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Shivers - Over-hyped or improperly utilized?


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I've noticed ALL of our backs this year get tackled several times by a defender reaching out a hand at the back's ankle.  It's not just Shaun that has fallen too easily at hand contact.  I remember it seeming like Gran's backs (Caddy, Brown, and Irons) never went down that way...almost like they ran choppier with higher knees without the long strides in traffic.  I'm not a RB coach though...just commenting on what it looks like from the TV.

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9 hours ago, Momma Worm said:

Im still here reading these dumb a$& comments lol! Im just not entertaining them. To the people that dont like him.... he’s damned if does, damned if he doesn’t. He’s been at AU for 2yrs and has never fumbled the ball or been hurt.... But when people dont like you, you cant change their minds so who cares what little minded people think. Hey they’ve never played a down of football in their life, let alone SEC ball. They are what we call couch coaches living through these kids. Even when he does well they still have something negative to say🤷🏾‍♀️

Glad to see you are still hanging around. Haters are gonna be haters. Maybe they'll change their minds when Worm hits the open field and takes one the distance from scrimmage or houses one on a kick return. 

Don't listen to the naysayers. Most of us are pulling hard for the young man to get his chances and succeed. 

Give him a big ole War Eagle from us and tell him to keep up the good work. His time will come. 

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I thought he had a couple good runs in the game.

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The thing for me with shivers is simple, let him get downhill and be violent. He runs with a purpose and has shown that more often than not in the limited snaps he has been given since he has been here. I just get a little burnt out on the good run, then bring him to the bench, and it feels like we bring him in for “gadget plays” much more than we should, when I see him as much more than a “gadget” guy. We have a very talented RB stable and we saw how fresh legs helped us against A&M. Just let all the RB’s do everything, don’t just stick them into one role. I have confidence in our top 4 that they can all help our offense in multiple ways, not just one.

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7 hours ago, auburnphan said:

Yes, people on a message board are couch coaches, kinda the basis of the board for discussions.  Parents are couch coaches as well who are a bit biased.    It is ok and how things are meant to be.  No reason to throw stones and insult posters.

it has nothing to do with liking your son or not as a person, not once has anyone ever questioned how well you brought him up and the great job you did.

Let me take my time to address you properly on every point as nice as possible:

PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK TO ME about throwing rocks and insulting anyone!!!!  Its ok for it to be done but not reciprocated? I see it all the time! People continuously bash other athletes including if not more so my son and how he plays. His height, in which he has no control over and a lot of other dumb things that's out of his control. Guess what I take that like a grain of rice and swallow it. Your entitled to your opinion, who cares! Don't like him because I am on the board. Your saying what you feel. I like to know how you really feel so when his time comes, I can comeback and reread you insult, laugh and in my head say...IN YOUR FACE! That's why I reframe from commenting on everything, because some things just don't require my time or attention. I use the likes column to my advantage A LOT! So if you took what I said as an insult, WHO CARES!  I responded to someone that assumed I was no longer on the board and I said what I said just like everyone else does. Your entitled to your opinion as I am mine. As far as what is being said, has nothing to do with people liking him as an athlete or a person, again I could careless whether they like him or not! I have this saying, that what you eat doesn't make me $h!T and vice versa. I haven't come this far in life being weak. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features. Most have not played a down of football, but they have learned from watching tv. No bash towards that, however, somethings aren't as easy as you may think. So the comment about parents being couch coaches as well but bias... goes the same for you as well! Given real opportunities things change. I see you all talk about who you like & whose better and they have yet to touch the field in A REAL GAME against tough opponents 1st team, ALL AMERICAN Defenses. You like them off of assumptions. as far as parents they are couch coaches as well in the same situation. Parents want this and that for their kids, which you should, but not if they are not good enough at the moment and someone has actually proven to be better.  However, if you are suggesting that I am bias, you would have to know me to know that I am not that way at all. I am a mother raising 2 black males in a society that they are often shunned upon because of the color of their skin. I don't have time to be weak! I have taught my sons that they have to work hard for everything they get, because I have NEVER allowed them to accept what they didn't deserve. That goes along with saying that they haven't always gotten everything that they deserved either. Just so you know, I watch film with my sons and we discuss things they could have done better to complete the play. I do not pretend to be a coach, however, I do provide constructive criticism when asked my opinion. More so with Worm than my younger son. What you all care about, I could careless about! All that RB#1 and foolishness is crap to me and I stand strong on that! I just want my son granted the carries that he has earned through hard work and dedication. He doesn't owe anybody anything but himself.

It's dumb a$$ comments to me when we win and the athletes are still scrutinized harshly! They are not perfect but they are people too and they work hard for a University that has fans whom never seem to be happy. Not all but some. They are 5-0 and instead of just moving forward with them,. we are stuck on the negative. Sometimes you have to read things with understanding and don't be so quick to respond. 

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14 minutes ago, Momma Worm said:

Let me take my time to address you properly on every point as nice as possible:

PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK TO ME about throwing rocks and insulting anyone!!!!  Its ok for it to be done but not reciprocated? I see it all the time! People continuously bash other athletes including if not more so my son and how he plays. His height, in which he has no control over and a lot of other dumb things that's out of his control. Guess what I take that like a grain of rice and swallow it. Your entitled to your opinion, who cares! Don't like him because I am on the board. Your saying what you feel. I like to know how you really feel so when his time comes, I can comeback and reread you insult, laugh and in my head say...IN YOUR FACE! That's why I reframe from commenting on everything, because some things just don't require my time or attention. I use the likes column to my advantage A LOT! So if you took what I said as an insult, WHO CARES!  I responded to someone that assumed I was no longer on the board and I said what I said just like everyone else does. Your entitled to your opinion as I am mine. As far as what is being said, has nothing to do with people liking him as an athlete or a person, again I could careless whether they like him or not! I have this saying, that what you eat doesn't make me $h!T and vice versa. I haven't come this far in life being weak. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features. Most have not played a down of football, but they have learned from watching tv. No bash towards that, however, somethings aren't as easy as you may think. So the comment about parents being couch coaches as well but bias... goes the same for you as well! Given real opportunities things change. I see you all talk about who you like & whose better and they have yet to touch the field in A REAL GAME against tough opponents 1st team, ALL AMERICAN Defenses. You like them off of assumptions. as far as parents they are couch coaches as well in the same situation. Parents want this and that for their kids, which you should, but not if they are not good enough at the moment and someone has actually proven to be better.  However, if you are suggesting that I am bias, you would have to know me to know that I am not that way at all. I am a mother raising 2 black males in a society that they are often shunned upon because of the color of their skin. I don't have time to be weak! I have taught my sons that they have to work hard for everything they get, because I have NEVER allowed them to accept what they didn't deserve. That goes along with saying that they haven't always gotten everything that they deserved either. Just so you know, I watch film with my sons and we discuss things they could have done better to complete the play. I do not pretend to be a coach, however, I do provide constructive criticism when asked my opinion. More so with Worm than my younger son. What you all care about, I could careless about! All that RB#1 and foolishness is crap to me and I stand strong on that! I just want my son granted the carries that he has earned through hard work and dedication. He doesn't owe anybody anything but himself.

It's dumb a$$ comments to me when we win and the athletes are still scrutinized harshly! They are not perfect but they are people too and they work hard for a University that has fans whom never seem to be happy. Not all but some. They are 5-0 and instead of just moving forward with them,. we are stuck on the negative. Sometimes you have to read things with understanding and don't be so quick to respond. 

Momma, you have tremendous backbone.  Your sons should be (and I'm sure they are ) just as proud of you as you are of them.  I would never survive a message board if one of my kids played. The negativity towards my offspring would get under my skin.  I would get booted quick. 

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You can tell Worm gives 110% on every play and has been so very close to breaking one.  I have a hunch it will happen Saturday. I hope so.  We need this young man to have that breakout game. I'm a huge fan of Shaun.

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52 minutes ago, Momma Worm said:

Let me take my time to address you properly on every point as nice as possible:

PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK TO ME about throwing rocks and insulting anyone!!!!  Its ok for it to be done but not reciprocated? I see it all the time! People continuously bash other athletes including if not more so my son and how he plays. His height, in which he has no control over and a lot of other dumb things that's out of his control. Guess what I take that like a grain of rice and swallow it. Your entitled to your opinion, who cares! Don't like him because I am on the board. Your saying what you feel. I like to know how you really feel so when his time comes, I can comeback and reread you insult, laugh and in my head say...IN YOUR FACE! That's why I reframe from commenting on everything, because some things just don't require my time or attention. I use the likes column to my advantage A LOT! So if you took what I said as an insult, WHO CARES!  I responded to someone that assumed I was no longer on the board and I said what I said just like everyone else does. Your entitled to your opinion as I am mine. As far as what is being said, has nothing to do with people liking him as an athlete or a person, again I could careless whether they like him or not! I have this saying, that what you eat doesn't make me $h!T and vice versa. I haven't come this far in life being weak. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features. Most have not played a down of football, but they have learned from watching tv. No bash towards that, however, somethings aren't as easy as you may think. So the comment about parents being couch coaches as well but bias... goes the same for you as well! Given real opportunities things change. I see you all talk about who you like & whose better and they have yet to touch the field in A REAL GAME against tough opponents 1st team, ALL AMERICAN Defenses. You like them off of assumptions. as far as parents they are couch coaches as well in the same situation. Parents want this and that for their kids, which you should, but not if they are not good enough at the moment and someone has actually proven to be better.  However, if you are suggesting that I am bias, you would have to know me to know that I am not that way at all. I am a mother raising 2 black males in a society that they are often shunned upon because of the color of their skin. I don't have time to be weak! I have taught my sons that they have to work hard for everything they get, because I have NEVER allowed them to accept what they didn't deserve. That goes along with saying that they haven't always gotten everything that they deserved either. Just so you know, I watch film with my sons and we discuss things they could have done better to complete the play. I do not pretend to be a coach, however, I do provide constructive criticism when asked my opinion. More so with Worm than my younger son. What you all care about, I could careless about! All that RB#1 and foolishness is crap to me and I stand strong on that! I just want my son granted the carries that he has earned through hard work and dedication. He doesn't owe anybody anything but himself.

It's dumb a$$ comments to me when we win and the athletes are still scrutinized harshly! They are not perfect but they are people too and they work hard for a University that has fans whom never seem to be happy. Not all but some. They are 5-0 and instead of just moving forward with them,. we are stuck on the negative. Sometimes you have to read things with understanding and don't be so quick to respond. 

I love your posts so much! 

Worm has lots of fans...so much so, that Kam Martin made a play on Saturday and they put Worm’s graphic up instead on the Jumbotron. 😂😂😂

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1 hour ago, Momma Worm said:

Let me take my time to address you properly on every point as nice as possible:

PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK TO ME about throwing rocks and insulting anyone!!!!  Its ok for it to be done but not reciprocated? I see it all the time! People continuously bash other athletes including if not more so my son and how he plays. His height, in which he has no control over and a lot of other dumb things that's out of his control. Guess what I take that like a grain of rice and swallow it. Your entitled to your opinion, who cares! Don't like him because I am on the board. Your saying what you feel. I like to know how you really feel so when his time comes, I can comeback and reread you insult, laugh and in my head say...IN YOUR FACE! That's why I reframe from commenting on everything, because some things just don't require my time or attention. I use the likes column to my advantage A LOT! So if you took what I said as an insult, WHO CARES!  I responded to someone that assumed I was no longer on the board and I said what I said just like everyone else does. Your entitled to your opinion as I am mine. As far as what is being said, has nothing to do with people liking him as an athlete or a person, again I could careless whether they like him or not! I have this saying, that what you eat doesn't make me $h!T and vice versa. I haven't come this far in life being weak. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features. Most have not played a down of football, but they have learned from watching tv. No bash towards that, however, somethings aren't as easy as you may think. So the comment about parents being couch coaches as well but bias... goes the same for you as well! Given real opportunities things change. I see you all talk about who you like & whose better and they have yet to touch the field in A REAL GAME against tough opponents 1st team, ALL AMERICAN Defenses. You like them off of assumptions. as far as parents they are couch coaches as well in the same situation. Parents want this and that for their kids, which you should, but not if they are not good enough at the moment and someone has actually proven to be better.  However, if you are suggesting that I am bias, you would have to know me to know that I am not that way at all. I am a mother raising 2 black males in a society that they are often shunned upon because of the color of their skin. I don't have time to be weak! I have taught my sons that they have to work hard for everything they get, because I have NEVER allowed them to accept what they didn't deserve. That goes along with saying that they haven't always gotten everything that they deserved either. Just so you know, I watch film with my sons and we discuss things they could have done better to complete the play. I do not pretend to be a coach, however, I do provide constructive criticism when asked my opinion. More so with Worm than my younger son. What you all care about, I could careless about! All that RB#1 and foolishness is crap to me and I stand strong on that! I just want my son granted the carries that he has earned through hard work and dedication. He doesn't owe anybody anything but himself.

It's dumb a$$ comments to me when we win and the athletes are still scrutinized harshly! They are not perfect but they are people too and they work hard for a University that has fans whom never seem to be happy. Not all but some. They are 5-0 and instead of just moving forward with them,. we are stuck on the negative. Sometimes you have to read things with understanding and don't be so quick to respond. 

I agree with u and always respect your opinion.  

In fairness I was referencing parents in general, not you, that is why I didn’t quote you directly.  My apologies if it affended u and I understand how u took it that way.  Poorly worded on my part.

i can’t speak to wether he earned carries or not as I am not privileged to that info.  

I have been a strong supporter that his height does not matter because if u follow height, weight, muscle mass he hits the criteria.  Have said since he was in high school he can be a lead back, comped him to Joe Morris one of my all time favorite running backs.

as with all players he has things to work on and I wish Gus would use him more to his strengths and more frequently. IMO admitted couch coach,  I like to see him run power, get counters and buck sweeps. And to do this quickly because with his speed and ability to hit holes fast where there is suppose to be one, he is a td waiting to happen.


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2 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

IMO admitted couch coach,

Nothing wrong with being a couch coach...90% of us are and we're the reason there is a board in the first place...for fans to come and talk about ALL aspects of the team...informed and uninformed, with biased and unbiased lenses, with and without criticism.

I love getting parents' perspectives on here...but I'm always surprised that they stick around.  The internet is brutal on all public figures.

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Actually Gus is using Whitlow as his primary back as he should. Then he is rotating the others. Up till this week it’s been Worm, Kmart and Joiner. This week he added in DJ. So the other four are not getting a whole lot of reps. Thing to remember even good backs have quite a few 2 yards or less gains. Given enough reps you get some ten yard gains to go with them it makes your numbers better . Point is not to focus on such a small number of carries to judge someone. If you put Worm or any of the second guys in for say 10 runs in a half , they would all reel of a big run or two like Whitlow. They are all good RBs

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@Momma Worm, you go girl!!! I admire your strength so much. As I have said on another thread, we have an embarrassment of riches at RB, with lots of talented guys. We aren't as privy to inside information as you are, and don't know the coaches' thinking, so we might not know who "deserves" to play over another. However, I do believe that all our RBs are valued, and all of them will be used and given their chance. I imagine (don't know) that each of our RBs is frustrated a little because they want to play more. 😊As a TEAM, it's sort of a good problem to have, but hard on the individual. We are only in the 5th game of the season and we are on an upward trajectory. So excited for what the future brings! Here's to seeing more of Worm!!! 😁

P.S. My husband was in local politics for 8 years, so I TOTALLY get people talking about stuff that they have little to no knowledge about. They used to say such negative crap about my very caring and dedicated husband and I used to go NUTS about it!!! Everybody wants to be an expert. 🙄 The thing to remember is that most people are well-meaning, love Auburn, and may not realize how negative they sound. Heck, I've been around a while and some of the most negative can be really positive at times and the positive ones can be negative at times. For the most part, everyone's really nice. And when Auburn is really successful, the trolls sneak in to stir the pot! 

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On 9/27/2019 at 3:07 PM, doverstutts said:

I considered it a wasted schollie and still do (Shivers)


3 hours ago, doverstutts said:

I was not keen on signing him due to his somewhat verified reputation of being soft in high school.  (Joiner)

Man you really don’t like our running backs this season.  :dunno:

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@Momma Worm I apologize for being late to the party and just now reading your comments.  I am glad to see you posting again.  One thing I have learned is to try and let those comments roll over you.  If you look for the common denominator those that are really negative towards your son have not been the most positive people when speaking about our season’s prospects or our team.  The poster who was obscenely rude about your son received a permanent ban.  Remember, the posters on here comprise .0001% of Auburn fans and out of that 99% support you and your son.  KJ did not develop into a top draft pick until his junior year and I believe your son is further ahead.  Keep your head up, you are beautiful, inside and out!

Will you be going to the game Saturday?

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8 hours ago, Momma Worm said:

Let me take my time to address you properly on every point as nice as possible:

PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK TO ME about throwing rocks and insulting anyone!!!!  Its ok for it to be done but not reciprocated? I see it all the time! People continuously bash other athletes including if not more so my son and how he plays. His height, in which he has no control over and a lot of other dumb things that's out of his control. Guess what I take that like a grain of rice and swallow it. Your entitled to your opinion, who cares! Don't like him because I am on the board. Your saying what you feel. I like to know how you really feel so when his time comes, I can comeback and reread you insult, laugh and in my head say...IN YOUR FACE! That's why I reframe from commenting on everything, because some things just don't require my time or attention. I use the likes column to my advantage A LOT! So if you took what I said as an insult, WHO CARES!  I responded to someone that assumed I was no longer on the board and I said what I said just like everyone else does. Your entitled to your opinion as I am mine. As far as what is being said, has nothing to do with people liking him as an athlete or a person, again I could careless whether they like him or not! I have this saying, that what you eat doesn't make me $h!T and vice versa. I haven't come this far in life being weak. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features. Most have not played a down of football, but they have learned from watching tv. No bash towards that, however, somethings aren't as easy as you may think. So the comment about parents being couch coaches as well but bias... goes the same for you as well! Given real opportunities things change. I see you all talk about who you like & whose better and they have yet to touch the field in A REAL GAME against tough opponents 1st team, ALL AMERICAN Defenses. You like them off of assumptions. as far as parents they are couch coaches as well in the same situation. Parents want this and that for their kids, which you should, but not if they are not good enough at the moment and someone has actually proven to be better.  However, if you are suggesting that I am bias, you would have to know me to know that I am not that way at all. I am a mother raising 2 black males in a society that they are often shunned upon because of the color of their skin. I don't have time to be weak! I have taught my sons that they have to work hard for everything they get, because I have NEVER allowed them to accept what they didn't deserve. That goes along with saying that they haven't always gotten everything that they deserved either. Just so you know, I watch film with my sons and we discuss things they could have done better to complete the play. I do not pretend to be a coach, however, I do provide constructive criticism when asked my opinion. More so with Worm than my younger son. What you all care about, I could careless about! All that RB#1 and foolishness is crap to me and I stand strong on that! I just want my son granted the carries that he has earned through hard work and dedication. He doesn't owe anybody anything but himself.

It's dumb a$$ comments to me when we win and the athletes are still scrutinized harshly! They are not perfect but they are people too and they work hard for a University that has fans whom never seem to be happy. Not all but some. They are 5-0 and instead of just moving forward with them,. we are stuck on the negative. Sometimes you have to read things with understanding and don't be so quick to respond. 


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I found a wonderful article on Shaun, dated from March, but run again (?) in today's Auburn Plainsman.  To me, it's pretty rare to have players competing---and winning---in another sport.  We were in awe to watch Bo balance football and baseball in his day, but go, Worm!  He took gold in the Florida State relays, and he can only get faster from here.  I dated a cross country/track star in high school.  The dedication to that sport alone is unfathomable.  Add football, too...add the patient waiting until his moments arrive...that breeds a discipline of honor, teamwork, patience, fortitude, and definitely perseverance.

Momma, thank you for YOUR demonstration of the above as you share and cheer with us.  We are all happy to see learning and growing continuing as the season progresses...from the top down and into the message boards, too.  Have a blessed evening, all!

  :AUBig: https://www.theplainsman.com/article/2019/03/auburns-shaun-shivers-wins-gold-at-tallahassee-relay

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What I've noticed in his limited carries is this. You give this man an inch, and he's getting yards. He's a danged human pinball taking on linebackers and db's just bouncing off of them and carrying some of them for extra yards. He's shown hes got what it takes to get some carries and be a real contributor as long as his play isn't the same scripted run that the D knows is coming. 

One thing is for sure, I'll be betting the house that no matter what he does, be it on the football field or in life, he's going to succeed because him and Momma both don't know how to do anything else with that determination. BTW @Momma Worm My 4 Year Old loves Worm and I couldn't ask for a better role model from what I've seen, for him to aspire to be.

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Don't have time to read all of the responses.  He needs to be used like Kamara is used with the Saints.  Our playcalling with him leaves little to be desired.  He is a get in space guy.  He needs screens and wheel routes along with the running plays.  Play design for both he and Joiner have not been thought out very well.  Maybe those plays are being saved for later.

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12 hours ago, abw0004 said:

@Momma Worm I apologize for being late to the party and just now reading your comments.  I am glad to see you posting again.  One thing I have learned is to try and let those comments roll over you.  If you look for the common denominator those that are really negative towards your son have not been the most positive people when speaking about our season’s prospects or our team.  The poster who was obscenely rude about your son received a permanent ban.  Remember, the posters on here comprise .0001% of Auburn fans and out of that 99% support you and your son.  KJ did not develop into a top draft pick until his junior year and I believe your son is further ahead.  Keep your head up, you are beautiful, inside and out!

Will you be going to the game Saturday?

I will most definitely be there. I NEVER miss a game lol 

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1 hour ago, NorthGATiger said:

Play design for both he and Joiner have not been thought out very well.  Maybe those plays are being saved for later.

Thats the truth. I am afraid that tells us a lot about  the offensive ingenuity of the coach that is in charge of the offense. running him between the tackles and expecting him to be productive is nuts.....if he was in a body the size of boobie, he would be an all american, but he ain't....i think he would be all SEC as a punt returner....get him some touches in space and let see what he can do

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2 hours ago, NorthGATiger said:

Don't have time to read all of the responses.  He needs to be used like Kamara is used with the Saints.  Our playcalling with him leaves little to be desired.  He is a get in space guy.  He needs screens and wheel routes along with the running plays.  Play design for both he and Joiner have not been thought out very well.  Maybe those plays are being saved for later.

THIS ^^ is it!

I haven't seen anyone hate on a player on this team.  Frustration ensues when the couch coaches and armchair QBs (that's ME!) see a player with a special skill set not get put in a position to excel.   We want to see the talent shine, no one wants to see a scholly wasted when a super talented player doesn't get to do their thing on the field.   

I firmly believe that if all of us see what Joiner/Shivers are capable of doing then the professionals Malzhan/Dillingham/Williams/Burns ALL see it too.  These coaches know what they're doing even though it may not be on our time table.  There's plenty of time to cut Worm loose, let him break out and put a defense on its ass.   This team is growing right in front of our eyes, they are gradually improving every week.

There's a lot of football left to be played folks ~ we may as well ALL get along in here because These are the Good Times.


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On 9/30/2019 at 1:46 PM, Momma Worm said:
On 9/30/2019 at 12:10 PM, johnnyAU said:

Glad to see you are still hanging around. Haters are gonna be haters. Maybe they'll change their minds when Worm hits the open field and takes one the distance from scrimmage or houses one on a kick return. 

Don't listen to the naysayers. Most of us are pulling hard for the young man to get his chances and succeed. 

Give him a big ole War Eagle from us and tell him to keep up the good work. His time will come. 

My comment in regards to the couch coaches was directed to the negativity I see people constantly display toward these athletes because they like another athlete better off of their features.

1st of multiple points; 

naysayers aren't always what they appear to be, I've been positive about all Auburn players save 1... a MLB named jake holland. I played MLB all my life and then coached ILBs, due to that I have a bad tendency to just watch the inside LBs when Auburns defense is on the field, and when I was new to Auburn forums that was all I talked about sooo.... while he was playing I made a comment once how watching this dude was frustrating as he made a lot of the mis-steps and mis-reads I worked on with HS kids, and a starter for an SEC school shouldn't have the same problem with his fundamentals....... Well, by the reaction of the forums you would have thought I just threatened to kill a loved one. There was so much backlash I didn't even bother returning to the thread. But it wasn't said in anger or hate, just frustration, and mainly at the coaches for not having this guy ready to play at the level expected.


2nd point, haters aint always haters... I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum from this threads antagonists. I like watching Worm run more than Boobie or Kmart, he has a more exciting skill set to me the same way watching Cam wreck through ground game and long passes is more exciting that seeing a precision based west coast offense perform. It doesn't mean I want Whitlow or K-Mart to do bad, I want them to do awesome! I'm just more excited to see a runner like Shivers go. Same way Gatewood is more exciting to me, but that doesn't mean I'm not hyped about Nix doing well.


3rd point, to the actual negative people.... never count a guy out. Cam was just a big bodied QB that was seen as a less talented Tebow at Florida, and then became arguably the best dual threat QB the SEC has ever seen. And to look a lil farther back, Barry Sanders was considered too small to be a "go-to" back and struggled to get much playing time.... until his last year of college where he had the greatest season a college running back has ever had, breaking 34 NCAA records in 1 year..... Not saying I expect Gatewood and Shivers to be the next Cam and Barry, just giving examples of how you never know what someone is capable of, or their level of growth.

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