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a souther pastor posted a great article and this is just part.


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Ever wonder why some Christians are either adamantly pro or anti-LGBT? While there are several reasons for this, one prominent reason is “liberal” Christians are those more versed in Bible textual criticism, (which is concerned with establishing the original or most authoritative text) The nice thing for those of us without a PHD in Bible studies, is that we don’t need to be fluent in ancient Hebrew and Koine Greek to see what’s going on ourselves. For one, it is easily verifiable the word “homosexual” wasn’t added to the Bible until the 1960s: that’s right, in the last century! Next, in original scripture where modern translations say “man shouldn’t lie with man” there should be 2 repeated words in Greek for “man” but that doesn’t happen because it’s actually“man shouldn’t lie with a boy.” Finally, you can look up the words that compose the sentence. A little research reveals that modern translations of scripture look pretty different from what ancient prophets and disciples were saying: namely in this case, “Don’t be a pedophile.” which in my opinion is some darn good advice.

*edited because I originally made a translational mistake. Thanks!

i am not gay as i have three ex wives than can testify to that. but i have never felt comfortable with the bible and this kind of thing is why. without jumping down my throat i would hear any rebuttals.........

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am i right to assume all the hate and harm done to those people is because someone removed the word pedophile. i still think about that little boy who was beat to death in wyoming and left hanging on a barbed wire fence. was it hate because of biblical views or just thugs picking on a weaker kid?

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