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These guys again...


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The movement still muddles the main message. I think people see exactly what they want to right about now.

"Imagine you marry your middle school sweetheart, have four children in that marriage and raise four boys in the Lord, attend church regularly, train our children in competition, teach them conservative values and work hard for them to attend Christian, private and public schools....

Only to have a large group of black people called #BlackLivesMatter in black culture call you an Uncle Tom and your family a failure because we refuse to identify with their culture of failure, refuse to kneel and disrespect a flag or support black group think or black idolatry. We are called whitewashed and sellouts for building a legacy of success.

This is what I mean by the black culture of failure and the black community being the only community that degrades itself at the expense of themselves. Their culture glorifies the criminal, the drug dealer, the hiphopper, the porn stars, the godless athlete, the anti Christ movie star, the gay TV host, the looters, and the rioters.

No one is calling them to repentance. Everyone, even their pastors pander to their #MoralRot because it’s big business to allow their culture of failure to continue. From failing schools to failed marriages. Progressives and Liberals are making a lot of money off of their failing culture.

The black culture of failure despises anyone that actually believes in succeeding at the American dream. They despise a family that’s intact. Children that speak proper English. My family is by no means perfect. We fail at times but we take full responsibility for our failures. We also take advantage of the opportunities afforded to us that our anscestors dreamed of. We refuse to be bitter. We refuse associate with dead end movements. Most of all we refuse to be bullied by #BlackLivesMatter to compromise our faith in Jesus Christ and groupthink.

We believe #AllLivesMatter. We believe #JesusMatters. We will only kneel to God and confess Jesus is Lord.

The Hamptons"


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14 hours ago, ToraGirl said:

This is what I mean by the black culture of failure and the black community being the only community that degrades itself at the expense of themselves. Their culture glorifies the criminal, the drug dealer, the hiphopper, the porn stars, the godless athlete, the anti Christ movie star, the gay TV host, the looters, and the rioters.


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6 hours ago, homersapien said:

I wonder if they have given their sons "the talk". :glare:

I assume they did. “ Don’t commit crime, don’t resist police and respect authority.”  This will take you a long way. 

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12 minutes ago, alexava said:

I assume they did. “ Don’t commit crime, don’t resist police and respect authority.”  This will take you a long way. 

Just wondering....should kids be taught this before or after they're taught to equivocate homosexuals and athiests/agnostics with violent criminals?

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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

Just wondering....should kids be taught this before or after they're taught to equivocate homosexuals and athiests/agnostics with violent criminals?

It depends on who’s more likely to kill you. 

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47 minutes ago, alexava said:

It depends on who’s more likely to kill you. 

Not often that the amount of ignorance and bigotry in a post actually stuns me. Congratulations I guess?

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42 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Not often that the amount of ignorance and bigotry in a post actually stuns me. Congratulations I guess?


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22 hours ago, alexava said:

I assume they did. “ Don’t commit crime, don’t resist police and respect authority.”  This will take you a long way. 

 Presumably, they were sure not to leave out the part where even a perceived failure to do so might get them killed, because they are black.  :glare:

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On 9/9/2020 at 12:43 PM, Leftfield said:


To be truthful, I cringed when I read some of it, too.  Yet that's all you found in a sea of the overall positive?  Umm...really?  No one said they agree with EVERYTHING posted.  That's a lot of what's wrong with life itself...it's called "pork" in the world of political bills.  

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21 hours ago, Leftfield said:

Not often that the amount of ignorance and bigotry in a post actually stuns me. Congratulations I guess?

His view.  You have yours.  Yours is noted.  His is, too.  The AUFamily politics board is for both....I guess?

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59 minutes ago, ToraGirl said:

That's all you found in a sea of the overall positive?  Umm...really?  No one said they agree with EVERYTHING posted.  That's a lot of what's wrong with life itself...it's called "pork" in the world of political bills.  

So if I presented a family to you and said, "Hey, these people are great! They're intelligent, successful, driven, support their community, and are friends to everyone! Oh, except the Chinese. They think those people are dirtbags." that would be ok because otherwise they're fantastic? There are thousands of successful black families that you could have used as your token friend to make your point, but that's the family you choose? Not even a caveat when you posted to indicate you disagree with that part of their statement?

And the fact you don't see the difference between a political disagreement and a callout when someone directly espouses bigotry speaks volumes.

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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

 Presumably, they were sure not to leave out the part where even a perceived failure to do so might get them killed, because they are black.  :glare:

So you do watch CNN?

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12 hours ago, Leftfield said:

So if I presented a family to you and said, "Hey, these people are great! They're intelligent, successful, driven, support their community, and are friends to everyone! Oh, except the Chinese. They think those people are dirtbags." that would be ok because otherwise they're fantastic?

I'm a bit lost by this. Could you explain how Tora's post and your analogy are related? One is disagreeing with direction and decisions of a part of a culture and one is overtly racist, denigrating an entire race.

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On 9/9/2020 at 5:06 PM, alexava said:

I assume they did. “ Don’t commit crime, don’t resist police and respect authority.”  This will take you a long way. 

Cultist... racist...trump lover!

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33 minutes ago, bigbird said:

I'm a bit lost by this. Could you explain how Tora's post and your analogy are related? One is disagreeing with direction and decisions of a part of a culture and one is overtly racist, denigrating an entire race.

The family was lumping athiests and homosexuals in with violent criminals. I could see an argument being made that athiests choose to not believe, although in my opinion a lack of faith isn't so much a decision as it is an inability to believe, but please don't tell me you think homosexuality is a choice, any more than being Chinese is a choice.

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9 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

The family was lumping athiests and homosexuals in with violent criminals.

Lumping in as perceived glorified groups but they weren't equating them. That's a major difference, IMO. 

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1 minute ago, bigbird said:

Lumping in as perceived glorified groups but they weren't equating them. That's a major difference, IMO. 

I'm not sure I agree with you there. Perhaps they do, but they provide no context for it. And the point still stands that homosexuals have no control over whom they are attracted to. We may disagree on that but if so we'll never be able to resolve it over a message board.

I should also add, the conceit that someone has to believe in God to be a good person is one of the things that infuriates me most about many in organized religions. I have nothing against religion when people use it for the betterment of themselves, but when it's weaponized to denigrate others it completely distorts its purpose. Why is it felt that a person is better for doing the right thing because they believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing being as opposed to doing the right thing because it's the right thing?

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27 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Lumping in as perceived glorified groups but they weren't equating them. That's a major difference, IMO. 

She states that the black community glorifies them as part of their culture of failure. It's an equivalence. 

Man. I just went and read that entire rant. That lady's nuts. 


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24 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Man. I just went and read that entire rant. That lady's nuts. 

They have some very good points, but in my opinion they undermine themselves. Not just with my concerns listed above. It's one of the last lines that disturbs me most. "Most of all we refuse to be bullied by #BlackLivesMatter to compromise our faith in Jesus Christ and groupthink." I'm not sure why anyone would be proud to say they are part of a group think mentality, unless this is an organization or something I'm not aware of? Even if it is, that would be a highly suspect name. Group think by necessity negates the individual opinion and prevents any flexibility. It implies the smothering of any dissent or questions, which you would think would be anathema to those supporting a Republic.

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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

may disagree on that but if so we'll never be able to resolve it over a message board.

Very true, but we don't

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