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‘Risk’ is not a valid reason to sit Outback Bowl


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‘Risk’ is not a valid reason to sit Outback Bowl for Derrick Brown

Posted Dec 19, 2019

4-5 minutes

Seth Williams got a lot of value out of Derrick Brown’s video announcing he would play in the bowl game.

“It was a good video,” Williams said, laughing. “It was funny. He came in and just sat down. Looked at the camera. ‘I’ve decided to stay.’ We make videos for everything here.”

The announcement itself didn’t come as a surprise and didn’t require an explanation to Williams, a sophomore receiver. Auburn’s leaders are selfless people, and Brown is one of the best of them. His teammates elected him to be team captain in the fall. That’s not something Brown takes lightly.

“I’m not going to shy away from my duties,” Brown said while explaining his decision to participate in the Outback Bowl for Auburn.

Brown, an unanimous All-American, has more than enough highlight reels to assure he goes high in the NFL Draft in April. From an individual standpoint, the risk of getting hurt in the Outback Bowl is greater than the reward of another sack or two.

Brown is aware of that risk. It’s not a valid argument to him.

“But at the end of the day if that was what everybody always wants to claim about the bowl game then why play the season?” Brown said. Because Brown also could have left early, declared for the draft after his junior year, and done well. He could already be making millions. Instead, he returned for his senior season, during which he became the 10th player in Auburn history to be an unanimous All-American.

He hasn’t regretted it for a minute. He got to develop as a football player and as a parent. He was able to graduate. He won one last Iron Bowl — and he was able to do all of that with his little brother, linebacker Kameron Brown, by his side.

“I made the best decision of my life by doing that,” Brown said. So why wouldn’t he finish what he started? It’s one last chance to play the game he loves with the people he loves.

“These guys have been through it all with me and I’m going to give it my all one last time for them,” Brown said.

Besides Kameron, it will also be the last time he plays with defensive end Marlon Davidson for years to come. The two friends and defensive leaders have joked with and competed with each other all season long. Brown doesn’t see that stopping even after they’re in the NFL. Both of them are projected to go early, and the chances they’re on the same team next year aren’t high. Brown is ready for that possibility, and he’s not going to let it affect their relationship. In fact, Davidson’s never going to be able to escape it.

“Wherever he goes, I’ll be sure to send him plenty of text messages and get our wagers going at the beginning of the season,” Brown said. “It will just be a competition that continues forever.”

It hasn’t quite hit Brown that New Year’s Day will be his last game as a Tiger and his last game next to Davidson, but he’s still counting down until the Outback Bowl. Every single day for the next 13 days, Brown will look forward to playing next to Davidson again, who also said he’ll participate in the bowl game.

Auburn athletics might make videos “for everything,” but Davidson didn’t feel the need for one. After Brown made his announcement, it just went without saying that Davidson would be playing, too.

“Shoot, Derrick coming back, that said everything,” Davidson said. "I mean, just to see a guy like that, that type of caliber of player that he is, you want to play with that guy one more time, for sure.”

The rest of the seniors felt the same way.

“They asked me at first, ” senior safety Daniel Thomas said. “‘Yeah, I’m playing.' Because Derrick announced it, then Marlon and then everybody was like, ‘We’re all going to be here, because we love each other and we want to go out one last time and leave a legacy.’ ”

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1 hour ago, Maverick.AU said:

I’m gonna miss these guys.


i can not wait until i can purchase an auto rookie card of his. i wanted the kid that did the judo thing but he has moved so much he does not have a card and he was a monster. i hate i cannot remember his name.

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i can not wait until i can purchase an auto rookie card of his. i wanted the kid that did the judo thing but he has moved so much he does not have a card and he was a monster. i hate i cannot remember his name.

Holland. Was it Jeff Holland?

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13 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

Holland. Was it Jeff Holland?

yes it was ! thank you. i want an auto card of his so bad. i hope if he keeps fighting he will stay with someone instead of bouncing around.

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