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Pence busted lol

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i could not get the video to work but it is out there for those interested..........



BUSTED: Mike Pence caught on hot mic asking to deliver ’empty’ PPE boxes into a nursing home ‘for the camera’

Published 32 mins ago on May 8, 2020 By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement

1-2 minutes

Vice President Mike Pence, in charge of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force, was caught on a hot mic asking if he could carry empty boxes of what had housed personal protective equipment (PPE) off a van and into the front door of a nursing home “for the cameras.”

Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel mocked the vice president.

“Here he is, with no mask on, wheeling boxes of PPEs into a health care center, and doing his best to lift them,” Kimmel said, narrating the video. “What a hero.”

“And since it was going so well, and also because he didn’t realize he had a mic on, Magic Mike decided to keep it going.”

Someone tells Pence, “Those are empty sir.”

“Well, can I carry the empty ones, just for the camera?” Pence asks.

“Mike Pence pretending to carry empty PPEs into a hospital is the perfect metaphor for who he is and what he’s doing. A big box of nothing delivering another box of nothing.

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I don’t know if it’s funny or sad. He did a good job of selling the weight of the box. I had lifted engine blocks with less strain. 

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Jimmy Kimmel shares misleading clip of Mike Pence jokingly suggesting he carry empty boxes of medical supplies 'just for the cameras'

3 hours ago

Vice President Mike Pence visited a Northern Virginia nursing home on Thursday to help deliver essential personal protective equipment to the healthcare center, which is battling several coronavirus cases.

Pence, who faced backlash after not wearing a face mask to Minnesota's Mayo Clinic last week, carried boxes of equipment from a van to the door of the facility without wearing a mask or gloves while interacting in proximity with several people who were similarly unprotected.

After carrying a few boxes that appeared full of supplies, Pence was informed that the rest of the boxes in the van were empty and that his task was complete.

"Those are empty, sir — we're good to go," an aide told him.

"Well, can I carry the empty ones? Just for the cameras?" Pence joked.

"Absolutely," an aide said as the group laughed.

Pence then shuts the doors to the van and returns to talk to facility members from the nursing home.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday shared a shortened clip of the encounter that cuts off before Pence closed the door to the van with the empty boxes left inside. Kimmel laid into Pence, calling the video "the perfect metaphor for who he is and what he's doing: a big box of nothing delivering another box of nothing."

Other critics of Pence were quick to pile on.

"I see Mike Pence is full of s*** as usual," James Carville, a veteran Democratic strategist, tweeted.



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45 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

An hence why people don't trust the media, etc. 

Kimmel is not the media 

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3 minutes ago, alexava said:

Kimmel is not the media 

A lot of reporters retweeted it though


Democratic consultant Matt McDermott spread a video of the joke, claiming that it was evidence that Pence was supposedly pretending to deliver the equipment. The claim was then repeated by Kimmel.

“Mike Pence pretending to carry empty boxes of PPE’s into a hospital is the perfect metaphor for who he is and what he’s doing: a big box of nothing, delivering another box of nothing,” Kimmel said.

Kimmel’s segment gained over a million views on Twitter, and was shared by numerous reporters.

“What can we say? Fake photo op?” wrote NBC’s Andrea Mitchell. Kimmel’s video was retweeted by New York Times columnist Jamie Bouie and Vox cofounder Matt Yglesias.

“This is a metaphor for so much of their botched response [to coronavirus],” commented Joe Biden’s director of rapid response Joe Bates.

Some Evangelicals said they supported Donald Trump because Mike Pence is supposedly a devout Christian,” wrote CNN political analyst April Ryan. “But Exodus 20:16 says ‘You shall not lie.’ Carrying empty boxes & pretending they’re PPE supplies for cameras in a pandemic is an shameful lie… & a SIN! #RepentPence.”

Kimmel has since deleted his original tweet.

“It would appear that was joking about carrying empty boxes for a staged publicity stunt,” Kimmel wrote in a follow-up tweet. “The full video reveals that he was carrying full boxes for a staged publicity stunt. My apologies. I know how dearly this administration values truth.”

Neither Pence nor President Trump have commented on the incident.


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11 minutes ago, alexava said:

Kimmel is not the media 

Hence, the etc. 


He used a form of media to incorrectly portray what he wanted........the same way a lot of news does. 


Hopefully that clarifies it for you.

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