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one of trumps top advisers on covid19


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i figured no need to post the whole article............

“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks,” she said on Fox News. “And so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that.”

“Seriously?” Noah shot back, “This is COVID-19, not COVID-1?”

Then he stepped in with a fact-check: 

“You would think that one of the president’s top advisers would know that it’s called COVID-19 because it started in 2019, not because it’s the 19th COVID. What, does Kellyanne Conway also think that they’re called Blink-182 because the first 181 Blinks were taken?”

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So is COVID-19 the first Coronavirus? Obviously not. Has science learned things about the previous Coronaviruses that have helped us understand COVID-19? Does Conway advise Trump about COVID-19?

I agree with you that she may have been ignorant about how the virus got its name, but I don't see how it matters. Please explain.

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3 hours ago, Grumps said:

So is COVID-19 the first Coronavirus? Obviously not. Has science learned things about the previous Coronaviruses that have helped us understand COVID-19? Does Conway advise Trump about COVID-19?

I agree with you that she may have been ignorant about how the virus got its name, but I don't see how it matters. Please explain.

um she is talking out her azz like she normally does. it is all spin. there is only one covid gramps and trump sends her out to talk to different news folks and she does not have a clue........and sorry we have had sars and other things but only one covid that was named 19 because it was discovered in 2019.

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14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

um she is talking out her azz like she normally does. it is all spin. there is only one covid gramps and trump sends her out to talk to different news folks and she does not have a clue........and sorry we have had sars and other things but only one covid that was named 19 because it was discovered in 2019.

COVID stands for corona virus disease. There have been MANY corona virus diseases.

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46 minutes ago, Grumps said:

COVID stands for corona virus disease. There have been MANY corona virus diseases.

i have yet to ever hear that but i will google it grumps...............

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20 hours ago, Grumps said:

So is COVID-19 the first Coronavirus? Obviously not. Has science learned things about the previous Coronaviruses that have helped us understand COVID-19? Does Conway advise Trump about COVID-19?

I agree with you that she may have been ignorant about how the virus got its name, but I don't see how it matters. Please explain.

It illustrates how Trump appoints people to important position who are totally incompetent.  That matters, as you should recognize by now.

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just for clarity there are not 10 coronaviruses. there are a small  handful that i can find. so my statement is correct. also if blondie knew there was 19 she would have talked all over the journalist to prove her point. the corona virus actuall WAS named after 19 and actually the call it the corona virus 19-20. so grumps you were right there is more than one but not nineteen so i am correct. that was a pain to google by the way and more than one page and since i am a copy and paste guy i did not paste it here.

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10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

just for clarity there are not 10 coronaviruses. there are a small  handful that i can find. so my statement is correct. also if blondie knew there was 19 she would have talked all over the journalist to prove her point. the corona virus actuall WAS named after 19 and actually the call it the corona virus 19-20. so grumps you were right there is more than one but not nineteen so i am correct. that was a pain to google by the way and more than one page and since i am a copy and paste guy i did not paste it here.

Human Coronavirus Types

Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are:

Common human coronaviruses

  1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)

Other human coronaviruses

  1. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  2. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
  3. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)

People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1.

Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV.

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You might have heard that there’s more than one strain of the new coronavirus. Is it true? The answer appears to be yes. Here’s what scientists know about what this means for the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Many Coronaviruses Are There?

Coronaviruses didn’t just pop up recently. They’re a large family of viruses that have been around for a long time. Many of them can make people ill with sniffles or coughing. Before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, coronaviruses were thought to cause only mild respiratory infections in people.

The new (or “novel”) coronavirus is one of several known to infect humans. It’s probably been around for some time in animals. Sometimes, a virus in animals crosses over into people. That’s what scientists think happened here. So this virus isn’t new to the world, but it is new to humans. When scientists found out that it was making people sick in 2019, they named it as a novel coronavirus.

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4 minutes ago, Grumps said:

There are MANY different types of coronavirus.

grumps this particular virus was named 19 for the year and not the number. my point still stands. you caught me counting up and arranging meds for two weeks so sorry to keep you waiting.

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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

grumps this particular virus was named 19 for the year and not the number. my point still stands. you caught me counting up and arranging meds for two weeks so sorry to keep you waiting.

If your point is that she didn't know how this coronavirus was named then I agree with you. Though I am not really sure that she SHOULD have known since that is nowhere near her area of expertise. If her point was that we have some knowledge of COVID-19 based on our knowledge of NUMEROUS other coronaviruses then she was exactly right.

My ultimate point is, what possible difference does it make if she knows how the virus was named. NO ONE thinks she advised Trump on COVID-19. To make a big deal out of her not knowing how the virus was named is ludicrous. As I've said many times, there are many serious things to verbally bash the POTUS about, so why try to make a big issue out of a complete NON-ISSUE?

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16 minutes ago, Grumps said:

If your point is that she didn't know how this coronavirus was named then I agree with you. Though I am not really sure that she SHOULD have known since that is nowhere near her area of expertise. If her point was that we have some knowledge of COVID-19 based on our knowledge of NUMEROUS other coronaviruses then she was exactly right.

My ultimate point is, what possible difference does it make if she knows how the virus was named. NO ONE thinks she advised Trump on COVID-19. To make a big deal out of her not knowing how the virus was named is ludicrous. As I've said many times, there are many serious things to verbally bash the POTUS about, so why try to make a big issue out of a complete NON-ISSUE?

truth? i am tired of trumps mouth. i am tired of when he screws up crap he blames everyone but himself. i would love for the man to say one time "i messed up but we are going to fix it." also kellyanne has said some wild and totally untrue stuff for the last three years so she does not get a pass. she was talking out her azz and got caught. i really dislike liars. they hurt people and could care less.

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19 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

truth? i am tired of trumps mouth. i am tired of when he screws up crap he blames everyone but himself. i would love for the man to say one time "i messed up but we are going to fix it." also kellyanne has said some wild and totally untrue stuff for the last three years so she does not get a pass. she was talking out her azz and got caught. i really dislike liars. they hurt people and could care less.

"What you see depends mostly upon what you are looking for."

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46 minutes ago, Grumps said:

"What you see depends mostly upon what you are looking for."

i see what the hell is happening. trump uni...fraud. shut down by the feds. fined. trump charities? fraud. shut down by the feds. lost the right to start any new charities because of said fraud. now he is attackin states with dem govs because they are reluctant because they do not want to see more deaths. plus he has encouraged protesters to continue. and he talks about america first and yet he allows china to make all his election and reelection gear in china because it is cheaper. what i see is a con man who had a tv show who fooled a whole bunch of people and is a disgusting role model. he is unlawful and uses his office to get around crimes he has committed because no one can do anything to him until he leaves or is removed from office. but you keep on with that gosh darn stuff because i see through it. and now he wants to send people back to work before all the docs and medical experts say it is ok to do so because him getting reelected is more important to him than saving lies. to him, if he does not win reelection he would consider it a stain on his legacy and a rebuke by the american people. yes i know what i am looking and i see it clearly. some of you enablers have blood on your hands as far as i am concerned. are you going to lie to god like you lie to yourself and others about trump?

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On 4/17/2020 at 12:38 PM, Grumps said:

There are MANY different types of coronavirus.

That's not exactly the point.  The point is Trump's advisor apparently didn't know why this one is called Coronavirus 19 or why.

One doesn't need to be a virologist to know that.

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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

That's not exactly the point.  The point is Trump's advisor apparently didn't know why this one is called Coronavirus 19 or why.

One doesn't need to be a virologist to know that.

I know what the point is but thanks for the help!

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Most people, including this ditzy woman, doesn’t know that. I didn’t. When you go on national news and use it to make a point..... You make a complete ass of yourself and whoever you represent. That’s borderline insanity. It’s just as bad if you are excusing it based on it not being in her realm of expertise. She should know her limitations and when to shut it down. 

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14 hours ago, alexava said:

Most people, including this ditzy woman, doesn’t know that. I didn’t. When you go on national news and use it to make a point..... You make a complete ass of yourself and whoever you represent. That’s borderline insanity. It’s just as bad if you are excusing it based on it not being in her realm of expertise. She should know her limitations and when to shut it down. 

"Ditzy." Nice. So  do you really think Conway saying that is a big deal? It seems obvious to me that she was saying that the W.H.O. has experience with coronaviruses and, thus should be able to figure out COVID-19. She expressed that idea  using an incorrect term due to her ignorance of how the virus was named. 

My only point is that it seems pointless to keep posting about meaningless mistakes that are not important AT ALL just because you hate the POTUS. There are some REALLY serious things going on right now. Focusing on things like this show that people are looking at the wrong things, in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

"Ditzy." Nice. So  do you really think Conway saying that is a big deal? It seems obvious to me that she was saying that the W.H.O. has experience with coronaviruses and, thus should be able to figure out COVID-19. She expressed that idea  using an incorrect term due to her ignorance of how the virus was named. 

My only point is that it seems pointless to keep posting about meaningless mistakes that are not important AT ALL just because you hate the POTUS. There are some REALLY serious things going on right now. Focusing on things like this show that people are looking at the wrong things, in my opinion.

you look in your heart and tell me you could do the same with hillary?

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

"Ditzy." Nice. So  do you really think Conway saying that is a big deal? It seems obvious to me that she was saying that the W.H.O. has experience with coronaviruses and, thus should be able to figure out COVID-19. She expressed that idea  using an incorrect term due to her ignorance of how the virus was named. 

My only point is that it seems pointless to keep posting about meaningless mistakes that are not important AT ALL just because you hate the POTUS. There are some REALLY serious things going on right now. Focusing on things like this show that people are looking at the wrong things, in my opinion.

It exposes her inability to know her limitations. It shows she is going all in with the boss, truth be damned. And he loves her for that. Not her expertise. He’s fired many more competent people for not kissing his ass. 

This is not a meaningless mistake. Like alternative facts. She’s in over her head.

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30 minutes ago, alexava said:

It exposes her inability to know her limitations. It shows she is going all in with the boss, truth be damned. And he loves her for that. Not her expertise. He’s fired many more competent people for not kissing his ass. 

This is not a meaningless mistake. Like alternative facts. She’s in over her head.

So do you think she should be fired for not knowing how the virus was named? Maybe it will happen. I'm sure his next appointee will be perfect.

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