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I am Biden all the way this election


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i hope to help stop trump dead in his tracks. he is killing people and too many fools are normalizing it. with that being said for elections down the road how does this country get to a real three horse race in elections in this country? maybe one that would hopefully hold the other two accountable. how does this become a reality? kinda thinking about you on this one dkw............ i have not a clue tho i have voted for bernie last time. but i am taking no more chances with trump. lets hear those opinions.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i hope to help stop trump dead in his tracks. he is killing people and too many fools are normalizing it. with that being said for elections down the road how does this country get to a real three horse race in elections in this country? maybe one that would hopefully hold the other two accountable. how does this become a reality? kinda thinking about you on this one dkw............ i have not a clue tho i have voted for bernie last time. but i am taking no more chances with trump. lets hear those opinions.

It will never happen in our electoral college system. 

Hell, we are already electing minority governments.  Three parties would just guarantee we would. 

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Third Party? I really think that if the Progressives keep getting ignored By DNC they are gone. 

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Homey is right. DJT must go. But man Biden???? What a turd sandwich. 

my point is anyone but trump. he breaks laws and makes a mockery of our constitution. he rolled back envirement where we have to check if rivers are safe to swim in. and i am not talking lead or mercury i am talking those flesh eating viruses. same thing at the beach. i can go on and on so yes. i will vote for biden and no other. we have too much to lose. and in my opinion we cannot afford to protest vote someone else and give trump a chance to win. maybe biden will get a vp we can all be more hopeful of. but right now in my mind all we have is bowden........

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22 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Btw, Got my two Doug Jones Signs up in my yard this AM. 

you gonna sit out and guard them? u might have 2

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Homey is right. DJT must go. But man Biden???? What a turd sandwich. 

Has South Park taught you nothing?!


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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you gonna sit out and guard them? u might have 2

LMAO, well, they are closer to the house than some folks have placed theirs just for that reason. 
BTW, I have Cameras...This could be real fun.

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2 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

Has South Park taught you nothing?!


Big Fat Douche or a Turd Sandwich? Walked right into that one...Let's hope the BFD dont win.

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23 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Big Fat Douche or a Turd Sandwich? Walked right into that one...Let's hope the BFD dont win.

It's something they started in 2004 and have been running with every election year since.  It's always Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich.

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Why are Progressives so lukewarm this election? Because we arent stupid, and we are not satisfied with the status quo. 




Senate Democrats’ political machine has spent more than $15 million to help more moderate Senate candidates defeat progressive primary challengers in the 2020 election cycle. 

With the help of the party, its major donors, and the Senate Majority PAC (SMP) -- a super PAC funded by labor unions, corporate interests and Wall Street billionaires -- candidates endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee have won contested primaries in four battleground states.



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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:


Ethan moved the sign back in case it decided to walk off one night.

Is that one of those moderate Dem senate candidates?

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Why are Progressives so lukewarm this election? Because we arent stupid, and we are not satisfied with the status quo. 


The key in that post is "battleground states".  A progressive won't win a general election in a battleground area.  They keep losing primaries in House districts too, because those voters are more moderate.  But, moderate Dems flipped a bunch of red districts two years ago and are looking to do the same again.  My district is a perfect example.  A progressive has no shot here, but a moderate could absolutely win.

You have to nominate people that fit the electorate and can win in November. 

Progressives have no shot at getting anything they want if the Senate stays in Republican hands.

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

Is that one of those moderate Dem senate candidates?

When it’s all you got...

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:Progressives have no shot at getting anything they want if the Senate stays in Republican hands.

Or Democratic hands....

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