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Georgia High School Unable to Mandate Face Masks, But Perfectly Capable of Enforcing Sexist Dress Code


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Georgia High School Unable to Mandate Face Masks, But Perfectly Capable of Enforcing Sexist Dress Code

Kelsey Stiegman

Photo credit: Thomas Tolstrup - Getty Images

Photo credit: Thomas Tolstrup - Getty Images

From Seventeen

After an entire summer spent wondering what the 2020 school year will look like, we now know. Thanks to a photo currently going viral on Twitter, it's apparent that some schools are taking few precautions to protect their students and faculty from the deadly virus that has already killed almost 160,000 Americans.

The photo, which was shared by a North Paulding High School student from Dallas, GA, shows crowds of un-masked students pressed together in what will undoubtedly soon become a hotspot for COVID-19. Where is the social distancing and face masks the CDC has been urging people to utilize for the past, ohhhh, FIVE months? Well, it's nowhere. Among 14 identifiable faces, only three students are wearing face coverings.

After the photo began to gain attention on social media, The New York Times released a story in which the Paulding County School District superintendent, Brian Otott, addressed the controversy. "There is no question that the photo does not look good," he said.

Otott also told The Times that the administration strongly encourages face masks for students and staff members, but because there are over 2,000 students in the school they will not be enforcing a rule.

"Wearing a mask is a personal choice, and there is no practical way to enforce a mandate to wear them," he wrote.

Apparently, Otott hasn't read his own school district's handbook, because they seemingly have no problem enforcing a dress mandate when it comes specifically to their female students. In the 54-page document obtained by Mother Jones, an entire page (p. 11) is dedicated to what articles of clothing students can and can't put on their bodies – most of which, is directed at female students.

The dress code is absurdly specific, stating that shorts "must be appropriate (5" from the top of kneecap as measured by a ruler or the width of a 3 x 5 index card)" and that "shoulders must be covered, and arm holes must be tight fitting." It also bans "pajamas, bedroom shoes, or other sleepwear," as well as "caps, hats, hoods, bandanas, wave caps, sweatbands, sunglasses, or any other head covering," – oh, and "cheerleaders must wear warm-ups under cheerleading uniforms except during games and pep rallies."

Apparently, the school is incapable of telling students to wear a simple trip of fabric on their face – something that can be seen at a millisecond glance – but when it comes to teen girls in shorts, WATCH OUT people, because they've got a 3x5 index card and they're not afraid to measure you with it.

Mother Jones also uncovered that one of the middle schools in the district has not one, but THREE pages about leggings in their 24-page dress code PowerPoint. LEGGINGS. An article of clothing that, to my knowledge, has never killed anyone before, unlike COVID-19.

Photo credit: P.B. Ritch Middle School

Photo credit: P.B. Ritch Middle School

Photo credit: P.B. Ritch Middle School

Photo credit: P.B. Ritch Middle School

It wouldn't have been that difficult to add even a single page about face masks to their extensive presentation. In fact, I had our graphic designer whip one up herself and it took like three minutes. Feel free to use, Ritch Middle School!

Photo credit: Getty Images

Photo credit: Getty Images

Now, if you thought this administration was done with their harmful policies, you were dead wrong (maybe even literally, since they're not requiring students to wear masks). Hannah Watters, the student who first posted the photo, was suspended from school for five days because of it. Unlike the administration's dress code, this might actually prevent her from contracting COVID.

Hannah has been using her time off from school wisely, though, doing interviews with several national news outlets in order to share this story with the masses. Today, she shared on Twitter that her suspension has been revoked, but told The Times that she's "probably going to be just about as nervous as I was the first day of school."

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