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A Southern Pastor Borrowed from a friend:


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Borrowed from a friend:

Just a note for my right leaning family and friends from my left leaning self as we near voting day:

They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police). We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

They say we want to release all prisoners. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to deprivatize prisons.

They say we want open borders. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty and give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

They say we want to take away your guns. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

They say we want to get everything for free. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

They say we want a war against traditional marriage. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

They say we want to destroy or rewrite history. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again”.

They say we want to take away your constitutional rights. We don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and we wear masks to prevent the spread of this disease.

They say we hate America. We don’t, that’s a lie. We recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

Stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with fox news. Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic. Stop believing the hype. Stop with the division. Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.

***Please copy and paste***

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28 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

Borrowed from a friend:

Just a note for my right leaning family and friends from my left leaning self as we near voting day:

They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police). We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

They say we want to release all prisoners. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to deprivatize prisons.

They say we want open borders. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty and give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

They say we want to take away your guns. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

They say we want to get everything for free. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

They say we want a war against traditional marriage. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

They say we want to destroy or rewrite history. We don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again”.

They say we want to take away your constitutional rights. We don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and we wear masks to prevent the spread of this disease.

They say we hate America. We don’t, that’s a lie. We recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

Stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with fox news. Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic. Stop believing the hype. Stop with the division. Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.

***Please copy and paste***

Remember fitty, you can say all this stuff is a lie, but it is all stuff your elected leaders that govern this country ARE saying, loud and clear.

Defund, eliminate, shut down. All demanded by your left leaning allies.

Of course not ALL. But a lot. Isn't it just safer to give them a mask? See the science.

The lie in this paragraph is that you want proper vetting. Not true. Let asylum seekers follow the law. Immigrant's too. We had opportunity with immigrants in the past because we did it legally, thru Ellis Island. Not jumping the fence and demanding entitlements.  Cages were built by Obama and used first by him. Trump followed the law and then tried to change the law to allow families to stay together and was sued by democrats to stop him.

Yes you do. Small steps, restricting "assault weapons" ammo, stocks, whatever. Your elected officials have made this clear. They want our guns. You are blind if you do not see this.

Clear war on Christianity. It's the only religion you can actively criticize. Oh yeah you can practice it just not in schools parks any public squares your business or cake shop. Basically keep it in your basement. Islam?  No problem come out and express your hatred of the infidels wherever and whenever you want.  Jihad? Sure have at it we won't even ask if your murdering of infidels is related to Islam. After all it is the religion of peace.

Uh yes you do. Have you even listened to the campaign speeches? Stinking rich people not paying their fair share. Tax them more and give to us! OPM. Free housing medical food legal to all illegals. Yes that is the democrat party of this very campaign.

Any sex can love any sex already. Who cares. But..traditional marriage, the one ordained by God, is between a man and woman. You can't rewrite that. Marriage is a different issue than love. So yes you are at war against traditional marriage.

You are rewriting history. Founding of the country not 1776 but earlier when the first slaves showed up? Oh yeah, sold to us by BLACK slave traders. Who were the first slaves? White people thousands of years ago. Tearing down statues is how socialist/communist governments erase the history of a country so there will be no heritage.

Believe the science. But scientists disagree on a lot of things. How many times Dr Fauci changed his mind?  Maybe you should text Nance and give her some instructions on how to wear a mask. Nah. She knows. You need to wear it not her. She is special.

The liberal democrat party of today does indeed hate this country as founded and operated for the last 245 years. Thats why they want to fundamentally change it. Listen to your elected people. They are telling you every day all the things they hate. Cops Christians rich people successful people independent people armed people (exception: their bodyguards) anybody who disagrees with them, especially regarding EPA climate change (can't figure out of its warming or cooling) fossil fuels personal protection.

We are not fake news. Fake news is CNN MSNBC NBC ABC CBS NPR NYT WaPo. All news with an agenda. ORANGE MAN BAD. MUST DESTROY. That has become the entire life and singular focus of the left and the news media.

I got an idea for your pastor.  All this back and forth between liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans about taxes and budgets, policy wonk output or whatever is meaningless. What is important is truly evil...abortion.  Murder of a helpless unborn baby. Thats completely indefensible. As a pastor, do you REALLY think GOD is okay with abortion? Be honest with yourself. John the Baptist leapt with joy inside his mother when Mary entered Elizabeths room with Jesus in her womb.  You want a single issue that GOD might see as a pretty important trait in a person?  Think about it.

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i know pretty much what i believe and it falls in line with what i posted. i also do not care for abortions and have stated so many times on these boards. you guys acruse me of taking a couple of bad apples in the repukes and labeling all of you and here you are doing the same. and i do not believe a dem  sued to take kids away from their mothers so you need to post me a link or go away with that bull. you have very little idea of what i stand for or believe in other than a total dislike of trump. you guys have been saying we want to take your guns for years but all we want are sensible gun laws. and now we have a 17 year old right wing repuke gun down protesters because he got him an army gun to play with. but you think what you want. with you and others dishonesty about trump pardon me if i do not believe much of what you say. i want to see that link because if it is true they might be getting a couple of dirty emails from me.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i know pretty much what i believe and it falls in line with what i posted. i also do not care for abortions and have stated so many times on these boards. you guys acruse me of taking a couple of bad apples in the repukes and labeling all of you and here you are doing the same. and i do not believe a dem  sued to take kids away from their mothers so you need to post me a link or go away with that bull. you have very little idea of what i stand for or believe in other than a total dislike of trump. you guys have been saying we want to take your guns for years but all we want are sensible gun laws. and now we have a 17 year old right wing repuke gun down protesters because he got him an army gun to play with. but you think what you want. with you and others dishonesty about trump pardon me if i do not believe much of what you say. i want to see that link because if it is true they might be getting a couple of dirty emails from me.

So I’ve now done a little more looking into this whole separation stuff. First Obama did separate families in certain instances. He did house families in “cages.” Looks like a federal judge said he was violating a previous ruling from a 1997 court case. The ruling basically states minors have to be detained in the most unrestricted ways available. Pressured and for political reasons some mothers and children were released. 


Trumps policy was a zero tolerance and illegal immigrants were detained no matter what. So to comply with the court ruling they moved the minors hence separating them or they were released to relatives if they could. This was opposed to releasing the whole family. So then to get around the court ruling and keep families from being separated, trump signed an EO. This is when it looks that they tried suing him saying it did not do enough. Which I think they were suing because he was trying to crack down on illegal immigration. 


Sounds to me that both administrations had a hard time navigating this. Trumps was more aggressive against illegal immigration and resulted in separations due to following the law. So realizing that he then did something to address that issue. In hindsight he should have or someone in his administration should have realized the implications and dealt with those before this happened. But if you objectively  look at  the overall picture, he wasn’t trying to be evil and take kids away from their parents. 


So it looks like both Trump and Obama poorly executed a plan trying to navigate immigration issues. If you want to be factual ,they both separated families and both put families in “cages.”

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11 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i know pretty much what i believe and it falls in line with what i posted. i also do not care for abortions and have stated so many times on these boards. you guys acruse me of taking a couple of bad apples in the repukes and labeling all of you and here you are doing the same. and i do not believe a dem  sued to take kids away from their mothers so you need to post me a link or go away with that bull. you have very little idea of what i stand for or believe in other than a total dislike of trump. you guys have been saying we want to take your guns for years but all we want are sensible gun laws. and now we have a 17 year old right wing repuke gun down protesters because he got him an army gun to play with. but you think what you want. with you and others dishonesty about trump pardon me if i do not believe much of what you say. i want to see that link because if it is true they might be getting a couple of dirty emails from me.

Ditto...Trump is and was bad. I just marvel at people that deny that. He lies like a dog. I am not saying that the other side doesnt lie as well, but...Trump is at least 2 quantum levels worse. I am a pro-life Prog, a rare animal. But I see what they see, what the Progs see: A middle-class that is being run-over 24-7-365 by both parties. If you cant see that, then you are either too crunk or too partisan. The last thing on earth we need is more do-nothing partisan hacks, which is exactly what so many here seem to be sycophantically sworn to support. 

As we elect Biden, and throw Progressive Ideas under the bus for another 8-12 years, i weep for the middle class. Biden has been Wall Street's Bitch for 40 years. That isnt about to change. and sadly, now there will be 2-3 election cycles until the Dems see that this "business model" doesnt work either. But hey, I will soon be retired and all I can do is pray that my kids at least have a chance at something better. I say that KNOWING that banking, insurance, pharma, ALL OF WALL STREET, The 1%ers, The Ruling Class Elite are all about to spike the ball in the endzone. 

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i thought the repubs and ray gun killed the middle class?

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Just now, aubiefifty said:

i thought the repubs and ray gun killed the middle class?

Both sides killed the middle class. Both sides always screw over the middle class. 

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1 hour ago, wdefromtx said:

Both sides killed the middle class. Both sides always screw over the middle class. 

it is a damn shame.

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1 minute ago, wdefromtx said:

Yep, and it looks like ICHY hates the middle class too. 

ichy loves me and that is all that counts. i was born to give you guys hell just sayin.......lol

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i thought the repubs and ray gun killed the middle class?

The Dems wanted to join in on the fun, and boy did they.

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25 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Yep, and it looks like ICHY hates the middle class too. 

Ichy is just your dime a dozen party hack. That is all. Want a thumbs down? Dont kiss the party @$$.

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