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4 minutes ago, AUDub said:

No need to go further. I know whyDavid. There's no reason to beat around the bush out of "respect for Rob" in my presence. 

Dub, there was zero consideration of you in any of my posts. Rob did me a HUGE favor. I was close to just turning the server off when he made the offer. 

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2 minutes ago, AUDub said:

You'd do well to bow out here.

Just when I think you couldn’t be more petty, you go am lower the bar yet again. lmao. 

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1 minute ago, DKW 86 said:

Dub, there was zero consideration of you in any of my posts. Rob did me a HUGE favor. I was close to just turning the server off when he made the offer. 

Never said it was about me lol. Hell, I'm an Auburn Eagle expat. 

But you know, David. Any of us that frequented these forums from the early to late 2000s do. 

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2 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Never said it was about me lol. Hell, I'm an Auburn Eagle expat. 

But you know, David. Any of us that frequented these forums from the early to late 2000s do. 

I was never on Auburn Eagle. Not one time. So what that has to do with anything is truly odd. Just dub being dub. 

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22 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I was never on Auburn Eagle. Not one time. So what that has to do with anything is truly odd. Just dub being dub. 

Never said you were. As usual, you're reading things that aren't there.

But I'll end my contribution to this thread with one word I'm sure you're familiar with regarding the site being loosed from your grasp, and not uttered by me:


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59 minutes ago, AUDub said:

You're no longer a mod for a reason lol. Doesn't take a genius to know why. You're unhinged, otherwise you'd have been retained. You pick ill-advised fights and left it to others to clean up your messes. I'm simply the latest focus of your opprobrium.

But since we're on even footing, ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

If there are any "unhinged" on this site, it's you. Resorting to childish name calling 75% of the time is perhaps a testament to your immaturity.

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28 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Never said you were. As usual, you're reading things that aren't there.

But I'll end my contribution to this thread with one word I'm sure you're familiar with regarding the site being loosed from your grasp, and not uttered by me:


Karen, are you trying to be pathetic? Lol. 


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15 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

If there are any "unhinged" on this site, it's you. Resorting to childish name calling 75% of the time is perhaps a testament to your immaturity.

Please don’t. You are about get Karen all over you. Lol

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9 hours ago, johnnyAU said:

If there are any "unhinged" on this site, it's you. Resorting to childish name calling 75% of the time is perhaps a testament to your immaturity.

I answer in kind. He "went there" when he whipped out the pig-latin. Now he's going to the real weak sauce, calling me "Karen" lol, and here you are laughing along, you abject hypocrite. 

David does this from time to time. Used to be it was groups of us. You probably weren't here when the phrase "sewing circle" was being bounced. Lately, he'll pick out an individual and stalk them. Most recently me, before that Homer. 

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10 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

Well sure seems to be the democrat platform.....for......oh, you'll know....how many years?

That's the thing about racism.  One can deny it or try to hide it but it always reveals itself - typically by a pattern of behavior, but occasionally by a blatant statement.  Your post was an excellent example of the latter.

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12 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

  Candice is definitely stepping out of general thought, and its awesome for black Americans...Im not sure if it was posted here or I read it elsewhere....so, the most successful people that come from other countries ....any guess?....Nigerians!...super Intelligent people, they do what they need to to excell in life. ....even their kids that learn the lingo of their American  black friends...they still kick ass at success!.......Black people have more opportunities at success than they realise,...its like the black people in the US are beaten down and gave up hope....black peiple from other countries walk right along!....Its telling who is holding down the black sector....Democrats need strife in the African American community. To keep the vote.....somebody remind me...who was that Democrat who said something along the lines that they would get those black people voting Democrat from here to eternity?..

Do you think that "Nigerians" have the same experiences in the United States that black Americans who were born to black American parents do? Do you really think that both groups are, on average, starting out on the same foot?

I have known many Nigerians (and Kenyans, and Jamaicans, and...) and most of them came from very wealthy families and moved here after they'd already been accepted to an American university. Regardless of my limited, anecdotal evidence, it's incredibly simplistic and narrow-minded to just assume an apples to apples comparison. 

Question: What exactly do Democrats do to "hold down the black sector" and maintain "strife in the African American community"?

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10 hours ago, AUDub said:

Dealing with a damned moron. Can't wait for election season to be over with so that all of this low effort garbage evaporates


And a racist:

"glorify black hardship"   "how does this benefit a white person...outside of politics?"

"Well sure seems to be the democrat platform.....for......oh, you'll know....how many years?"

This idiot sounds like a white nationalist.  I'd ban him.  We don't need this sort of crap on the forum and he's not going to change.

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9 hours ago, johnnyAU said:

If there are any "unhinged" on this site, it's you. Resorting to childish name calling 75% of the time is perhaps a testament to your immaturity.

Trust me, David is unhinged.  There have been several private discussion regarding him with respected moderators and members.

You either haven't been here long enough to recognize it or you haven't had any direct "debates" with him.  In my case, he insisted I was a liar for saying something I never said.  When he could not produce what he claims I said he finally admitted he may have just "inferred" it.  But I am still a liar.  No backing down or apologizing for getting it wrong. He's very fragile and irrational about trying to deal with it.

Ironically enough, he has a lot in common with 'Dear Leader'.

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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You either haven't been here long enough to recognize it or you haven't had any direct "debates" with him. 

Johnny doesn't really care. Once he's decided he doesn't like something, everything else is bent to the service of that viewpoint. He could turn a discussion about a kid's dance recital into a hissy fit about how much Biden sucks. Looks like Dub has made that list.

And yeah, DKW is certifiable. I always put up with the crazy for the occasional unique perspective but then he targeted me one time with one of his fits and that was that. I mean, you can just tell how he formats his posts that the neurotransmitters are up there performing a Benny Hill skit.

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1 hour ago, AUDub said:

I answer in kind. He "went there" when he whipped out the pig-latin. Now he's going to the real weak sauce, calling me "Karen" lol, and here you are laughing along, you abject hypocrite. 

David does this from time to time. Used to be it was groups of us. You probably weren't here when the phrase "sewing circle" was being bounced. Lately, he'll pick out an individual and stalk them. Most recently me, before that Homer. 

Karen!! Lmao 

Have you asked to speak to the manager yet? 

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5 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Karen!! Lmao 

Have you asked to speak to the manager yet? 


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1 hour ago, AUDub said:

I answer in kind. He "went there" when he whipped out the pig-latin. Now he's going to the real weak sauce, calling me "Karen" lol, and here you are laughing along, you abject hypocrite. 

David does this from time to time. Used to be it was groups of us. You probably weren't here when the phrase "sewing circle" was being bounced. Lately, he'll pick out an individual and stalk them. Most recently me, before that Homer. 

I am not stalking, I am just plain ole laughing at...

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1 hour ago, AUDub said:

I answer in kind. He "went there" when he whipped out the pig-latin. Now he's going to the real weak sauce, calling me "Karen" lol, and here you are laughing along, you abject hypocrite. 

David does this from time to time. Used to be it was groups of us. You probably weren't here when the phrase "sewing circle" was being bounced. Lately, he'll pick out an individual and stalk them. Most recently me, before that Homer. 

Pig latin? WTH? are you talking about. I havent used pig latin in decades. 

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4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Pig latin? WTH? are you talking about. I havent used pig latin in decades. 

It wasn't. It was you bastardizing latinized nomenclature. 

"Americanus Elitisticus Dismissalatrop"

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12 hours ago, alexava said:

I got unwoke. Damn Dub how can anyone keep watching what actually happens, then watch liberals (Media)spin it in such a disingenuous way? knowing exactly what the results are going to be. Omitting very pertinent facts. But throwing a little (if true) in just enough to not totally lose credibility.  How many days did the left media report that Jacob Blake was just a peacemaker, breaking up a fight between two women? That’s the whole plan. Stir up emotions in that culture of the black community and the woke white folks fall  right in line. It’s been going on for years and I have been falling for most of it too. 
    I guess it took several intelligent black conservatives and libertarians to explain how insulting it is for them to hear white people speaking about white privilege, systemic racism, white guilt. 
      I mean Lebron James claims black people are scared to leave their house because of police?  Black children under 12 are more than 10 times more likely to be killed by black men shooting at other black men and missing than unarmed black men being killed by police. If not for Leonydus we don’t know that. Hell man look at AL.com every day. Right under your nose in Jefferson county. At least 3-4 a week black adults murdering black adults. 
       I’m not admonishing bad policing. I’m seeing perspective. I’m getting facts and statistics from reasonable black men who are getting them from the government and left wing media.  Defunding police isn’t the answer. Promoting fear is crazy and irresponsible. Profitable too I guess? But that’s exactly what the democrats are doing. 
     Just listen to the podcasts on Informed Dessent. Go into it with an open mind. I’m not trying to be An a**hole. But it doesn’t matter how intelligent you are if you are not willing to entertain the idea that your side might actually be wrong. 

do not be shocked but i agree with a lot of your post. i googled the shooting and the first half doxen or so articles all said what you said. he was stopping a fight. but some popo's have been found to be turning in false reports. or stuff like forgetting to turn their body cams on etc. i think it happens on both sides.

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21 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Johnny doesn't really care. Once he's decided he doesn't like something, everything else is bent to the service of that viewpoint

BS. Dub has an extensive history of resorting to childish tactics and name calling, as do some others.

Your history with DKW is yours. I imagine there are folks with a different viewpoint of how that played out.  He and I likely don't agree with many issues politically, but we can see Emperor Joe isn't wearing any clothes, even if you refuse to.  Dude seems reasonable most of the time, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. So what if he baits you (or whoever) into your behavior? Nobody is forcing you (or whoever) to react. 

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59 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Trust me, David is unhinged.  There have been several private discussion regarding him with respected moderators and members.

You either haven't been here long enough to recognize it or you haven't had any direct "debates" with him.  In my case, he insisted I was a liar for saying something I never said.  When he could not produce what he claims I said he finally admitted he may have just "inferred" it.  But I am still a liar.  No backing down or apologizing for getting it wrong. He's very fragile and irrational about trying to deal with it.

Ironically enough, he has a lot in common with 'Dear Leader'.

Not going to go there yet again. And BTW, I have never gotten a vacation. Just so everyone knows who the real nutcase looney tunes are here. 

And again tell the whole story. You said Trump would be impeached. Guess what? Wrong again. You know, you have gone just about whackadoodle crazy since Trump was elected. By far more crap posted on the board than the next 2-3 posters.
You have posted crazy and humorous as hell "body language" exposes.' 
You have posted crazy and humorous as hell "drive by pop psych evaluations." (this one several times) 
You have posted crazy and humorous as hell "Impeachment predictions."


Homey, if you were made out of latex, you'd be a dildo. :big:

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1 minute ago, AUDub said:

It wasn't. It was you bastardizing latinized nomenclature. 

"Americanus Elitisticus Dismissalatrop"

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: You are so f'in funny...OMG.........PIG???? Latin??????

OMMFG how stupid....

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2 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

BS. Dub has an extensive history of resorting to childish tactics and name calling, as do some others.

Your history with DKW is yours. I imagine there are folks with a different viewpoint of how that played out.  He and I likely don't agree with many issues politically, but we can see Emperor Joe isn't wearing any clothes, even if you refuse to.  Dude seems reasonable most of the time, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. So what if he baits you (or whoever) into your behavior? Nobody is forcing you (or whoever) to react. 

Brother, if he is too dumb to figure it out by himself, leave him alone.  😉

Pig Latin????? OMG, i may have to go home from work at that one.

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