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Seven year old dies of coronavirus in Georgia


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24 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

That statement is absolutely true. And I don’t consider you a reliable source. So cute a news source that evidences Republicans care about the welfare of school children. 
As I recall, before COVID your cult leader was even accusing schools of indoctrinating students. And as a school board member I’m sure your aware of the Education Secretary’s absolute disdain for public education. 

Here is another example: 





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29 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

That statement is absolutely true. And I don’t consider you a reliable source. So cute a news source that evidences Republicans care about the welfare of school children. 
As I recall, before COVID your cult leader was even accusing schools of indoctrinating students. And as a school board member I’m sure your aware of the Education Secretary’s absolute disdain for public education. 

And here is one example of what one R governor did after Parkland. And it actually  includes a R getting gun legislation that actually might address the issue done. So now that you have been proven to be factually incorrect.  Admit it. 


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On 8/9/2020 at 8:07 AM, aubiefifty said:

Covid: Seven year old dies of coronavirus in Georgia,

Just for the sake of accuracy, this child died of drowning. He had a seizure while in the bathtub and drowned over two weeks ago.

Wessinger cautioned that the full results of a Georgia Bureau of Investigation autopsy are still pending and may be a long time coming. But he said preliminary investigation suggests COVID-19 gave the boy a fever, which triggered a seizure that happened to occur while he was bathing.

Febrile seizures are not uncommon in young children and can be brought on by a number of illnesses and infections.


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32 minutes ago, Mikey said:

If I had to blame some American group for the unavoidable spread of the Wuhan Virus in America, I'd blame the Democrat mayors and governors of New York, New Jersey etc. and Democrat politicians such as Pelosi, who told the population to "Go to Chinatown and have a block party in the streets". Also, these thousands of domestic terrorists rioting and looting without regard to safe practices is a great source.

That's if we are going to try to place blame on a group in America. The Chinese Communist Party is to blame, but you hate President Trump more than you dislike them, if indeed you dislike them at all.

Of course you would because you’re an extremist ideologue.

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

And what guidelines do they recommend?

The CDC has a host of guidelines on their site.  Their prevention director recommends school districts located in areas where 5% or more of the population has tested positive should go with distance learning. 

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1 minute ago, SocialCircle said:

The CDC has a host of guidelines on their site.  Their prevention director recommends school districts located in areas where 5% or more of the population has tested positive should go with distance learning. 

Shouldn’t all require masks & social distancing if in person?

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26 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Just for the sake of accuracy, this child died of drowning. He had a seizure while in the bathtub and drowned over two weeks ago.

Wessinger cautioned that the full results of a Georgia Bureau of Investigation autopsy are still pending and may be a long time coming. But he said preliminary investigation suggests COVID-19 gave the boy a fever, which triggered a seizure that happened to occur while he was bathing.

Febrile seizures are not uncommon in young children and can be brought on by a number of illnesses and infections.


lol only you mikey. i bet you argue with stop signs.

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40 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Just for the sake of accuracy, this child died of drowning. He had a seizure while in the bathtub and drowned over two weeks ago.

Wessinger cautioned that the full results of a Georgia Bureau of Investigation autopsy are still pending and may be a long time coming. But he said preliminary investigation suggests COVID-19 gave the boy a fever, which triggered a seizure that happened to occur while he was bathing.

Febrile seizures are not uncommon in young children and can be brought on by a number of illnesses and infections.


no this is not true. the child had covid which gave him a high temp causing a seizure. if the kid had not had covid he might not have drowned in a million years. so you would be wrong.

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10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

no this is not true. the child had covid which gave him a high temp causing a seizure. if the kid had not had covid he might not have drowned in a million years. so you would be wrong.

“Wrong” is Mikey’s default state.

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1 hour ago, SocialCircle said:

And here is one example of what one R governor did after Parkland. And it actually  includes a R getting gun legislation that actually might address the issue done. So now that you have been proven to be factually incorrect.  Admit it. 


Oooooo. One Republican. You got me there. One. Out of 277 Republican congressmen, senators and Governors. One. 

I get it. You’re just like your cult leader. Your statements are facts and facts are lies. 

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20 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

no this is not true. the child had covid which gave him a high temp causing a seizure. if the kid had not had covid he might not have drowned in a million years. so you would be wrong.

You aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


20 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:



1 hour ago, Mikey said:

"Febrile seizures are not uncommon in young children and can be brought on by a number of illnesses and infections."

Underlying causes are yet to be determined, but the cause of death was drowning. That should be straight forward enough for anybody to understand. The cause of death will never be the virus, it will always be drowning. In time, when the thorough autopsy is finished, Covid may be listed as a contributing factor or it may not. In an effort to falsely blame The President, you have once again gone overboard and ignored proven facts.


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Just now, Mikey said:

You aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution[/i.



Underlying causes are yet to be determined, but the cause of death was drowning. That should be straight forward enough for anybody to understand. The cause of death will never be the virus, it will always be drowning. In time, when the thorough autopsy is finished, Covid may be listed as a contributing factor or it may not. In an effort to falsely blame The President, you have once again gone overboard and ignored proven facts.


if a mon has a sever drinking problem and dies in a car crash ultimately it is the booze that killed him. i stand by my statements.

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2 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

if a mon has a sever drinking problem and dies in a car crash ultimately it is the booze that killed him. i stand by my statements.

You can stand by them all you want. The fact remains that the cause of death was drowning and contributing circumstances are yet to be determined.

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

Oooooo. One Republican. You got me there. One. Out of 277 Republican congressmen, senators and Governors. One. 

I get it. You’re just like your cult leader. Your statements are facts and facts are lies. 

No, there are several others.  I posted about the CARES Act as well.  This happened during the current administration. Also, I know funding was increased for school safety in GA as we we able to add some safety measures I have previously mentioned.  So again, your original statement is factually incorrect. 

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

Per the CDC?


More specifically, the CDC guidance says to strongly encourage the use of masks, but indicates there are certain instances where this is not feasible.  Social distancing is also strongly encouraged whenever possible, but there they indicate there are situations where this is also not feasible. 

Our system is following these guidelines.  We strongly encourage mask wearing and all staff will be wearing masks.  We are also social distancing wherever and whenever humanly possible. 

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3 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Per the CDC?

Wasn't able to dig into this for long, but guidelines may have been rolled back after pressure from the White House: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/07/25/confused-by-cdcs-changing-guidance-school-reopening-here-are-recommendations-experts-not-pressured-by-white-house/

EDIT: I'm having a lot of trouble actually finding any hard numbers on what minimal or moderate spread of the virus actually means.

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13 minutes ago, savorytiger said:

Wasn't able to dig into this for long, but guidelines may have been rolled back after pressure from the White House: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/07/25/confused-by-cdcs-changing-guidance-school-reopening-here-are-recommendations-experts-not-pressured-by-white-house/

Not only the CDC but all medical experts providing guidance to our school system have told us to social distance whenever humanly possible knowing there are occasions when it is not feasible and similar guidance with mask wearing. Also, all medical experts consulting us told us it is best for us to open schools based on the number of cases in our area and to also offer the online schooling option. It is overall more risky for most students to be out of school VD being in school.  We have allowed and continue to allow the science and the data and the law guide us no matter what any politician has said. There may come a time when we go completely online based on changing circumstances and we have a plan in place already should this occur. 

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2 hours ago, SocialCircle said:

No, there are several others.  I posted about the CARES Act as well.  This happened during the current administration. Also, I know funding was increased for school safety in GA as we we able to add some safety measures I have previously mentioned.  So again, your original statement is factually incorrect. 

You don’t get to use a pandemic to suddenly prove republicans care about school children when historically they’ve never sought to help those children. 

My statement was factual. I proved it with sources. You are a typical right wing male who is ignorant enough to believe that republicans care about school children. News flash- they don’t. 

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12 hours ago, Mikey said:

Children also are not as contagious as adults. Last count, in all the world there is one teacher who caught the virus from a student.

The highlighted part of your post is, of course, unmitigated nonsense.

WTF kind of made up statistic is this? https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/08/10/israel-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic-schools-outbreaks-gotkine-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/coronavirus-intl/

Not to mention how contagious children are is very much up in the air:


Young children (< 5yr old) carry a much higher viral load that adults: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2768952

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13 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

Not only the CDC but all medical experts providing guidance to our school system have told us to social distance whenever humanly possible knowing there are occasions when it is not feasible and similar guidance with mask wearing. Also, all medical experts consulting us told us it is best for us to open schools based on the number of cases in our area and to also offer the online schooling option. It is overall more risky for most students to be out of school VD being in school.  We have allowed and continue to allow the science and the data and the law guide us no matter what any politician has said. There may come a time when we go completely online based on changing circumstances and we have a plan in place already should this occur. 

It's times like these where I wish this board had a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji. 

Anyway, you mentioned distance learning for communities with a 5% infection rate. How is the testing where you are at? Is it widely available, and are results timely?

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8 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

You don’t get to use a pandemic to suddenly prove republicans care about school children when historically they’ve never sought to help those children. 

My statement was factual. I proved it with sources. You are a typical right wing male who is ignorant enough to believe that republicans care about school children. News flash- they don’t. 

Your sources offered no facts ....just like you they only offered opinion and words. Meanwhile I provided specific examples. You have emotion and I have logic and facts. Most of my friends are R and most of my friends show they care by their actions: delivering food during the summer to needy students, donating and handing out book bags complete with school supplies to all students, donating time to install plexiglass in classrooms over the last month to help protect our staff and students, purchased and donated a book for every student through the 5th for every student in our school system  are just a few examples me and my friends have been involved with just in recent months and weeks. How about you? What do you do that you don’t get paid to do to contribute to the well being and safety of the children in your community? You are a liar if you think R here in my community don’t care about our youth. 

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6 minutes ago, savorytiger said:

It's times like these where I wish this board had a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji. 

Anyway, you mentioned distance learning for communities with a 5% infection rate. How is the testing where you are at? Is it widely available, and are results timely?

We have 1.2% here. It is readily available, but I wish it were more timely. 

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