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22 Times Trump Told America the Coronavirus Would Go Away


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22 Times Trump Told America the Coronavirus Would Go Away

Tim Dickinson



“It goes away, and it goes away quickly. The key is, we want it to go away without a lot of death,” Trump said in July, after more than 147,000 Americans had died of Covid-19

President Donald Trump salutes a crowd of supporters after arriving at Wilmington International Airport, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020, in Wilmington, N.C. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Donald Trump salutes a crowd of supporters after arriving at Wilmington International Airport, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020, in Wilmington, N.C. (AP Photo/

Evan Vucci/AP Images

In recent days, the president and White House staff have pushed the concept of “herd immunity” — the notion that once a critical mass of Americans catch the coronavirus it will have fewer vulnerable targets to infect, and will slow or stop its spread. That achieving any sort of herd immunity requires great sickness and death does not appear to bother the president, who’s now under the sway of new pandemic svengali Scott Atlas, a radiologist and fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution. “We use the word ‘herd,'” Trump recently told interviewer Laura Ingraham. “Once you get to a certain number, it’s going to go away.”

This is not a public-health strategy. The one country that attempted something similar, Sweden, has an even worse Covid mortality rate than the United States. Simply put: It is surrender to a pandemic that Trump has bungled from the beginning and still refuses to take adequate federal action to control, in stark contrast to competently governed nations of the developed world.

The talk of herd immunity also marks the latest perverse evolution of a notion that has addled Trump’s brain since February: That the coronavirus — whether by heat, or by miracle, or by unchecked spread — will somehow “go away” on its own. Below Rolling Stone presents a time line of more than 20 instances in which the president promised Covid-19 would disappear, contrasted to the mounting American death toll from the virus.

February 10thDeath Count: 0
You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.

February 26th
We’re fortunate so far. And we think it’s going to remain that way. China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape.… They’re getting it more and more under control.… So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.

February 27th
You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

February 28th
If we were doing a bad job, we should also be criticized. But we have done an incredible job. We’re going to continue. It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away.

March 6thDeath Count: 15
I don’t think people are panicking. I said last night — we did an interview on Fox last night, a town hall. I think it was very good. And I said, “Calm. You have to be calm.” It’ll go away.

March 10thDeath Count: 30
We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.

March 12thDeath Count: 41
It’s going to go away. It’s going to go way.

March 30thDeath Count: 4,105
It is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory.

April 1stDeath Count: 6,465
It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.… This is going to be gone. It’ll be gone. Hopefully gone for a long time.

April 3rdDeath Count: 8,960
Trump: It is going to go away. It is going away.
Q: But, Mr. President, you said it was going to go away in April.… You said, “When it warmed up in April…”
Trump: I said it’s going away, and it is going away.

April 7thDeath Count: 15,755
Q: You were saying things like, “I think it’s a problem that’s going to go away within a couple of days.”
Trump: Which I’m right about. It did go — it will go away.

April 28thDeath Count: 60,405
Q: Back in late February, you predicted that the number of cases would go down to zero. How did we get from your prediction of zero to 1 million?
Trump: Well, it will go down to zero, ultimately.… A lot of movement and a lot of progress has been made in a vaccine. But I think what happens is it’s going to go away. This is going to go away.

May 6thDeath Count: 76,307
This virus is going to disappear. It’s a question of when.

May 8th — Death Count: 80,197
I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests. This is going to go away without a vaccine. It’s going to go away, and it’s — we’re not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time.

May 15thDeath Count: 91,149
We think we’re going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future. And if we do, we’re going to really be a big step ahead. And if we don’t, we’re going to be like so many other cases, where you had a problem come in, it’ll go away — at some point, it’ll go away.

June 16thDeath Count: 121,792
I always say, even without it, it goes away. But if we had the vaccine — and we will — if we had therapeutic, or cure — one thing sort of blends into the other — it will be a fantastic day.

July 19thDeath Count: 143,758
I’ll be right eventually. You know, I said, “It’s going to disappear.” I’ll say it again. And I’ll be right.

July 21stDeath Count: 145,486
Well, the virus will disappear. It will disappear.

July 23rd  — Death Count: 147,915
It goes away, and it goes away quickly. The key is, we want it to go away without a lot of death, without a lot of problems.

August 8thDeath Count: 165,545
And we’re getting them [new jobs] even in a pandemic — which is disappearing; it’s going to disappear.

August 17thDeath Count: 174,215
And the China Plague will fade.

August 24thDeath Count: 181,074
And the pandemic goes away.

August 31stDeath Count: 187,736
And we use the word “herd.” Once you get to a certain number, it’s going to go away.


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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

22 Times Trump Told America the Coronavirus Would Go Away

Tim Dickinson



“It goes away, and it goes away quickly. The key is, we want it to go away without a lot of death,” Trump said in July, after more than 147,000 Americans had died of Covid-19

President Donald Trump salutes a crowd of supporters after arriving at Wilmington International Airport, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020, in Wilmington, N.C. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Donald Trump salutes a crowd of supporters after arriving at Wilmington International Airport, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020, in Wilmington, N.C. (AP Photo/

Evan Vucci/AP Images

In recent days, the president and White House staff have pushed the concept of “herd immunity” — the notion that once a critical mass of Americans catch the coronavirus it will have fewer vulnerable targets to infect, and will slow or stop its spread. That achieving any sort of herd immunity requires great sickness and death does not appear to bother the president, who’s now under the sway of new pandemic svengali Scott Atlas, a radiologist and fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution. “We use the word ‘herd,'” Trump recently told interviewer Laura Ingraham. “Once you get to a certain number, it’s going to go away.”

This is not a public-health strategy. The one country that attempted something similar, Sweden, has an even worse Covid mortality rate than the United States. Simply put: It is surrender to a pandemic that Trump has bungled from the beginning and still refuses to take adequate federal action to control, in stark contrast to competently governed nations of the developed world.

The talk of herd immunity also marks the latest perverse evolution of a notion that has addled Trump’s brain since February: That the coronavirus — whether by heat, or by miracle, or by unchecked spread — will somehow “go away” on its own. Below Rolling Stone presents a time line of more than 20 instances in which the president promised Covid-19 would disappear, contrasted to the mounting American death toll from the virus.

February 10thDeath Count: 0
You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.

February 26th
We’re fortunate so far. And we think it’s going to remain that way. China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape.… They’re getting it more and more under control.… So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.

February 27th
You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

February 28th
If we were doing a bad job, we should also be criticized. But we have done an incredible job. We’re going to continue. It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away.

March 6thDeath Count: 15
I don’t think people are panicking. I said last night — we did an interview on Fox last night, a town hall. I think it was very good. And I said, “Calm. You have to be calm.” It’ll go away.

March 10thDeath Count: 30
We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.

March 12thDeath Count: 41
It’s going to go away. It’s going to go way.

March 30thDeath Count: 4,105
It is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory.

April 1stDeath Count: 6,465
It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.… This is going to be gone. It’ll be gone. Hopefully gone for a long time.

April 3rdDeath Count: 8,960
Trump: It is going to go away. It is going away.
Q: But, Mr. President, you said it was going to go away in April.… You said, “When it warmed up in April…”
Trump: I said it’s going away, and it is going away.

April 7thDeath Count: 15,755
Q: You were saying things like, “I think it’s a problem that’s going to go away within a couple of days.”
Trump: Which I’m right about. It did go — it will go away.

April 28thDeath Count: 60,405
Q: Back in late February, you predicted that the number of cases would go down to zero. How did we get from your prediction of zero to 1 million?
Trump: Well, it will go down to zero, ultimately.… A lot of movement and a lot of progress has been made in a vaccine. But I think what happens is it’s going to go away. This is going to go away.

May 6thDeath Count: 76,307
This virus is going to disappear. It’s a question of when.

May 8th — Death Count: 80,197
I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests. This is going to go away without a vaccine. It’s going to go away, and it’s — we’re not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time.

May 15thDeath Count: 91,149
We think we’re going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future. And if we do, we’re going to really be a big step ahead. And if we don’t, we’re going to be like so many other cases, where you had a problem come in, it’ll go away — at some point, it’ll go away.

June 16thDeath Count: 121,792
I always say, even without it, it goes away. But if we had the vaccine — and we will — if we had therapeutic, or cure — one thing sort of blends into the other — it will be a fantastic day.

July 19thDeath Count: 143,758
I’ll be right eventually. You know, I said, “It’s going to disappear.” I’ll say it again. And I’ll be right.

July 21stDeath Count: 145,486
Well, the virus will disappear. It will disappear.

July 23rd  — Death Count: 147,915
It goes away, and it goes away quickly. The key is, we want it to go away without a lot of death, without a lot of problems.

August 8thDeath Count: 165,545
And we’re getting them [new jobs] even in a pandemic — which is disappearing; it’s going to disappear.

August 17thDeath Count: 174,215
And the China Plague will fade.

August 24thDeath Count: 181,074
And the pandemic goes away.

August 31stDeath Count: 187,736
And we use the word “herd.” Once you get to a certain number, it’s going to go away.


Do you analyze every flu season this way? How about Obama’s H1N1 epidemic? So why now? Just to make Trump look bad? You think this turns out differently if Hillary is president?  Oh yeah the CDC “ revised” their death count to sole cause of death COVID 6%, and COVID as a contributor or positive test along with other various factors such as cancer heart attacks strokes motorcycle accidents diabetes etc, 94%. More truth from the CDC. When a communist country unleashes a highly infectious virus on the world and hides it, it will infect millions and people will die and there isn’t a heck of a lot you can do about it. No coherent plan. Got it. The democrats don’t have a candidate that can even make a coherent statement. Even if it’s being read from a teleprompter.  Nobody has a magic bullet for COVID and they never will.

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How many times did Pelosi, Cuomo and other Dems tell people to ignore the coronavirus and go to street parties in the various china towns to celebrate their new year? That would be a fun thing to count.

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On 9/4/2020 at 12:14 AM, Mikey said:

How many times did Pelosi, Cuomo and other Dems tell people to ignore the coronavirus and go to street parties in the various china towns to celebrate their new year? That would be a fun thing to count.

Chinese New Year was in January. Pelosi's comments came in late February (before all but one on this list for Trump), though anything about street parties is straight propaganda. Link I'm sure you'll ignore.

On 9/3/2020 at 11:34 PM, jj3jordan said:

Do you analyze every flu season this way? How about Obama’s H1N1 epidemic? So why now? Just to make Trump look bad? You think this turns out differently if Hillary is president?  Oh yeah the CDC “ revised” their death count to sole cause of death COVID 6%, and COVID as a contributor or positive test along with other various factors such as cancer heart attacks strokes motorcycle accidents diabetes etc, 94%. More truth from the CDC. When a communist country unleashes a highly infectious virus on the world and hides it, it will infect millions and people will die and there isn’t a heck of a lot you can do about it. No coherent plan. Got it. The democrats don’t have a candidate that can even make a coherent statement. Even if it’s being read from a teleprompter.  Nobody has a magic bullet for COVID and they never will.

Feel free to do any such analysis you want on other president's handling of the flu or Obama's H1N1 epidemic. I'll even start on that second one with a high level comparison using data from the CDC. For H1N1, 12,500 deaths occurred in the US and 195,000 to 403,000 occurred world wide, so between 3.1% to 6.4% of the total deaths occurred in the US. We're sitting at almost 22% of all deaths worldwide now for Covid DESPITE having one of the lower deaths/case values that Trump loves to spout. 

Oh and the 6% COVID thing is completely rubbish. Also to support that, there has been between 191,000 to 254,000 excess deaths since Februrary this year, which suggests that the current COVID death count is likely an underestimate. 

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Fiddy, love you man, but...you are wasting your time. the MAGAs do not care and are never going to listen.

I wrote them off years ago. Maybe 15 years ago or so.

I talked with some people today that I love and have worked with for 25+ years. They are just blinded by hate for the Elites in this nation so much so that they are, will continue to, and may forever excuse any craziness that Trump pulls off. Please remember I said this 9-4-20, we are heading toward a period of Political Zealotry that would scare Josephus. It is not going to end well. When people on both sides of the aisle REFUSE TO HOLD ANY PARTY MEMBER ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANYTHING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO LOSE.

We truly have two sides of the same issue. 

Folks, when you blindly stop questioning everyone of your political masters, you become the peasants. To be part of a Democracy means you must act like an adult, and challenge even those that are friendly to you.

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54 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

we are heading toward a period of Political Zealotry that would scare Josephus. It is not going to end well. When people on both sides of the aisle REFUSE TO HOLD ANY PARTY MEMBER ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANYTHING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO LOSE.

I believe we began arriving on that shore a little over 4 years ago.  It has become more about how dramatic it can be portrayed and who can be blamed for it , than what can actually be done about it. It really is a sight to behold.  

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9 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Do you analyze every flu season this way? How about Obama’s H1N1 epidemic? So why now? Just to make Trump look bad? You think this turns out differently if Hillary is president?  Oh yeah the CDC “ revised” their death count to sole cause of death COVID 6%, and COVID as a contributor or positive test along with other various factors such as cancer heart attacks strokes motorcycle accidents diabetes etc, 94%. More truth from the CDC. When a communist country unleashes a highly infectious virus on the world and hides it, it will infect millions and people will die and there isn’t a heck of a lot you can do about it. No coherent plan. Got it. The democrats don’t have a candidate that can even make a coherent statement. Even if it’s being read from a teleprompter.  Nobody has a magic bullet for COVID and they never will.

triple j i do not have to make trump look bad he does a wonderful job on his on. and yall need to get over that communist crap. dude every single person who is not hugging trumps nut sack knows trump screwed it up bad. very bad. he just quit other than using magic words. many people died because of trumps stupidity that did not have to. he even held sending materials for a week or two needed to fight covid because the dems did not kiss his behind. i wonder how many lives was lost in that petty little scenario? and no one expected a magic bullet we just expected some common sense and a man doing his job. hell i bet you love folks like hitler and manson. and the scummier trump gets the more you sad sacks take up for him. you cannot admit he is a piece of crap and yet he shows it every single day.

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6 hours ago, savorytiger said:

Chinese New Year was in January. Pelosi's comments came in late February (before all but one on this list for Trump), though anything about street parties is straight propaganda. Link I'm sure you'll ignore.

From your own link: "Pelosi urged people to shop and eat there at a time when tourism was suffering because of the novel coronavirus, which originated in China late last year."  See, I didn't ignore it.

7 hours ago, savorytiger said:

Oh and the 6% COVID thing is completely rubbish. Also to support that, there has been between 191,000 to 254,000 excess deaths since Februrary this year, which suggests that the current COVID death count is likely an underestimate. 

I think it would benefit you to go read the report the CDC posted on their website. Apparently you have no idea what the 6% is in reference to.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

triple j i do not have to make trump look bad he does a wonderful job on his on. and yall need to get over that communist crap. dude every single person who is not hugging trumps nut sack knows trump screwed it up bad. very bad. he just quit other than using magic words. many people died because of trumps stupidity that did not have to. he even held sending materials for a week or two needed to fight covid because the dems did not kiss his behind. i wonder how many lives was lost in that petty little scenario? and no one expected a magic bullet we just expected some common sense and a man doing his job. hell i bet you love folks like hitler and manson. and the scummier trump gets the more you sad sacks take up for him. you cannot admit he is a piece of crap and yet he shows it every single day.

Sometimes you sound sane and then you say something like "hell i bet you love folks like hitler and manson" which is so egregious it nullifies anything else you say.  No conversation can even occur when you are making statements like that. Enjoy your life.

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15 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Sometimes you sound sane and then you say something like "hell i bet you love folks like hitler and manson" which is so egregious it nullifies anything else you say.  No conversation can even occur when you are making statements like that. Enjoy your life.

you want the truth? not all the time because i like to mess with yall but sometimes i slip that stuff in to see if you are reading the whole post. but then again trump loves all them dick taters so there is that. i want to read his love letter to putin and kong wong schlong. has trump said one word about russian bounties? how about flying within a hundred feet of our routine bombers? or heading into american air space in alaska? what ya got for that big boy? and for the record i told you folks i was crazy a long time ago and more than once. some of you and mikey like to make it personal and try to embarrass me with it as well. kinda like trump makinf fun of that handicapped reporter you trump humpers denied like hell...........

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3 hours ago, Mikey said:

From your own link: "Pelosi urged people to shop and eat there at a time when tourism was suffering because of the novel coronavirus, which originated in China late last year."  See, I didn't ignore it. Yup, before any social distancing measures were in place. Before any cases were reported in San Francisco. Congratulations, you still ignored the dates that the statements happened. 

I think it would benefit you to go read the report the CDC posted on their website. Apparently you have no idea what the 6% is in reference to. The 6% is in reference to people with *only* Covid-19 on their death certificates. People who died with preexisting conditions are still people. The people who died from complications from Covid-19 are still people who died from the virus. I'm not arguing against the 6% statistic, I'm arguing against the stupid viral notion that those are the only true Covid-19 deaths. Again, 200k excess people have died this year. What do you want to attribute it to? 


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10 hours ago, savorytiger said:

Again, 200k excess people have died this year. What do you want to attribute it to? 

ANTIFA and BLM riots.

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On 9/4/2020 at 12:14 AM, Mikey said:

How many times did Pelosi, Cuomo and other Dems tell people to ignore the Wuhan Virus and go to street parties in the various china towns to celebrate their new year? That would be a fun thing to count.

her mistake was believing the liar known as trump..............

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5 hours ago, homersapien said:

Is there a point in asking this?


The growth in the death rate this year is the same as it was last year in the US. The growth in the death rate over the previous year was actually higher than it is this year and last year in both 2017 and 2018. So what caused the growth in the death rate the last 3 years leading up to 2020? 

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

Is there a point in asking this?


Yes. Simply read the last several posts in this thread and all should come clear to you. I say should because, well, you know...

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5 hours ago, SocialCircle said:

The growth in the death rate this year is the same as it was last year in the US. The growth in the death rate over the previous year was actually higher than it is this year and last year in both 2017 and 2018. So what caused the growth in the death rate the last 3 years leading up to 2020? 

Death rate != excess deaths. You're not talking about the same thing at all. Also as usual, you never actually show your source for what you're actually talking about. The closest thing I've found was https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-tates/death-rate, which does have a linear upward trend in death rate but also the note:


All 2020 and later data are UN projections and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus.


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9 hours ago, savorytiger said:

Death rate != excess deaths. You're not talking about the same thing at all. Also as usual, you never actually show your source for what you're actually talking about. The closest thing I've found was https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-tates/death-rate, which does have a linear upward trend in death rate but also the note:


The death rate in the US has gone up for 10 consecutive years. My point is excess deaths are expected in the US. The data shows many of the people who have died with Covid-19 are elderly and many also have had underlying medical conditions. Logic would suggest many of them would have died before the end of 2020 even if Covid-19 didn’t exist. I’m sure some of them would have made it to 2021 as well. I’m just asking for balance and common sense. Right now it appears you are trying to say Covid-19 has already killed over 200,000 in the US this year that would not have died this year if Covid-19 never existed. That defies all logic based on the number of actual reported deaths of those with Covid-19 combined with the data indicating many of those who have died with Covid-19 have been elderly and/or having significant underlying conditions. 

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42 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

The death rate in the US has gone up for 10 consecutive years. My point is excess deaths are expected in the US. The data shows many of the people who have died with Covid-19 are elderly and many also have had underlying medical conditions. Logic would suggest many of them would have died before the end of 2020 even if Covid-19 didn’t exist. I’m sure some of them would have made it to 2021 as well. I’m just asking for balance and common sense. Right now it appears you are trying to say Covid-19 has already killed over 200,000 in the US this year that would not have died this year if Covid-19 never existed. That defies all logic based on the number of actual reported deaths of those with Covid-19 combined with the data indicating many of those who have died with Covid-19 have been elderly and/or having significant underlying conditions. 

Dude, you have no idea how any of this works or aren't even trying to understand. How are they getting expected values of deaths in the first place? "Logic dictates" they took that into account the yearly growth, the current average age of Americans, etc. How does it go from lower than expected number of excess deaths in 2019 to over 200k more?

I am saying that it's possible we're undercounting the number of deaths from this pandemic because that's what the data shows:






Not every one of these are about the total, but they all suggest using excess deaths as the metric to figure out the true cost of Covid-19.

Also, show your data. 

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1 hour ago, savorytiger said:

Dude, you have no idea how any of this works or aren't even trying to understand. How are they getting expected values of deaths in the first place? "Logic dictates" they took that into account the yearly growth, the current average age of Americans, etc. How does it go from lower than expected number of excess deaths in 2019 to over 200k more?

I am saying that it's possible we're undercounting the number of deaths from this pandemic because that's what the data shows:






Not every one of these are about the total, but they all suggest using excess deaths as the metric to figure out the true cost of Covid-19.

Also, show your data. 

Sure, anything is possible even if it makes no sense. 

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17 hours ago, SocialCircle said:

The growth in the death rate this year is the same as it was last year in the US. The growth in the death rate over the previous year was actually higher than it is this year and last year in both 2017 and 2018. So what caused the growth in the death rate the last 3 years leading up to 2020? 

Have you tried researching it?

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28 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

Sure, anything is possible even if it makes no sense. 

Makes no sense to you.

But it makes plenty of sense to the experts who actually understand what they are talking about.

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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Makes no sense to you.

But it makes plenty of sense to the experts who actually understand what they are talking about.

There are no “experts” with an agenda or with bias. You know my wife is a scientist and she worked at the state crime lab fir years. She loved it when the defense would hire one of these so called “experts” to testify under oath. The vast majority didn’t know the science and were paid to say whatever was necessary for the defense. 

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