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Does anyone know why Trump hates Obama so much?


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i have never understood it. i would be interested in serious reply's.......

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47 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i have never understood it. i would be interested in serious reply's.......

I think the dislike goes both ways. It would be hard to like someone who spied on your campaign. It is now clear he knew about it and was informed about it along the way. 

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2 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

I think the dislike goes both ways. It would be hard to like someone who spied on your campaign. It is now clear he knew about it and was informed about it along the way. 

Dude, Trump disliked Obama well before he announced his candidacy in 2015.  Look at his Twitter history and TV appearances.  It goes back to at least 2011, if not a bit earlier.

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8 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Dude, Trump disliked Obama well before he announced his candidacy in 2015.  Look at his Twitter history and TV appearances.  It goes back to at least 2011, if not a bit earlier.

you have done it now sir! you have pissed social off on friday before the weekend. he will not be able to eat supper now.............

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Hating Obama has been 75% of the GOP platform going back to November 2008 (minus 2016 when it was 100% hating Hillary). 

It was a campaign strategy and it worked. 

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40 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

I think the dislike goes both ways. It would be hard to like someone who spied on your campaign. It is now clear he knew about it and was informed about it along the way. 

It predates that by a lot. Trump was one of the foremost birthers going back a decade. In fact, it's part of how he built his following.

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26 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Hating Obama has been 75% of the GOP platform going back to November 2008 (minus 2016 when it was 100% hating Hillary). 

It was a campaign strategy and it worked. 

In the 2010 midterms, it was all about hating Pelosi.  Michael Steele, RNC Chair at the time, admits it as much.  Said the whole campaign strategy to take the House was based on an anti-Pelosi agenda.

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

Dude, Trump disliked Obama well before he announced his candidacy in 2015.  Look at his Twitter history and TV appearances.  It goes back to at least 2011, if not a bit earlier.

He criticized Obama for some of the same s*** he’s doing today. 

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3 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

Dude, Trump disliked Obama well before he announced his candidacy in 2015.  Look at his Twitter history and TV appearances.  It goes back to at least 2011, if not a bit earlier.

I agree, but that does not conflict at all with what I said in my response. 

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3 hours ago, AUDub said:

It predates that by a lot. Trump was one of the foremost birthers going back a decade. In fact, it's part of how he built his following.

As was Hillary BTW. 

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you have done it now sir! you have pissed social off on friday before the weekend. he will not be able to eat supper now.............

I' m not pissed off at all.  In fact, I had a great meal after our school board meeting last night with some family and friends at a new restaurant in Covington, GA called The Social Goat Tavern.  

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19 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

I agree, but that does not conflict at all with what I said in my response. 

It kind of does.  Your response implied that Trump doesn't like Obama because of alleged campaign spying.  My point is that the disdain goes much further back.

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37 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

It kind of does.  Your response implied that Trump doesn't like Obama because of alleged campaign spying.  My point is that the disdain goes much further back.

It isn't alleged at this point.  I agree it goes back further, but it is still hard to like someone who spied on your campaign. I do agree there are several other reasons...many being political in nature. 

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17 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

It isn't alleged at this point.  I agree it goes back further, but it is still hard to like someone who spied on your campaign. 

Obviously complicated. ;)

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5 hours ago, McLoofus said:

Hating Obama has been 75% of the GOP platform going back to November 2008 (minus 2016 when it was 100% hating Hillary). 

It was a campaign strategy and it worked. 

McConnell saying shortly after Obama's election that one of the highest priorities for the Republican Party (I am paraphrasing) was to make Obama a one term POTUS was one of the worst things I had heard at the time. Now comments like that are heard daily. I used to think that Congress's highest priority was to work for the success of our nation and to serve its constituents. But I used to be young and naive.

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2 minutes ago, Grumps said:

McConnell saying shortly after Obama's election that one of the highest priorities for the Republican Party (I am paraphrasing) was to make Obama a one term POTUS was one of the worst things I had heard at the time. Now comments like that are heard daily. I used to think that Congress's highest priority was to work for the success of our nation and to serve its constituents. But I used to be young and naive.

Indeed, it was terrible, and it remains terrible, and it explains much of how things went during the Obama administration. 

But our current situation is something entirely different. 

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52 minutes ago, Grumps said:

McConnell saying shortly after Obama's election that one of the highest priorities for the Republican Party (I am paraphrasing) was to make Obama a one term POTUS was one of the worst things I had heard at the time. Now comments like that are heard daily. I used to think that Congress's highest priority was to work for the success of our nation and to serve its constituents. But I used to be young and naive.

But there is a fundamental and huge difference between Trump and Obama regarding their personal fitness (intellect, psychology, etc.) for the job that justifies any responsible politician - of either party - to making Trump a one term president as a goal.

It would be the best thing you can do for our country.

You may be older and more experienced but if so, you should by now recognize the "reality of our situation", which IMO, is unique in our country's history.

Eugene Robinson put it very well:

For the next six months, we’re trapped on a leaking ship captained by a fool

July 16, 2020

This is the awful reality of our situation: For the next six months — at least — we are trapped on a badly leaking ship captained by an utter fool.

If he cared a whit about the well-being of the nation he is supposed to lead, President Trump would resign immediately. He would slink back to his gaudy apartment in Trump Tower, where he could look down at the new Black Lives Matter street painting on Fifth Avenue. Or he would flee to his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, where his rounds of golf might be disturbed by the sirens of ambulances rushing covid-19 victims to overburdened emergency rooms.

But it is absurd to imagine that Trump cares about anyone or anything but himself. He will not go voluntarily. So on Election Day, he must be made to suffer a humiliating defeat, and on Inauguration Day, he must be firmly escorted — bodily, if necessary — out of the White House.

This election is not about politics, ideology or even red vs. blue tribal identity. At this point, it’s about our collective survival.

I believe that Joe Biden will be a good president if he is elected, and that circumstances will present him with the opportunity to be a truly great president, if he’s able. But any functioning adult would be an improvement over Trump, because he is not in fact a functioning adult. As his niece, Mary L. Trump, explains at length in her new book, he is more like a damaged child.

His callousness and refusal to admit error led us to where we are now with covid-19 — beset by worsening, out-of-control spread of the virus at a time when other industrialized countries are cautiously returning to normal. There is nothing we can do about his past mistakes. But look at what the president is doing now — pushing hard for a nationwide reopening of schools with in-person classroom instruction, just like before the pandemic. If viruses had imaginations, that would be covid-19’s fondest dream.

Trump’s hostility toward a national reckoning with structural racism is no surprise — not to those who recall his crusade for the death penalty after the arrests of the Central Park Five, who were ultimately exonerated; or his exploitation of the racist “birther” conspiracy theory about former president Barack Obama, which vaulted Trump to political prominence. But look at how he is heightening racial tensions, rather than soothing them, by going out of his way to champion Confederate memorials and the Confederate battle flag, and by turning “law and order” into code words for white nationalism. Even George Wallace, when he ran for president, was more circumspect.

If Trump had done all of this out of calculation, reasoning that it gave him the best chance of winning reelection, he would immediately change course. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal national poll of registered voters released Wednesday showed him trailing Biden by 11 points, with 50 percent of respondents saying that under no circumstances would they even consider voting for Trump. A Quinnipiac poll released the same day showed Trump down by a whopping 15 points.

Listening to the hour-long screed Trump delivered in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, I didn’t hear a canny politician trying to calibrate his positioning. I heard an angry, frustrated man who might actually believe the lies he tells to excuse his failures. Witness what he said about the fact that the United States is seeing tens of thousands of new cases of covid-19 every day, while European countries now see just hundreds or even dozens:

“But if we did — think of this, if we didn’t do testing — instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing, we’d have half the cases. If we did another — you cut that in half, we’d have yet again half of that. . . . They talk about cases, and the cases are created because of the fact that we do tremendous testing.”

Can a grown man able to dress himself in the morning really not understand that all those covid-19 cases would still exist, and people would still be suffering and dying, if we were performing no tests at all? Does he sincerely believe a tree that falls in the forest makes no sound if a Fox News camera crew isn’t there to record it?

Trump is immensely powerful, bizarrely irrational and increasingly desperate. Perilous months lie ahead, and I fear that things are likely to get much worse before they get better.



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maybe he is hung like a squirrel and he knows obama isn't?  lol

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22 hours ago, homersapien said:

But there is a fundamental and huge difference between Trump and Obama regarding their personal fitness (intellect, psychology, etc.) for the job that justifies any responsible politician - of either party - to making Trump a one term president as a goal.

It would be the best thing you can do for our country.

You may be older and more experienced but if so, you should by now recognize the "reality of our situation", which IMO, is unique in our country's history.



There are many differences in the country now versus when Obama was POTUS. One big difference was that when Obama was POTUS people on the right bitched and moaned did almost anything they could to make Obama look bad. Now that Trump is POTUS people on the left make bogus investigations and impeachment hearings and riot and loot and burn things down.

I liked it better when people would try to vote out of office politicians they disagree with. This new anarchist method is going to get out of hand.

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

There are many differences in the country now versus when Obama was POTUS. One big difference was that when Obama was POTUS people on the right bitched and moaned did almost anything they could to make Obama look bad. Now that Trump is POTUS people on the left make bogus investigations and impeachment hearings and riot and loot and burn things down.

I liked it better when people would try to vote out of office politicians they disagree with. This new anarchist method is going to get out of hand.

Oh good grief.  What a load of partisan crap.

Trump created his issues with investigations and the impeachment hearing.  He welcomed Russian aid and he's been in bed with Putin ever since.  He admitted to asking the Ukrainian president to investigate a domestic political opponent on his behalf. Benefiting from a corrupt Republican party - who controlled the Senate - doesn't make the impeachment "bogus".

(And those were just the tip of the iceberg.)

The protests - including the riots and looting - were sparked by (yet more) videos showing unarmed blacks being murdered by whites - in some cases by cops. 

They weren't aimed at Trump, even though Trump has notably and deliberately  poured gas on the fire by his statements and positions.  He's fomenting anarchy because he thinks it will help his reelection. 

He's ignoring the pandemic for the same reason, while denying any responsibility for doing so.

Trump doesn't need any help to look bad.  You apparently need help in seeing it.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Oh good grief.  What a load of partisan crap.

Trump created his issues with investigations and the impeachment hearing.  He welcomed Russian aid and he's been in bed with Putin ever since.  He admitted to asking the Ukrainian president to investigate a domestic political opponent on his behalf. Benefiting from a corrupt Republican party - who controlled the Senate - doesn't make the impeachment "bogus".

(And those were just the tip of the iceberg.)

The protests - including the riots and looting - were sparked by (yet more) videos showing unarmed blacks being murdered by whites - in some cases by cops. 

They weren't aimed at Trump, even though Trump has notably and deliberately  poured gas on the fire by his statements and positions.  He's fomenting anarchy because he thinks it will help his reelection. 

He's ignoring the pandemic for the same reason, while denying any responsibility for doing so.

Trump doesn't need any help to look bad.  You apparently need help in seeing it.

Just for fun, can you show me where I said that Trump doesn't look bad or that I don't think he looks bad? I don't have any hope for Trump to change. That makes my desire for the rest of us to change even greater.

If you don't think that all of the above things done by the left are mostly political then we will just have to disagree.

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18 hours ago, Grumps said:

Just for fun, can you show me where I said that Trump doesn't look bad or that I don't think he looks bad? I don't have any hope for Trump to change. That makes my desire for the rest of us to change even greater.

If you don't think that all of the above things done by the left are mostly political then we will just have to disagree.

 I was responding specifically to this statement of yours:

One big difference was that when Obama was POTUS people on the right bitched and moaned did almost anything they could to make Obama look bad. Now that Trump is POTUS people on the left make bogus investigations and impeachment hearings and riot and loot and burn things down.

To suggest - as you did - that the animosity toward trump is fueled by nothing more than the same sort of partisan politics (plus racism) that Obama suffered is pure poppycock.  It's nothing more than disingenuous "begging the question".  I would hope - actually expected it - to be beneath your intelligence.

It's Trump's character and actions that are the basis for vehemence of his opposition. 

But, if you want to describe promoting doing what is best for the country - which includes:

  • Uniting the country instead instead of demagogically dividing it
  • Leading the country through a pandemic based on science instead of political considerations
  • Taking responsibility for the required federal action (or lack thereof)
  • Exhibiting common decency
  • Acting on behalf of the country's interest instead of your personal interest (or compulsions)

..... as "leftist politics" then I plead guilty, as a liberal, to acting "political".

Like all liberals, my goal is to vote this sorry excuse of a human being out of office.  That's what informs my politics.



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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:


And if you want to describe promoting doing what is best for the country - which includes:

  • Uniting the country instead instead of demagogically dividing it
  • Leading the country through a pandemic based on science instead of political considerations
  • Taking responsibility for the required federal action (or lack thereof)
  • Exhibiting common decency
  • Acting on behalf of the country's interest instead of your personal interest (or compulsions)

as "leftist politics" then I plead guilty, as a liberal, to acting "political".



None of those 5 bullet items are marks of the anarchist liberals (I assume you are one of them) who now run the democrat party. Not a single one..

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50 minutes ago, ChltteTiger said:

None of those 5 bullet items are marks of the anarchist liberals (I assume you are one of them) who now run the democrat party. Not a single one..

Go away kid, you're bothering me.

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