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17-year-old charged with murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shootings


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The self-identified militia member is suspected of fatally shooting two people and injuring a third during a night of protests.

Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old self-identified militia member, has been arrested and charged with murder in the fatal shooting of at least two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is also suspected of injuring another person at the Tuesday evening protests over the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake.

Rittenhouse, who has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide, left Wisconsin after the shooting and was arrested in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois, a town 30 minutes away from Kenosha.

According to video on social media, Rittenhouse was one of several armed men who said they were guarding a gas station in downtown Kenosha on Tuesday night. (Wisconsin is an open carry state, but those who carry guns in public must be at least 18.) The scene at the gas station became tense as the armed men clashed with protesters, according to the New York Times. Video of the incident shows a man, alleged to be Rittenhouse, running down the street with an AR-15-style rifle as he’s pursued by others attempting to apprehend him. Rittenhouse falls to the ground, then turns around and begins shooting at the people trying to disarm him.

After the shooting, the man with the rifle walks away from the scene toward law enforcement in armored vehicles, according to a video viewed by Kenosha News. In the video, a bystander frantically yells to the officers that the man with the rifle shot someone. “Hey, he just shot them,” the man screams. However, law enforcement officials drive directly past the man with the gun.

According to a press release from the Kenosha police, the shots were fired at 11:45 pm. The gunshot victim who did not die was taken to a hospital with “serious, but non-life threatening injuries.” At a Wednesday afternoon press conference, police officers did not release the names of the victims but said that a 26-year-old Silver Lake resident and a 36-year-old Kenosha resident died; a 26-year-old West Allis resident was injured. Police said the investigation, being led by the Kenosha police and the FBI, has not yet determined whether both deaths are connected to Rittenhouse.

The shootings took place during the third night of unrest in Kenosha, where Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard to enforce the city’s curfew. On Monday, he called in 125 members; by Tuesday, that number grew to 250. On Wednesday, Evers said that 500 members of the Wisconsin National Guard would be deployed in Kenosha that evening.

Evers responded to the shootings on Wednesday afternoon. “My heart breaks for the families and loved ones of the two individuals who lost their lives and the individual who was injured last night in Kenosha. We as a state are mourning this tragedy,” he tweeted. “I want to be very clear: we should not tolerate violence against any person. I’m grateful there has already been swift action to arrest one person involved. The individual or individuals whose actions resulted in this tragic loss of life must be held accountable.”

What we know about the shooting suspect

According to the Daily Beast, Rittenhouse is a committed police supporter. His Facebook page, which is no longer publicly accessible, displayed “numerous photos with Blue Lives Matter-style pro-police slogans and imagery, as well as of an Armalite rifle similar to the one he appears to have been photographed carrying in Kenosha.”

In addition, a 2018 post on Rittenhouse’s page shows that he asked his followers to donate to the police advocacy nonprofit organization Humanizing the Badge on his birthday. “I’ve chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me,” Rittenhouse wrote.

The 17-year-old was also in the front row at a Trump rally earlier this year, according to BuzzFeed. On January 30, Rittenhouse posted a TikTok video from the Des Moines, Iowa, rally, which showed that he was seated to the left of the president just feet away.

His social media accounts also show that he’s an avid Trump supporter and connected to law enforcement in real life as a former member of the Lindenhurst, Grayslake, Hainesville Police Department’s Public Safety Cadet Program, a program that trains young people interested in law enforcement careers. Other social media posts viewed by BuzzFeed show that Rittenhouse had access to at least two types of guns, an AR-15-style rifle and what he identifies as a 12-gauge shotgun in one video.

In a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Kenosha Sheriff David G. Beth said he received a call from someone on Tuesday requesting that the police department “deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of Kenosha.” Beth said he believes Rittenhouse was part of the group of armed men who wanted the department to deputize them.

Beth also responded to the concern that police officers did not apprehend Rittenhouse when he walked past them. “I’ve been in a shooting before. In situations that are high-stress, you have such incredible tunnel vision. You have no idea what’s outside right here if you’re looking right here,” Beth said holding his hands up to gesture.

At the press conference, a reporter also asked why law enforcement officials were throwing water bottles out of Bearcats to the armed men, seemingly encouraging their presence, as seen in a viral video. “Our deputies would toss a water to anybody,” Beth responded. And to a question about whether the militia increased the tension on the streets Tuesday night, Beth said, “To some people it may have been calming. To me it’s not.”

Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian, meanwhile, said that he does not want militia members to show up. “I don’t need more guns on the street, in the community when we are trying to make sure we keep people safe,” he said. “Law enforcement is trained. They’re the ones who are responsible. They’re the ones we have faith will do their job and make sure it gets done. That is why the curfews are there.”

On Wednesday afternoon, President Trump expressed a desire to bring “law and order” to Wisconsin and “not stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets.” He has not spoken publicly about the police shooting of Blake.

Kenosha officials were expecting another night of unrest after the 7 pm curfew following Rittenhouse’s arrest and as Blake, who is reportedly paralyzed from the waist down, is treated for injuries to his spine and kidneys at a Milwaukee hospital.



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I'm surprised it has taken this long. The kid wasn't in the right, but the domestic terrorists are pretty much inviting such things.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

I'm surprised it has taken this long. The kid wasn't in the right, but the domestic terrorists are pretty much inviting such things.

A scene:

Mikey has a moment of clarity. Then immediately takes a dump on it. 

End scene. John Waters applauds. 

Edited by ShocksMyBrain
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5 hours ago, Mikey said:

I'm surprised it has taken this long. The kid wasn't in the right, but the domestic terrorists are pretty much inviting such things.

So close... Man you were almost there. This kid is a nut job. PERIOD. 

We grew up with guns in our trucks etc, and we never shot anyone.

Edited by DKW 86
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Jeez the police are not handling this well:


A video alluded to in the article linked above:


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8 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

So close... Man you were almost there. This kid is a nut job. PERIOD. 

We grew up with guns in our trucks etc, and we never shot anyone.

I haven't either. However, I have yet to be run down from behind and hit with a board or similar object while armed. Which leaves us to ponder: "Who is the more stupid, the kid who brought a rifle into the middle of a mob or the fool who attacked somebody armed with a rifle"? It's a close contest.

There's going to be more of this "Vigilante Violence" if the authorities don't start doing their jobs. I fault every level from local mayors and city councils through state level officials all the way up to President Trump. These are the people who are failing to do their jobs and stop the riots. They have had months to take action and have failed to do so. People are getting the feeling of "They aren't going to do anything so we'll have to do it ourselves".

The authorities can stop the vigilantes by taking proper action against the rioters. It's the failures of elected officials that brings out the kooks with the semi-auto rifles.

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4 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I haven't either. However, I have yet to be run down from behind and hit with a board or similar object while armed. Which leaves us to ponder: "Who is the more stupid, the kid who brought a rifle into the middle of a mob or the fool who attacked somebody armed with a rifle"? It's a close contest.

There's going to be more of this "Vigilante Violence" if the authorities don't start doing their jobs. I fault every level from local mayors and city councils through state level officials all the way up to President Trump. These are the people who are failing to do their jobs and stop the riots. They have had months to take action and have failed to do so. People are getting the feeling of "They aren't going to do anything so we'll have to do it ourselves".

The authorities can stop the vigilantes by taking proper action against the rioters. It's the failures of elected officials that brings out the kooks with the semi-auto rifles.

I wouldnt have been there, to be frank. I would never expose myself like the kid did. Tactics 101.

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In any sane, normal country, no 17 year old would have his hands on a weapon like that and certainly he never would have been allowed to carry one on the street under any circumstances, much less near a public gathering, even less thanked for it. What a s*** show this country has become. 


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1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

Probably at the precinct demanding to see a manager. 



Charlie's Angels 2020.

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14 hours ago, Mikey said:

I'm surprised it has taken this long. The kid wasn't in the right, but the domestic terrorists are pretty much inviting such things.

have you fallen on your head lately or something mikey? you just throw stuff out there now to see if it will stick.

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50 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I haven't either. However, I have yet to be run down from behind and hit with a board or similar object while armed. Which leaves us to ponder: "Who is the more stupid, the kid who brought a rifle into the middle of a mob or the fool who attacked somebody armed with a rifle"? It's a close contest.

Who's more "stupid", or put another way, "unwise?"  I'd say the person attacking a guy who has a gun when you don't.  As they say, if you're gonna take your shot in that situation, you better not miss.  Best thing to do in that situation would be to clear out and get away from him.  

Who's more in the wrong?  It's not even close.  That idiot with the gun had zero business being there at all.  He is not law enforcement.  He is not in the National Guard.  He has not be deputized by any law enforcement agency.  He is not defending his home and family.  Hell, he's not even a citizen of the state he decided to show up and go all Barney Fife on.  And now he's murdered two people and injured a third.  I'd throw the book at him.

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9 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

So close... Man you were almost there. This kid is a nut job. PERIOD. 

We grew up with guns in our trucks etc, and we never shot anyone.

well we did used to have bb gun battles...........then one of us got popped on the eyelid and his mom found out and hell was unleashed  lol.

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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Who's more "stupid", or put another way, "unwise?"  I'd say the person attacking a guy who has a gun when you don't.  As they say, if you're gonna take your shot in that situation, you better not miss.  Best thing to do in that situation would be to clear out and get away from him.  

Who's more in the wrong?  It's not even close.  That idiot with the gun had zero business being there at all.  He is not law enforcement.  He is not in the National Guard.  He has not be deputized by any law enforcement agency.  He is not defending his home and family.  Hell, he's not even a citizen of the state he decided to show up and go all Barney Fife on.  And now he's murdered two people and injured a third.  I'd throw the book at him.

And you forgot, he's not even an adult.  Legally - and psychologically - he's a child.

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And I expect his parents are in deep doo-doo also.  There will  likely be civil suits from this as well.  

(Hmmm, I wonder if my liability insurance would cover me if my kid crossed state lines and shot a couple of people? :dunno:)

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38 minutes ago, The Freak said:

So, seriously...

Where are the parents?

The Mom drove him there, I think...

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7 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The Mom drove him there, I think...

Oh hell to the **** no. 

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:

In any sane, normal country, no 17 year old would have his hands on a weapon like that and certainly he never would have been allowed to carry one on the street under any circumstances, much less near a public gathering, even less thanked for it. What a s*** show this country has become. 


I agree but it is also insanity to allow rioters and looters to burn down businesses. 

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6 hours ago, Mikey said:

I haven't either. However, I have yet to be run down from behind and hit with a board or similar object while armed. Which leaves us to ponder: "Who is the more stupid, the kid who brought a rifle into the middle of a mob or the fool who attacked somebody armed with a rifle"? It's a close contest.

There's going to be more of this "Vigilante Violence" if the authorities don't start doing their jobs. I fault every level from local mayors and city councils through state level officials all the way up to President Trump. These are the people who are failing to do their jobs and stop the riots. They have had months to take action and have failed to do so. People are getting the feeling of "They aren't going to do anything so we'll have to do it ourselves".

The authorities can stop the vigilantes by taking proper action against the rioters. It's the failures of elected officials that brings out the kooks with the semi-auto rifles.

The tipping point is usually reached in the smaller cities, like Kenosha, first. The citizens had been subjected to anarchy for 2 nights, businesses burned, houses burned and assaults taking place. The cops were asking the Governor for 1500 more LEOs to no avail. Then when the citizens saw a 71 year old local man take a bat to the head, knocking him unconscious and bleeding on the ground, that's probably when the people said enough is enough. So without regard to the side issues of his age or parents, etc., let's focus on the shooting.

The kid was running away from the mob, got slapped in the back of the head but still kept running away, he then tripped, fell a few steps later and was set upon by the mob. While sitting on the ground he was subjected to a flying kick to the back of the head, a skateboard to the side of the head, finally a guy advancing on him while pointing a pistol. The kid did nothing to flying kick guy, shot the skateboard guy in the chest, blew half the pistol guy's elbow and bicep off. He defended himself from a life threating situation and stopped the mob's advance in its tracks.   

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As more comes out, yeah the kid should have never been there in the first place. The media is trying to portray this as a white vigilante that just randomly opened fire on protesters. Looks more and more like there’s more to this with how he was chased and threatened. 


I believe in protests. But time and time again there’s more going on than peaceful protests. They are turning more violent and escalating much quicker. Look no further than the media that is stoking those flames. 


I can see why why both sides are upset, I’m glad we haven’t had this happen where I live. All I know is it’s becoming harder and harder to tell what is peaceful and what isn’t. Based on the conversations on a few of my neighborhood Facebook pages things wouldn’t go well if people remotely look like they were going to get on people’s property. 


But hey, CNN needs those ratings so got to keep trying to drive that divide in this country. 

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10 hours ago, wdefromtx said:



I would mock CNN, but they do it for you almost every night. <SMMFH>

So, if someone burned CNN Tower to the ground and put them out of business, how would they describe that?

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12 hours ago, wdefromtx said:



Dan Bongino broke this down nicely. Notice the gas mask around this goob's neck. If you are going to a peaceful protest, you shourldn't need a gas mask.

Also burning buildings down does not = peaceful protest.

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