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Auburn cancels practice for 2nd day


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Auburn cancels practice for 2nd day in a row

By Tom Green | tgreen@al.com

Gus Malzahn fall camp

Coach Gus Malzahn Auburn football first practice in helmets on Monday, Aug. 17, 2020 in Auburn, Ala. Todd Van Emst/AU AthleticsTodd Van Emst/AU Athletics

For the second day in a row, Auburn’s football team cancelled a previously scheduled practice.

A team spokesman confirmed to AL.com that the team did not practice on Thursday but did not disclose why the Tigers did not take the field again. A team source confirmed to AL.com that the cancellation of Thursday’s practice was due to several positive COVID-19 test results from the most recent round of testing.

The development comes after the team reported two consecutive rounds of testing without a positive coronavirus case, according to coach Gus Malzahn. Those two clean rounds of previously reported results came from tests administered Aug. 13 and Aug. 16.

Prior to that, Auburn’s football program reported 34 total positive COVID-19 tests between June 4, when players first returned to campus, and Aug. 13 -- with three of those positive results coming during the initial round of reentry testing and several coming during a midsummer period in July that prompted a team meeting about accountability. Up through Aug. 13, Auburn had administered 836 total tests to players and staffers, yielding just a 3.9 percent positivity rate.

Malzahn said last weekend that he planned to provide weekly testing updates in order to be as transparent as possible. The eighth-year coach has not spoken to the media since last Saturday’s scrimmage, and he is next scheduled to speak with the media this Saturday following the team’s second scheduled scrimmage of fall camp.

“We’re going to be very transparent,” Malzahn said. “We’ll keep y’all updated from week to week as we go and we hope the other programs do the same thing.”

Auburn is scheduled to return to practice Friday before holding a scrimmage on Saturday.

Tom Green is an Auburn beat reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Tomas_Verde.

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Heard today from a players family.  They are staging a walk out over the Kenosha stuff.

I hope the SEC and the NCAA is paying attention.   Pro sports viewing is in the toilet.  I've gotten used to entertaining myself.  The first AU kid i see on a knee during the national anthem will send me to the off button.

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12 minutes ago, AUGoo said:

Heard today from a players family.  They are staging a walk out over the Kenosha stuff.

I hope the SEC and the NCAA is paying attention.   Pro sports viewing is in the toilet.  I've gotten used to entertaining myself.  The first AU kid i see on a knee during the national anthem will send me to the off button.

My understanding is most of there "walk outs" are communicated with the coaches and it's typically been kosher. I don't see it setting Gus off on some  tirade. Now coach Steele might go full nightmare mode lol but I kid.

Regarding the 'rona. Hope they nip it in the butt quick. It's stupid easy for that to spread fast and shut down an entire team. Honestly the only real solution until/if there is a vaccine is to keep the players in a "bubble" of sorts. Online classes, stay in the football facility (if we had one where they didn't need to leave), and the football related staff would have to do the same with their families in the bubble or away from them. Impossible scenario really.

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1 hour ago, AUGoo said:

Heard today from a players family.  They are staging a walk out over the Kenosha stuff.

I hope the SEC and the NCAA is paying attention.   Pro sports viewing is in the toilet.  I've gotten used to entertaining myself.  The first AU kid i see on a knee during the national anthem will send me to the off button.


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1 hour ago, AUGoo said:

Heard today from a players family.  They are staging a walk out over the Kenosha stuff.

I hope the SEC and the NCAA is paying attention.   Pro sports viewing is in the toilet.  I've gotten used to entertaining myself.  The first AU kid i see on a knee during the national anthem will send me to the off button.

First of all, you won't see a kid on a knee, because they will still be in the locker rooms when the National Anthem is played during pregame. 

And it's gone beyond the knee symbolism....that's old messaging...

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3 hours ago, steeleagle said:

First of all, you won't see a kid on a knee, because they will still be in the locker rooms when the National Anthem is played during pregame. 

And it's gone beyond the knee symbolism....that's old messaging...

Gone beyond in what way?  You mean like players are opting out for however long they want based on which way the wind is blowng that day? Can their scholarships also be opted out?

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5 hours ago, AUGoo said:

Heard today from a players family.  They are staging a walk out over the Kenosha stuff.

I hope the SEC and the NCAA is paying attention.   Pro sports viewing is in the toilet.  I've gotten used to entertaining myself.  The first AU kid i see on a knee during the national anthem will send me to the off button.

Stay off

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38 minutes ago, ChltteTiger said:

Gone beyond in what way?  You mean like players are opting out for however long they want based on which way the wind is blowng that day? Can their scholarships also be opted out?

It's my understanding that kneeling is out and boycotting is in. Some boycotts only last a day ot two.

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13 minutes ago, TigerTale said:

It's my understanding that kneeling is out and boycotting is in. Some boycotts only last a day ot two.

Again...complaining about the symptom...what does that fix?  seriously, there are problems with many government institutions, but rather than talk about how to resolve it people would rather protest than have a logical dialog about the issue.  We know how to resolve the issue with policing but few politicians are afraid to take on the unions.  Police know who are the bad cops and yes there are scenarios where they have to make split decisions and may guess wrong where they don't have a reset button.  But if politicians decide to take that on then they need to go after the bad teachers, doctors etc.  Oh, protesting is fine but when your start looting and rioting that is a huge problem also as it affects that community.  These riots are staged and others join thinking that they are protesting.  If you don't think they are staged then you are kidding yourselves...at least here in FL there were bricks and other objects being left at certain places that they wouldn't normally be and the local police got word and made sure they were cleaned up before protests were held.  After that word got out then magically some of those protests didn't happen...however, if you follow the money trail of some of these professional agitators that would lead to some interesting findings.  And these pro-players who have money ties to china but say that you can't speak bad about china (James comes to mind) don't have a leg to stand on in my book because if it was only about America they are wrong.  Slavery is alive and well today in the world and it comes in all colors.

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1 hour ago, TigerTale said:

It's my understanding that kneeling is out and boycotting is in. Some boycotts only last a day ot two.

Boycotting what exactly? Boycotting America? The best way to do that is get the $%^ out of the country. And stay out!


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1 hour ago, AU_Tiger_88 said:

 people would rather protest than have a logical dialog about the issue. 

Thats because engaging in a dialog with your neighbors is not as effective as anarchy which is the #1 tool for introducing socialism into society (it sure worked in Russia!). 

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Just now, ChltteTiger said:

Thats because engaging in a dialog with your neighbors is not as effective as anarchy which is the #1 tool for introducing socialism into society (it sure worked in Russia!). 

Yes if that is the agenda then that is how you start.  However, that could be stopped quickly if we had a unity of condemnation.  What I was referring to is the kneeling, walkouts, etc.  They say they want it fixed but fail to come to the table.  There are many people in this country that see the problems but don't let the emotions get in the way.  We all know that people are people.  Basically there are good people in every org.  But there are also people who do bad things.  Unfortunately some of these folks who do bad things are covered by their unions etc...so until we are willing to take that on..nothing will change.  Also people need to recognize that some of these individuals who die at the hands of police are doing wrong and put themselves in that situation....there is a balance that needs to be achieved.  However, it is easier to protest, riot and loot than it is to do the change...

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5 minutes ago, AU_Tiger_88 said:

 it is easier to protest, riot and loot than it is to do the change...

It is also very lucrative for the perps who really don't give a $%^& about BLM!!!

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I had to do a double check to make sure I was not on the political part of  forum. Can we get back to talking about football please? This is not the place for a political discussion on this forum. 

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31 minutes ago, AUFriction said:

I had to do a double check to make sure I was not on the political part of  forum. Can we get back to talking about football please? This is not the place for a political discussion on this forum. 

What he said!

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23 minutes ago, AUFriction said:

I had to do a double check to make sure I was not on the political part of  forum. Can we get back to talking about football please? This is not the place for a political discussion on this forum. 

Especially a discussion so full of misinformation and bigotry. That's the real reason that change is so difficult. People get locked into an opinion based on tired old lies, racism and the profound inability to see beyond their own biased frame of reference.  

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1 hour ago, AUFriction said:

I had to do a double check to make sure I was not on the political part of  forum. Can we get back to talking about football please? This is not the place for a political discussion on this forum. 

Amen and Amen, other than its own spectrum of the forum, it has no place here. Plenty of people I get along with here (that I call family) that I would not mesh with politically, at all. In today’s time I have seen “politics” rip long time friends/family apart and it’s sad. We’re here Bc we all love Auburn and let’s keep it that way

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2 hours ago, Maverick.AU said:

Amen and Amen, other than its own spectrum of the forum, it has no place here. Plenty of people I get along with here (that I call family) that I would not mesh with politically, at all. In today’s time I have seen “politics” rip long time friends/family apart and it’s sad. We’re here Bc we all love Auburn and let’s keep it that way

Amen and Amen. 

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3 hours ago, ChltteTiger said:

Boycotting what exactly? Boycotting America? The best way to do that is get the $%^ out of the country. And stay out!


Racism is so ingrained in this country that when somebody simply criticizes the country people tell them to leave 🤦‍♂️


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It’s their choice and their right. I’m not sure how it will change anything but hey....see what happens. 

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5 hours ago, Sizzle said:

Racism is so ingrained in this country that when somebody simply criticizes the country people tell them to leave 🤦‍♂️


A lot of things are being said back and forth. 

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12 hours ago, Tigerbelle said:

Especially a discussion so full of misinformation and bigotry. That's the real reason that change is so difficult. People get locked into an opinion based on tired old lies, racism and the profound inability to see beyond their own biased frame of reference.  

So if you point out that the riots and burning of buildings, destruction of businesses and killing of innocents is the work of anarchists that makes you a racist? Ha ha thats really funny have a nice day!

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