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New study says Trump has ‘dangerously undermined truth’ with attacks on news media


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On 4/16/2020 at 8:16 PM, homersapien said:

A new research report from a leading journalism organization says President Trump’s attacks on the news media have endangered American democracy and imperiled press freedom in other countries.

What, exactly, would you expect a report from an organization of Trump haters to say? Trump is a great guy? This is funny!

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10 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

trump is the biggest liar in the history of american politics. prove me wrong.

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan".~~~~Obama.

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Trump is a liar and a narcissist. And his constant attacks on the media anytime he is challenged on anything reflects that. But I don't feel sorry for the media. For too many years they have been way too biased in their reporting. One current example: any republican accused of any level of sexual misconduct leads to a launch of immediate and never ending attacks. “Guilty until proven innocent.” Any democrat accused of any level of sexual misconduct leads to crickets. “Nothing to see here, move along.” Trump needs to not act like a child. The media needs to report the story, not create the story. 

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11 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

THANK YOU!  You've finally gotten something right.  It is on the FBI and Congress since they received the report.

BUT, and pay attention here, that still doesn't make it "Fake News".

Here's a great analogy for you.  In 2010, AU was being investigated about Cam.  Now of course that was in the media the entire time.  Should the media not have covered it?  The answer is of course they had every right and obligation to cover it.  Because the investigation was known to be happening and in the public domain, it was therefore newsworthy.  It doesn't make it "Fake News".  It makes it a developing story.

And I haven't been in the news media for a long time.  Quite frankly it wasn't lucrative enough for me to stick around.  The pay is low and the hours are insane.  I just have a large disdain for many people in general.  People, as a whole, are not that bright.

As long as you get to determine the definition of "Fake News" then I guess you are the authority on it. Can you tell us why it is not "Fake News" when a news person says/prints something that he/she knows is not true for the purpose of misleading the listeners/readers?

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9 hours ago, Mikey said:

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan".~~~~Obama.

you know the repukes tinkered with obama care before it was passed right? the true obama care obama wanted was never realized.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

you know the repukes tinkered with obama care before it was passed right? the true obama care obama wanted was never realized.

"Benghazi was the result of an angry street mob, enraged by a video that was produced in the United States."~~~ Obama mouthpiece Susan Rice, the morning after the tragedy at Benghazi.

Because, you know, street mobs always have mortars, RPGs and other heavy military weapons ready to carry out well organized attacks when some random video is released.

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4 minutes ago, Mikey said:

"Benghazi was the result of an angry street mob, enraged by a video that was produced in the United States."~~~ Obama mouthpiece Susan Rice, the morning after the tragedy at Benghazi.

Because, you know, street mobs always have mortars, RPGs and other heavy military weapons ready to carry out well organized attacks when some random video is released.

Obama’s administration gave you guys so little to work with, but you obsess over every morsel.

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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Obama’s administration gave you guys so little to work with, but you obsess over every morsel.

There is a lot more. Would you like a long list or a short book? Obama, the only anti-American president in history told a lot of lies and did a lot of damage before we could get rid of him.

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13 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

THANK YOU!  You've finally gotten something right.  It is on the FBI and Congress since they received the report.

BUT, and pay attention here, that still doesn't make it "Fake News".

Here's a great analogy for you.  In 2010, AU was being investigated about Cam.  Now of course that was in the media the entire time.  Should the media not have covered it?  The answer is of course they had every right and obligation to cover it.  Because the investigation was known to be happening and in the public domain, it was therefore newsworthy.  It doesn't make it "Fake News".  It makes it a developing story.

And I haven't been in the news media for a long time.  Quite frankly it wasn't lucrative enough for me to stick around.  The pay is low and the hours are insane.  I just have a large disdain for many people in general.  People, as a whole, are not that bright.

The issue that I have is that, either the FBI or Congress, leaked the report to the press before it even had a chance to vet it.  It may not be Fake News in your mind, but it was, to a large part, proven fake just like the Cam thing.  The media has no scruples anymore, if they can create the narrative, they are all for it.  Same with Cam in 2010.

It may have been a developing story, at the time, but the incentive for journalists to do their homework is just not there, it’s all about being first with the story whether true or not.  I would put the Cam situation and the Steele Dossier in the “FAKE NEWS” category now, but I guess that doesn’t fit into you narrow definition of FAKE NEWS.  In that definition there is no room for how the report has been researched after the fact that should have been researched before being leaked.

I know you’re in media, but the last part was not a snipe at you personally, it was the view a lot of people have of the Mainstream Media ever since the 2016 election.   If you scratch off the outer layer of the party of tolerance, you reveal a tyrant as seen in a few Democratic governed states since they are making the rules for their states.

I guess, by you last statement, you are enjoying the lockdown.

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3 hours ago, Grumps said:

As long as you get to determine the definition of "Fake News" then I guess you are the authority on it. Can you tell us why it is not "Fake News" when a news person says/prints something that he/she knows is not true for the purpose of misleading the listeners/readers?


I literally posted an article on the history of the term "Fake News", where it started, and how it's morphed.

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50 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

The issue that I have is that, either the FBI or Congress, leaked the report to the press before it even had a chance to vet it.  It may not be Fake News in your mind, but it was, to a large part, proven fake just like the Cam thing.  The media has no scruples anymore, if they can create the narrative, they are all for it.  Same with Cam in 2010.

It may have been a developing story, at the time, but the incentive for journalists to do their homework is just not there, it’s all about being first with the story whether true or not.  I would put the Cam situation and the Steele Dossier in the “FAKE NEWS” category now, but I guess that doesn’t fit into you narrow definition of FAKE NEWS.  In that definition there is no room for how the report has been researched after the fact that should have been researched before being leaked.

I know you’re in media, but the last part was not a snipe at you personally, it was the view a lot of people have of the Mainstream Media ever since the 2016 election.   If you scratch off the outer layer of the party of tolerance, you reveal a tyrant as seen in a few Democratic governed states since they are making the rules for their states.

I guess, by you last statement, you are enjoying the lockdown.

So your problem is really with the FBI or Congress.  It's not with the media.  As you said, they leaked it without vetting it first.  Don't be mad at the media for reporting on what, at the time, was a very important document.

Question: were you mad about WikiLeaks or Edward Snowden?  If you weren't, then you have no legs to stand on here.

And my definition of "fake news" isn't narrow.  It's what the actual term means.  An article, presented as straight news, with knowingly false information and no research.  Like I said, go read the link I posted about the origins.  It was politicians that turned the term into something completely different and the public fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Finally, I work from home anyway.  Lockdown really hasn't changed my life much, with the exception of less work travel lately.  But if you've ever worked with the general public as a bartender or waiter, you'd understand my sentiment.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

There is a lot more. Would you like a long list or a short book? Obama, the only anti-American president in history told a lot of lies and did a lot of damage before we could get rid of him.

Give me the loooooong list. 

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48 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Give me the loooooong list. 

We haven’t seen enough to cover one damn trump presser

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17 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

So, when it was given to the FBI and Congress, they don’t have the obligation to vet the information before asking for a FISA Warrant?  It was suspect from the beginning, but no one did their due diligence. Did you miss the part where there were multiple errors in applying for the FISA Warrants and all of them were on the side against Trump?  Whether I like it or not doesn’t matter, what happened has happened.  Finding the truth does matter, though.

Love the bolded part; just proves the ones in media are elitist liberals that look upon the rest of us as something to disdain.

That's a sudden change in subject to dodge the fact you don't understand the term "fake news".

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2 hours ago, Mikey said:

"Benghazi was the result of an angry street mob, enraged by a video that was produced in the United States."~~~ Obama mouthpiece Susan Rice, the morning after the tragedy at Benghazi.

Because, you know, street mobs always have mortars, RPGs and other heavy military weapons ready to carry out well organized attacks when some random video is released.

What's your point?

What does this have to do with "fake news"?

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

So your problem is really with the FBI or Congress.  It's not with the media.  As you said, they leaked it without vetting it first.  Don't be mad at the media for reporting on what, at the time, was a very important document.

And my definition of "fake news" isn't narrow.  It's what the actual term means.  An article, presented as straight news, with knowingly false information and no research.  Like I said, go read the link I posted about the origins.  It was politicians that turned the term into something completely different and the public fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

The entity that leaked it was leaked it for political purposes only and the media, then, became implicit it the rouse.  The entity was a trusted source by the media and, without question, ran with it.  You could say I had a problem with the FBI or Congress, but I don’t absolve the media.

From the article you posted earlier about morphing the term *Fake News*:

Mantzarlis says that while he's concerned about language creep, he isn't ready to abandon it altogether - although he would like to see "fake news" restricted to descriptions of spammy made-up stories wrecking Facebook news feeds.

"Just because someone else is using the term to mean something different doesn't mean it loses its value," he says. "If someone starts calling a telephone a banana, and has a very big megaphone, doesn't mean that the rest of us should stop calling a telephone a telephone."

Interestingly, I’m old enough to remember I was taught in biology class that there were only two genders.  People with a very big megaphone are saying that there are 58 genders (Facebook of all places).  I would guess, by your logic, that you disagree (you will have to verify) and will alway believe there are only two genders.  Language creep is real, I don’t like the term *Fake News*, but I can see why Trump uses it the way he does.


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21 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

The entity that leaked it was leaked it for political purposes only and the media, then, became implicit it the rouse.  The entity was a trusted source by the media and, without question, ran with it.  You could say I had a problem with the FBI or Congress, but I don’t absolve the media.

From the article you posted earlier about morphing the term *Fake News*:

Mantzarlis says that while he's concerned about language creep, he isn't ready to abandon it altogether - although he would like to see "fake news" restricted to descriptions of spammy made-up stories wrecking Facebook news feeds.

"Just because someone else is using the term to mean something different doesn't mean it loses its value," he says. "If someone starts calling a telephone a banana, and has a very big megaphone, doesn't mean that the rest of us should stop calling a telephone a telephone."

Interestingly, I’m old enough to remember I was taught in biology class that there were only two genders.  People with a very big megaphone are saying that there are 58 genders (Facebook of all places).  I would guess, by your logic, that you disagree (you will have to verify) and will alway believe there are only two genders.  Language creep is real, I don’t like the term *Fake News*, but I can see why Trump uses it the way he does.


I do believe there are two genders.  I also don't care how people choose to identify themselves because it doesn't affect my life. I have a friend who is taking treatments and prefers to be identified as a man.  However, he (and I say he out of respect for my friend) still has all of the genetic gender markings of a female and that doesn't change.  Either way, I wish him well and couldn't care less how he chooses to identify.

Much like I could care less if gay or lesbian people get married.  It literally doesn't make a difference to me and has no bearing on how I live.

I lean Democrat.  I am not overly liberal.

And yes, with regards to "fake news" it's language creep that absconded the meaning.  Doesn't mean the colloquial term of "fake news" as Trump or yourself used it in this thread is accurate.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

What's your point?

What does this have to do with "fake news"?

He’s just got to point out Obama’s other lie. 

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22 hours ago, Mikey said:

"Benghazi was the result of an angry street mob, enraged by a video that was produced in the United States."~~~ Obama mouthpiece Susan Rice, the morning after the tragedy at Benghazi.

Because, you know, street mobs always have mortars, RPGs and other heavy military weapons ready to carry out well organized attacks when some random video is released.

a general blew the benghazi thing. he had not satelite links and could not get drones over the scene and he refused to send troops in blind. he made the call himself. you boys blame who you want but the truth is out there but i think some of you would rather bash shillary...........

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22 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Obama’s administration gave you guys so little to work with, but you obsess over every morsel.

Ain't fair Brother Tex. Our guy lays out a full smorgasbord for you guys everyday.

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21 hours ago, homersapien said:

What's your point?

What does this have to do with "fake news"?

Try to keep up. My post was in response to aubie50's. "trump is the biggest liar in the history of american politics. prove me wrong. "

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

a general blew the benghazi thing. he had not satelite links and could not get drones over the scene and he refused to send troops in blind. he made the call himself. you boys blame who you want but the truth is out there but i think some of you would rather bash shillary...........

A general didn't go on all the Sunday morning talk shows telling lies about Benghazi. Obama's designated liar Susan Rice did that.

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1 minute ago, Mikey said:

A general didn't go on all the Sunday morning talk shows telling lies about Benghazi. Obama's designated liar Susan Rice did that.

of course not but the facts are there if you really care to know the truth.................military will not trot anyone out when they screw up. but what about all the lies you repubs spew without even fact checking stuff. you dislike hill so you do not care what the truth is. are you one of  those that believed hill ran a prostitution ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor? be honest.............

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11 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

of course not but the facts are there if you really care to know the truth.................military will not trot anyone out when they screw up. but what about all the lies you repubs spew without even fact checking stuff. you dislike hill so you do not care what the truth is. are you one of  those that believed hill ran a prostitution ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor? be honest.............

No, but I do believe she is a very dishonest, deplorable person.

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Just now, Mikey said:

No, but I do believe she is a very dishonest, deplorable person.

i can agree with that. most people in power are. hell most movie stars and rock stars are as well.

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