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i sure could use some prayers for thursday. i should be qualified for social security non disability and i have an appointment . i am  living close to the poverty line. i do not struggle like others struggle  to eat or pay my bills but i would love to be able to afford an auburn game or two and that sort of thing. my dream is to take my three dog rescues to the beach one time before i get too old to do it. anyway thanks in advance for those who would do this for me.

mods move or delete it but i will for sure delete in a day or two as i have no idea where this subject would go.

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Aubiefifty---most definitely!  Please keep us updated.


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3 minutes ago, ToraGirl said:

Aubiefifty---most definitely!  Please keep us updated.


i worked for the feds workforce for a long while and they did not take out socail security under the old retirement system so i had to add quarters. my accountant made a mistake because the tax laws changed under trump and i had to do it again and it has been a long wait.now i think my quarters are right. one lady told me 200 bucks roughly a month and a different told me roughly 550. if i get the latter my standard of living goes way up. thanx tora..............

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twentyfour views with six likes. man i made some folks mad yesterday. guys hate me all ya want i just need a prayer or three. the silver lining is i will be gone from the fam more..............right?

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5 minutes ago, DAG said:

Praying for you. Unfortunately the thread got moved as well..

yes and i believe the mod that moved it is christian if he is the right cat. but the mods must think i am not worthy but i guess i should thank him for moving it anyway. and i will probably get another chewing. i wan no sympathy but it appears i have worn out my welcome. this is huge for me dag. i live in one room in the winter because i cannot afford a new heat pump and i basically freeze my behind off. thanks dag. i am really nervous and the socail security office is a mess and no one ever tells you the same thing. tis frustrating.

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Hang in there Fifty. Prayers up Buddy. 

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Everyone might not agree with you, but we all like you. Hang in there, and stay on the site. I pray all works out for you, financially. If your title had said, "I need your prayers", you would have gotten a lot more traffic.

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9 minutes ago, Farmer Brown said:

Everyone might not agree with you, but we all like you. Hang in there, and stay on the site. I pray all works out for you, financially. If your title had said, "I need your prayers", you would have gotten a lot more traffic.

honest? the paranoid part of my brain said i would be accused of trying to get folks sympathy to overlook any disagreements from yesterday. i hate i made folks mad but i stand by the folks going too far with insults. i will get over it or under it one. but i will pray for anyone that asks and those that do not. i think i prayed more for cupcake than i have anyone or anything. i am just weird in praying for myself when it comes to something like money even tho it is a big need. but thank you farmer. it means a lot that you or anyone would take the time to do so.

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Prayers for you Fifty. My wife, and I have relatives who are advanced in age, and having financial difficulties. It's really tough. Hope it works out for you.

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well i got turned away this time but with hope. i have to prove i paid my amended tax return thus a trip to the bank and i was lucky to get another appointment tomorrow. the lady told me if i got that it looked good but they told me i qualified twice before so i am cautious. but she also said i was back dated to june so i was not losing money.

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well i was awarded my social security today. been dealing with this for a while. opm made a 14 thousand dollar mistake and before that my accountant and i messed up and had to amend my taxes. Trump and company changed some tax rules and it  caused us to mess up on my end. but it is over. thank you all for the prayers. they helped and now not only can i relax i got some back pay coming. and probably before christmas! but that worry is gone and that is the main thing.

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