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15 hours ago, sandyclawedtiger said:

Gulf Breeze here. Across from Pensacola Beach.  Lots of water but infrastructure still pretty much in tact. Besides new 3 mile bridge construction barges. They've broke loose and shut down all bridges to us. At least power companies are getting through.

Glad you are okay!  Some serious flooding pics from downtown Pensacola!  Prayers for recovery and peace of mind...that's a long process, I understand.

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

four years in the navy. one of the best decisions i ever made 78. i went in in 74 and i still remember the georgetown college crowd looking at us with contempt. i never understood it and i have never forgotten it either. the hippies were my people and they practically spit on us { not me }. but i loved the military and to this day i still admire the military families and their hardships. i had so many folks have my "six" so to speak and i have never had that since. i spent most of my time in the pentagon working directly under the Chief of Naval operations OP 64 in a 34 hour crisis center. back then you could take a bus that would let you out underneath the pentagon. they had a mini mall with a bank and book store. we even had marine sentries guarding our entrance ways tho one shut down at five every day. had to have a minimum top secret security clearance. but in brutal honesty my main job was making damn sure the coffee pots stayed full. the first time i got cussed out for no cofffee got my attention............lol. and that is how i helped win the war so to speak.

You are more right than you know.  Thank you for your service.  This is amazing to read!  


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17 hours ago, AUDub said:








sorry for your troubles. life just cannot be replaced so i am glad the big guy was looking out for your family.

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1 hour ago, ToraGirl said:

You are more right than you know.  Thank you for your service.  This is amazing to read!  


thank you. i made a typo in my haste. it is a small thing but it was 73 when i enlisted. i was homeless and quit going to school so it was a god send. my mother liked to party and claimed my stepdad was whipping on her some. later after all the smoke cleared i found out he was just holding her arms to protect himself. and she admitted it but i was still homeless. but once i graduated from boot he treated me as well as his own sons. we never had a cross word. and he was a huge man and could have hurt me but did not. they have both passed so i am hurting neither of them. my mother had issues and never realized it until my sister died and her doc put her on some meds to help her. and i understand it is crazy to say that in a forum but i know no one and sometimes it helps me feel better. most people around me think the old stereotype that any mental issues a man has is because he is not a man and that sort of thing. sorry. you just seem like you have an honest face. i am in a better place so no worries please.

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

thank you. i made a typo in my haste. it is a small thing but it was 73 when i enlisted. i was homeless and quit going to school so it was a god send. my mother liked to party and claimed my stepdad was whipping on her some. later after all the smoke cleared i found out he was just holding her arms to protect himself. and she admitted it but i was still homeless. but once i graduated from boot he treated me as well as his own sons. we never had a cross word. and he was a huge man and could have hurt me but did not. they have both passed so i am hurting neither of them. my mother had issues and never realized it until my sister died and her doc put her on some meds to help her. and i understand it is crazy to say that in a forum but i know no one and sometimes it helps me feel better. most people around me think the old stereotype that any mental issues a man has is because he is not a man and that sort of thing. sorry. you just seem like you have an honest face. i am in a better place so no worries please.

Hey, Fifty?  We ALL have whole places, and we all have broken places.  Sometimes we shine it up better than others.  Transparency is the first step to healing.  We all need each other.  There's a lot of truth to "Kumbaya"!  Blessings, brother.  For all of us, it feels good to be on the road to recovery.  I see my dad's flaws a lot differently through the eyes of grace, now that he has passed.  I try to correct some of his parenting blunders as I parent mine...knowing that I'll leave things that they need to correct in theirs, if they're blessed to have them.  Knowing "I'm just passing through" makes things a lot more perspective-filled and heart-full for me.  You are an overcomer...so just keep right on plowing ahead!  War Eagle!

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