctors decided they didn't want to deal with the headache so they wouldn't take his plan for instance. So guess what, he lost his doctor. This was a direct result of Obamacare. 

Obamacare did away with plans that had phantom coverage. Maybe it insisted on too much coverage for basic plans. Maybe we should have a baseline of coverage that's lower. It's hardly perfect. Still waiting on the Republican alternative that covers pre-existing conditions and eliminates the lifetime cap. They keep saying it's around the corner. The reality is, they don't care and have no interest in taking part of the difficult act of governing. Governing ain't easy.

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42 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Obamacare did away with plans that had phantom coverage. Maybe it insisted on too much coverage for basic plans. Maybe we should have a baseline of coverage that's lower. It's hardly perfect. Still waiting on the Republican alternative that covers pre-existing conditions and eliminates the lifetime cap. They keep saying it's around the corner. The reality is, they don't care and have no interest in taking part of the difficult act of governing. Governing ain't easy.

Don’t hold your breath waiting on that Republican plan. 

When Obamacare kicked in my dad's premium almost quadrupled what it was before and had less coverage. 

They crammed Obamacare down our throats just to say they gave us healthcare. If the Republicans would have decided to contribute to it and give real input would it have been any better? Who knows. 


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19 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Obamacare didn't take away anyone's doctor. Insurance companies and doctors change what they accept all the time. Before Obamacare I had at least 3 different times I had to find a new doctor because either they stopped working with my insurer or my insurer stopped working with them.  This is the one thing I hear you guys harp on from 8 years of Obama. Trump tells more lies in a single tweet. 

Wow. The big Ocare lie bought. Shame on you.

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8 hours ago, homersapien said:

Insurance companies have always dictated what doctors were in their system. 

You need to study this more before trying to argue the merits or faults of "Obamacare".  And after you do, make sure to include a point by point comparison with Trump's healthcare plan. ;D

Minion retort.

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2 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

Don’t hold your breath waiting on that Republican plan. 

When Obamacare kicked in my dad's premium almost quadrupled what it was before and had less coverage. 

They crammed Obamacare down our throats just to say they gave us healthcare. If the Republicans would have decided to contribute to it and give real input would it have been any better? Who knows. 


"Crammed down our throats." Months of hearings followed by legislative votes.

Don't worry, the new S.Ct will over turn it and they'll either "cram" some other system "down our throats" or say goodbye to protection for pre-existing conditions thanks to your voting habits.


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On 9/19/2020 at 3:46 PM, aubiefifty said:

A Ginsburg replacement is 'worth the White House and Senate': Why, and how, Republicans will push through Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

They will push it through because it's 100% legal under the Constitution. The Dems would do the same, given the opportunity. Also, there's no guarantee that doing the replacement in short order would cost Trump a single vote. It could just as easily win him some.

Finally, one compelling reason to vote for Trump in 2016 was that he, rather than Clinton, would be naming federal judges. So lets name one more! Then if the upcoming election goes America's way, Trump can name many, many more over the next four years.

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

"Crammed down our throats." Months of hearings followed by legislative votes.

Don't worry, the new S.Ct will over turn it and they'll either "cram" some other system "down our throats" or say goodbye to protection for pre-existing conditions thanks to your voting habits.


Do you like sh**ty coverage? Seems like it. Because that’s what your voting habits got us. ACA May have helped get people covered but it screwed over many as well. But with you, since it was the dems that gave us this turd it must be ok. The American people got hosed while politicians and insurance companies smiled all the way to the bank.

Oh, and that pre-existing stuff...even before ACA you could still get insurance easily with preexisting conditions. My folks never had a problem getting coverage. 


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1 hour ago, wdefromtx said:

Do you like sh**ty coverage? Seems like it. Because that’s what your voting habits got us. ACA May have helped get people covered but it screwed over many as well. But with you, since it was the dems that gave us this turd it must be ok. The American people got hosed while politicians and insurance companies smiled all the way to the bank.

Oh, and that pre-existing stuff...even before ACA you could still get insurance easily with preexisting conditions. My folks never had a problem getting coverage. 


A lot folks never understand the limits of their coverage until they find out what it doesn't cover. But I'm all for getting the insurance companies out of it-- sounds like we agree on that. Obamacare was based on the same Heritage Foundation model Romney Care was based on-- the Republican Think Tank from when Republicans used to think. They wanted to preserve the "marketplace." Frankly, I think if insurance companies have a valid role to play it's with significant regulation as in Switzerland. I'll bet whatever they had that covered pre-existing conditions had a lifetime limit before ACA-- almost all plans did. So your covered-- until you use it up. Then its gone forever. Great model. 

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