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one of trumps top advisers on covid19


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42 minutes ago, Grumps said:

So do you think she should be fired for not knowing how the virus was named? Maybe it will happen. I'm sure his next appointee will be perfect.

She never should have been there anyway. I don’t want perfection. I want humility and competence. There are ways to answer those questions without being anal or weak. She nor trump have figured that out. Sadly the resistance they show the media, no matter how inept it appears, just rallies the base. 

The point that I thought I made earlier, there is no shame in not knowing how the virus is named. The shame is using how you wrongfully assumed it was named to throw barbs at the media questions. 

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On 4/19/2020 at 8:31 AM, Grumps said:

"Ditzy." Nice. So  do you really think Conway saying that is a big deal? It seems obvious to me that she was saying that the W.H.O. has experience with coronaviruses and, thus should be able to figure out COVID-19. She expressed that idea  using an incorrect term due to her ignorance of how the virus was named. 

My only point is that it seems pointless to keep posting about meaningless mistakes that are not important AT ALL just because you hate the POTUS. There are some REALLY serious things going on right now. Focusing on things like this show that people are looking at the wrong things, in my opinion.

It's not a big deal in the overall scheme of things.  It's just another example of a member of Trump's "team" who is clearly out of their depth.  It all adds up.


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